WFP South Sudan Country Brief, October 2020
USD 3.8 m in cash-based transfers made*
USD 548.9 m six months (November ‘20 – April ‘21) net funding requirements
1.7 m people assisted* *in September 2020
Operational Updates
• In September, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 1.8 million people across its General Food Assistance (GFA), Nutrition and Resilience activities in South Sudan.
• An estimated 900,000 individuals have been affected by flooding since June across South Sudan. WFP is targeting flood-affected people in need of food assistance through GFA. More than 572,000 people were reached with assistance in September.
• Reduced rations are a persistent characteristic of the South Sudan food and nutrition programme because of resource constraints with over 80 percent of beneficiaries receiving 50 percent or less rations. Under normal circumstances, households supplement reduced rations with food they cultivate. However, this year’s widespread destruction, just before the annual harvest period, had washed away fields and killed livestock, worsening an already fragile situation.