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Westeros Map, Explained | The Mary Sue :
Westeros Map, Explained | The Mary Sue
What better occasion to review a map of Westeros and freshen up on our Seven Kingdoms geography than the rising tensions in House of the Dragon?
Related Keywords
Rhaegar Targaryen
Jon Snow
Nymeros Martell
Visenya Targaryen
Jaime Lannister
Myrcella Baratheon
Robert Baratheon
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen
Doran Martell
Orys Baratheon
Renly Baratheon
Tywin Lannister
Petyr Baelish
Lady Cassana Baratheon
Matt Smith
Daemon Targaryen
Iron Throne
Seven Kingdoms
Red Keep
Valyrian Freehold
House Targaryen
House Velaryon
Ellaria Sand
Storm Kings
House Baratheon
House Durrandon
House Connington
House Dondarrion
House Selmy
Harvest Hall
House Estermont
House Tarth
King Daeron
Water Gardens
Old Valyria
Narrow Sea
Mors Martell
House Nymeros Martell
House Tyrell
House Gardener
Lord Paramounts
House Hightower
Casterly Rock
Sunset Sea
House Lannister
House Casterlys
House Clegane
Blackwater Rush
Iron Islands
House Tully
House Hoare
Lady Catelyn Stark
Red Fork
House Frey
Green Fork
Prince Rhaegar
Houses Royce
House Baelish
Thrones Petyr Baelish
House Arryn
Great Wyk
Old Wyk
House Greyjoy
Lord Reaper
Drowned God
House Stark
Castle Black
Houses Umber
Free Folk
Haunted Forest
Shivering Sea
Always Winter
Game Of Thrones
House Of The Dragon
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