And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 731, west tennessee steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, thats what you want i love you guys. Hey, looking good. Welcome, everybody welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome to the tonight show. This is it, baby [ cheers and applause ] oh, my goodness. Well, heres what everybodys talking about, you guys. Some good news out of washington, you guys. Today, President Trump announced a new plan to fund the government for the next three months. [ laughter ] thats right, trumps going to pay his taxes. Steve oh [ cheers and applause ] jimmy yeah, i know, its a a good idea. Its a good idea. I think its going to work. Its so crazy. Did you see this today . Dennis rodman offered to straighten things out between trump and kim jongun. [ laughter ] people were like, i cant believe im saying this, but lets give it a shot. I mean, i think [ cheers and applause ] how weird can it get . I mean, lets just do it. Meanwhile, disneys ceo bob iger spoke out against trumps decision to end the daca immigration program, calling it cruel and misguided. And so to get back at disney, trump deported all the singing dolls from its a small world. [ laughter and applause ] theyre just theyre gone. You just take a boat you just ride a boat through the whole thing. Actually, i read that some white house officials dont think trump understands what ending daca really means. In response, trump said, i know, but why dont you tell me so i know that you know . [ laughter and applause ] oh, and former press Secretary Sean Spicer will give his first paid speech this month here in new york city. Theyre saying you should get tickets now because theres only all of them left. So [ laughter and applause ] well, people are still excited about the news that Prince William and Kate Middleton are expecting their third child. And for more [ cheers ] for more royal baby news, we now go to our annoying british correspondent, nigel duffy. Thank you nor being here nigel. Yeah. [ cheers and applause ] very good, yes. Yeah, thank you, jimmy. My delicate bones are quivering with delight to talk about my very favorite thing, the royal family. [ laughter ] jimmy nigel, what can you tell us about the third royal baby . Mmhmm, yes, everyone is speculating over whether the third royal baby will be a boy or a girl. Some believe it will be a boy, while others think it will be a a girl. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, those are the only two options there. Yeah, very good. [ light laughter ] jimmy okay, what else can you tell us, nigel . Mmhmm, very good, yes, everyone is speculating that if it is a boy, it will grow up to be a man. But if it is a girl, it will grow up to be a woman. [ laughter ] jimmy yes, i see, thats correct. Thats called growing. Indeed. [ laughter ] jimmy what else, nigel . Anything . Mmhmm, there we are. Yes, attaboy, yes. [ laughter ] everyone is speculating over how big the baby will be when it is born. Some believe it will be 18 inches while others believe it will be 19 inches. And yet some believe it will be 20 inches. While others believe it will be 18 or even 19 inches jimmy okay, all right, nigel, nigel, please we get it, we get it. Thank you, nigel, very good. Mmhmm, yes, very good, attaboy, yes, very good, yes, there we are. [ laughter ] mmhmm, yes, here we go, yes, attaboy, yes, there we are, yes, very good, yes, mmhmm. [ laughter ] jimmy nigel, why are you doing that . Im sorry, jimmy, this is how i breathe. Jimmy there you go. Annoying british correspondent, nigel duffy, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] you guys, check this out. I saw that starbucks has started selling a new sushi burrito. [ audience ews ] when asked how much it costs, starbucks said, dont worry, youll pay for it later. [ laughter and applause ] it comes with a key to the bathroom. This is very interesting here. According to nintendos newest official profile for mario, he isnt actually a plumber any more. [ audience ohs ] i was just playing some super mario the other day and i think i noticed that he got a a new job. Take a look at this. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy this is kind of funny. A man in california got stuck inside his apartment after a a ups driver wedged a package under his doorknob. [ laughter ] luckily he was set free when a a fedex driver threw a package at the door and knocked it loose. [ laughter and applause ] thats right, a guy got stuck in his apartment after a ups guy stuck a package against his door. I guess none of his neighbors came to help him when they heard him shouting, help, my package is stuck guys, we have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots [ cheers and applause ] jimmy very nice, very nice. Guys, tomorrow night is a big night for nbc because it is the nfl season opener. Steve woah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy im psyched. Im getting ready. Im getting into it. Im really going to get into it this year. Steve this is the year . Jimmy this year im mr. Football. Steve youre super football guy . Jimmy im super football guy. [ talking over each other ] steve you told me it was the kansas city chefs. Jimmy thats not true. [ light laughter ] its Kansas City Chiefs steve right. Jimmy versus the patriots. Steve okay. Jimmy thats tomorrow night. Kickoff is 8 30 p. M. And football is my life now. [ light laughter ] my new thing. Steve yeah. Jimmy well, im doing fantasy football, i do that. Do you guys do that . Fantasy football. [ cheers and applause ] the draft is tonight. Steve hmm. Jimmy yeah. Auto pick. [ laughter ] steve you gots to. Jimmy yeah, i got to. Papa always told me, trust the computer. Steve yeah. [ laughter ] jimmy jimmy uh yeah. So im doing auto pick tonight. Steve right. Jimmy im going to get my fantasy football. And then you just root for yourself. [ light laughter ] steve then youre done, right . Jimmy yeah, you dont even have a team anymore. [ talking over each other ] believe in yourself. Steve yeah. Jimmy so ill watch the game and ill root for these players that i might not even root for. Steve yeah. Jimmy but now im going to root for i dont know who yet. But ill know by tomorrow steve after auto pick. Jimmy who i care after auto pick what the computer tells me to root for. [ laughter ] no, im going to do im going to watch the game, i got it all set up, ready to go. I got my popcorn. Steve right. Jimmy you got your glasses. Luke warm buttermilk. Steve warm buttermilk. Jimmy yep. [ laughter ] steve chunk of lard. Put a chunk of lard in there, yeah. Jimmy chunk of lard. Truffle pizza. [ laughter ] you got to. Sit on your bean bag chair. Steve yeah. Jimmy grab your Sports Illustrated foosball phone. Steve oh, yeah. Jimmy and you watch the game. And then you check us out after the game because we have a a giant show. Reese witherspoon is on our show tomorrow night. Steve woah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy reese witherspoon, after the game. Steve wow jimmy you watch the game, you stay tuned. And then guess what we have for music . Steve who . Jimmy u2 is going to be joining us. Steve no way, what . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy that was great, i like that. That was really good. U2, were going to talk to bono and the edge and then theyre going to perform not one, but two songs for us. Steve oh jimmy thatll be a good one. [ cheers and applause ] giant show tomorrow night, nbc football and our show. Its just going to be giant. But first we have a big show tonight. He has a brand new show on fox called the orville. Seth macfarlane is here [ cheers and applause ] talented dude, man. Also joining us tonight, shes an incredibly talented actress. Youve seen her in mad men and the handmaids tale. Now top of the lake is back for a second installment. Its supposed to be really good. Steve ooh. Jimmy Elisabeth Moss is dropping by. [ cheers and applause ] then we are featuring some amazing kid inventors. You know how much i love kids. Steve you love kids. Jimmy well, i love inventions. Steve yeah. [ light laughter ] jimmy its a segment called fallonventions. So were going to do that tonight. Were going to have kids come out, kid inventors. [ cheers and applause ] they have new ideas, theyre good. And we got great music tonight from thomas rhett, right here. This guy. Steve woah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy life changes. Guys, its time to take look at the stories making headlines today, and weigh the good with the bad. Its time for pros and cons. Here we go. [ cheers and applause ] pros and cons and pros and cons and pros jimmy tonight well be taking a look at the pros and cons of the end of summer 2017. Steve aw. Jimmy last weekend was labor day weekend, which marked the end of the summer. So lets take a look at the pros and cons of the end of summer 2017. Here we go. Pro, you learned a lot this summer. Con, like how to mumble the words to despactio. Its like, oh, yeah. [ laughter and applause ] [ mumbling ] despacito yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] its really loud. Yeah, we get it. Yeah you know the song. Steve you got it. You know it. Jimmy totally [ laughter ] pro, helping your kids with their homework. Con, frantically googling how to do math when theyre not looking. Oh, wait steve oh. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy how to do math . Steve yeah. Jimmy pro, watching the leaves fall off one by one until theyre all gone. Con, watching the same thing happen to trumps cabinet. Oh, yeah. Steve woah [ audience ohs ] [ applause ] jimmy not as scenic, but its happening. Steve oh, its fall. Jimmy goodbye. Steve wall. Jimmy pro, according to the farmers almanac, summer doesnt end until september 22nd. Con, according to cvs and rite aid, halloween is tomorrow. Steve yeah. Jimmy i know, is it [ laughter and applause ] is it already tomorrow . Steve thats a lot of candy. [ light laughter ] jimmy pro, taking out your fall clothes and trying them on. Con, wondering if you gained weight or somehow accidentally shopped at baby gap. [ laughter and applause ] pro, dont wear white after labor day. Steve ooh. Jimmy con, especially if youre the president. Wait, what oh, boy. Steve wow [ audience oohs ] uhoh jimmy you cant unsee that, yeah. Steve you cant. Jimmy you cant unsee it. [ light laughter ] and finally, pro, telling yourself that the changing of the seasons is just part of natures way of accepting change. Con, realizing you should probably stop smoking weed by yourself. There you go. [ laughter and applause ] thats the pros and cons, everybody. Well be right back with fallonventions. 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Hey [ cheers and applause ] patrick, how are you . Nice to meet you, my friend. [ light laughter ] where are you from . Whats your full name, where are you from . How old are you . My name is Patrick Andrew joyner, and im 11. And im from augusta, georgia. [ cheers ] jimmy thats right. Augusta, georgia. Are you a golfer . Do you enjoy golfing . Yeah. Im not very good at it. [ light laughter ] jimmy it doesnt matter. Have you ever been to the masters . Yeah. [ laughter ] jimmy patrick, what is your invention . What did you bring for me here . The rake hands jimmy the rake hands. 5,000. Jimmy 5,000 . [ light laughter ] i dont know if thats even legal to have here. This is the newest version, the 5,000 . Its the only version. [ laughter ] jimmy i guess its the only version, yep. They started with the 5,000. All right. So how did you come up with the idea for rake hands . Well, dad makes me go outside and pick up all the yard waste. So this makes it go by quicker because you just go up, spread out the fingers, and pick up whatever you need to, then trash it. Jimmy show me show me what you got here. Show me how they work here. Lets see. So you get in there, yeah. Look at this. Rake hands. Already this is more efficient. Look at this. [ cheers and applause ] this is great, i like this idea. Rake hands. This is fantastic. This is so much this is you know what it is . Who ever wants to use a rake where you dont have to bend down or do anything, it doesnt hurt your back. This, you get down in there, and you get like, two, three, four leaves, sometimes nothing. Sometimes no leaves. And its just fantastic. Im going to use these all fall. Hey, patrick, thats enough cleaning. I think its perfect. I have an invention i think you should use. Oh . Jimmy yeah, its really good. Now, we all love umbrellas. They keep you dry, but they dont keep you hydrated. Until now. Im talking about the drinkbrella. Its the umbrella that you can drink out of. Ill show you how it works. Patrick climb up there, and be careful with those yeah, those rake hands. Can i take these off . Jimmy yes, please. Okay. [ laughter ] jimmy all right. Be careful, patrick. All right. Ready . Jimmy no, im not ready at all. [ laughter ] all right, here we go. Yeah. Go for it, buddy. Make it rain. Rain jimmy all right, good. Now what . Now, look at this. Here we go. Thats enough. Patrick, stop. [ laughter ] patrick look at this. Look at this, how easy this is here. You take this tube [ laughter ] you take a tube. Youre out there, youre thirsty, its raining out. [ laughter ] there you go. Thank you. Thats it. The drinkbrella. [ cheers ] here you go, patrick. Patrick, here. Thank you, patrick. Yeah. Get these rake hands, too, patrick. [ light laughter ] guys, lets meet our next inventor. Emma, everybody. Emma. [ cheers and applause ] hi, emma hi. Jimmy emma, nice to see you. How old are you, and where are you from . Im 18 years old, and im from oakville, ontario, in canada. Jimmy yeah canada, all right [ cheers and applause ] now, i love this, ive seen this invention. I saw this months ago. I saw it in rehearsal, but i think its very important. Great invention. Congratulations. What is this invention . So my invention is called t. I. C. It stands for tongue interface communication. And its a tonguecontrolled computer mouse for individuals with als or any spinal cord conditions that prevent them from communicating or using a a computer. Jimmy how did you come up with this . I had a friend who had als, and so i could see how he had difficulty communicating his needs and wants verbally. Jimmy can you show me how it works . Yeah, for sure. So this is just a regular sports mouth guard. Got it out of my brothers hockey bag. Clean. So it has five buttons attached to it. Jimmy so canada, yeah. [ light laughter ] exactly. So there are five buttons attached to it, and these five buttons move the mouse up, down, left, right, and then click. So this one is left. Jimmy yep. This one is up. Jimmy yeah. This one down. This one right, and then click. Jimmy okay. Yep. Jimmy with your tongue. Can i with your tongue. Jimmy can i try to do it . You absolutely can. Jimmy you have it hooked up to the computer, right . I do. Jimmy yep. We have a plastic bag, of course, trusty plastic bag. To eliminate any exposure to circuitry. Jimmy absolutely. So, uh yeah. [ laughter ] jimmy i thought it was like a so its circuitry. If it shocks, its okay. Jimmy am i going to get shocked by this . Only 3. 3 volts. [ laughter ] jimmy thats all it takes for me to yeah. Its the current that kills you. Jimmy all right. Here we go. Yeah, exactly. Yep. A bit of a mouthful, eh . [ light laughter ] [ cheers ] [ muffled ] amazing. This is amazing. Thank you. Jimmy this is amazing. I really do love this idea. But i want you to see an invention that i made. [ laughter ] hamburgers are messy and hard to eat, am i right . Right. So as soon as you start eating, what happens . You go oh, man worst bbq ever, right . Exactly. Jimmy everything falls out, that doesnt happen with hot dogs. Which led me to create the burg dog. Check this thing out. Yeah, look at this. Its a hamburger thats shaped like a hot dog. [ laughter ] so its got the delicious taste of a hamburger, but its clean and easy to eat like a hot dog. And heres the best part, it looks delicious. [ laughter ] why not call it a hamdog . Jimmy why not what . Why not call it a hamdog . Jimmy yeah. Thats probably a better name. [ laughter ] get out of here. Get out here, emma. [ cheers and applause ] this is part of the future. Hamdog is a better name. Thats a better name. All right. Yeah, burgdog is not as good. Ham ham yeah, hamdog. Lets see our last inventor. Come over here, leah. Please, glad to see you. [ cheers and applause ] hi nice to see you. Leah, how old are you and where are you from . Im ten and im from delaware, ohio. Jimmy delaware, ohio. Well, welcome. Thank you for being on. Im already excited about this. What is this invention . This is the jumpers helper. Jimmy the jumpers helper. Okay, and how did you come up with this idea . Well me and my sister abby love to jump rope. Jimmy yeah. But our parents didnt always have time to help us swing the rope. [ audience aws ] [ laughter ] jimmy its going to be okay. They werent there for you, its all right. [ laughter ] i had the same problem growing up. Yeah. So wait so, yeah, because you need a third person if youre going to double jump rope. Yeah. Mmhmm. Jimmy this is genius, i love this idea. This is the jumpers helper. And so it just stands there. Youve got some pvc pipe here. Can i do it . Can i try it out . Yeah. Jimmy leah, i think this is going to take off. I like this idea. Got the jump rope there, all right. I get it back here, its just me and you hanging out. Whats your sisters name . Abby. Jimmy yeah. Think you could have brought abby to the show, but no big deal. [ laughter ] shes probably having fun. All right, here we go. One, two, three. [ cheers and applause ] yes this is good. Hey, patrick, get in here. Patrick, you try it, too. Patrick, watch it patrick, watch it [ cheers ] i think its a great thing. Leah, great job. Emma, come on back. All the kids, come on back. [ cheers and applause ] come out here, patrick. Guys, i have one more thing to show you. Ge wants young minds to dream big to make the impossible possible. So theyre giving each of you 5,000 to help further your education. [ cheers and applause ] congratulations thats what im talking about here. Leah, thats for you, a giant check. Congrats, guys. My thanks to patrick, emma, leah, and our friends at ge. For more, check out our ge fallonventions website to see some of my inventions. Stick around, well be right back with Seth Mcfarlane everybody. [ cheers and applause ] announcer ge imagination at work. [ cheers and applause ] dad molly, can you please take out the trash . sigh dad molly trash whoo mom hey, molly . Its time to go bell ringing class, lets turn to page 136, recessive traits skip generations. Who would like to read . molly i reprogrammed the robots to do the inspection. Its running much faster now. See . Its amazing, molly. Thank you. now try jim beam apple. Come together to make history. Thank you. Poured over ice and served with club soda, and a fresh lemon wedge, to make a crisp refreshing jim beam apple and soda. Bill assumed his mayo was the best choice. Assume nothing. Just like the leading brand, kraft real mayo is made with high Quality Ingredients at a price you can feel good about no wonder kraft is so good. The seal you can trust. With stain and sealer in one. And easy to choose colors. Exceptional beauty and protection have never been easier. Thompsons waterseal stain and sealer. Available at national retailers. Not for me, for you. Aveeno® positively radiant 60 second inshower facial. Works with steam to reveal glowing skin in just one minute. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® hello moto. Its time to reimagine the smartphone. Snap on a speaker. A projector. A camera that actually zooms. Get excited world. The new moto z with moto mods. Buy the new moto z and youll get a free projector mod. The new moto z with moto mods. I want ycome on mom t easy. Go slow. Lets go mom slow down for the ones who keep pushing. Always unstoppable. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is a a Grammy Nominated and emmy winning performer, writer, and producer, whose brand new show the orville premieres this sunday at 8 00 p. M. On fox. Ladies and gentlemen please, welcome seth macfarlane. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Jimmy thank you for being here. I love coming here. Jimmy i do love when you come here. I come out here, you and me, we just congeal. We just, we just kind of jimmy we really congeal, yeah. Did you see those those inventor kids . Theyre pretty fascinating, right . I did. Yeah, you know, you still got some rake hand there. Jimmy i this me. He stole rake hand from me. I was the original rake hand. You were the original rake hand. Thank you, yeah, but hes a a younger, younger cooler better rake hand. [ light laughter ] theres always a younger better rake hand coming along. Jimmy were you an inventive inventive kid . Would you do a no jimmy really . No. I jimmy cause i think that you would, cause i think i think youre a genius. I mean, i you know, i can invent characters and stuff, but as far as like physical things that actually improve life. [ laughter ] jimmy no, you do you improve life. I mean, please, family guy. Hello has improved all of our lives. [ cheers and applause ] thats exactly what the Catholic Church says. [ laughter ] jimmy so, family guy family guy premiered in 1999. Yeah. Jimmy and this is the launch of that show is after the super bowl. Yes. Jimmy seth, thats a great opening. Thats kind of crazy. Its kind of crazy. Jimmy did you freak out when you were i you know, yeah i mean, it was it was, i had nothing to compare it to at the time. Like, i didnt realize i was having this sort of mr. Magoo career. Where like im driving, and the support strut comes into place just at the right time so i dont go off a cliff. Jimmy oh my god, a a mr. Magoo reference, thats me. [ laughter ] jimmy only time all year ill ever hear mr. Magoo reference. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Enjoy, kids. [ laughter ] jimmy but i mean, you so, i mean, so this to get that position is a coveted spot. Yeah, it it also so often spells doom for so many shows. But you know, cause the buildup is so strong. And then you youre after the super bowl. And theres all eyes on you. Jimmy did you go to the super bowl . I did, i did. And funny, i forgot about your preinterviewer said, where were you when family guy premiered . And i had to think a second. And i was, like, oh, thats i was at the super bowl. Thats right. Jimmy so you actually were there . Yeah, it was that good a a game. That i [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, you really literally at the super bowl, and i forgot. Jimmy i mean, you are mr. Football. I always thought. I cant get enough of it. Jimmy but i i want to show a picture. This is a picture of you in 1999 when it started. Yeah. Jimmy do you remember this dude . Look at that, isnt that something . [ light laughter ] jimmy look at that hair that theres sherman, wheres peabody . [ laughter ] jimmy what was this from . Is that which one was the kid, which one was the dog . Jimmy yeah, uh. I should know that, shouldnt i . Jimmy no, i do i think peabody was the dog. Okay, good, that joke worked. Jimmy uh, yeah. [ light laughter ] but you had the ceasar . Yeah, i had the ceasar haircut. Jimmy i did that too, yeah. Did you really . Jimmy yeah, yeah. That was the thing to do. Jimmy it was the thing to do. And it was easy. Jimmy it was so easy, but you had a better time. Jimmy but you had to have George Clooneys face. [ laughter ] to pull that off. You did, you had to have a a certain bone structure. The orville. Now, this is your new show. Yeah. Jimmy youre launching another show. Youve launched now, a bunch of shows and movies, i mean, and records and tours. I mean, youve done this. So, this is a big deal. But this is something that youve had for a while. Yeah, this is one of those things that, when i look at it, im like, okay, this is kind of what i came out to hollywood to do. Its sort of a new kind of thing. Its been billed as kind of a a hard comedy. Its actually really not that. Its kind of its an hour long scifi comedic drama, that kind of takes takes its Science Fiction seriously, and kind of casualizes at the same time. And adds some adds some laughs. Jimmy are you a scifi youre a scifi i was, yeah. I was a big scifi fan in high school and college. Jimmy like, what . Star trek . Star trek, twilight zone. You know i think i even watched seaquest once or twice. Thats how deep into it i was. Jimmy yeah, you are ive heard different comparisons of this show, being almost like guardians of the galaxy. Where its, like, its funny, but its also, theres actually story into it as well. Yeah, i mean thats i mean, that was a model of, who we looked to. You know, whats the tv version of that . Where, if you look at that movie, i mean, its a great adventure movie that happens to have comedy. Jimmy yeah. And and so were trying to do that for tv, i guess, is the jimmy but what is the idea behind the orville . Its an exploratory vessel. It kind of its a classic the classic mold, or like, these are a bunch of people out in space exploring the galaxy. Jimmy what is that . Do you get to like do you sit behind the controls and stuff . I we have chairs. We have big arm chairs, with buttons on the side. So, its kind of cool. Jimmy thats what you have to get. Its all about a chair with buttons. [ light laughter ] jimmy thats all you need. Thats how you know youve made it. I dont care about the spaceship or getting a massage. Jimmy either one, yeah. It doesnt matter. [ talking over each other ] jimmy youve had some great guest stars. Jeffrey tambor. Mmhmm. Jimmy come on, i love jeffery tambor. Yeah, hes the best. Hes the best. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy and this this character is voiced by norm macdonald. Yeah, thats yaphit. [ light laughter ] jimmy hes just a blob. Hes a blob. Jimmy yeah, and how did you get norm to do it . I love norm macdonlad. You know what, i i asked him, do you want to be a blob . [ laughter ] and he was like, eh, sure. Ill be a blob. Sure, why not. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, sure, ill be a blob. Thats how it happened. Jimmy is that really . Yeah. Jimmy are you buddies with norm . I you know, i dont i dont know norm super well, but ive been a huge fan of his for many many years. Hes that guy whose you know, for me, hes like hes high on the list of snl people. Yourself included my friend. Jimmy yeah, thank you. I appreciate that. Do do people recognize your voice . If you ever do you ever get like delivery or food deliveries or something, and your like cause your voice is pretty famous. I you know, if somebody recognizes my voice on the phone if im making a food delivery you know, a food order or something, i try to maybe call somewhere else. Because i dont know if they like the show, or if they dont like the show. [ light laughter ] jimmy you want your food to be good. Yeah, youve gotta you gotta make sure that whoevers handling your food is your friend. [ laughter ] jimmy can i order a pizza please, with pepperoni on it . Yeah, yeah, thats a good idea. Thats what im going to do from now on. Jimmy thats from now on, youre a southern uncex [ laughter ] working from the good earth. Jimmy so the orville, when is it . This sunday at 8 00 p. M. . Uh, yeah. Jimmy on fox, the orville. Everybody seth macfarlane, the orville premieresda Elisabeth Moss joins us after the break. Hey, man [ cheers and applause ] [laughs] playing tag and gettin tired. You have a side that saves for their tuition. But right now it looks like bedtime is the mission. A side that owns your own store. Looks like you need to expand some more. Thats why theres nationwide. They help protect and grow your many sides. Nationwide is on your side. Welcome to maxx you. You are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. We see what makes you unique. So we have something for everyone, at a price thats just right for you. Maxx you. Maxx life. T. J. Maxx when i walked through for a cigarette, thats when i knew i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. 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The threenight event starts this sunday at 9 00 pm. Please welcome the talented, the beautiful, Elisabeth Moss, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy elisabeth, please. Welcome, welcome, welcome. [ cheers and applause ] congrats on everything. You know seth, of course. I do, yes hows it going . Hi, good, how are you . [ light laughter ] i just finished watching your show, it was fantastic. Oh my god, thank you. Yeah, yeah. Jimmy you have so many shows. You have a lot of shows. A few shows, yeah. I always ask you, when you come on, do you have any time off to vacation or do anything fun. And you do. Yeah. Jimmy you go to i have a little bit of time, yeah. Jimmy you go to disneyland. Yeah, i do. I go to disneyland once a year, and this year i actually got to go twice, which was really awesome. Jimmy and i mean, so, but this is a thing you do at disneyland, which makes me laugh, is you take photos with your best friend. Or one of your friends. And you make a serious face. Yes, my best friend, yeah. Jimmy so you just do this cause you cause its such a world of joy . We think its funny. [ laughter ] jimmy i think its funny. Heres you at disneyland, really enjoying yourself. [ laughter ] and, uh. See. Its funny. Jimmy i would do that too. Yeah, i like that. Yeah. Jimmy heres one here. Oh yeah, it became a a theme for the whole day. Jimmy yeah, theres another serious face. [ laughter ] yeah. Jimmy no ones having fun. Its our album cover. Jimmy then you did one on the on a roller coaster. Which ones what ride . Space mountain, i think. Jimmy space mountain. Yeah. Jimmy and heres all you guys. And you call out when to make the serious face . No, you just know. I mean, weve done the rides enough that you know when the photo is going to happen. Jimmy but yeah you just its about to go down, youre like, lets go, guys. Yeah, yeah. Jimmy sunglasses on. Serious face. There you go. Thats you up there. [ laughter ] yeah. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy that looks like that looks like me. I know. [ light laughter ] jimmy did i go on vacation to disneyland with you . You dont remember going to disneyland . But you did one theme one year that was called tough guy. Yeah. Jimmy and you didnt bring any photos of that one . No, i did not. Jimmy cause what happened . Because, okay, so we wanted do something, like, were like, lets look tough. So, like, you know, what are you going to do on a ride . Theres not a lot to do. So, i decided, like, a tough thing would be to do the middle finger. To the camera. [ light laughter ]d th we got off the ride and we were looking for our photos. And our photo wasnt up there. And, uh, were, like, ah, thats so weird. And then my brother turns to me and hes like, yeah, sometimes if, like, somebody does something, you know, naughty like flashes somebody or like flicks the middle finger or something, they dont put the photo up there. Jimmy is that right . I didnt know that. Yeah, and i had this moment of, like, do i tell the truth right now or do i just lie . And then i was, like, i think i have to say it now. And i was, like, i i flicked the middle finger. [ laughter ] and he was like jimmy and so you you whispered it to him . Yeah, i did. And he was, like, you did . Yeah, so somewhere in like the back channels of disneyland are all these photos of people doing really nasty things. [ light laughter ] jimmy offensive things, yeah. And i want my photo. Jimmy theres an underbelly. A dark underbelly. Yeah, i want my photo. Jimmy and ive known this, because you also gave me a tip you said, you do churros then pickles. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sweet and salty. Jimmy at disneyland . Yes, absolutely. Jimmy and what does that mean . cause i didnt know they have pickles at disneyland. Which is insane. I cant believe you didnt know that. Jimmy i didnt know that at all. [ laughter ] i saw like, people Walking Around with giant turkey legs. And i didnt understand what that was about. Mistake. Dont do the turkey leg. Jimmy i dont understand it, what was it its a bad idea. Jimmy what is it based on . I dont know. [ light laughter ] jimmy like Medieval Times ride or something . Maybe pirates or something . Jimmy i dont know, people walk around with giant turkey legs. Its a terrible idea. Jimmy its just the weirdest thing ive ever seen at a theme park. I think the giant turkey leg is a staple of cartoons everywhere. So it makes sense that would be there. Oh. Jimmy yeah. I guess so, yeah, youre right. What do you know about that . I dont know anything about that. [ laughter ] jimmy but then so well then you eat churros, which is a cinnamon doughnut thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A cinnamon doughnut thing. For those of you who just arrived on planet earth. Its [ laughter ] jimmy we dont have churros here in in new york city. We dont really do we have churros here . [ audience says yes ] oh, we do not. I mean, we barely do. [ laughter ] where where do you get a a churro . [ audience yelling ] whatever. Literally everywhere. Everywhere you can get a a churro. Jimmy so, basically their everywhere . Yeah, yeah. Jimmy its not everywhere you get a churro. And then where are the pickles in disneyland . You guys know about that too . [ audience nos ] yeah, exactly. Thats the audience yeah, higher percentage of yes, i feel like. Yeah. Jimmy thats not true at all. Where do you get the pickles at . At pickle stands . At various stands, yeah. The various pickle stands. [ light laughter ] jimmy i want to stop talking about churros and pickles for a second. Lets talk about top of the lake. [ laughter ] top of the lake, lets talk about this. Yeah. Jimmy dude, the last one was fantastic. Thank you, thank you. Jimmy oh my goodness, its like so this ones a whole its a whole new thing. Yeah, yeah, its a whole second part, a second installment. Jimmy and this is set in australia . Yeah, this ones set in sydney. The first one was in new zealand. And my character goes back to sydney and has to solve a new crime. And high jinks ensue, of course. Jimmy high jinks ensue, yeah. No, its a great, like i got into because i remember, i loved the show the killing. Oh, yes, totally. Jimmy it was so good and then it ended. And i had nothing else to watch. Yeah, that shows awesome. Jimmy i was just in a daze for a year. Yeah. Jimmy and then someone said, you have to check out top of the lake. And then i i go, this is. s spooky and pretty fantastic. Thank you. Jimmy and so this one what happened . Can you tell me anything . Yeah, so she goes back to sydney, she has had a really rough four years. We the first and the second one. And shes had a really rough time, and so shes dealing with a lot of personal stuff. And a dead body, in a suitcase, washes up on the beach. An unidentified woman. And she has to solve that yeah, so its a light kind of fun jimmy no, no, its not like that at all. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah. Jimmy i want to show everyone a clip, here. Like like the handmaids tale. Yeah, exactly. [ laughter ] jimmy heres Elisabeth Moss in top of the lake china girl. Take a look at this. Im arresting you under suspicion for disturbing the peace. Please lie face down on the ground. Why, i didnt do anything . Right i mean, what did i do . Just tell me. Lie face down on the ground, arms stretched out, please. Hey, leave me alone, okay . I didnt do anything. Do it now. Now now, that ive given him the request, three times, im going to use force to restrain him. What hey, whoa. What are you going to do, huh . Shoot me . [ light laughter ] whyd you ask me that . Why did you ask me that . Im sorry, ill why the did you ask me that . Sorry, i was just doing the answer me. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy Elisabeth Moss, everybody. Top of the lake china girl premieres sunday night on sundance tv. Well be right back with a a performance from thomas rhett, stick around, everybody. 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[ cheers and applause ] jimmy he is the reigning academy of country musics male vocalist of the year, whose new album life changes is out this friday. Performing unforgettable, give it up for thomas rhett. [ cheers and applause ] it was the 14th of october had that tshirt off your shoulder i was drunk said i was sober and you said yeah right we were talkin for a minute then some guy tried to cut in you took my hand and we pretended like i was your guy oh then i tried to guess your middle name for 30 minutes bet we played that game that mangorita you were drinkin and that coldplay song that you were singin and i bet right now youre probably thinkin that its crazy i remember every detail but i do from your blue jeans to your shoes girl that night was just like you unforgettable we were dancin we were buzzin takin shots like it was nothin did the runnin man you loved it yeah you laughed out loud you brushed away your blonde hair and you kissed me out of nowhere i can still show you the spot where everything went down oh i told you i was gonna marry you you probably didnt think that it was true that mangorita you were drinkin and that coldplay song that you were singin and i bet right now youre probably thinkin that its crazy i remember every detail but i do i can still smell your perfume girl that night was just like you unforgettable oh oh oh that night was just like you baby oh oh i can taste the mangorita you were drinkin and it feels just like it was last weekend that we jumped in right off the deep end that mangorita you were drinkin and that coldplay song that you were singin and i bet right now youre probably thinkin that its crazy i remember every detail but i do i can still smell your perfume girl that night was just like you unforgettable from your blue jeans to your shoes girl that night was just like you unforgettable oh yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thomas rhett life changes is out friday. Well be right back, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy my thanks to seth macfarlane, Elisabeth Moss, g. E. And all of our young inventors. Thomas rhett and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. Stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thanks for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight trevor noah. From the deuce, actress maggie gyllenhaal. Featuring the 8g band with allison miller. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. Seth good evening, everybody. Im seth meyers. This is late night. How is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] good to hear. Wonderful to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. President trump broke with republicans today and struck a deal with democrats on a shortterm extension of the debt ceiling. And you know what that means no, you dont

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