And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 788 British Columbia steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you very much. Oh, my goodness. Thats a crowd right there. That is a great new york city crowd. [ cheers and applause ] welcome, everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome to the tonight show. This is it. Youre here. [ cheers and applause ] you made it. Youre watching. Thank you very much. Automatic emergency braking. Well, heres what heres what people are talking about. It stopped for you. Today was the big alabama standard. On nissans most popular models. Senate election, and as hurry, the 2017s are almost gone. Promised, roy moore rode his horse to the polls. [ light laughter ] lease the rogue family for 159 per month. It got weird when people said, can we vote for the horse . See star wars the last jedi [ laughter and applause ] in theaters dec 15th. And you go, no, hes riding the horse. So he rode the horse in. And get this, the horse that but when we brought our daughter home, moore rode was named sassy. That was it. [ light laughter ] now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release what doesnt say im Innocent Technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Like a 70yearold man riding a a horse name sassy . Its the best thing that ever happened to me. [ laughter and applause ] you girls wanna see a horse . Every great why needs a great how. You wanna meet sassy . [ laughter ] everybodys talking about this. Last night roy mooress wife tried to defend him against bigotry claims by saying, quote, one of our attorneys is a jew. [ audience oohs ] so happy first night of hanukkah, everyone. [ laughter and applause ] isnt that great . Happy hanukkah. Isnt that great . Wow. Something inside me has always been there. Another speaker told a story about how moore once left a a brothel, because he thought but now its awake. The girls looked too young. [ audience oohs ] [ light laughter ] you know things are bad when even the good stories about you involve prostitution. [ laughter and applause ] i would never. I have standards [ light laughter ] the force is yours. The last jedi ar stickers only on the google pixel camera. No way cmon, sassy, lets go. [ laughter ] off to the American Girl doll store. [ laughter and applause ] listen to this, guys. I read that Vladimir Putin gets daily reports of trumps tweets. Every day putin reads them and goes, my god, what have i done . [ laughter and applause ] what have i oh, my goodness. Hey, girlfriend. Speaking of tweets, trump got hows your cafe au lait . In a twitter fight with senator Kirsten Gillibrand over his Sexual Assault allegations. Oh, its actually. squeaking of balloon its ver. squeaking just this week he insulted a im being so serious right now. A senator, endorsed roy moore, and called 20 women liars. I really want to know how your coffee is. Its like he saw his approval its. squeaking of balloon, laughing rating was 32 and said, i bet i can get it under 30 by the i had a second balloon goodbye weekend. [ laughter and applause ] oof, that milk in your coffee give me a give me something was messing with you, wasnt it . To tweet on yeah, it happens to more people than you think. Cmon, sassy. Try lactaid, its real milk, cmere, girl. Without that annoying lactose. Mmm. Good, right . Yeah. A horse that tweets. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. And now, try our real sour cream. Check this out. Its delicious. Star wars the last jedi is expected to make over 425 million by sunday. [ cheers and applause ] you can tell theyre making a a lot of money, because today yoda endorsed the republican tax plan. Steve really . [ laughter and applause ] jimmy yeah. Its great. This is kind of crazy. I read that people are actually taking out mortgages to buy bitcoin, because they think its such a solid investment. Then they put on their sketcher shapeups, and went out to buy some dippin dots. [ laughter and applause ] yeah. The pounds are melting off. Pounds are melting off. Hold on a second, the pounds are great. No one can even tell im wearing these. Im losing so much weight. You dont know what this is its me. I just lost a lot of weight. [ light laughter ] no you didnt, thats a scam. All right. Finally, this made me laugh. Did you see this jeopardy contestant . Steve yeah. Jimmy a jeopardy contestant last night was very, very aggressive when it came to using his clicker to buzz in. You wont even hes the guy on the left, like you need to know. But watch. Check this out. Lakedra. Whats a shih tzu . Charlie. What is wales . Lakedra. Who is thumper . Lakedra. What is monticello . [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] charlie. Who is Frank Lloyd Wright . Lakedra. Who is betsy ross . Lakedra. Jimmy were back with the what is hokkaido . Amazing annette bening, ladies [ laughter ] charlie . Who is the Great Pumpkin . And gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] charlie. What are the great smoky film stars dont die in mountains . Lakedra. Liverpool. This is a beautiful movie. What is folic acid . Charlie . Thank you. [ applause ] jimmy and based on someone i never heard of, sadly. Jimmy can you give me the clicky thing . Yeah, gloria grahame, who lakedra. Was a great film noir femme what is too much red bull . Fatale and amazing actress. And she, later in her life, [ laughter ] wasnt doing so well. Hard to get jobs, hard to get movie roles, but she was doing some plays. [ cheers and applause ] she wanted to practice her craft. But he poor ben, ben, yeah. She was doing plays in england, he finally got called on. Lets that a look at how that and she met a young actor from went. Liverpool named peter turner, and they had a fling to start ben. Who is data . No. With, and then it turned into jimmy there you go. This very serious relationship. [ laughter and applause ] thats right. Jimmy yeah. He finished with zero dollars so the story is really about and carpal tunnel. What happened at the end of there you go, everybody. Their relationship. We have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots. Peter turner was so oh, besotted. [ cheers and applause ] and it ended in a way that youll see in the movie, and he had to write a book. He said it just it took him a couple years, he couldnt sleep, so at 4 30 in got up and he wrote this book and he poured his heart out. Its very tasteful, like, discreet. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hey, everybody jimmy its beautiful thank you so much. Spoke about his life with gloria. Jimmy its sad and yeah, before we start the show, a with gloria, absolutely. A couple of things. And its sad, but also uplifting, and theres some first of all, i want to say funny moments. Congratulations to the roots. Today and well, obviously there [ cheers and applause ] are, but theres very romantic moments as well. They won an africanamerican film Critics Award for best thank you. Song for their song it aint jimmy and it took you a fair. A while to make this. Is this a true story that you [ cheers and applause ] met the producer in the bathroom . Yeah, well, we had we had on the detroit soundtrack. Known each other, Barbara Broccoli, one of our that is what im talking about. Producers. Yeah. Jimmy i love Barbara Broccoli i know, shes amazing. Jimmy the james the why not, man, milk it . James bond movies, yeah. Yeah. That was fantastic. Jimmy oh, yeah. Shes an incredible human being. Congratulations. Thats got to feel good. Jimmy yeah. Colin vaines is our other questlove thank you. Producer. And barbara and i talked about jimmy i told you when you first when it first came it, like, 23 years ago. Out, i couldnt believe this is hey. A new song. Because she knew peter when questlove yeah. Peter was with gloria. Jimmy because you took it they were friends, to like a motown its just peter turner, who wrote it. Questlove very vintage. Jimmy and bilal is so then cut to 23 years ago, fantastic on this song. You guys performed it on here. And shes like, annette, ive got this book. If you havent seen it, go on she gave it to me. I read it. Youtube and look for it aint im like, my god, this is what . Fair by the roots. And it is unbelievable. How did this happen . Congratulations. This woman ended up in this well deserved. House in liverpool with this thats awesome. Family. [ cheers and applause ] the detroit soundtrack. Its just incredible. Check it out, everybody. So we talked about it then, it well done. Was too soon, wasnt the right oh, yeah. Time. Also im doing this cool thing. I want to remind everyone that and then about seven years ago, we were at the bafta awards in tomorrow, i will be on facebook london, and rushing to the live and Instagram Live doing a ladies room. A live reading of my childrens jimmy yeah. Book, everything is mama to kids. There we all are in our evening gowns. Jimmy yeah. [ cheers and applause ] and shes like were talking, i said, you know, barbara, we ought to do that i mean, its going to be a fast read. Its going to be very film. [ laughter ] so then she and colin got it rolling again and hired an its about a 30 second read. Amazing writer from manchester, england, whos just steve in and out. Like a big guy with a heart of jimmy it depends on your gold. Internet connection. [ light laughter ] and so then we put it together. No, but basically, i thought it would be cool to just read to jimmy yeah, and jamie bell kids because gosh, i think i will say reading is cool. Jamie bell is jimmy he is great. And i think they should know incredible. That. So we put out a press release and he was so kind to me and such a great partner. To all teachers out there. Preschools and librarians, and im so grateful that jamie did parents. The film and jimmy what a role for you. I mean, you play you going anyone who has a kid who wants me to read even people that dont have kids, you want me to through some tough things. Read to you . I can do it. Its like its almost like two different roles. [ laughter ] yeah, and theres a lot of im going to do it. Joy. Its tomorrow. I mean, they fall in love, theres this incredible if you go to jimmyfallon on instagram, or fallontonight on connection but then they go through a really hard thing together. Jimmy oh, yeah. Facebook, either one. Yeah, its really you type in those names, and ill be streaming live at jimmy but it 9 15 a. M. Because of peter being a a great guy. Jimmy yeah, and you want to go through those tough moments eastern time, and then im with someone you love going to do it at 12 15 p. M. Thats right. Eastern time for the kids on jimmy and someone you but theres the scene that i the west coast, so they get like, i think that were going some love, too. Steve yeah. [ cheers and applause ] to show, is that hes walking jimmy im excited to do this. By your place and you go, hey, maybe ten minutes, something do you mind being my dancing partner . Fun to do. Im practicing the hustle. Yeah. Why not do it . Use social media for something jimmy and youre like, oh, ill make you a drink. Good. Im psyched about that. Hes like, oh, ill do thats tomorrow, so check that out. Anything for a drink. Why not . Also, i think, the website, if you go to everythingismama, you so he comes in and you guys just go for it. Get coloring book pages you can and its just so fun. I want to show everyone just print out. Its free. Annette benings moves in film stars dont die in liverpool. Take a look at this. Give the kids something to do, and check it out. Steve have them color. Jimmy yeah, yeah, just read. So if i make you a drink, its really good to read to kids. Youd come to my room and hustle with me . [ cheers and applause ] i need a partner for my dance class. Guys, we have a fantastic show tonight. From the new movie film stars i mean, if you fix me a dont die in liverpool, a drink, ill come in and clean your bathroom. Annette bening is here. [ cheers and applause ] huh. The one and only annette bening. Woo, she knows how to do it. Plus, we love it when this guy stops by. His netflix standup special, judd apatow the return came out today. Judd apatow is on the show. [ cheers and applause ] steve come on. Jimmy doing standup. Steve come on jimmy judd apatow on netflix, love that. Plus she is nominated for five grammy awards, more than any other female performer. Including best new artist and Time Magazine named her debut album control album of the year. Jimmy i mean, come on how fun is that . We have music from sza tonight, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] steve yeah. [ cheers and applause ] annette bening, everyone film stars dont die in its great. Liverpool hits select theaters jimmy its a good show. December 29th. Guys, we have exactly nine well be right back with judd apatow, everybody. Shows left before we go on [ cheers and applause ] christmas break. Which means it is time for that beloved tonight show tradition. It is time for 12 days of christmas sweaters. Lets go. [ cheers and applause ] 12 days of christmas sweaters nine days left jimmy that is right. Nice to see you. Every show between now and christmas, well be giving one lucky audience member a a gorgeous christmas sweater from the countdown to christmas cabinet. Now, since there are nine shows left, lets open door number thats right, nine. [ cheers ] [ drum roll ] hold on, hold on. Ooh [ applause ] ooh. [ cheers and applause ] ooh. This has got some heft. This has got some heft to it. Its got some doily 3d thing happening here. A 3d christmas sweater. Look at this. Oh, my goodness. You know when youve got takeout on your chest oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And the blanket around your feet oh, yeah, feel the love. [ cheers and applause ] and then you realize the remote is on the other side of the couch. That is exactly where the heart just say, hey google, play west world. Is located. The lower back. [ light laughter ] its google home mini. Now only 29 now lets see who is going home with tonights sweater. Everyone, look at your seat number. If i call your number, i need you to jump up and let me know where you are. Quest, can i get a drum roll, please . [ drum roll ] [ cheers and applause ] who wants me to pick their number . Its a good one 227, baby squeak the melody squeak the melody 227. Squeak the melody squeak the melody squeak the melody hey, get over here. Squeak the melody [ cheers and applause ] squeak the melody we bring your family amazing value every day. T. J. Maxx. Marshalls. Homegoods. How are you doing, pal . Hey, welcome family is the greatest gift. There you are on tv right now. What is your name and where are you from . Samka. Im from holland. Jimmy samka from holland. Fantastic. Yeah [ light laughter ] jimmy do we air in holland . Our show airs in holland . No. Jimmy no, of course. [ laughter ] okay, well do you have any idea who i am or what youre watching yeah, i have. Jimmy okay, good. Lets get the big guy in place. Thats why im here. Jimmy okay, perfect, yeah. The ford year end sales event is here. Im gonna say, hi im justin timberlake. Nice to meet you. I can guide you in. Nice to meet you. No, thanks , santa. [ laughter ] i got this. Jimmy in holland, it gets a a little chilly, right . It gets cold . Santa uh, it looks a little tight. Yes. Jimmy yeah, yeah. Perfect fit. Absolutely. Santa needs an f150. Jimmy do you have anything like this at all . No. Jimmy wait, oh my thats ford, americas best selling brand. Goodness now i have. Hurry in today for 0 financing jimmy wait, it makes noise. Yeah. Its nice. [ laughter ] for 72 months [ cheers and applause ] across the full line up jimmy this is unbelievable. All right, would you like to of ford cars, trucks and suvs. Try it on, samka . Yeah, of course. Jimmy all right, here you for a limited time, go. Here. Get an additional 1,000 cash back yeah, yeah, i can take the microphone. Okay, great. Jimmy there you go. On top of 0 financing you can leave that on. For 72 months. Oh, yeah. Jimmy yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] get these exclusive offers in holland they have different rules, apparently, but yeah. During the ford year end sales event. Samka, youre gonna look great in this. Oh, my oh my, look at this. [ cheers and applause ] like a supermodel. Look at that, perfect. This is every kid is gonna be wearing this sweater. Samka, thank you so much congratulations come back, you get free stuff here. Okay, i will. Jimmy i wanna thank our lucky audience member. Stick around. Well be right back with the get these exclusive offers premier of our new teen drama. Peanuts riverdale. Gewith a sparkling new sweater this weekend at kohls take it out. For the girls a holiday dress were almost there. Or a ceramic cookware set here we go. [ cheers and applause ] plus take an extra 20 off when you spend 100 or more youll get kohls cash too presents for them, kohls cash for you give joy, get joy at kohls feel the power of thenew power. Smax. To fight back at tmobile, when you holiday together, great things come in twos. Theraflus powerful new formula like tmobile and netflix. To defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms. Right now when you get an unlimited family plan, netflix is included. Fast. So you can play on. Theraflu expressmax. Ho ho ho tmobile covers your netflix subscription. New power. Best Christmas Gift ever . So you can binge watch all year long. Now youre thinking christmas and now when you buy any of this seasons hot new Samsung Galaxy phones, you get a second one free to gift. Thats one samsung for you. And one to give. Tmobile. Holiday twogether. Eight hundred dollars when wet switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford feel the power of thenew power. Smax. A real babysitter instead of your brother. To fight back hey. Theraflus powerful new formula oh. Thats my robe. To defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms. Is it . Fast. You could save seven hundred eighty two dollars so you can play on. When liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Theraflu expressmax. New power. amanda von a fluke. D scrappy and he totally has a superpower. Didnt know i was allergic to ibuprofen. And i had fallen asleep. scrappy barks amanda he was totally freaked out, digging and pawing at me. And when i woke up i realized that i was in anaphylaxis and went to the emergency room. I dont know what i would do if he wasnt there. Hes the best boy. vo through the subaru share the love event, weve helped the ascpa save nearly forty thousand animals so far. Get a new subaru and well donate two hundred fifty dollars more to help those in need. amanda put a little love in your heart. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest is an incredibly talented writer, producer, director and comedian. His debut standup special judd apatow the return is available now on netflix. Everyone, please welcome judd apatow. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back to the show. You know we love you. And happy belated birthday. You just turned 50 . I just turned 50 years old. Jimmy is that correct . [ cheers and applause ] hey, cmon, buddy. Thats great. It is good. Jimmy how does it feel . It feels pretty good. I feel like my lack of exercise is paying off. Jimmy yes. Because i have no injuries. A lot of people are like, my knee is bad from basketball. Im like, i got nothing. [ light laughter ] jimmy yeah, i never did anything physical. People always say, are you slowing down . Im like, i dont know, i never move fast. [ laughter ] jimmy im going at the same [ cheers and applause ] speed. Jimmy welcome back, everybody. Welcome back and thank you so i have this thing right here much for watching the show. If you guys know me, you know i a picture of you. Oh yes, because for my love the show riverdale. Birthday, my friend very good friend got me tickets [ cheers and applause ] you love it too . To see springsteen on broadway, which im very excited about. Im obsessed with it, its one jimmy i havent seen it of my favorite shows. Yet, i heard its its got everything i want. Which is, youre not a good friend [ light laughter ] it has murder. [ light laughter ] teen angst, drama. To him. Steve sure. Jimmy i cant wait. Jimmy classic cartoon jimmy and ive only met him characters from the archie once before. Comics. Which is in 1991, steve yeah. Jimmy everything i its Garry Shandling hosted the a great show. Grammys and i was writing for seriously, i love it i love all the cameos. I love luke perry. Him. I love skeet. And i said to garry, were you get just enough skeet in taking a picture with there. Bruce springsteen, because i dont want to ruin anything. The perfect amount of skeet. Youre the host and youre thats the secret to a allowed to do that. A successful show. Jimmy yes, of course. Steve a little mesquite. Jimmy yeah, you get a this is the photo. A little skeet in there, hes fantastic. Jimmy you got a photo with bruce springsteen. Molly ringwalds showing up. Here he is. You and garry. Whaat . Look at you. Spoiler, but yeah, you heard yeah. [ applause ] it. Steve what . jimmy now what i love jimmy its happening right now, i just love this show so this. Much. And the cast is great, and everyone is brooding and cool cause i was like, what look and young and fun. Were you going for in that one . I was going for a little anyways, its a giant, giant stallone in nighthawks. Hit for cw. [ light laughter ] they love it. Jimmy we actually have a its the biggest thing on their a photo of stallone from that network, they love it. Time. Its not bad. And theyve now decided to [ light laughter ] you gotta you gotta show em together. Reboot another famous comic jimmy gotta some them together. Gotta show them together. Strip. Steve really . Jimmy yeah, not bad. You kind of nailed it. Jimmy we actually have a [ applause ] a sneak peek of it. I may have pulled it off. Wed like to show you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy you kind of nailed ladies and gentlemen, please it. Enjoy peanuts. Thats as good as a jew is going to do looking like stallone. [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy did you get to meet springsteen again or are you our town presents itself going . Im gonna go. Jimmy so you guys maybe like so many other small take another photo now, an updated photo. Well, if he wants to invite towns safe, decent, me backstage. [ light laughter ] innocent. Jimmy i love seeing the picture of Garry Shandling, get closer, though. Too. I miss that guy, obviously. You start to see the shadows and i know i heard that youre writing a book about underneath. Guys, guys, check it out. Garry, but i know youre making a documentary. Charlies going to kick the football. I made a fourhour documentary about garry for hbo. Jimmy wow. And some people say, you [ cheers and applause ] know, four hours seems like a a lot. Youre not going to take but o. J. Got seven. That football away, are you, luce . Jimmy yeah. [ light laughter ] youre just gonna have to so i feel like the people trust me, charlie. That dont murder should get [ dog barking ] more hours. Jimmy thank you, thank you. Finally someone said it, yeah. Snoopy, i got this. [ cheers and applause ] finally. Gosh, i miss Garry Shandling. I love that guy so much. Oh [ laughter ] i will say you also produce so many great things. This is definitely going on instagram. Lucy schroeder peppermint patty, marcie, including this year, the big whats wrong . Its linus. Sick, which is one of my favorite movies of the year. [ cheers and applause ] peppermint patty and marcie thank you. Had gone to the Pumpkin Patch jimmy not only did it have to wait for the Great Pumpkin. Heart, but it was funny. But what they found was it was so funny and so well done. Linus van pelt, cold, alone, and anything but great. Congrats on that. I appreciate that. The Golden Globes people do not [ laughter ] agree with you at all. [ light laughter ] good grief. Jimmy they do not agree. The Golden Globes are weird. [ cheers and applause ] heres the thing, Golden Globes are weird, especially in the comedy category. I dont know if they understand comedy that much, because trainwreck lost to i can believe my idiot the martian. Brother is dead. Jimmy there you go. Dont worry lucy, weve got yeah, yeah, that makes sense. A plan. You have a video of the and bridesmaids lost to a killer . A hilarious movie called my online forensic evidence . Weekend with marilyn. Even better i wrote a a song about it. [ laughter ] check it out. I think all the movies jimmy why is the comedy categories in with the dramas, linus is dead and i dont were all really sad well the dramas always want to be comedies, because i think they think its an easier category, so jimmy then they throw musicals in there as well, right . Yeah, so right at the last wow, charlie, that song is, second, a musical slips in. Like, uh, so good. And then theyre like, dunkirk says theyre a a comedy now. [ laughter ] youre not going to perform jimmy it gets them the it at the fall formal, are you . Award, yeah. Thats a great idea. I want to talk about either way, its a great film. Thanks, schroeder. Obviously, you know it is. What up buttholes . Hey. Its just fantastic. Thank you. What are you skidmarks jimmy kumail, unbelievable. Crying about . Yeah, hes the best. That loser linus . Jimmy aw, crush. And ray romano, everybody was that guy was gross. Great in it. I loved the whole film. Lets talk about you in [ coughing ] the disaster artist. This is you in front of the [ laughter ] camera. Which is i always love seeing you. Well talk about the standup special. I love seeing you out there. What made you do it . Was it james franco . Bee tee dubs, chuck. Okay, so, james franco calls miss othmar wants to see you. Me and he says, judd, do you says its super urge. Want to do this part . Its this total idiot, mean producer. [ school bell ringing ] and hes the one who tells my character that hes never going to make it. Miss othmar . And im like, that sounds like fun. And i go to set its me, charlie. [ light laughter ] and then he has me sitting with we need to talk. Like a 19yearold girl. What we did this summer was its like a Harvey Weinstein situation. Wrong. [ audience ohs ] youre a teacher, im a [ light laughter ] a student. You know, im playing like a wah wah wah wah wah wah. A terrible person. [ laughter ] and then i see james franco but we were in the Pumpkin Patch when linus was killed. Promoting the movie, hes like, we have to tell someone. Yeah, judd was so good in the movie playing himself. Wah wah wah wah wah wah. [ audience ohs ] jimmy what . You are so turning me on right now. I was like, what . I thought i was an ass[ bleep ] Charlie Brown producer, what happened . How could you . [ light laughter ] lucy, wait jimmy you made me do that. No, yes jimmy you directed me. He was the director. You cant at the end of it lucy, come back go judd as himself. What is that . [ laughter ] [ laughter ] my brother is dead and thats like the worst thing you youre making out with some teacher . Could do to somebody. But the movie is unbelievable. Its not what you think. Its very, very good. I heard what you said. Jimmy oh, it is great. Now, youre on netflix. Youre doing standup. You were there the night linus you stopped doing standup for died. 20 years. I did. I took a little break. You have im sorry. Jimmy cause i remember you can you just back up like a were back in the day a a little break . A foot . 20 years . Oh, yeah. [ laughter ] yeah. Just give me a little jimmy why did you stop . You were there that night. When i started i dont you need to stop acting like such a blockhead and tell know who the guys were when you everyone the truth. Started. Were not little kids anymore, but i was friends with Charlie Brown. Were 16 years old. Jim carrey, and so that was weird to watch jim carrey and yes, were both 16 years old. Sandler all the time, because [ laughter ] you felt like they were going to be superstars. I dont have time for this. Have fun at your stupid dance. So, it felt weird to think i im outta here. Was as good as them. You know, its like if you were trying to start a band and your friend was starting a band called radiohead. You know . [ laughter ] [ light laughter ] jimmy yeah, exactly like yeah. But i did bring a clip to hey, franklin. Show you how bad i was in the 80s when i was a comedian. Oh, hey, Charlie Brown. Whats wrong . My best friend is dead, his sister hates my guts, and im ive noticed i still have a lot having an affair with my teacher. Of the new york accent. You now, the uge. Jimmy heres a young judd apatow doing standup. I wrote a song about it, you want to hear it . Check this out. Not proud. Ah, its pretty cool. Nope. I dont know what to do with these people. Linus is dead and i have a stepfather who i call rats. By his first name, because thats what you do. Its kind of cold though, you know . Its like, okay, thats my look, Charlie Brown, moping around about linus wont bring him back. Sister, thats my brother, thats my mom. And this is derek. You got to keep living your life, man. [ light laughter ] thanks, franklin. And your stepfather cannot thats what i needed to hear. Punish you. He cant. Now, lets get to that fall formal. Its like, hes in on the conversation, yet has no power. We got a show to put on. You know . Its like living with dan quayle. Why am i the only black [ light laughter ] person in this town . [ applause ] [ laughter ] jimmy topical i was on it. Jimmy political. Yes. Jimmy you got the sleeves rolled up on the sweatshirt. You got the whole look going. And the new york accent. And that went away. Im always surprised when peoples accent doesnt go away. Jimmy yeah. Like schwarzenegger, why guys . [ microphone feedback ] does he still talk like that . [ laughter ] guys . Jimmy oh, your kids, how look would they feel about the special . I said to my daughters, do you want to see it . I know its been a rough eight and if theres any jokes you want me to cut out. If they offend you, ill cut them out. Hours, but and they both said, yeah, we dont need to see it. [ laughter ] jimmy they just dont care. We dont know who killed linus. Just a full lack of interest in the special. Its a weird time for my kids. But i swear that we wont stop because my daughter, whos 15, until we find out who did it. Is now alone in the house with my wife and i, because her older sister is in college. As long as weve got each jimmy right. And thats not fun for a kid to live with their parents alone. Other, and my music, i think because four people is a family were going to be okay. And three is a child observing a weird couple. Now lets turn things up a [ laughter ] a notch. [ applause ] [ linus and lucy playing ] jimmy guys, check this out. Judd apatow. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] his standup special, judd apatow the return is available now on netflix. Well be right back with a a performance from sza. Stick around. Sza [ cheers and applause ] they danced all through the night, trying their best to regain the innocence they had lost. But little did they know, things would never be the same, because under the surface, this town was nuts. [ cheers and applause ] what are they doing . Is that, like, dancing . This is very weird. Crazy. So crazy, i actually just wrote a song about it. Do you guys want to hear it . No. No [ cheers and applause ] jimmy my thanks to kj apa, lili reinhart, camila mendes, madelaine petsch, and cole sprouse. Well be right back with annette bening, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] being a location scout, my office is on my back. The less stuff i have to carry the better. With surface pro, i have one device that does everything. Technology has really changed how i do this job. On pacific rim uprising our characters are 250 ft. Tall. Where in the heck are you gonna land this big robot . Pulled up a satellite image and there is like a giant bullseye, robots here i feel very proud of what i bring to the screen. I have the greatest job in the world. Replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. 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Guest is the most nominated female artist for the 2 what fun it is to ride and sing 2018 grammy awards. A sleighing song tonight. [ cheers and applause ] its just a sweet, sweet fantasy bab. Earning five nominations, including best new artist, for its time for the holidays. Her debut album control. Holla back holla hey. Hurry in to old navy her mom and dad are in the audience. Get up to 60 off the entire store hi, mom and dad. Hey. With sleepwear from seven dollars [ cheers and applause ] and sweaters from ten dollars. At old navy. Performing supermodel, please welcome back sza [ cheers and applause ] im writing this letter to let you know im really leaving and no im not keeping your heard you got some new homies got some new hobbies even a new hoe too maybe she can come help you maybe she can come lay with you after were done whats done is done i dont want nothing else to do with it let me tell you a secret i been secretly banging your homeboy why you in vegas all up on valentines day why am i so easy to forget like that it cant be that easy for you to get like that oh no she didnt ooh yes i did oh no she didnt ill do it again leave me lonely for prettier women you know i need too much attention [ cheers and applause ] for like that you know you wrong for like that jimmy our first guest is an i could be your incredible actress. She is a twotime golden globe supermodel winner and fourtime if you believe Academy Award nominee. Her new movie film stars dont if you see it in me see it in me die in liverpool hits select see it in me i dont see myself theaters on december 29th, and why i cant stay alone just by myself will be out nationwide in january. Ladies and gentlemen, please wish i was comfortable welcome annette bening. Just with myself but i need you i need you i need you [ cheers and applause ] ooh just get a load of them they got chemistry all they could say we like brother and sister look so good together bet they for real and they was right thats why i stayed with ya jimmy oh, youre the best. The the was too good welcome back to the show, first it made me feel good of all. Thank you. For temporary love jimmy congratulations on the movie. Thank you. You was a temporary lover jimmy you got some good dance moves in the movie but ill get to that. All right. Leave me lonely jimmy thank you for being here again, and i want to say for prettier women also congratulations to you know i need youre married for 25 years . Too much attention for like that thats right. Jimmy to Warren Beatty. You know you wrong you and warren. For like that [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hey i could be your 25 years. Supermodel jimmy 25 years. If you believe and my parents have been married 67 years. Jimmy oh, my gosh. If you see it in me [ cheers and applause ] see it in me can you imagine . See it in me can you believe it . I dont see myself jimmy unbelievable. Unbelievable. Jimmy what are you going to why i cant stay alone do for the holidays . Just by myself do you have big plans, you and warren . Wish i was comfortable we have a big thanksgiving with all of my family, extended just with myself family. But i need you my husbands very nice about said i need you that. So we have a big thanksgiving. Ooh ooh aah aah christmas is kind of quieter, just at home with the kids. Saiddddd jimmy oh, really . Just a quiet one. And do you do a big thing, a a big spread with, like, ham said i and things . Said i i sometimes do a ham, but i i need you have a very good turkey potpie i need you oohh that i make from scratch. New york times recipe, i highly recommend. Said i jimmy really . Yeah. Said i need jimmy i love a turkey potpie. Im a swansons guy all the way. [ laughter ] need i grew up on those. Jimmy right . Oh, yeah. Jimmy the ones with crust in the bottom. Absolutely. Jimmy thats the best one. All right, good. [ cheers and applause ] you pop them in the oven. Jimmy oh, thats my favorite thing ever. Oh, rad. Im coming over for christmas. [ light laughter ] how are the kids, by the way . Theyre great. Jimmy i heard that youre using emojis now. Jimmy sza, everybody. Is this true . We do use emojis on occasion. Come on [ cheers and applause ] when we can get the text back from the child, is the shocking thats how you do it. Control is out now. Moment. My thanks to annette bening, but, no, we do. Judd apatow, sza jimmy they just dont they dont text back. Sometimes they dont. [ cheers and applause ] sometimes you have to use the and the roots right there, megaphone loudspeaker emoji to ladies and gentlemen. Get them to call back. Hi, mom and dad. [ laughter ] jimmy thats the one you use the most. Stay tuned for late night with or text back. Jimmy yeah. Seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Yep. And the hearts and the prayers, have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] and the 70s guy . You know the 70s guy . Jimmy yeah, yeah, i love that guy. [ laughter ] yeah, hes great, too, yeah. Love that guy. Love that guy. Jimmy and does Warren Beatty use what does warren do . You know, he does this weird thing. He likes to talk. Jimmy oh, i never heard of that. Yeah. Jimmy yeah. [ laughter ] i got to write that down, yeah. I know, right . Jimmy yeah. Talk. He likes to talk on the phone. And if you do text him, you get a heart, maybe. Jimmy really . Thats it. Jimmy hes not a texting guy . Hes not a texting guy. Jimmy is he a tweeting guy . No. Are you kidding . No. [ laughter ] jimmy i had to ask just for fun. No, no. Were trying to get him to just read tweets but he wont even do that. [ laughter ] jimmy he wont even do that, he just wants to talk to people, yeah. I want to get into the movie. Its in the movie you play an actress. Do you remember your first role acting . Well, actually my first play was in the sixth grade. [ gasps ] yeah. Jimmy all right, so we were learning spanish and my teacher, mrs. Huckabee at green school taught us to speak spanish by doing the three little pigs in spanish, e . The lines . I happen to remember the first line. My speakingpa jimmy hey, my gosh [ cheers and applause ] where or what is it . Something about three little what is it . Ere e three little [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight seth rogen, from victoria actress, jenna coleman, music from, clean bandit and julia michaels, featuring the 8g band with mark guiliana. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. [ cheers and applause ] seth good evening, im seth meyers this is late night how is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] thats great to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. The Alabama Special Senate election was held today. Now, we taped this show before the results came out. But if youre up this late, and couldnt sleep, congratulations, roy moore. [ light laught

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