Horsing around, 2. March 2021, 18:14
Do we really think if we move Wellingtons emissions to zero that it will prevent these events happening? Is our ego that big that we think nz or wellington alone can make that difference? And if these seaside places are at such risk why are we forging ahead with Shelly Bay?
Developer, 2. March 2021, 19:15
Let’s sell everything that our forefathers (any mothers?) built up for future generations. Privatise the lot … we need to look after developers not future citizens or even ourselves. Really Council are you serious?
Claire, 2. March 2021, 19:16
I would really like to see that rates rise go down. This is the highest rates rise proposal in NZ. Auckland’s is only 5%! I don’t have a problem with the divesting of buildings. That includes the convention centre. The library could have private offices on top. There has been a lot of misinformation on that. The actual library was not to be privatised, just part of the building for goodness sake. They are not proposing selling a POWER Station.!