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And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 721, sint maarten. Steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you very much. Have a seat. Enjoy yourself. Welcome, everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome, to the tonight show. This is it. You made it. Youre here. [ cheers and applause ] what a great night to be here. Heres what everyone is talking about. Some news out of washington, i read that the west wing is currently undergoing 3. 4 million in renovations. Yeah. It sounds like a lot, but you got to remember, theyre child proofing the whole house. [ laughter and applause ] stop putting your finger in there. [ laughter and applause ] why is that socket i want to lick that. [ laughter ] no, you cant lick the power socket. But everybody is talking about the north korea situation and how were going to handle it. Well, this morning msnbc had trump adviser Sebastian Gorka on to discuss it. But i kind of noticed, he had a a very strange way of saying, hello. Take a look at this. It says that it will never give up its nuclear and Intercontinental Ballistic Missile programs. Joining us live now from the white house is Deputy Assistant to the president , Sebastian Gorka. Mr. Gorka, good to see you. Thank you for being with us. Greetings. [ laughter ] jimmy greetings. They cut him off before he could say, earthlings. [ laughter and applause ] greetings, earthlings. Right now, trump is on vacation at his new Jersey Golf Club and i read that he actually gets a a farmland tax break there because it has a herd of goats on the property. [ light laughter ] yeah. The goats will eat anything, grass, plants, tax returns. Very helpful. [ laughter and applause ] very helpful to have these goats. Then you can write them off. I want to lick it. No, dont lick it. Stop licking everything. Steve build a wall. Jimmy did you guys see this today . A wall street journal reporter compared President Trump to a a goldfish because he forgets what happened ten seconds ago. [ light laughter ] trump was pretty mad but only for nine seconds. [ laughter and applause ] but he was really mad those nine seconds. You read this . Former Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci went to an Italian Restaurant in long island. The mooch, yeah. [ light laughter ] he went to an Italian Restaurant and the diners cheered when he walked in. Then scaramucci took out his pad and said, what can i get you, folks . [ laughter and applause ] start with some appetizers or a job is a job. Come on. You guys, did you see the Season Finale of the bachelorette last night . Did anybody watch . [ cheers and applause ] big deal. Cover your ears if you dont know who won yet. Rachel wound up choosing brian over peter. [ audience oohs ] rachel said the toughest part of her decision was remembering which one was brian and which one was peter. Does he have a beard . He doesnt have a beard. Actually, i noticed that when rachel accepted brians proposal, they were on a a mountaintop in spain. It was really, really windy. Did you notice that . Take a look at this clip. This is real. I cant. I cant. Will you be my forever . Its so pretty yes. Will you marry me . Jimmy i cant hear you, what . [ laughter ] i guess even god was like, should have picked peter. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] what are you saying . Now that the bachelorette is over, a lot of people are wondering who the next bachelor will be. Some people think it will be peter, or maybe even dean. Well abc just made the big announcement. Take a look at this. Coming up on the next season of the bachelor, 28 women look for love with one amazing man, vladimir putin. [ laughter ] could be the abs, could be the body, could be that accent. Hes a man. He just like, projects, like manly. The bachelor season 22 putin it all on the line. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats very interesting, right . Will you accept this rose . [ laughter ] i saw that this week Chris Christie signed a bill that makes garden state the official state slogan of new jersey. But it turns out that wasnt the only slogan they considered. Ill show you what i mean. For instance, they almost went with new jersey, beautiful beaches that you cant go to. [ laughter and applause ] not allowed. Steve yeah, not allowed. Jimmy no. Steve shut it down. Jimmy next they thought about new jersey, two nfl teams wont admit they play here. [ laughter and applause ] wait, what . And finally, new jersey, we know a state, who knows a a state, who knows a state. There you go. They made the right choice. We have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hey. Welcome, everybody. Thank you, roots. We got a great week of shows ahead. Tomorrow night, brie larson and Marlon Wayans will be here. [ cheers and applause ] steve oh. Jimmy and were going to flay a game of Virtual Reality pictionary. Plus we have music from brett eldredge. Thats nice. [ cheers and applause ] and then later this week, Anthony Anderson and naomi watts will be joining us. Its going to be good. But first, we got a show tonight. Steve come on. Jimmy we have a fun show. Steve come on. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy tonight. It is a real treat whenever this man can pay us a visit. We love him, the hilarious Billy Crystal is here tonight. Steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] come on. Jimmy love Billy Crystal. We might even take a trip down memory lane to my old summer camp days. Steve really . Ooh. Jimmy maybe. Steve maybe not. I dont know. Jimmy could be some surprises there. Steve camping it up. Jimmy my bff. Something, i dont know. Plus from nbcs world of dance, derek hough is stopping by. Steve oh. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hes a talented guy. And hes also, hes going to bring a performance from the newly crowned world of dance winners tonight. Steve oh. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy live, right here, youll see them. Its happening. We have great music. Oh, my goodness. Did you hear rehearsal today . She is fantastic. Guys, if you dont know her, youre going to love her after this. Jessie reyez is here tonight. Steve yeah jimmy man, oh man. [ cheers and applause ] kiddo. Kiddo is the name of the album. Shes fantastic. I wanna see if theres any trivia i can give you on her, but, i know shes from toronto, i wanna say. Columbia through toronto. Here, anyways, listen to this. Thats what i wish that i could do jimmy thats all you get right there. [ light laughter ] thats what im saying. Shes got a great voice. Oh, my gosh. Its going to be fantastic, tonight. Guys, it is time to take a look at the stories making headlines today and weigh the good with the bad. Its time for pros and cons. Here we go. [ cheers and applause ] pros and cons and pros and cons and pros jimmy tonight well be taking a look at the pros and cons of using airbnb. [ light laughter ] its vacation season. A lot of people are looking for places to stay. So lets take a look at the pros and cons of using airbnb. Here we go. Pro, you can sleep among the wildlife and critters by renting a house in the woods. Con, or by staying at any motel 6. Wait a second. [ laughter and applause ] steve theyre not an airbnb. Jimmy pro, renting your house out to strangers is a a good way to make some extra money. Con, which youll need to replace all your stolen belongings. [ laughter and applause ] at least you can break even. You could only hope for that. Pro, staying in a historic old mansion in washington, d. C. Con, noticing trump left a a review calling it a dump. [ laughter ] steve wait. [ applause ] wait a second. Jimmy can i lick it . Yes, you can. [ laughter ] pro, saying good night to your girlfriend. Con, hearing the homeowner say, good night, from under the bed. Steve okay, thats not good. [ laughter and applause ] im watching you. Jimmy pro, their slogan is, book unique homes and experience a city like a a local. Con, which is much better than the original, stay in a a strangers house and hope you dont see too many hairs. [ laughter and applause ] thats not as catchy. Not as catchy. Steve no. Jimmy not as catchy. Steve hair soap. Jimmy pro, having the host drop by to say hello. Con, three hours later, youre still trying to figure out how to kick them out of their own house. Its like [ laughter and applause ] steve im so tired. Jimmy you guys wanna play monopoly . No. Steve im watching you. Jimmy all right. Nighty night. And finally, pro, going on vacation for ten days. Con, or as Anthony Scaramucci calls that, a career. There you go, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thats the pros and cons. Well be right back with more of the tonight show. [ cheers and applause ] [ [ all ] by simon anbees funkel ] [ all ] bees the volkswagen atlas. With easyaccess 3rd row. Lifes as big as you make it. Clubhouse, but we call it the matthwish house. Was a mom and it just immediately brought something positive in our life. Oh, i gotta get up get matthew on his treatment. matthew its not that bad, though. mom yeah. matthew the good thing about the surgeries is i get to have a popsicle at the end. mom he makes the best of everything and he teaches us to be strong and brave, too. vo through the subaru share the love event, weve helped grant the wishes of fifteen hundred kids so far. Get a new subaru and well donate two hundred fifty dollars more to help those in need. Put a little love in your heart. Hi. Can you help me save on my energy bill . Old appliances. Like a hot water heater . Its around here somewhere. Nope. Nope. What is this thing . Sir, have you looked in the basement . Huh. Oh, yeah. No wonder. It was hidden behind all of my free weights. If youre not an expert, peco can help. We have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. Peco. The future is on. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy justin, are you asleep . No. [ cheers and applause ] no, im awake. [ laughter ] i had, like, seven charleston chews. [ laughter ] jimmy me, too. I cant get to sleep. Hey, you want to play two truths and a lie . [ laughter ] yeah wait. How do you play that . [ laughter ] jimmy its easy. You say three things, but only two of them are true and i have to guess which ones the lie. Okay. Yeah. [ laughter ] ready . Jimmy uhhuh. I love sleepaway camp. Smores are my favorite snack. I dont secretly wish i was in color me badd. [ laughter ] jimmy umm, the last ones a a lie. Yeah. Dont tell anybody. Ooh. [ light laughter ] jimmy i wish i was in boyz ii men. Ooh. Noo. [ laughter ] hey, i got an idea. You want to sing that song we heard on the radio today . You mean whats up by the 4 non blondes . [ light laughter ] jimmy yeah, i love that song. But remember. What . Jimmy we got to keep it down. [ light laughter ] because its after lights out. Okay. 25 years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination and so i wake in the morning and i step outside and i take a deep breath and i get real high and i scream from the top of my lungs whats going on and i say hey yeah yeah, yeah hey yeah yeah i said hey whats going on . [ whistle ] [ cheers and applause ] now boys [ laughter ] boys, i need you to stop the ruckus. Okay. I need you to stop the ruckus now. [ laughter ] jimmy im sorry, mr. Fletcher. We were just singing a song. Just singing a song . Is that what you were doing . Because it sounds like you were just drowning in a lake. [ laughter ] but you guys arent drowning, are you . Youre clowning. Okay, so listen up, you little bozo the clowns. [ light laughter ] plural. [ laughter ] after lights out, it means you guys have to go to sleep or youre going to lose your snack shack privileges. All right. And a little birdie told me. [ whistles ] [ laughter ] that tomorrow, theyre going to have every kind of soup. [ laughter ] i mean, everything. Everything . Everything, justin, all the way from beef barley to chicken barley. [ laughter ] sorry, mr. Fletcher. Okay. Well go to bed. All right, thats better. Good night, guys. [ light laughter ] and go to sleep. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hey, did mr. Fletcher look different to you . [ laughter ] yeah, way more theatrical. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy well, lets just try to get some sleep. Okay. Good night, jimmy. Jimmy good night, justin. [ audience aws ] [ humming tune ] [ light laughter ] scream at the top of my lungs whats going on . And i say hey yeah yeah yeah hey yeah, yeah i said hey whats going on . [ cheers and applause ] [ whistle ] [ light laughter ] did i just not say no more ruckus . [ laughter ] guys, i dont want to hear a a ruckus, i dont want to hear a fruckus, druckus, i dont need to see a bruckus. [ laughter ] i want nothing, okay . None of the auckuses. Jimmy okay. No ruckus. Jimmy all right, no ruckus. In fact, the only sound i want too hear from you two is the gentle, sweet sound of snoring. Okay . That sounds like this. [ snoring ] [ laughter ] okay. You understand . Sounds like a really heavy bird but [ laughter ] jimmy im sorry. Im sorry, mr. Fletcher. Okay, well, dont be sorry, jimmy. [ light laughter ] just be quiet. [ laughter ] okay, im begging you. [ laughter ] [ whistle ] you need to be quiet, okay . Now guys, i got to get [ laughter ] you okay . Yes, allergies. [ laughter ] jimmy i think hes allergic to nuts. [ laughter and applause ] i got a little insane. I thought i could stop light. [ laughter ] listen, guys, i also need my sleep, okay . Because i got a bunch of problems going on in my life right now, all right . Jimmy what . What happened . Whats wrong with you . Im sorry, i just i accidentally rubbed poison ivy all over my nut sack. [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] why did you put accidentally in air quotes . [ laughter ] justin, just stop the ruckus. [ laughter ] please just stop with the ruckus. Just seems weird but okay. All right. Can you stop the ruckus . Yeah. Now go to sleep, guys. Just go to sleep [ laughter ] im sorry. Youre my sweet princes and i love you dearly. [ light laughter ] whoa. You know what, though . Mr. Fletchers as weird as he is, hes right. [ light laughter ] we should go to bed. Jimmy yeah. Hey, justin . Yeah, jimmy . Jimmy best friends forever . [ light laughter ] [ audience aws ] yeah. [ laughter ] best friends forever. Ohay, ohay jimmy justin, did you just hear that . Ohay, ohay [ light laughter ] there it is again its coming from outside the cabin. Jimmy wait, it couldnt be. Is that billy from camp buttonwood . [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it sure is me. Its me. Howd you get here . Oh, its easy. I took 89 to mountain borough, and got off at 7a. I took 25 the rest of the way. [ laughter ] jimmy really . No, stupid, im 12. [ laughter ] i kayaked. Jimmy youre 12 . Yeah. Jimmy why do you have a a beard . [ laughter ] i didnt when the sketch started. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy what was that song were you singing outside . Oh, just a Little Something that is called the rhythm is gonna get you by Gloria Estefan and the miami sound machine. Jimmy oh, yeah. I love that song hey, you guys want to sing it with me . Jimmy okay okay ohay, ohayoh ohay, oh ohay, ohah ohay, ohohah the rhythm is gonna get you the rhythm is gonna get you the rhythm is gonna get you the rhythm is gonna get you tonight [ whistle ] [ cheers and applause ] Fallon Timberlake crystal all sorry. [ cheers and applause ] we finished the dream closet just in time for black friday. 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Whget more bang for your buck with 15 kohls cash for every 50 spent earn it on everything even our biggest brands all week long the more you shop the more kohls cash youll get no limit so when you give joy, you get joy all this week only at kohls. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody. Our first guest is a comedy legend, a sixtime emmy and tony award winner plus a New York Times bestselling author. Please welcome back the very funny, the always entertaining, our good friend, Billy Crystal [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, Billy Crystal right there, ladies and gentlemen. Wow, thank you very much. Jimmy welcome. And thank you for coming back to see us. Thank you for doing that sketch. Is there any more time left in the show . [ light laughter ] jimmy that was a long sketch. Its not a sketch anymore, its a painting. [ laughter ] wow. The hair. Jimmy that was good hair, yeah. Oh, my god. Jimmy the whole bit was good. Have you ever did you ever go to summer camp . No, we couldnt afford sleepaway camp. Jimmy no, i didnt no, my summers for me, i went to the corner and talked to the cop. [ light laughter ] make it go, dont walk. Yeah, that was fun. Jimmy yeah, do you like summer though . Yeah. Summer yeah, its its a a great time to do a lot of things. Jimmy yeah. Except in new york, august is impossible. Its so its so there are four months that i like here. Jimmy yeah. And i grew up here. Jimmy yeah. May and june, phenomenal. Jimmy yep. October, november, thanksgivings great. Christmas is also great. The rest of the time, hard. [ laughter ] august, august, oh, my god, everybody smells like a a taxicab. [ laughter ] its people put constantly pulling their underwear out. [ light laughter ] theyre hot and theyre sweaty and its just theyre more pissed off than always. And, oh, man. August in new york jimmy yeah, its beautiful, man, yeah. Oh, man. Oh, man. Jimmy how is the family doing . Everyones great. Jimmy the girls are good . Yeah, my girls yeah, well i have middleaged girls. You now you got to get away on a weekend. You live in town, obviously, have a job. Jimmy yes. All right. So you go to their house in the hamptons that ive never been to . The one that ive never been to . [ light laughter ] jimmy yeah. Youre always welcome, you can come in you want to. Yeah, oh, fine. Jimmy you know, i go there, yeah. Thats how i do, i go relax and play with the girls and how old are they now . Jimmy 4 and 2 1 2. Babies. Oh, my god. Oh, thats awesome. Jimmy its the best. I love it so much. But you know im going to sound like one of my relatives now, it goes by so fast. [ laughter ] jimmy it does . Youre going to yes. Very soon youll be with three women and its different. Jimmy yeah. Its very different. Youre just you better at that point, you become an atm with legs. [ laughter ] thats thats your job. Jimmy yeah, i do really. Yeah, yeah. Jimmy i love it you have you have grandkids as well, right . Yeah, i got four. Jimmy see, i think youre a a great grandfater. What do they call you . Do they have a nickname for you . Yeah. Trust fund. [ laughter ] thank you. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy thats a cute nickname thats a cute name. No, no, no. Theyre gonna i gotta remember that. No, i really wanted to be called grandpa i earned it. Jimmy yeah. I loved my grandfather and so i so the girls are 14 and 11. And the boys are 7 and 4. And its you know, grandparenting i take seriously because to me its a Second Chance to screw somebody up. [ laughter and applause ] and thats what you know. Jimmy right. The question the questions at this point in my life, i mean, youre in your 40s, right . Jimmy yep. And its different when youre in your sixties and you get these challenging questions like, whats your password . Thats the [ laughter and applause ] jimmy okay remember that one yeah, yeah, yeah. Jimmy yeah. You youve been doing this stage show cause last time we were here, you talked. You said, i think i might go around and do the show. Yeah. Jimmy and you did it. We did yeah, 33 cities. Jimmy gosh. Its the first time ive been on stage as a standup really in years and years and i had the best time. Jimmy what was the show called . Spend the night with Billy Crystal. [ light laughter ] yeah and thats what it basically was. It was it was it was basically like this. I had the wonderful bonnie hunt with me and we did a talk show. And i did the two and a half hours. And it was like, questions would lead into material and we just and we just, you know, toured the entire country and it was the audiences were phenomenal. Jimmy yeah, i heard it got great reviews. Where did you end up . We started in washington. We started in miami, where everybody looked like one of my relatives. [ light laughter ] jimmy okay. And everyone all the women had a lot of lot of plastic surgery. So all the women looked surprised, you know . [ laughter and applause ] billy hi, billy [ laughter ] you look fantastic. You really look fantastic. Psy, psy look how good he looks doesnt he look good, psy, psy . And then the husband comes and then comes and hes had an eye job, because he looks like a tropical fish and its just [ laughter and applause ] i dont even believe in soap. [ laughter ] soap and then were in West Palm Beach and i i get on stage and the audience is a little older. Jimmy yeah. The hair colors were it was like vermont in the fall, i mean [ laughter and applause ] id never seen anything like it in my life, yeah. So but then we so we went all across the country. Jimmy, i know you love theaters. Jimmy yeah. We played the greatest old theaters that like the fox and atlanta was the jimmy fox theater is great. It was phenomenal. Thats where they had the the premiere for gone with the wind. Jimmy yeah. And then we played all these amazing seattle, the theater was built in the 20s, the majestic in san antonio. It was unbelievable then we end up in this big casino, just outside washington, d. C. Jimmy okay. Its a an mgm and its jimmy okay. A huge theater. Its like threethousand seats or something and so closing night and the audiences were great all over the place. And the show was very much like a like a living documentary. I mean, we show film clips and its really loose and fun. Its very theres no shape. Its just i just go crazy. Jimmy yeah. In the best way. And so theres one little political segment. And im not a big puncher, you know, and so there was one you know, it was right after the inauguration and i was saying, you know, this guy hes so unpredictable. I think this may be the first time the secret service wrestles the president to the ground to keep him safe from us. [ light laughter ] i mean his Approval Rating is 38, the zika virus is 40 [ laughter and applause ] jimmy thats a great one. So then from out of the darkness and the place does that. Jimmy yeah. They go okay out of the darkness, a woman yells and its always harder to deal with a woman heckler. Jimmy yeah. Honor the president. And the crowd boos her. They boo her. So i said listen everybody, ill handle this. I went to school for this. [ light laughter ] jimmy yeah. Im Billy Crystal, yeah. What maam . She says, honor the president. Now shes getting madder. They boo her again. I said, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait. Wait, maam, this is just humor, these are just jokes, you know. And i totally appreciate that how you feel about him, thats your right and everything. These are just were just having a good. She yells it again, honor the president. So you feel like youre losing the show, so i said, maam, im going to use your own president s words on you, if you love him so much, get her out. [ laughter and applause ] [ rim shot ] so the audience stands up and they they took her out, you know, with a, ill get you so, after the show, i do these meet and greets where people pay more money and they come backstage, you take a picture with them. You get to mingle and talk with them. Her husband comes backstage. [ audience ohs ] jimmy he stayed . He stayed [ laughter and applause ] he said, i love you. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy i mean, come on, how great is that . It was fun. It was fun. Jimmy that is fantastic. You know, but its its a a really interesting times. Yeah. Jimmy well, i cant i cant thank you enough for coming here. You know, every single time youre around, i want you to come here. But youre more than welcome to come to any my house, whatever you want to do. [ light laughter ] you can hang out here all week, we love you. Well, its great to be here, you know . Its just what i love is that, im not pushing anything, i just wanted to hang with you and then i great to work who was the other guy in the sketch with us . Jimmy keeganmichael key . No, no, the other guy. Jimmy justin timberlake. Hes funny. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy Billy Crystal, everybody. Billy crystal. [ cheers and applause ] derek hough and the world of dance winners joins us after the break. Stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] being a location scout, my office is on my back. The less stuff i have to carry the better. With surface pro, i have one device that does everything. Technology has really changed how i do this job. On pacific rim uprising our characters are 250 ft. Tall. Where in the heck are you gonna land this big robot . Pulled up a satellite image and there is like a giant bullseye, robots here i feel very proud of what i bring to the screen. I have the greatest job in the world. We finished the dream closet just in time check it out day. Wow i love sweaters sweaters and fleece for the whole family starting at 10. Black friday doorbusters. Doors now open, only at target. dog growls named after a star. Crafted to celebrate an unforgettable holiday. Host one to remember. Feel the power of thenew power. Smax. To fight back theraflus powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms. Fast. So you can play on. Theraflu expressmax. New power. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest is one of the best dancers on the planet and a judge on nbcs world of dance, which aired its Season Finale tonight. Everyone, please welcome derek hough [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome. Welcome. So nice to see you. So nice to see you. Jimmy and thank you for coming on the show. Because i ran into you at some nbc event. Yes, you did. Jimmy and yeah. This is when i had my mustache. You did. You actually said, derek, oh, my gosh, you got to come back on the show, i love having you on. Im like, jimmy, ive never been on your show. Jimmy yeah. [ laughter ] but im happy to be here. Jimmy yeah. I think ive met you so many times that i think i said yeah. Jimmy or i know your sister before you. Exactly. Jimmy and she just got married. She did. She did. It was the most magical, amazing wedding. It was best week of my life. Thats how great it was. But we almost didnt make it to the reception. Jimmy i have a picture here. Yes. Jimmy explain what happened. The bus, the shuttle that was taking everybody [ light laughter ] jimmy what could you possibly be doing . [ laughter ] its just a good photo, thats all. Yeah, no, no, i actually got it back on the road. No, im just kidding. Jimmy superpowers. Yeah, yeah. It was incredible. A small hiccup to a perfect wedding. Jimmy what happened . They just like the bus just went in the ditch . Bad judgment, you know . [ laughter ] jimmy who was on the bus . Was it just you . Oh, no, it was packed. There was, like, 80 people on the bus and the bus driver bless his heart. Man, he felt bad. [ laughter ] he felt bad. Jimmy was this on the way to the wedding or on the way to the reception. So they just got married. It was beautiful. You know, kiss the bride. Jimmy yeah, yeah. Pigeons, like the whole thing, whatever. They had confetti. And then they drive off in a a boat. And then all the guests had to get shipped off to the reception. Jimmy yeah. And then that happened. Jimmy you end up in a ditch like [ light laughter ] yeah. Jimmy were there any beverages on the bus or anything . No, no, no. Jimmy ah. But luckily it was close by so jimmy okay, good, so you just got there at least. Yeah. Jimmy so yeah. Nothing happened. Yeah. Jimmy do you guys do do people get nervous when they go to receptions and you and your sister are there . Because youre such good dancers, i would be like, hey, honey, we should leave. You know, like [ laughter ] i dont mean to its funny, actually, because whenever i dance, like, out in public or im dancing, like, out and about, or at a a wedding or something, i dont dance seriously. Jimmy you dont have a a routine, yeah. No, no. I dont dance, like, for real, like, ahahah. Jimmy yeah. I kind of do, like, this offtime dancing. Jimmy offtime dancing . Yeah, where its kind of im trying like, im a a drummer. Before i danced i played drums and, like, rhythms just kind of, like, in my jimmy yeah. Its still in me, so when i try to dance to the music i try to dance off the beat. Jimmy could you show me what that means because i its not [ cheers and applause ] its not good. Jimmy i dance normal, but i dance off beat. Its not pleasant. Its not pleasant. [ cheers ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats the character right there. Its hard. Jimmy thats fun. Its actually difficult to do and, you know, yeah. Jimmy oh, my gosh. I cant believe we just did that. Jimmy that was fun, man. We got to bring that back. Whew jimmy and im so out of shape. [ laughter ] world of dance finale. Yes. Jimmy that was tonight. Season two is already announced. Its a giant hit at nbc. So congratulations on that. Thank you. Jimmy and you said this is like a dream job for you. Im a fan of dance. I love dancing and im just a a huge advocate for it. So to be a part of a show where i get to sit back and watch amazing dancing. Great talent. Jimmy i mean, you know what its like to be on the other side. Oh, i do. I do. Jimmy and youre being judged. Since i was 12 years old, traveling around the world competing and now its like jimmy yeah. Jennifer lopez and then neyo and jimmy i mean, yeah, come on. You know, its not too bad of a job. Its not too bad. Jimmy no. And you get paid on top of that. I know, its not bad. [ light laughter ] its not bad. Jimmy i would pay money to sit next to jennifer lopez. Yeah. Jimmy yeah, absolutely. Yeah. [ laughter ] hey, by the way, she keeps all the snacks. She has all, like, the chocolatecovered almonds. Jimmy yeah. And the chips underneath yeah. Shes great. Jimmy shes just fun, man. We love her. Shes the best. Jimmy so lets talk about the winners here. Lets talk about them. Jimmy yeah. The winners. Jimmy yeah. Of world of dance. Les twins. Jimmy les twins. [ cheers and applause ] i knew it. Yeah jimmy i knew it. It was true. They are they are it was a tough like, the whole time between the whole season was incredible, but these guys are truly unique, iconic, special and honestly deserving so im very happy for them. Jimmy where are they from again . Theyre from france. Jimmy yeah, i forget about that. Yeah. Jimmy and they just you just see them and they go its just amazing. Its like its like unworldly. Its kind of like almost alien. Jimmy but its energetic. So unique. Jimmy very unique. I like them a lot, too. Yeah. Jimmy well, id like to have them on the show tonight. Because this would be an honor for us. For the First Time Ever as world of dance winners, give it up for les twins [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i thought you were going to do it. I was like, me . Les twins. Yeah congratulations congratulations welldeserved [ cheers and applause ] you did it, baby les twins. Give it up for derek hough. Stick around. Well be right back with a a performance from jessie reyez, everybody. Come on back [ cheers and applause ] ohhhhhh, ou guess what i just got . Uh i used to be spellbound hello again. I used to be spellbound hi. I used to be spellbound thats a big phone. In your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. You built the flame that warms my heart, but lying and cheating has torn us apart and im moving on. Grooves in your sandwich . Do you always put cheezit of course theyre chips. Chips. Plus sandwich equals the perfect lunch. Ooooh. Dont forget the pickle. Its kind of a big dill. Cheezit grooves. Chips made with 100 real cheese. 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[ cheers and applause ] jimmy she is a rising singer songwriter whose debut ep, kiddo, has amassed over 30 million streams worldwide. Wow. [ cheers and applause ] making her Late Night Television debut performing figures, please welcome jessie reyez [ cheers and applause ] figures i gave you ride and die and you gave me games love figures im the one crying cause you just wont change love figures i gave it all and you gave me love figures i wish i could do exactly what you did i wish i could hurt you back love what would you do if you couldnt get me back youre the one whos gonna lose something so special something so real tell me boy how in the world would you feel if you couldnt get me back thats what i wish that i could do to you you ooh ooh ooh ooh to you you ooh ooh ooh ooh figures im the bad guy cause i cant learn to trust love it figures you say sorry once and you think its enough ive got a lineup of girls and a lineup of guys begging for me just to give em a try figures im willing to stay cause im sick for your love i wish i could hurt you back love what would you do if you couldnt get me back youre the one whos gonna lose something so special something so real tell me boy how in the would you feel if you couldnt get me back thats what i wish that i could do [ cheers and applause ] to you you ooh ooh ooh ooh love to you you ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats how you do it right there. Thats great. Thank you jimmy jessie reyez right there, everybody look at that. Standing ovation right there. Thats got to feel good. Kiddo is available now. Well be right back, everybody that doesnt happen all the time. [ cheers and applause ] i thought i knew everything about garth brooks. Well, it turns out she doesnt. But now i do. I just finished his new book. Yes, he wrote a book. Im so proud of him. Its not a book. Its the anthology part 1 of a part 5 series. Its a. Its a book with cds in it. And stories like ive never heard before. Pictures ive never seen. In a really sweet package. I know what im getting everybody for christmas this year. announcer 240 pages, 5 albums, and hundreds of neverbeforeseen photos. Available now at target. And honey, theres some things in here that i dont think i wouldve told. So im calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. We can do that. Great. I live in a postwar, prewar, midcentury home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. Well sir, peco can visit your home and show you how to save up to 20 a year. Hmmmm. You dont have to be an expert. Because now peco will visit your home and help you save. Peco. The future is on. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy my thanks to Billy Crystal. Derek hough. Les twins. Justin timberlake. Keeganmichael key. Jessie reyez right here [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] seth meyers. Tonight mark wahlberg, from three billboards outside ebbing, missouri writer and director, martin mcdonagh, music from walk the moon, featuring the 8g band with Gunnery Sergeant nathan davilmar. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, th meyers. Seth good evening. Im seth meyers. This is late night. How is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] in that case, lets get to the news. President trump declined to take questions from reporters following his joint Statement Today with chinese president xi, making him the first president to do so in decades. I guess he was afraid someone would ask the dreaded question, can you name that person

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