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Have survived. The boys mothers join us live. And footballs first female. Meet the new coach with the Arizona Cardinals. A historymaking hire today, tuesday, july 28 2015. Announcer from nbc news this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everyone. We have a lot of headlines in politics this morning. No question. We are happy to have governor Mike Huckabee in studio live. You were right. Hes taking fire for comments he made on the iran nuclear teal. Well talk to him about that and other big developments in the race so far. Meantime the weather is a story today. We have al here looking at a major heat wave hitting much of the east coast. Its actually expanding through the midwest and central plains. The northwest is going to get involved in this before its all over. Weve got a dome of High Pressure. We have been talking about it. Look how far north the jet stream extends, all the way into canada. This dome of High Pressure expands out. Its going to build west and to the east as well. We are watching this on both fronts both coasts. 35 Million People under some sort of heat advisory or excessive heat warning. That will expand out by this time tomorrow. Over the next three days boston by thursday 92. 90 in new york city. 95 tomorrow in new york. 94. Factor in the heat and humidity its going to feel well into the 90s and that will last into the weekend. Chicago, same thing. Kansas city will be up to 90 by thursday. 93 in memphis. It will feel like 111 on wednesday. 107 in kansas city. Look at oklahoma city. Well over 100 with a feelslike temperature and the pacific northwest, temperatures well into the 90s from seattle, Portland Medford into boise. Guys this is not going to go away any time soon. In the east heat waves last through the weekend. Possibly into the beginning of next week. We use the term heat wave all the time but three days over 90 is the technical heat wave and well have six. And its a wet heat. Now to politics and controversial new comments dominating the republican president ial race. One is a stunning response from Donald Trumps attorney to decadesold allegations against trump. Nbcs katy tur has more. Good morning. Good morning. Donald trump leading in the recent polls is in hot water, this time for something his lawyer said while trying to defend trump against are surfaced allegations of rape. They are comments that landed gop president ial candidate donald trump in hot water. When mexico sends its people thai not sending their best. They are bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. Theyre rapists and some i assume are good people. Reporter now a new controversy over michael cohen, a lawyer for the Trump Organization reportedly made these comments to the daily beast. You are talking about the front runner for the gop president ial candidate as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And of course understand that by the very definition you cant rape your spouse. The comments coming in response to an article published monday that resurfaces allegations that trump raped his then wife ivana in 1989. No. I dont think anybody could have anticipated that sort of response. Reporter trump denied those accusations in the past his campaign releasing a statement overnight saying this is an event thats been widely reported on in the past. It is old news and it never happened. It is a standard lawyer technique used to exploit more money from mr. Trump especially since he had an ironclad prenuptial agreement. Its a way for the badly failing and money losing daily beast which has been after mr. Trump for years to get publicity for itself. Its cohens comments that went viral overnight. Senator mccaskill saying the most shocking part is cohen thinks its legal to rape your spouse. Cohen saying i think you should go ahead and write the story you plan on writing because youre an idiot and your paper is a joke. Its going to be my absolute pleasure to serve you with a 500 million lawsuit like i toldle you i did to uni vision. He said things not fit for the today show. He said he would do Disgusting Things to us and a multimillion dollar lawsuit. Ivana trump said she felt violated treated without the usual love and tenderness by trump and didnt mean to use the word rape literally or criminally. Meanwhile blumberg said it is 2. 9 billion, not 10. Still the richest candidate in the race now. Thank you very much. Another republican candidate facing criticism this morning. Former arkansas governor Mike Huckabee after he called the Iran Nuclear Deal the equivalent of marching israel to the door of the oven. Well talk to him in a moment here. First nbc National Correspondent Peter Alexander has the latest on this. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning to you. The republican candidate stirring up the conversation is not donald trump. It is Mike Huckabee standing firmly behind his statement linking the president s Iran Nuclear Deal to the holocaust. Israels ambassador to the u. S. A staunch opponent of the iran deal called the language inappropriate. Several republican candidates have been less critical including ted cruz who said huckabee is exactly right. A little bit of a follow up reporter Mike Huckabee monday not backing down. I will not apologize and i will not recant because the word holocaust was invoked by the iranian government. I have stood at that oven door. I know exactly what it looks like. Reporter on the defensive over these comments criticizing president obamas Iran Nuclear Deal. He would take the israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven. Reporter one prominent jewish group saying the comments were out of line and acceptable. Other republican rivals weighing in. Jeb bush condemns huckabees use of that language. This is not the way we are going to win elections and thats not the way we are going to solve problems. Reporter president obama agreed. Traveling in africa he insisted americans deserve better scolding republicans like trump and huckabee. Would be considered ridiculous if it werent so sad. Reporter looking to raise money off the controversy he started huckabee responded whats ridiculous and sad is that president obama does not take the iran threat seriously. The former arkansas governor has seemingly changed his tune. In 2008 insisting the u. S. Might be able to live with a contained iran. Ahead of next weeks primetime gop debate several contenders are using the same playbook to ratchet up the rhetoric like trump if you want to be herd. Lindsey graham ted cruz and rand paul resorting to stunts. Paul concedes even he has limits. Im drawing the line at selfimmolation. None of us are going to set ourselves on fire. Reporter credititics say huckabees language obscured his point but a poll shows a majority of americans Want Congress to reject the deal. 52 say reject it. 44 want it approved. Peter, thank you very much. Governor Mike Huckabee joins us. Good morning. Thank you, matt. Great to be here. The irony here is you are taking a pro israel stance but in explaining the stance you have offended people in israel and jews around the world. Heartily. Fellow republicans called your words outrageous and the Antidefamation League spokesperson called them out of line and unacceptable. Youre not backing down. Not at all. The response from jewish people has been positive. The response from holocaust survivors, their children. Last night i was in an event. I was probably one of four gentiles in the entire event. People were overwhelmingly supporting. Heres why we are hearing the opposite. Youre hearing from the adl, democrats. Hearing from people who, like you, oppose the Iran Nuclear Deal. Some of them need to go back and read what the irans said. They said we have developed missiles that will replace israel with a big holocaust. Thats their words. Yes, it is. Why would a president ial candidate echo those words. Yes. If you are elected president and you were negotiating with iranians in the future would you stand in the Oval Office Address the American People and say, im rejecting the iranian deal because it will march the israelis to the door of the oven . Would you say it as president of the United States . Exactly what i would say. We dont trust people who threaten to wipe israel off the map, who said they are glad [ speaking simultaneously lyly ] as president of the United States would you say march them to the door of the oven . I would. I have been to auschwitz three times. I have stood at that very place. I have been to israel. My first trip there was 32 years ago. For 6,000 years jews have been hunted down and the last time the world didnt take seriously threats against the jewish people just before world war ii this ended up in the murder of 6 million jews. As president of the United States you would use words to express your views on israel even if they offended millions of jews around the world. You have to use strong words when people make strong threats against a group of people as the iranians made toward the jews. Answer the this is not empty talk on the part of the iranians. This is something they consistently say. Even as we are sitting, having a negotiation and they are crying out death to america. Answer the critics that say you and republican candidates are doing anything now to be heard over the roar of donald trump. Is there truth to that . No. Ill tell you why. If i was going to make noise dont you think i would have a better forum than a weekend satellite show i didnt think that many people would listen to. You say it there and you end up here. Because you invited me. Im going to say it and i will continue to say it. Its nothing that i havent said for the past 42 years, having been in and out of israel and having been a strong believer that the reason that the holocaust happened was because so many people naively belong neville chamberlains ridiculous statement that well bring peace in our time and we saw 11 Million People murdered 6 of whom in an oven i stood in front of. There are polling numbers that say you will be on the stage along with the front runner donald trump. Do you think its time for you and other republicans to stop treating him as a side show and start treating him as a real candidate and ask him his views, policies and his vision for the future of the country . I have never treated him as a side show. Anybody with 10 billion is a player in an election because he can afford to make things happen. You know hes striking a nerve with people. My job isnt to react to donald trump. Hes getting all the attention he needs without my help. My job is to focus on what i stand for, talk about how to get jobs back in this country, talk about how to keep america safe and how to return to our basic moral conscience as a country. Those are the issues i will be focusing on. I will swim in my lane and let donald trump swim in his. Thank you. Thank you. Another big story, the expand search for two florida teenagers missing at sea since friday. As the coast guard offers hope of finding them alive. Nbcs Kerry Sanders is on the story for us in jupiter, florida. Good morning. Reporter good morning, savannah. The coast guard said searching for somebody on the water using high tech equipment but by and large its old school looking out the window and say searching is like looking for a basketball in the water. As i toss a basketball in the water there, you can see it. As we look from above now, from wptvs helicopter our nbc affiliate, can you see the other four balls floating out there . Now consider that you are in a coast guard c130 plane traveling at 170 Miles Per Hour only 500 feet off the water. At the teens home monday night the Community Came together and lit up the sky with lanterns symbolic beacons to guide perry and austin home. There is nobody on board. Reporter missing for four days now other than their capsized boat there is no sign of the teens. Still, no one is giving up hope. They spend so much time together on the water and on land that we are so certain that they have figured this out. Every five minutes i get a phone call from somewhere, someone saying i have a plane, i have a pilot, i have a boat what can i do . Reporter the coast guard said they have seen people survive this long on the water before and that the boys may have created a makeshift flotation device out of the missing engine cover, life jackets and a cooler. Here in florida so the water is warmer than in other parts of the country. You can survive longer than you could in other places. Reporter we are learning more about the Severe Weather conditions on friday. The squall line captured on a boaters cell phone around the same time the boys set out. Captain james doolan said he saw a boat with kids headed out. I seen one little boat come out and go north. Reporter family and friends, including football great joe namath are urging folks to walk the beach looking for any sign of the boys while many ask is 14 old enough to be out on the water alone . Are they too young to be on a boat on the water . These kids were raised on the water. If you dont live in florida, you dont understand how children are raised here. Right now its all about bringing the boys home. Reporter you can see how far the ball has drifted from where we are in the last minute and a half. Thats why the coast guard now is searching off the coast of savannah for the boys. As you heard, native floridians say to those who say 14 years old was too young to be on the water they say it is akin to a 14yearold boy or girl driving a tractor or a combine on a farm. Its just what happens. Of course the question here is whether the parents ever wanted them to come out on the atlantic or stay on jupiter inlet, a protected area. Savannah matt . Kerry, thank you. Well talk to the mothers of the missing boys in our next half hour. Natalie is here with a landmark decision for scouting. Thats right. The boy scouts of america ended a decades long ban on gay scout leaders concluding that the policy of excluding gay adults is no longer legally defensible though the national ban is gone church sponsored scout units will still be allowed to exclude gay troop leaders for religious reasons. The Mormon Church said it might leave the organization. British detectives looking into the disappearance of Madeleine Mccann have reached out after a young girls remains were found in a suitcase. The body of a girl between 2 and 4 were discovered this month next to a highway. Mccan it isn was 3 when she went missing. Officials say there is no evidence that the child is madeleine. An officer is on leave after he was caught on video tossing food to a handcuffed suspect. It was recorded on camera this month. The officer can be seen tossing whats been identified as peanuts to a man who was reportedly homeless. He didnt catch them all. Later in the video hes seen picking up the food off the floor with his mouth. Internal affairs is now investigating the incident. Boston is out of the running as a host city for the 2024 olympic games. It was announced monday hours after bostons mare said he would not commit to having taxpayers foot the bill for olympic cost over runs. The Olympic Committee is looking for another possible bid city. Los angeles, san francisco, and washington, d. C. Are all on the short list. Extreme sailing lived up to its name during an event in hamburg, germany this weekend. The extreme sailing team from denmark suffered a spectacular capsizing. You see it there during a nineboat race. May not have looked too crazy from a distance. But take a closer look and you can see the crew members are holding on for dear life. One falls into the water. Another saves himself at the last second. Fortunately no one was injured during the incident. The crew recovered the next day and finished third overall. Pretty impressive coming back from that. When you see it close up you get a perspective on the height there. Absolutely. Natalie, thank you very much. Mr. Roker . Take a look. We have a rare tornado in manitoba canada. This is in southwestern manitoba. It was so powerful it lifted the pavement off the roadway. Fortunately no injuries there. We are going to get to your lo oh no, we have a dress coden a dogs brain begins to change. ray id like to see her go back to her more you know social side. She literally started changing. It was shocking. Shes much more aware. jan she loves the food. ray the difference has been incredible. She wants to learn things. vo purina pro plan bright mind promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. Purina pro plan. Nutrition that performs. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. High humidity and the temperatures going higher than yesterday. Well be in the 90s this afternoon. Mostly sunny skies, hot humid and a bit hazy. The temperatures climbing tomorrow into the middle 90s with the humidity going higher. Youll feel that again on thursday. Lateday storms will dry things out for friday. It becomes less humid for friday and the weekend. But still hot with 90s through the weekend and into next week. Have a great day. Thats your latest weather. Al thank you very much. Coming up a lot more on the desperate search for two 14yearolds off the florida coast. Well talk to their moms who have a message for people who believe the boys were too young to be boating alone. Plus how far would you go to protect your children . The dad who spent two years behind bars taking the blame for a hitandrun to keep his son out of prison. Why hes now confessing to the lie. First, this is today on nbc. Music etta james at last plays throughout sometimes, at last doesnt happen at first. Your dad just kissed my mom. Turning two worlds into one takes love. Helping protect that world takes state farm. Iran keeps their nuclear facilities. Military sites can go uninspected. Restrictions end after 10 years. Then iran could build a Nuclear Weapon in two months. Iran has violated 20 International Agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. Coming up a new trend that could mean your visa checkout is such an easy way to pay online. Enter your username and password. A few clicks. And check out. Simple as that. No reentering payment and billing info. You feel like youre one step ahead. Sign up for visa checkout. Visa. Everywhere you want to be. Oh no, we have a dress code here, and its not see through. Next whoa, this is a lunchbox not a halloween bag. So sorry this lunchbox is already at capacity. Rrrrr. A natural beauty. Youre making me melt. Shall we . Mini babybel is 100 natural cheese. A good source of protein and calcium, and a whole lot of fun. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger im gonna teach you how to sing it out. Come on, come on, come on let me tell you what its all about. Abc, its easy as 123. As simple as doremi, abc, 123 baby you and me, girl. Abc, its easy as 123, as simple. Oh, 123 baby you and me, yeah. Its easy to be your favorite character with target. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning, im vai sikahema. Just a few minutes before 7 30. Lets get our first alert forecast from meteorologist bill henley. Its going to be toasty out there, bill. Yes, it will be. Once the temperatures rise well watch the fog disappear. Still lots of fog around. Thats the view from blue mountain. Hazleton is zero visibility and pottstown is down to a quarter mile cvisibility. The fog is disappearing in new jersey. Its light fog in the wilmington area. Not an issue for most of delaware and into cape may county. Sunshine will be bright today and the temperatures 90 by 3 00 this afternoon. Thank you, bill. Lets get a check on traffic and mass transit with jessica boyington. Were looking at a picture from skyforce 10 over top of a water main break. Thats actually on the roosevelt boulevard right around cottman avenue, where were seeing the closures. The northbound outer lanes are being blocked water spilling out over the roadway as well as police activity. Take bustleton avenue. Septa is also dealing with buses being on detour. 1, 14 and 20 and 50 are being detoured. Southbound service is not affected. New information on a house fire in west philadelphia. Weve learned ayou firefighter was injured with two other people sent to the hospital. Nbc 10 on kingsessing avenue where the fire started around 3 00 this morning. Crews brought it under control in 20 minutes. The firefighter had minor injuries. Were working to get the conditions of two other people. More news coming up in 25 minutes. See you then. Oh my gosh, its the guy from last night. What . can i jump on your wifi . Yeah, you can try it. Hey i had a really good time last night. Yeah, me too. 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Her attorney said she will accept the charges filed against her, hoping to enter a plea agreement. The coast guard will keep aggressively looking for Austin Stephanos and perry cohen. The crews have searched an area roughly the size of West Virginia but so far located only the ap sized boat. The mothers are with us now. Good morning to you. Good morning. This is the fourth day of the search. We cant imagine what you are going through as you wonder and worry about your boys. How are you holding up . Whats keeping you going now . I think each other really. The faith and belief and the knowledge of the skills that our boys possess. They are athletic and knowledgeable about the water. We know they are doing everything they can to stay afloat and wait for us to get them. I believe one of you said your son was like a little macgyver that the boys are experienced and resourceful. Absolutely. Austin has been on the water since before he could walk. This is his fourth boat. This isnt new to them. The boys have been doing this its not even second nature. Its in their blood. This is something they have prepared for their whole boating life. Theyre out there. Im sure you have heard as people from around the country have started to focus on the story and thinking about your boys some said wait a minute two 14yearold boys how could they be in a boat alone . You talked about the extensive experience. What was the plan . Go out a little bit close to shore or were they headed for the bahamas as some reports suggested. I dont believe they were headed for the bahamas. I believe they were going out offshore to fish and something happened. The bad weather rolled in around 2 00. Something went amiss. We are going to ask them when they get in what happened. This isnt normal. You know this isnt and to address the people that are asking those questions, im sure making accusations, we live in a boating community. These children are surrounded by water from the moment they are born. Perry knew how to swim before he knew how to walk. They are on boats all the time, fishing all the time on docks all the time. Its just how they are. They have all of the skills they need. Its the same thing if you look at a farmer and young kids driving tractors or going in the mountains hunting. If you are not surrounded in this community and you dont have it running through your blood you will never understand it. But we can assure everyone that these boys are skilled and knowledgeable and Strong Enough and have what they need to get through this. Absolutely. I know your Community Supports you. Our hearts are with you and prayers as well. Thank you so much for being with us this morning. Thank you. A lot of effort going into finding the boys. We hope for a positive outcome. Now to a case that raises the question what are you willing to do for your kids . A wisconsin man is admitting me falsely confessed to a fatal 2013 hitandrun that sent him to prison. All to protect the real culprit, his son. Heres nbcs kevin tibbles. Reporter juan silva spent two years of a fiveyear sentence behind barringss. The twist . He didnt do it. Giving a false confession to protect his son, the true suspect suspect suspect. His son had no criminal record so he decided to confess. Reporter the hitandrun killed a father of three and injured a woman. It was from this milwaukee nightclub the patrons left and started to cross the street when they were hit by a white van. It was picked up by a nearby Video Surveillance camera. The video, disturbing as it shows the impact and a white van leaving the scene. The conviction was thrown out monday after silva senior admitted he was not behind the wheel. The reason he turned on his son, silva seniors lawyer said he had become unhappy with his sons behavior while he remained behind bars. I think my client thought his son would use this to better his life go to school get a job but it had the opposite effect. Reporter in response to an inquiry by nbc news the woman who survived the accident lashed out at silva, a parent especially a father is supposed to teach his child right from wrong, not encourage lies and deception. While juan silva, sr. , will not be charged with obstruction of justice his son now faces three felony charges and is due in court next week. The state shouldnt punish the son further because his father lie. They may look negatively at the fact that he know fwli stepingly stepped aside. Reporter a case of the father paying for the sins of the son who could wind up behind bars himself. For today, kevin tibbles, nbc news, milwaukee. I think i agree with the woman who was injured. Its one thing to protect your child. Its another thing as a parent to teach your children responsibility and right from wrong. The irony is one of the reasons the father decided to tell the truth is because he didnt think his son had learned the lesson. Now the family has to relive this all again. Lets get a check of the weather from al. Announcer todays weather brought to you by gilead proud supporter of world hepatitis day. We are watching florida closely. The weather just continues to pummel the state. The rain continues, some areas picking up double digits already. We have more on tap as we move through low pressure slowly drifting to the north. Showers and thunderstorms will fire up right over the next 72 hours. Over the next five days we are looking at a wide swath of about three to five inches from tallahassee. Locally there could be five to eight inches. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. High humidity and the temperatures going higher than yesterday. Well be in the 90s this afternoon. Mostly sunny skies, hot, humid and a bit hazy. The temperatures climbing tomorrow into the middle 90s with the humidity going higher. Youll feel that again on thursday. Lateday storms will dry things out for friday. It becomes less humid for friday and the weekend. But still hot with 90s through the weekend and into next week. Have a great day. And thats your latest weather. Al thank you. Coming up the nfl gets its first ever female coach. And the family making a business out of finding sunken treasure. Wait until you see what youve tried to forget your hepatitis c. Its slow moving, you tell yourself. I have time. After all there may be no symptoms for years. No wonder you try to push it to the back of your mind and forget it. But heres something you shouldnt forget. Hepatitis c is a serious disease. If left untreated, it could lead to liver damage and potentially even liver cancer. If you are one of the millions of people with hepatitis c you havent been forgotten. Theres never been a better time to rethink your hep c. 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Reporter the schmidts have been in the diving salvage business for 18 years netting gold chains gold coins and rare religious artifacts. All that loot worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. [ screaming ] reporter but they just dug up their Biggest Surprise yet. A massive trove of gold and silver estimated to be worth at least a million dollars. My husband and i met in key west. We feel our life is a jimmy buffet song now. Reporter instead of a cheeseburger in paradise they found a rare coin with a royal time stamp of 1715 believed to be on its way to the king of spain. Probably one of the most special coins in the world. Reporter the discovery in just 50 feet of water off floridas Treasure Coast where the bounty was preserved for centuries since a hurricane ripped apart a fleet of spanish ships 300 years ago this week. The Schmidt Family has to share their finding with the company that own it is salvage right in this part of the state for museums. We were happy as we could be. By the end of the day i was like somebody come over here and get some more of this treasure. Reporter what they most treasure they say, is the family time on the water. You know, you climb the highest mountain you have to look for another mountain. Well be looking for the other mountain. Reporter this haul may be hard to top. They are hoping to strike gold again. For today, Gabe Gutierrez, nbc news. If your life is like a jimmy buffet song this is a good thing. Treasure to show for it. Coming up Risky Business and tom cruise. Dont miss what he did on the tonight show. And the who will you be . When the choices you make, make all the difference. See the true tests they dont come easy. And they wont last long. But thats why youre here. For these very moments. Because theres nothing that tests you like sports. It begs of you one simple question. And it asks without passion or prejudice. But that question demands an answer. The whole answer. Its the only answer you can give. 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And once you find it you can switch it right on again. Youre back freeze it, only from discover. Get it at discover. Com. Does all greek yogurt have to be thick . Does it all have to be the same . Not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips lets whip up the rules of greek Binge Eating Disorder or b. E. D. Isnt just overeating. Its a real medical condition. And while the exact cause is unknown certain chemicals in the brain may play a role. And, i learned that b. E. D. Is the most common eating disorder in u. S. Adults. When i binged, i felt completely out of control. I would eat really, really fast and eat so much during my binges. It was very upsetting. To learn more about b. E. D. Go to bingeeatingdisorder. Com. And talk with your doctor. Back now at 7 49. History being made in the nfl and tamrons got it covered. Good morning. This is good news. Jen welter has been named the first ever female coach in the nfl. She will work with the Arizona Cardinals during Training Camp and preseason. So the cardinals share their historymaking hire on facebook. I love what they said. She has a masters a ph. D. An Arizona Cardinals coaching job. She is dr. Jen welter. By the way, guys welter is used to making history, but not just on the sidelines. She was also the first woman to play a nonkicking position in a mens pro league. To say shes got game would be an under statement. Cardinals players ss give their support to her. Corner back Patrick Peterson tweeted out, one team one goal. Lets go to work coach. She joins a small group of women coaching major league sports. Becky hammond became the first female coach to win the Nba Summer League championship with the San Antonio Spurs in the great state of texas. Meanwhile its all about this woman here making history. Good news there. Good for her. Great job. In the great state of arizona. There you go. Smooth savannah. Coming up controversy in the sky. Are some Airline Passengers lying to get dogs cats and a kangaroo on board with them . I guess a turtle too. First, my scalp hurts. My hair hurts. This is what it can be like to have shingles. A painful, blistering, rash. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. Well i had to go to the eye doctor last week and i have to go back today. The doctors worried its so close to her eye. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. No students ever done the full hand raise in ap calc. But your stellar notebook gives you the gumption to reach for the sky. Thats that new gear feeling. All hp ink buy one get one 50 off. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. vo new tidy cats lightweight with glade. All the strength and freshness now easy to lift half the weight, smells great. Find the litter that works best for you. Every home, every cat. Theres a tidy cats for that. With my android from tracfone, i can. Order safety goggles. Play music for seedlings. Post science fair projects. Schedule guinea pig feedings. Video chemical reactions. Take pics of mr. Bones. Time the next launch. Calm down principal jones. I can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90day plans start as low as 20. For a limited time get the lg sunrise with a free teenage mutant Ninja Turtles custom case cover and one year free parental controls. Look for specially marked packages. Tracfone. Do everything for less. Available at walmart. Now at chilis choose your 3 favorite apps for our classic triple dipper. Chilis. Fresh is happening now. Hi what happened to your hair . I got it. Walgreens has all you need to keep it all under control. From a little touchup. Come on, guys to finding that perfect finishing touch. To making memories at the touch of a button. All without missing a beat. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. After we are all inside for a while it gets pretty stuffy. When dad opens up the window whats the first thing he does . The tobin stance. But when we open up the windows you can see the dust floating around. Theres dog hair. Pollen. More work. doorbell whoa whats this . Swiffer sweeper swiffer dusters removes up to 70 of dust and allergens. Stays on there like glue. Cant do that with the other broom. Wow, i love it. The tobin stance that is totally what it is if your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning, im vai sikahema. Lets get our first alert forecast with meteorologist bill henley. Foggy in some spots, bill . Most of the area getting hazy sunshine. Thats a live view of center city from the adventure aquarium. There are fog and haze overhead. Still dense fog in pottstown and zero visibility in hazleton too. It has eased in wrightstown. Good visibility there. Were in the 70s heading into the 90s this afternoon. And through it all, kind of hazy and definitely humid. 86 by lunch time up to 90 at 3 00. And remember you can take the nbc 10 news app with you wherever you go, from breaking news and updated information to the current first alert forecast. It is a free download. Lets get a check on traffic with jessica boyington. And vai, yes, were having a lot going on so far for this morning now. Were still watching the water main break out on the roosevelt boulevard. Blocking the northbound outer lanes around cottman avenue. Take bustleton avenue to get by. Its affecting septa buses 1, 14, 20 and 50. Were also watching an accident scene on route 1 around pennsylvania avenue on the northbound side. Blocking out that lefthand lane and also an accident in new catsle delaware route 273 westbound is closed at airport road. Vai . New this morning, Water Department crews are now repairing that broken water main in northeast philadelphia. Nbc 10 on the scene at roosevelt boulevard and sandy fort road. Water flowed down the street and soaked the grass. Were working to find out if Water Service to homes and businesses nearby are affected. Im vai sikahema. Well have another update in 25 minutes. You can always get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. Today show coming up. Well see you in a half an hour. Iran keeps their nuclear facilities. Military sites can go uninspected. Restrictions end after 10 years. Then iran could build a Nuclear Weapon in two months. Iran has violated 20 International Agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. Youve lost that loving feeling its 8 00 on today. Coming up cruise versus fallon. Just bring it on back just bring it on back who comes out on top in the epic alist lip synch battle. Plus now boarding cats dogs roosters and kangaroos . The airline rule being abused by passengers so they can fly with a pet. And the kids in charge . She would find ways to humiliate me if she didnt get what she wanted. I started feeling defensive, unsure of myself as a mother. How to cope when your child bullies you. Today, july 28, 2015. [ cheers and applause ] celebrating my sisters 10th birthday on today. Happy birthday to me coming from clinton, maryland. Shout out to my people in clark, mississippi. Celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary. Celebrating our engagement from denver colorado. All the way from wisconsin to see the today show. Im al rokers biggest fan [ cheers and applause ] good morning and welcome back to today. It is july 28 2015. Pretty day on the plaza. Going to get hot. Very very hot. In fact it will be so hot this little goat might be warm. Sweep in. We have you wrangler. Over here. Its jersey fresh, baby. Jersey state fair. Our meteorologist comes down every year and brings us neat stuff. Im getting a bag of jersey corn. Absolutely. Wrangler has seen that goat and is distracted. Coming up easy way to get dinner on the table. We have heard about the meal services. You go online order and the ingredients show up at your door. They are popular but are they worth it . First a check of the top stories. Natalie is at the news desk. Good morning. Good morning. Republican president ial frontrunner donald trump is being dogged by an old allegation from an exwife and his attorneys reaction to it. Nbcs katy tur has the latest. Good morning. Donald trump is in hot water a number of times already this Campaign Season but its something his lawyer said thats getting the latest negative headlines. Michael cohen defending his boss to the daily beast responding to an article published monday that resurfaces allegations that trump raped his then wife ivana in 1989. Cohen saying by the very definition you cant rape your spouse. Those words going viral overnight. Trumps spokesman said the paper was digging up old claims that didnt happen to get publicity. We should add that ivana walked back the allegations during the divorce saying she didnt mean rape literally or criminally. Its less about the old allegations and it is about cohens rough language threatening the reporter of the story and of course his claim that you cannot rape your wife. Thanks so much. Republican president ial hopeful Mike Huckabee is defending his controversial statement comparing president obamas nuclear deal with iran to the holocaust. Earlier on today huckabee told matt hes been to the auschwitz death camp three times and he stood by his weekend comment that the iran deal is like taking the israelis and marching them to the door of the oven. We need the use strong words when people make strong threats against a group of people as the iranians have made toward the jews. The former arkansas governor said he considers current republican frontrunner donald trump to be a real player in the race and not just a sideshow. The coast forward said warm waters off the florida coast could make it possible for two missing boys to survive. The search for the 14yearold friends began friday after they failed to return from a fishing trip. Their over turned boat was found sunday. Video from another boaters cell phone surfaced showing Severe Weather that moved into the area around the same time the boys set out. One captain said while oh boats were headed in to safety he saw one with kids on it heading further out. An American Airlines flight bound for dallas had to turn arne and land in beijing after the plane suffered Severe Damage in a hailstorm less than 45 minutes into the flight on monday. Take a look at the nose of the bicycle boeing 787 dream liner. The plane is being checked out by americans maintenance team. A pregnant woman enjoyed an unusual but tender moment when she visited an orangutan visit at a zoo. She pressed her belly against the glass and the orangutan planted a kiss on her stomach. He did it a couple of times. The zoo confirmed the ape is fascinated by belly bumps and loves to interact with visitors who might be expecting. Sweet video. Now to matt and savannah. You never did that when i was pregnant. With good reason. Thank you for that. Exactly. When you fly you may think you see more pets on the planes these days. Its not your imagination. As john yang explains some passengers found a loophole to bring all kinds of animals on board. Reporter flying these days is more lieblg traveling on noahs ark. Not justing tos and cats but a rooster . A kangaroo . Both proudly posted online. I know of one instance where a passenger brought six dogs. Reporter whats behind the midair menagerie . Flight attendants say its a growing number of people saying how easy it is to diagnose a pet as an emotional support animal. They are fwreented access to aircraft cabins. Some people need to travel with a companion but many are causing havoc. Unruly pets forcing dozens of flights to return to the gates. I was on a delayed flight because the dog relieved himself in the bathroom. At least the passenger had the good sense to bring the dog to the bathroom. Reporter last fall a woman was kicked off a flight in connecticut when her emotional support pot bellied pig became disruptive. An Airline Industry spokesperson takes issue that more people are flying with esas but at the same time says the industry opportunity keep track of the numbers. We trust our passengers are honest in communicating their need for Service Assistance animal support, she said in a statement. Emotional support animals are different from Service Animals like wrangler. They are trained for specific tasks. All an esa needs is a letter from a licensed professional. Pet owners are using them to avoid paying the 125 fee most airlines charge for flying with a pet and esas dont have to be in a carrier. Just how easy is it . Producer courtney copenhagen logged on to a website, answered questions and paid a onetime fee of 149. 99. How long did it take . About six minutes. Reporter you never talked to a doctor . Never. Reporter you never heard from a doctor . Never got a phone call. Reporter with a letter that arrived a week later and a 35 vest courtney and bailey headed to the airport. For extra emotional support she brought xena, a tortoise. For some this is no laughing matter. Flight attendants say they could endanger passengers during an emergency evacuation and people with legitimate Service Animals are feeling the backlash like greg coleman who is blind. I never had a lot of problems until the last couple of years. Reporter some flight attendants want to crack down on websites marketing esa letters or have airlines reduce the fee to travel with pets in approved containers hoping passengers can go back to worrying about screaming babies not a seat mate like this. For today, john yang nbc news chicago. Turtle . I havent heard of a service turtle. Thats an interesting issue. Coming up next meet the guy who proved basketball games at the fair arent rigged after all. And the new face of yoga with so many options how do you pick the right one for you . And whos calling the shots in your family . How to cope when your child bullies you . First, these messages. I sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. What about my family . My lil buddy . And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. Then my doctor told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Knowing eliquis had both. Turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. I try hard to get a great shape. This. I can do easily. New benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. Its a clear, tastefree daily supplement thats clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. New benefiber healthy shape. This, i can do. There are no medals won for earning a living. Its just what you do for family. But its hard to build a future if you cant see past today. Thats why walmart is investing in the most important part of our company our people. Because a raise in pay, raises us all. All right. We are back with a first look at whats trending. Lets go. Remember the s. A. T. . The studying the stress, the pressure the hangover. Just kidding. That was just me. Students applying to George Washington university no longer required to take the s. A. T. Wow. We all know standardized tests have been a topic of hot debate. Some colleges have dropped the requirement already but g. W. Is the Largest School to make the move. Do we like it . Love it yes. We talked about this before the show. There are a lot of really Good Students who do well in school put in the effort and freeze up on standardized testing and dont score well. So i think its great. But others are the opposite. They do really well and they dont want to get rid of them. I like the idea that you are looking at more than just a test score. The test isnt the total sum of who you are as a student. We asked the viewer. Should colleges drop standardized test requirements for applications . Yes, say 73 . 27 said no. A lot of juniors in high school right now. Lets stick with schools. Okay. You have heard people say when i was in school we walked to school we shoveled the snow we went uphill six miles. Did you use that voice . May not be true, but Elementary School is different from when we were kids particularly me and al. Five things disappearing from schools. Blackboards. I like those. Now they have white boards or smartboards. Cursive penmanship. Not being taught in a lot of schools. Replaced by computers . Yeah. They say kids dont need it as much. I think you do. You have to sign a document. By the way, no one has more beautiful cursive handwriting than matt lauer. Thank you very much. Recess. This is a terrible idea. Schools are getting rid of it in favor of standardized test prep risk of injury and budgeting. Boys in particular i was a little bit hyper as a kid and i needed that. Absolutely. Wall mounted pencil sharpeners. I loved those. The smell of the shavings. Loved the smell. And paste. Now thats rubber cement. Thats wrong. I remember that. Thats not it. The white paste. Not elmers glue. Friends of mine would eat it. The big tub. You would spread it on papers. Its the same stuff glue stick is made of. The other thing i wish they would bring back civics ss classes. They dont have them . Some do. Current events. Its on the s. A. T. But who cares. Show of hands. Who thinks the carnival games are rigged . They eat your money and you go home without anything. This guy visited a carnival look at him. He swept it clean. Look at the stuffed animals. Its possible. One caveat. Thats Gilbert Arenas former nba player. He instagramed the photo saying we just got banned from the basketball games at the fair. There is a prize limit of 15. Lets see how he did with the ring toss. The hoops are weird. On a regular Basketball Court and you throw it at a rim it bounces back. Throw it at these it bounces over your head. Theyre super charged. Kate winslet recreates the famous titanic scene and tom cruise lip syncs his heart out. Kate winslet is channelling her inner rose with our man bear grylls on running wild. She scaled a cliff in wales. Take a look. What am i supposed to do . Take both hands up. Ive got you. Scary. Both hands wide. Jack i feel like im flying kate do you trust me . You jump i jump right . Now get me [ bleep ] down. I was out in the wild with bear. His favorite line is come on trust me. If you need your titanic fix act fast. Monday netflix announced the movie will expire from its service at the end of the month. How can it expire . They have a limited number of films. You would think it would remain at the top. True confession never seen it. Oh my gosh. I will watch it this weekend. You were raised in a bubble. In a lab. Jimmy fallons lip sync battles are the gift that keeps on going. Bring back that loving feeling cause its gone gone gone thats the moment the audience went wild when tom cruise serenaded a girl. A lot of celebrities do the lip sync but tom cruise has to be the top two. He brought it. Risky business moves there. He was super smoking. His hair got all mussed. I like it. Were just hanging on that shot . We are. Thank you. Al try to follow tom cruise with the weather report. That would be Risky Business. Hey anyway. There we are. Show you whats going on. Heavy thunderstorms making their way through minnesota on their way to wisconsin. We are watching the storms fire up. There will be a second line of storms coming in later today. In fact, we have a risk of strong storms from grand forks, des moines to parts of western illinois. 9 Million People at risk. Damaging wind gusts over 50 Miles Per Hour. Watching that. Also showers in Northern New England as a frontal system pushes south. Strong rip currents along the west coast of florida with heavy rain. We are looking for beautiful weather out west. Heat building in the pacific northwest. Portland with a high of 87 with sunny skies. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. High humidity and the temperatures going higher than yesterday. Well be in the 90s this afternoon. Mostly sunny skies, hot, humid and a bit hazy. The temperatures climbing tomorrow into the middle 90s with the humidity going higher and you will feel that again on thursday. Late day storms, though will dry things out for friday. It becomes less humid for friday and the weekend but still hot with 90s through the weekend and into next week. Have a great day. Thats your latest weather. Savannah . Announcer summer of secrets Fitness Trends brought to you by benefiber healthy shape. This, you can do. Summer of secrets rolls on. This week we are exploring the changing faces of popular workouts. This morning the ancient practice of yoga. Today lifestyle correspondent jenna wolf is here with a look. Good morning. Namaste. And to you. I am not a yogi. Yet i take so many classes inspired by and complimented by yoga today. Why . Its discipline is all around us. Odds are wherever you are in the world these days a yoga studio is probably not far away. The ancient practice not so ancient in popularity. Hot, hatha, bikrim yoga has mass appeal. What started a long time ago a lot longer than that. Keep going. Is not only here but hotter than ever. It stretches, strengthens, tones. It helps you connect to your heart, mind body and breath. Reporter within the last few years shes gotten a facelift. I didnt have a facelift. Reporter yoga did, using the foundation of breathing and flowing movements classes are stepping it up demanding to the interest in more strength cardio and core work saying yoga is good but how can we make it better . People are bored with the work out routine. We are seeing it transition from the past whether running in the park or doing yoga with friends to transition to higher intensity workouts. Reporter one way is at a bar. Not that bar. Reporter a barre class inspired by the ballet barre, they have soared in popularity in the last ten years promising a yogalike mind body connection. You have a meditation like effect when you take a pure barre class similar to yoga. Reporter also pilates, vaguely similar but more structured focusing on concentrated controlled flowing movements. So yoga inspired pilates which inspired a host of other workouts. Piloxing trx, pilates on suspension slt, pilates with cardio and strength training. Yoga mixed with spinning and thats a thing. The centered calm is not going away but it is evolving. Its anyones guess where the ancient practice will take us next. I cant do this whole interview doing tree pose. I said try it. Not do it. Try it. Take us through it. Beginners they call it restorative and hatha. There are three different areas. There is beginner cardio and advanced. For beginner hatha is great. Restorative is less pressure. Its relaxed. People do it on a friday night to relax for the weekend. If you are into cardio and want to build a sweat bikram or power. Thats in the heat. I almost passed out. Power is less heat but you will move through the postures. If you have been taking yoga for a while ashtanga is great for you. Six physically demanding poses and barre, small isometric poses. I didnt realize barre was inspired by yoga. What do you recommend . Find a clean, quiet place. Warm up. Dont do it cold. Dont practice on a full stomach. Seems on warehouse. Why . Youre turning yourself upside down and you are in poses that will compromise this area. So many things on youtube. So many apps you can find different daily yoga simply yoga fit start yoga. Any type you want you can find an app. I do a tenminute yoga app in the morning thats great, believe it or not. Youre falling, i thought you were moonwalking. If you are a yogi how do you enhance and add to the experience . Practice it at home. You can try a new teacher who varies postures a little bit. Closing your eyes makes you balance and focus on your core. To your poses longer. Any way to challenge yourself in a small way goes a long way to improving. Breathe, inhale, exhale. Thats what i forget to do. Tomorrow the secrets of cycling from a new spin on spinning to biking under water. Over to you. Jenna never missed a beat. The mic falls off, she handled it gracefully. Were pros. Savannah thanks. Get over here. We have to talk about our visit to late night with seth meyers. We face time with vail every morning at 6 45. Look. Shes at the stop and shop. Isnt it adorable. Do you think its adorable . Not really. Of course i do. No. I lo it. We do it a lot here. We face time and you tilt your phone and say heres what shes doing now. We go through the whole thing. He loves it its our moment of zen. Oh were you doing an interview . Heres the baby squawking on the phone. When row bring it out during the interview thats a little much. My baby. We have all been there. When my kids were that age we didnt have it. Believe me im happy. Coming up a popular new food trend where you pick a recipe and nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im tracy davidson. Lets get your first alert forecast from meteorologist bill henley. Tracy, temperatures are climbing. Were seeing sunshine at the shore, bright sunshine that will warm into the middle 80s for cape may. Heres a nice sunny view for cape may. Still seeing fog north and west but its starting to ease as the temperatures climb. 70 in pottstown, 77 in philadelphia, and 78 degrees in Atlantic City at the airport. Sunny, hazy day, and humid. 90 degrees at 4 00 this afternoon. Heading out on the roads lets get you updated on traffic with first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. Were watching an accident scene in few castle, delaware, thats closing 273 westbound right around airport road. Your best bet to get around it take polasski highway. 95 starting to see the jams here, this is a little lighter than earlier this morning right around girard avenue the southbound side 31 minute trip from woodhaven to the vine street expressway. And still watching that roosevelt boulevard at cottman avenue, northbound outer lanes being tied up due to that water main break. Also affecting the septa busses 114, 20 and 50 are on detour. Happening today a philadelphia man accused of stabbing his wife and 1yearold daughter will face a judge in maryland. Thats where Police Arrested Steven Burton sunday night. Its unclear when he will be brought back to philadelphia to face charges. A neighbor told nbc 10 she heard den knee shah burton screaming sunday morning and saw her husband cutting her with a knife. Police say Stephen Burton stabbed their baby in the stomach. Mother and child are in critical condition. Im tracy davidson. We are back now. 8 30 on a Tuesday Morning, the 28th day of july 2015. Let me tell you something. Its starting to get a little close out here. Sticky. Humid. We are just getting wound up. Its different eesits good for your skin. Dewy complexion. Coming up maybe youre concerned your kids will be bullied in school. How do i respond, support them . What if your kid is the bully and you are the target . Jenna bush hager tells us what to do when your childs behavior steps over the line. Thats a tough problem. Plus dont want to do takeout or the prep work for a home cooked meal . Well tell you about the growing number of companies that will send you the ingredients for a recipe and you have to throw it together and cook it. All right. First al has a check of the steamy weather. I have a buddy here. Whats your name . Jack. Where are you from . Chicago. All right. You had a fan that said youre my biggest fan. Thats nice of you. Thanks so much. Nice to meet you, bud. Lets see what we have for your weather. We are looking at a risk of strong storms today in the northern Mississippi River valley. Windy conditions in the northern plains. Look for more wet weather through florida again today. As we move into tomorrow we are looking at wet weather down through florida, central gulf coast. Rain in the central great lakes. Southwest looking on the wet side too. Our friends from the jersey state fair july 1 to august 9. Whats the big deal this ear . We are celebrating our 75th anniversary. We are an hour from new york city and nj state fair. Org for details. Its going to be a great fair, good weather. All right. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. High humidity and the temperatures going higher than yesterday. Well be in the 90s this afternoon. Mostly sunny skies, hot, humid and a bit hazy. The temperatures, climbing tomorrow into the middle 90s with the humidity going higher and you will feel that again on thursday. Late day storms, though, will dry things out for friday. It becomes less humid for friday and the weekend but still hot with 90s through the weekend and into next week. Have a great day. Thats your latest weather. Get that weather any time you need it. Go to Weather Channel on cable, weather. Com online as we look at the fine people. Al thank you very much. Often on the show we have talked about bullying and how to stop it. What happens when you are on the receive end of your childs aggressive behavior . Today contributing correspondent Jenna Bush Hager has more on that. This doesnt sound like a good situation. It doesnt. Childhood bullying goes beyond the normal outbursts, leaving some parents feeling helpless and ashamed. Now there is hope. [ screaming ] reporter you have probably seen it or maybe experienced it yourself. Kids bullying their parents. From toddlers to teenagers, moments like these can test any parents patience. According to the author of a new book when kids call the shots. If they grew up with good structure, limits and boundaries they are better able to contain frustration and talk rather than act. Reporter whats the difference between being bullied and having a child that goes through the typical teenage angst . Kids go through test periods where they want more power than they can manage. Reporter he said it usually happens with certain types of parents. The first would be the guilty parent. Divorce, financial hardship. The parent feels bad for the child. So they start to reward. They dont set limits. The second one would be the anxious parent. Always worrying concerned. Children hear it as you dont believe in me. You dont trust me. The third type would be the fix everything parent. That creates a dependency on the parent and the child begins to resent it. Reporter martha la clerk is one of those parents. Growing up her daughter natalie could do no wrong. No issues no problems no terrible twos. Reporter after her parents separated natalie, then 11 started to act up. She would come home really angry and mean. Rude slamming doors. It felt like she was the boss here. Any request she would say no. She would just find ways to humiliate me. Like she didnt get what she wanted. I started feeling defensive, unsure of myself as a mother. I think that behavior from me made it worse for natalie. Reporter did you feel your mom gave you the power to be the parent to bully . I dont know. She could have been stronger and said like dont do this and that. I guess she just let it slide. She didnt know how to handle it. Reporter they went through counseling which they say helped change the relationship to what it is today. I would realize this isnt who i am. I could be nicer. I could change. And i did. Reporter martha said it was love for her daughter that helped her change. What advice do you give to parents who feel they are being bullied by their kids . Not to sink to their level. If you have something to say to them say it clear and turn your back and go away. Stop it there. Reporter sean says bullying is the symptom of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed but said there are things you can do to regain control. First of all, dont give kids everything they want. The more they are given the less they appreciate and the more they demand. Second of all, dont be afraid to be unpopular. All kids want structure, limits and boundaries. Never let your kid disrespect you. Be firm about behavior. Make sure you create a culture of mutual respect. That old expression. You are not your kids best friend. You are their parent. Exactly. All kids want boundaries. Even my own child likes time out once in a while. I know your parents never had to set boundaries with you and your sister. We were perfectly behaved. I have heard the stories. Up next the way to make dinner that rushes ingredients to your home. First, this is today on nbc. Not sure what to make for dinner tonight. Dont feel like navigating the Grocery Store . No problem. You can get the ingredients for a meal to your door. More Meal Delivery services are popping up. Adam rappaport is bon appetits editor in chief. I hear about more services where you order and the ingredients come to your door and they have directions on what to do. Theyre awesome. If you are a working parent the biggest challenge is time. Who has time to shop after work . People do all their shopping on sundays. I dont know who they are. Organized people. For the rest of us time is a problem and ideas. Most of us have the rotation of four dishes we cook. Honey, what do you want . I dont know. How about the chicken and pasta thing. Okay. The chicken and pasta thing again. Here we have cool recipes, all the ingredients and to your door. Its not complicated. So you want to learn to cook this its a foot in the pool. It is creative and interesting. What i love about these is the ingredients are portioned out. Say you have a recipe calling for fish sauce. You dont have to buy an entire bottle. We give you one of these and thats it. Tamarind paste. You dont need the whole bottle. Use this and thats it. So its plug and play. The original ones blue apron and plated. You have a panzanella salad. Im getting a fork. This is for the curious cook. This is a new company marley spoon with a chicken paillard with a peach salad for the more adventurous cook. More gourmet in flavors. You go out to eat and its fusion this and that. Can you set it up to come as often as you want . What if you eat out a couple times a week . You get a couple a week. You dont have to eat it that night. You can put it in the fridge or freezer. Cook it two nights later. You dont have to cook it that night. In case you have a hot date or something. Exactly. Just saying. This is for vegans. This is purple carrot. I like that. Its vegan food but say you want to eat vegetarian a couple nights a week. Go to purple carrot. Interesting foods. Mushroom sweet potato that chaos. Beautiful. Tasty food thats good for you. Say you want to be vegan and you dont know how to cook vegan, trust them. Whats the expense . 8 to 10 a meal. For two its 20. Cheaper than ordering in or going out. It makes sense for couples with similar tastes. If you have a big family maybe it doesnt make as much sense in terms of buying in bulk and amortizing the costs. Youre paying for convenience. Exactly. The next is plate joy. I like that. This is for a person who likes to cook and likes to shop. Say you are a gluten free pescatarian. Put it in and they will have recipes tailored to your diet send the recipes, give you the shopping lists which will say if one dinner calls for broccoli they will make sure the next morning to have broccoli in a frittata. I like that. Its the recipe and a shopping list. They are not sending the food. Recipes the average cook could make. We want ideas. Thats the thing. Whats interesting about a lot of these is portion size. Im a guy if im making pesto pasta i will have another serving and as i do the dishes i finish it. We tried one and that was an issue. Were big eaters. Youre not going to over eat. This is for a person who doesnt want to cook i dont care. I want to eat well. Otherwise known as savannah. This is full meals. Single girl savannah breakfast, lunch and dinner. Heat them up. They are for people on a calorie count, want to get fit, new moms. You can fill in the blank in terms of how to do it. Its a great option for the busy person. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Exactly. Thank yourself. Thats not polite to eat with your mouth full. Thank you. Adam thank you so much. More information on all of the Meal Delivery services on today. Com. Up next the ultimate fixerupper meets a family breathing new life into an abandoned post office. This is today on nbc. Turn around every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing really good around turn around every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air turn around, barry finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack and fiber so my wife wont give me any more flack i finally found the right snack 8 46. We are back with todays american story from bob dotson from haver, montana, home to perhaps the coolest do it yourself project in america. Bob, good morning. Good morning. Its the biggest fixerupper. A once grand legendary Building Full of surprises. These children live in a magical place, riddled with secret tunnels. A 35,000 square foot building. Their parents are restoring mostly by themselves. Thats right. A home onethird the size of downtown abbey. And youre the down stairs help. Yes, yes. Reporter erica farmer and Mark Whitaker couldnt just toss on a coat of paint and move in. The home is a National Treasure an abandoned post office on the list of Historic Places that need to be preserved. After it closed winter crept inside. Pipes froze, paint flakes fell like snow covering the ruined hardwood floors. How close did you come to giving up . Never. No. Never entered our minds. Never. No. Reporter the couple restored an old home before in kansas city. So when they moved to haver, montana, they decided to try something bigger. They bought this fixerupper for about what they would have paid for a fourbedroom home. 100,000. The Old Post Office has unique features. Why do you have a safe up there . Thats where they would have kept cash. Reporter because burglars who need ladders are easier to catch. These large air vents allowed post office comes to keep a close watch. They could roam unnoticed throughout the building. Hidden eyes could see who washed their hands. Reporter the family has been living in the basement for three years while doing the repairs upstairs. Mark had to become a state certified low pressure boiler engineer. Just to keep them warm. I would not under rate the importance of a good understanding of plumbing in any career. Reporter including medicine. They are both eye doctors. I have to have something to think about at my today job. Reporter mark loves learning. He earned a masters in japanese and Chinese Literature before going into medicine. In a life well lived you never stop learning. Reporter erica taught herself to operate a battered old bucket lift so mark could work on the windows. That has to be scary. It is. I get nervous down here. Its nerve wracking. Reporter this is a big day. They are moving after all that work. Not far, just up from the basement to the buildings top floor. Where a courtroom was added in the 1930s to handle an overflow of bootleggers smuggling illegal booze into the country. We got a third floor. Then no more prohibition. Reporter the Courts Holding cell is now a closet. Is this the time out room . There are still places in this country that call us together. Polished by cando pride. Erica and mark have now opened the building for people in town to enjoy. They like to think of themselves as care takers. Were really just lighthouse keepers. Reporter the ones who show the rest of us the way. Thats the kind of family that could make the faces on Mount Rushmore grin. How long until they finish that place completely . Probably never. Thats okay with them. Thats okay. They have to keep busy you know. They like a project. I like to see the classified ad for that. Needs tlc. A hundred thousand bucks. Thank you. We are back in a moment. First, this is today on nbc. Welcome back. Some important business. Birthdays. Willard scotts got it. Hey, willard. New York New York what a town. You guys make it that way. Everybody loves to watch the today show and sometimes visit. Happy birthday lillian rippey from palm beach, florida. Shes 100 years old today and loves to play cards. Here is Myrtle Walker from swanton, ohio. During world war ii she was rosy the arithmeticerriveter, helped build airplanes. Walter hill from the commonwealth of pennsylvania. Hes 100 today. His favorite thing is to go to the farmers market. Frank morea from conyers in new york. Wish him a happy birthday as he celebrates his 102nd birthday. He loves to watch sports on television especially baseball. The hall of fame isnt too far from there. Why not . New york you are the hall of fame. Back to you. Thank you, willie. Just walking up in the wardrobe room i saw glittery gold converse sneakers. I almost said whose are they. I thought, they have to be tamrons. I would have thought they were yours. We are doing a how to look hot in sneakers. Even assumes high heels are sexy shoes but the new trend is dumping these because they hurt and putting on sneakers. Im all for it. People are wearing sneakers with gowns. J. Lo rocked a sneaker. J. Lo is j. Lo. Thats true. J. Lo can rock a burlap sack. We have joy bauer coming on. How much do you think you have to work to burn off a donut . Shes quizzing us. You. Nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im tracy davidson. Get ready for a hot and humid day. The details from meteorologist bill henley. We are on our way. The temperatures are climbing with bright sunshine for parts of the area but were still seeing some fog in others. Thats a sunny, hazy view from center city. Thats a live view from the Mellon Bank Building. Improving visibility just bumped up to threequarter mile visibility, lot fog in the pottstown area coatesville half a mile visibility after dropping down to zero. The rest of the area is fogfree. And now in the 80s for philadelphia. Northeast Philadelphia Airport 81 degrees. Its 79 in Atlantic City. Millville up to 81 degrees and 8 in allentown. A quick warmup today. 90s this afternoon. New from overnight, two people were taken to the hospital after a fire broke out at a home on kingsessen avenue in west philadelphia. Officials say it started around 3 00 and crews got it under control been 20 minutes. No word on a cause. Also new from overnight, shell casings line philadelphias feltonville section after three people were shot overnight. Investigators say one of the three people was inside a home when he was shot through a window. Right now police are looking for three men last seen running through an alley in dark colored clothing. From our Delaware Bureau new castle countys job park is getting a big boost. 100 new positions are coming to the area thanks to the approval of thousands of dollars in incentive incentives. The tennessee based company will relocate to new castle and another company will open a manufacturing facility outside the town. The mayor says the new positions would make up for a similar number of jobs lost when a five below Distribution Center moved to new jersey in the spring. Im tracy davidson. Another update in 25 minutes. You can always get updates on news and weather with the nbc 10 news app. He this morning on todays take a tuesday trend with a lot of sole. How to look sexy in sneakers. And mega star tom cruise never lost that loving feeling. That and more coming up right now. Announcer from nbc news, this is todays take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. [ cheers and applause ] good morning, everybody. Welcome to a Tuesday Morning july 28, 2015, the today show. Im al with natalie and tamron. Willie is off today. Its muggy out there today. I almost biked in this morning. I did, too. I hit the door and went no. My hair said, no. I turned around but i almost biked in. I said its going to be dreadful. In deference to you ladies i didnt want to be sweating. Because we dont have a shower. You bike in the suit. Suited and booted. I bike in pajamas. Big difference there. There are a lot of people out here enjoying the weather. I know. It could get worse. The heat really coming in. I keep telling you the humidity is good for your skin. It gives you a dewy effect women pay for for treatments and things. So she says. I can do without it. Do the dew. I dont need it. Dew leads to moist. Oh i hate that word just saying. You know thats off limits at the table. That has cleanser. Tom cruise. Yes. That will get any negative thought out of your head. I dont see moist as negative. Youre a weather man and you say it all the time. Its nasty. Tom cruise joined the lip sync battle with jimmy fallon. He has epic moments onbr the show where celebrities come in and throw it down. Tom cruise may have dropped the mic, walked off, ended the game with his rendition of the weeknd. Take a look at what happened. I cant feel my face when im with you but i love it but i love it [ cheers and applause ] baby baby i get down on my knees for you [ cheers and applause ] if you would only love me like you used to do yeah we had a love a love, a love you dont find every day bring back that loving feeling cause its gone, gone, gone and i cant go on whoa, whoa, whoa thats awesome. The couple he serenaded are from chicago. Imagine going home saying i was serenaded by tom cruise. Unbelievable. The look on her face. She was like, i cant believe this is happening. Could he be more dreamy . What he 52 . At 19 years since the First Mission impossible. Hae had mad sex appeal. Okay. I cant get over the fact that he did all his own stunts in the last one. Unbelievable. And the weeknd tweeted out i cant believe tom cruise is singing my song. Youre the man for this one. Tom cruise. Was he in competition with jimmy . No. And hes 53. He performed it in top gun. Oh, thats right. One of my favorite tom cruise performances. There it is. Looks great. He looks amazing. Well a little younger there. But still. When he played the agent in tropic thunder. That was hilarious. If you have not seen it, go on youtube. Hes one of the greatest performances ever. So funny. That movie is hilarious. I could watch over and over again. Now that we have loved on tom cruise, what do you think of the place mats . Front of you . Its the new product from ikea. I dont like it. These are called logged out. The idea is at the dinner table you put your cell phone on the place mat and you are logged out. Do you need a place mat . Dont bring your phone to the table. You can light it up. And you can see through it. It did you want fit the iphone 6. Or a 6 plus. There it is. The larger issue is do we really need the phone on the table . This is allowing your kids to bring it to the table. We dont allow it in our house. P. S. Glass of water spills okay, gone. In defense of the kids, kids are now saying their parents are bringing phones to the table. I had a friend whose kid is like, why do you have your phone at the table . Calling it out. Its different at a restaurant. You show up and put your phone there. Or in the purse. Dont take it out of your pocket. Stand up for not bringing the phone. Its only 1. 99. Yahoo health asked if were standing wrong. Stand up grab your tuchus my what . Your butt your tushy. If your glutes arent contracted you are doing it wrong. Joy . There are three simple steps. First you want your feet facing forward. Okay. Usually we are pigeon toed or out forward. Next when it comes to your butt you want to contract it and slightly tighten your abs. Push it back . Suck it under. Like a butt table . It sort of is. Suck it in. Now we go up to the shoulders. You want your shoulders down and slightly back. This is correct posture. It feels awkward because we are used to schlumping over but if we get used to that we have fewer aches and pains. Tighten the core and the butt. Respectarent you supposed to add a smoldering look at the camera . Anything that works al. Thank you, joy. Its a mens health article. They got a lot of expert physical therapists to weigh in. This is important information. The whole nation of scootching your butt under is counter to what women want to do with the body. Men and women. Suck it in. Yeah. Bring it in, baby. Thanks joy. While youre standing and clenching there is a new book to read dr. Seusss book what pet should i get written a long time ago. Its been 25 years since the last one was published. Discovered in a box in his house. Dr. Seuss they believe he worked on this between 1958 and 1962. Same brother and sister from one fish two fish red fish blue fish. So happy. Its just great. Luke is reading now. He loves reading dr. Seuss books. We want a pet, we want a pet, what kind of pet should we get . Dad said we could have one. Tad said he would pay. I went to the pet shop. I went there with kay. And so we went in. You have to buy the book to find out what happens. What they picked out. Thats cute. Amazing. Something else to be excited about. We are thrilled about this. Peanuts, the movie is coming out. I cannot wait. You have seen a sneak peek. Snoopy and the fwang set for their big screen debut. All in 3d animation. You said it almost looks like claymation. But the faces look hand drawn. Look at this. This is amazing. My kids cannot wait. It comes out november 6. Thats a long wait. They have been promoing it. They want it to be perfect. Blue sky behind this. Charles schultzs son is behind the film. Wrote a screenplay, a script for it. Amazing. We have another big announcement regarding the movie. Megman trainor recorded a song, better when im dancing and this is her snoopy animation. Fantastic. The song comes early in september. You have to wait until november. Thats cute fantastic. It looks like her. It does. There is a peanuts version of al. They created it just for you. This is a dream come true. Oh, my gosh im done. Im done now. You need that in a frame. Oh, my gosh. That looks like nicky, too. Oh my gosh im a peanut youre a peanuts character. Fantastic. Your life, your day is made. I can walk away now. Look at his little look. The glasses. They should have put you in the movie and gave you a speaking part. Wow. Ive won already. Thats great. Oh, my gosh. You have to make it your twitter avatar. Yeah. I hope i get a copy of it. Im sure they will let you. Thats cute. Fantastic. Oh i love my life all right. Youre not going to love the weather unless you like hot steamy weather. We have a dome of High Pressure. Guess what. Not only is the east and the midwest and the plains getting involved. Now this thing spreads out. The jet stream flattens out way to the north. This allows the heat to build out west. We are going to become looking at hot weather throughout literally coast to coast. We have heat advisories and excessive heat warns for 35 Million People. That will get bigger as tomorrow wears in. As you look at the temperatures they warm up. Tomorrow will be the hottest day and the feels like temperatures once you combine the heat and humidity. Look how hot it gets. It continues into the midwest. Upper 80s and low 90s. Look at the feels like on wednesday. Feels like 101 in oklahoma city. 87 in chicago. And the pacific northwest. Look at the heat. 105 on wednesday in medford. 99 in portland. Seattle in the mid 80s. Boise with a high of 96 on thursday. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. High humidity and the temperatures going higher than yesterday. Well be in the 90s this afternoon. Mostly sunny skies, hot, humid and a bit hazy. The temperatures, climbing tomorrow into the middle 90s with the humidity going higher and you will feel that again on thursday. Late day storms, though, will dry things out for friday. It becomes less humid for friday and the weekend but still hot with 90s through the weekend and into next week. Have a great day. Thats adorable. Im getting that on twitter. Coming up next, before you have the slice of pizza for lunch, ask yourself this. How long do you need to stay on the treadmill to burn it off . In other words if you eat it while you are walking, thats fantastic as well. We have the answers that might surprise you right after these oh no, we have a dress code here, and its not see through. Next whoa, this is a lunchbox not a halloween bag. So sorry this lunchbox is already at capacity. Rrrrr. A natural beauty. Youre making me melt. Shall we . Mini babybel is 100 natural cheese. A good source of protein and calcium, and a whole lot of fun. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger all the hard work. Time in the service. Community college. It matters. Its why we, at university of phoenix count your relevant work and College Experience as credits toward your degree. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. This kid makes stains like crazy so we got our new he washing machine but it took forever turns out it wasnt the machine, it was our detergent. So we switched to tide turbo clean. Now we get way cleaner clothes way faster he turbo clean. 6x the cleaning power in ½ the time many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope. Doesnt work on wrinkles. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. To work on fine lines and even deep wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena®. This moment is perfect in every way. Just like my kid. Gooey. Flakey. Happy. Toaster strudel why do you think the ripples make a difference . Grabs more . Its the cleanripple texture. Now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando . Why not how do you feel . Awesome cottonelle has cleanripple texture so youre clean enough to go commando. To truly feel healthy on the outside you have to feel healthy. At your core. Trubiotics a probiotic from one a day naturally helps support both your digestive and immune health by combining. Two types of good bacteria. Trubiotics. Be true to your health. The hot new accessory . Brows that wow. From maybelline new york. Its brow drama. Our first sculpting ball brush with tinted gel. Just sweep. Then sculpt. For bolder, sculpted brows. Brow drama. Get the look at maybelline. Com maybe its maybelline its hard finding time to moisturize your skin every day. With micro droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care spray moisturizes and absorbs in seconds to help heal dry skin. So theres always time for healed skin. Thats the healing power of vaseline. In seconds. Have you ever eaten a slice of pizza or ribs at a barbecue and wondered how much would i have to exercise to burn this off . Admit it. You have asked. We have all asked. We asked you to guess how long you thought you would need to spend time in the gym to burn off some of our favorite foods. I think a half an hour of swimming. Three hours of intense bike riding. You have to at least jog a minimum of four miles. 30 to 45 minutes in cycle class . Way too long. Maybe an hour on the treadmill. I think it would take two hours of yoga. At least two and a half miles of biking. Two hours of jogging. Maybe one hour of full Court Basketball to burn off this ice cream cone. That ice cream looks good. Here with the skinny on how much some foods cost us in the gym is joy bauer, back with us. So we have a is the towel b is the water. This is a quiz format. Its interesting. When we ask people like you saw on the taped piece they tend to over estimate the amount of calories they would need to burn through exercise. But when it comes to actually eating the foods we under estimate. In other words we eat back way more calories than we have exercised. As a punishment for getting it wrong. Shes already going 900. Yeah. The answer is a, you will raise the towel. If you think its b, raise the bottle of water. Whoever gets it wrong has to increase the speed of the treadmill. Pressure are you ready . In order to burn off a 20ounce bottle of sports drink, you would need to walk how many miles . Is it threequarters of a mile . Or b, one and a quarter mile . Youre both right. One and a quarter mile. Thats about 25 minutes. So 25 minutes of walking just to burn off a sports drink. Doing nicely. Okay. Here we go. Nutrition bars, energy bars. They are so common. People grab one right after exercise. They are about 200 calories on average. In order to burn off the typical bar, how many minutes of chores would you have to do . Dusting or doing the laundry, yard work. A, 50 minutes, b, 30 minutes. A. 50 minutes has it. Wow keep on walking. Lots of laundry folding. Here we have two small slices of pizza. Small is the operative word here. Each is about 210. For the plate of 20 caloriel 420 calories how many high energy songs would you need to boogie on down to. A, 11. B, 8. B. A. The answer is a. 11 songs. Tamron up your speed. Run it by the way, thats 40 minutes of straight dancing. Could you imagine . Come on, girl work it. Tamron, work the posture, too. Butt in. Now we have an appetizer order of fwukguacamole and chips. This is about 500 calories. To burn off this appetizer, how long would you have to jump rope . Oh, boy. A, 60 minutes. B, 45 minutes. B. The answer is b. 45 minutes. Tamron faster here we go. Just in case anybody doesnt have a jump rope you could do 2,250 jumping jacks. Last one. Order of baby back ribs. How many cars would you have to hand wash in order to burn off this 900calorie order of ribs . A, five cars, b, three cars . You have to wash the whole car. Takes an hour. A. The answer is b. Okay. Three cars you have to wash. Your car and your neighbors car and your spouses car. This is so bad. You will see what we mean after this. [ panting ] i cant talk pull the the answer to treating your dogs fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. Nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. Its the only soft beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. Vets recommend it. And dogs, well theyre begging for it. Nexgard is for dogs only. And hasnt been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. Reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Recommended by vets. Loved by dogs. From the makers of frontline plus. Kelloggs® frosted miniwheats®. 8 layers of wheat. And one thats sweet. To satisfy the adult. And kid in all of us. Nutritious wheat for the adult youve grown into. And delicious sweet for the kid youll never outgrow. Feed your inner kidult. With frosted miniwheats® and now you could win up to a hundred dollars when you buy any specially marked kelloggs cereal. Moms know their familys mouths often need a helping hand. After brushing listerine® total care helps prevent cavities strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. And for kids starting at age six, listerine® smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. Aging is not just about wrinkles. Your skin could be losing volume. Revitalift volume filler from loreal with hyaluronic acid. Cheeks are fuller. Wrinkles, smoother. I can see the difference here and here. Revitalift volume filler from loreal. Thats it. Whoa what are you guys doing . Were making sure nothing sticks. Otherwise we gotta scrub all this stuff off. Dish issues . Improved cascade platinum. Powers through. Your toughest, starchy messes. As if your dishes were nonstick. Cascade. Now thats clean. Craving the taste of chocolate but watching calories . Introducing light fit greek with chocolate on top. So chocolatey good. You wont believe its 100 calories. Try new light fit greek chocolate on top. Caress presents the worlds first body wash with fragrance release pearls. Touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. New caress love forever. Did ya know . Fresh step extreme lightweight litter isnt just light. Its also the best lightweight for eliminating odors. Amazing, right . For superior odor elimination try fresh step extreme. Lighweight. Turn around every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good around turn around, barry i finally found the right snack [ female announcer ] fiber one. A custom made 225 piece puzzle created for us. More than three feet long and two feet high. Some are regular puzzle pieces but others are images. They say today, here we have a camera person. My name is here. Al is here. Tamron willie. Well take this down. And challenge guests and celebrities who come through here to put the puzzle back together. That was good. Put it in the fish bowl. In the fish bowl. That worked out perfectly. Well put it back together. Up next, red flags to look out for when choosing a doctor or surgeon. I go to pieces over things like this. Oh thats puzzling. After your local news and weather. Hi what happened to your hair . I got it. Walgreens has all you need to keep it all under control. From a little touchup. Come on, guys to finding that perfect finishing touch. To making memories at the touch of a button. All without missing a beat. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. I just love cherry preserves. Is that your favorite . I also like strawberry boysenberry, red raspberry. With so many delicious varieties, its tough to choose just one favorite. Apple. Pineapple. Grape. Red currant. With a name like smuckers, it has to be good. I just ran a couple of sweaty miles with these guys, and now im going to get them to smell my shirt. Smells good yesterday i washed my clothes in new downy fresh protect. Its like deodorant, for your clothes. You just throw it in with your detergent it neutralizes odors on the spot new downy fresh protect nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im tracy davidson. It is already starting to feel hot out there. Meteorologist bill henley is tracking the temperatures. Bill . Yeah. Theyre climbing in a hurry and that has gotten rid of the fog for us. One of the areas socked in with fog for us. The live view from the pocono mountains from jim thorpe. Now its sunshine and the temperatures are climbing. 80 in philadelphia, 74 degrees in the pocono mountains. Wilmington, Atlantic City, millville, all into the low 80s. Climbing into the 90s this afternoon. By 11 00, 85 degrees, 89 at 2 00 and 90 degrees at 5 00 later today. Officials in south jersey urging residents to attend two public hearings today surrounding the states proposal to build a natural gas pipeline. The state wants to build a natural gas pipeline through burlington monmouth and ocean counties. Today hearing held by the state board of public utility are at 3 00 and 6 00 at the Manchester Township mus nis pal building. More than a thousand people will lose their jobs as a result of a p supermarkets filing for bankruptcy they operate 300 supermarkets including past mark and super fresh. The company will close the least profitable stores. Filing notices with the new jersey and Pennsylvania Department of labor about how many jobs will be cut. A path fresh, 151 people will lose their jobs eight stores in new jersey will close, 867 people will lose jobs because of that those eight stores located in the northern and central parts of the state. Acme has agreed to buy a dozen local stores operated by a and p. Im tracy davidson. Well have another update in 25 minutes and get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 news app. Taking a look at the headlines big news from the National Football league the Arizona Cardinals hired the first female coach in nfl history. Jen welter joins the team as a coaching intern for Training Camp and the preseason. Welter has been on the Coaching Staff of the Texas Revolution in the indoor football league. She played 14 seasons of pro football herself, mostly in a league called the womens football alliance. Arizona cardinals head coach bruce aryans said, quote i thought she was the type of person that could handle this in a positive way for women and open that door. Good for them. If you own a nike fuel band you are due for a refund as part of a Class Action Settlement nike and fuel band agreed to pay either a 25 gift card or a 15 check. The lawsuit against both nike and apple allege they made false claims about the fitness trackers ability to track steps and calories and the company didnt honor their products warrantee. The Company Denies the claim but agreed to the Class Action Settlement to avoid expensive and lengthy litigation. Amazon is apparently diving deeper into the grocery business. According to the Silicon Valley Business Journal the retail giant is reportedly developing a driveup store concept in california. Shoppers would be able to order grocery items online and pick them up at the store. No word on when the store would open or how soon it could go national. If you sometimes feel you were born to shop maybe you were. Researchers found people who are extroverts have a tougher time saying no to impulse spending. Their personality type makes them more likely to crave instant rewards instead of saving for future needs. As a result extroverts are more likely to have higher credit card balances and smaller savings. A family of professional Treasure Hunters is showing off its haul from a spanish treasure ship that went down in a hurricane 300 years ago. The Schmidt Family found it in 15 feet of water off the coast of fort pierce, florida. The silver and gold coins and jewelry are worth a million dollars. This is the familys biggest discovery today. The family says they value most their time spent together on the water. Fantastic. Lets check on the weather now with mr. Roker. Hey, al. The family that plays together pays together. Not bad. Thanks, nat. Lets see whats going on in florida. We are watching a heavy weather and rain moving through. Not much in the way of relief for several days. The next five days some areas along floridas central west coast could see five to eight inches of rain. We are also looking at a risk of strong storms in the upper Mississippi River valley. Look for heat. Temperatures building. It will be hotter in portland than in los angeles today. The heat is on in the northeast, fwing beginning of a multi day threat of heat wave where temperatures will stay well above 90 and feels like temperatures will be in the triple digits. Good morning. Im meteorologist bill henley. High humidity and the temperatures going higher than yesterday. Well be in the 90s this afternoon. Mostly sunny skies, hot, humid and a bit hazy. The temperatures, climbing tomorrow into the middle 90s with the humidity going higher and you will feel that again on thursday. Late day storms, though, will dry things out for friday. It becomes less humid for friday and the weekend but still hot with 90s through the weekend and into next week. Have a great day. And thats your latest weather. When youre looking for a doctor do you hop online or look for one near your home or office . That could be a dangerous mistake, especially when its your familys health at stake. We brought in mds to teach us to shop for the best physician. Dr. Raj, an internist and gastroenterologist dr. Benjamin swartz ab an oncology surgeon and dr. Frank litman focuses on integrated medicine and is the author of the new health rules. Good morning. Good morning. You all pretty much agree that the best way to find doctor is a referral from a family or friend. Personal recommendation is best. Even beyond a family or friend ask your own doctor who they would go to. As doctors we have the inside scoop on doctors in the community. Your doctor will know your personal medical condition and who would be the best fit kwr you. Asking your doctor is a great way to go. Does it matter if you are an internist or a surgeon . I think it matters a lot n. The field of surgery, part of bedside manner matters. You want somebody confident to do the procedure with the right experience. Someone with good outcomes. Thats equally as important as the personality of the person you are seeing. Trchlt lipman, you are more holistic. I agree. If you are a surgeon you want someone with good hands. For an internist you want someone who sees the big picture to keep you healthy and treats the problem. Takes lifestyle, diet stress, sleep. All these factors. So youre in the examining room with the doctor. Whats the first question you should ask . It depends on what kind of doctor you are seeing. If its a surgeon you want to know how many types of procedures or surgeries you do every year. Or if you have a rare condition. Have you seen patients like me . Make sure your doctor treats your specific condition. How many operations have you done . Yes and no. Its all about trust really. Do you trust the person thats going to take you to the operating room and that they are the person most likely to get the outcome youre looking for. There is a balance. I think their experience, where they train, what procedures they do and their outcomes matter. Thats an interesting point. Dr. Lipman you are not from here. You are from south africa. Doctors have trained in other countries. Should we be worried about that . The level of training, is it the same in the United States as overseas . Great question. It depends on the country. I was trained in south africa over 30 years ago. Medical school was excellent. We got more training than american doctors do. It depends on where people get trained and what the training was. Thats the important question. We have board certification here in this country. If you look to make sure your doctor is board serlt identified no matter where they trained if they had to pass the exam its rigorous. Chances are they are qualified. Thank you so much. Tomorrow advice on how to choose someone to take care of your kids or aging parents. Next, tamron is giving us tips with kicks for her tuesday trend. How to look stylish in sneakers after these messages. Watch as these magnificent creatures take flight, soaring away from home towards the promise of a better existence. But these birds are suffering. Because this better place turned out to have an unreliable Cell Phone Network and the videos on their little bird phones kept buffering. Birds hate that. So they came back home. Because they get 300 from switching back to verizon, and so can you verizon. Come home to a better network. I already feel like were the most connected but i think this solo date will seal the deal. Sure i offer multicar, safe driver, and so many other discounts that people think im a big deal. And boy, are they right. Ladies, i can share hundreds in savings with all of you just visit progressive. Com today. But right now, its choosing time. Ooh we have a winner. All what . [chuckles] hes supposed to pick one of us. This is a joke, right . That was the whole point of us being here. Just in case you were wondering what cheerios are made of whole. Grain. Oats. So when my husband started Getting Better dental checkups than me i decided to go pro. With crest prohealth advanced. My mouth is getting healthier. My teeth are getting stronger. This crest toothpaste is superior in five areas. Great checkup. [music] defiance is in our bones. New citracal pearls. Delicious berries and cream. Soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. Only from citracal. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. Why do you think the ripples make a difference . Grabs more . Its the cleanripple texture. Now, do you feel so clean that you would go commando . Why not how do you feel . Awesome cottonelle has cleanripple texture so youre clean enough to go commando. The hot new accessory . Brows that wow. From maybelline new york. Its brow drama. Our first sculpting ball brush with tinted gel. Just sweep. Then sculpt. For bolder, sculpted brows. Brow drama. Get the look at maybelline. Com maybe its maybelline you forgot the milk thats lactaid®. Right. 100 real milk just without the lactose. So, no discomfort . Exactly. Try some. Mmm, it is real milk. Lactaid®. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Wherever it is you want to go, all you need to see is the next 200 feet. Thats how life unfolds. A leap of faith. [growl] even if you cant see it your destination is out there. So just keep going. And youll get there. 200 feet at a time. The corolla. Toyota. Lets go places. Hello. Time for our tuesday trend. Its all about brace yourself looking sexy in sneakers. Yes theyre comfy. You saw us on the treadmill earlier but they are also a fashion statement. Dont believe me . Check out rihanna rocking red kicks with a sexy black dress. Again Stefan Gwen Stefani and rita ora. I asked for your favorite sneakers. Samantha diamond shared her star wars vans and wonder woman converse. Allison said her nike free air are the best and these boom sneakers. How to have a sexy pair of sneakers in the closet. Fashion and beauty editoratlarge at in style magazine. Good morning. These are the shoes i wore in today. These are my favorite sneakers. I have had them for 12 years now. Classic. I would wear them with this dress. It has the ribbon here. Goes with the shoes. You look adorable. Sneakers are having a big moment now. Why . Are we sick of heels . Women need a break. We wear stillettos so much. But sneakers have a cult following. People lining up for the new jordans. With the fashion collaborations, adidas and kanye west make it main stream. There are a lot of great styles. Made it affordable here. These are my favorite. Metallic tresses it up. For the glam girl, dresses it up. The attention goes to your feet. There is also old school. This is the 90s hiphop. I love the juxtaposition. You can wear a skinny jean and a high top. We are not just talking about teenagers. Any age. Lets look at how we to it here. This is maya. Shes wearing metallics. Shes doing a skinny jean and a blousy top but the shoes give it the look. They are bling giving glamour and dresses up her look. You can go to dinner in this. Hot date. Absolutely. You see j. Lo a lot. Hers are pricey. These are 170. Done. Next stop. Next is alexandra. Shes giving us shes dressy in a skirt but has on the convert. These are classic. For someone scared its simplicity and they are easy to wear. Beyonce just posted a picture with her and her daughter in these exact same converse. If you are just jumping in you want to do fashion, get white converse. Absolutely. Cant go wrong. Im 30 years older but wear a skirt age appropriate for a woman of my years on the planet. Next. We have fwrks wgwen wearing the ath leisure look. Floral printed skirt and a nike running sneaker. You can wear them on the treadmill. What makes them stylish is the bright color. If you are doing a running shoe pick a fun color. I love it. My view of new york being a kid in texas was a woman leaving work after 5 00 with her sneakers and the work outfit. This is the new way to rock the look from the 80s. Absolutely. They are comfortable. You can be stylish and comfortable. I have one complaint. Where are your sneakers . I had them and i was like, tuz it go with my outfit today . Youre supposed to show us. Next time. You can wear these. Yes. Exactly. Up next helping women who are buying a new home, a new job and a Second Chance i cant find my Discover Card wait, i can freeze my account. [touch tone] introducing freeze it, from discover. It allows you to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds if your card is misplaced. Not here. And once you find your card, you can switch it right on again. Hey. Youre back [touch tone] freeze it, only from discover. Get it at discover. Com. [ male announcer ] take zzzquil and sleep like. The kids went to nanas house. For the whole weekend [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] zzzquil, the non habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. I heard i could call angies list if i needed work done around my house at a fair price. Sure can. So i could get a faulty light switch fixed . Yup or make a backyard pizza oven . Oh yeah. I can almost taste it now. Tastes like victory. And pepperoni. Softer, smoother skin after just one shower . Dove body wash with a breakthrough formula. Just one shower gives you softer, smoother skin. My skin is really silky smooth. Dove body wash. Softer, smoother skin after just one shower. Mmmm yoplait hello, everybody. Milk cow here with an important announcement about how yoplait original now has 25 less of the sugar. Less sugar . . Yes. But dont worry it still tastes good. Oh that is great news, milk cow. Enjoy i will. Mmmmmmmm it tastes good i know. Yoplait clorox knows to make a big meal, you have to make a big mess. New clorox scrub singles are preloaded with cleaners to scrub away stuckon messes and even get into tough corners. It cleaned all this. Good job, mom. Great job, mom. Real scrubbing. For your real life. Nervous whitening will damage your teeth . Introducing listerine® healthy white™. It not only safely whitens teeth. But also restores enamel. Lose the nerves and get a healthier whiter smile that youll love. Listerine® healthy white™. Power to your mouth™ all the hard work. Time in the service. Community college. It matters. Its why we, at university of phoenix count your relevant work and College Experience as credits toward your degree. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. Dull and boring hair . Change it. Gloss it nutrigloss. Loreals new glossing shampoo system. With glycosilk its tailormade for dull hair. Helps seal in nutrition. Acts like a glossing treatment with every use. Nutrigloss. New from loreal advanced haircare. But grandma, mommy says we dont have to wad to get clean. Cause we use charmin ultra soft. Charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. It has comfort cushions you can see that are softer and more absorbent and you can use up to 4 times less. Enjoy the go with charmin. If i was eating hot soup it just starts aching and it starts aching like so deep within the tooth that i couldnt handle it. I started eating on like one side of my mouth for like a whole month i was just eating on one side of my mouth and then finally i was like, i cant do this. My dentist said that i should use sensodyne. Life without having to worry about whats gonna hurt my teeth if its gonna be too hot or too cold, if its gonna have ice in it. Life without sensitivity is easier. Done. Today on hope to it one womans inspiring effort to help women and children in her community. Shes trying to end the cycle of poverty that affects many families by helping them get a roof over their heads and find a job. As we saw fist hand the results have been remarkable. As i write this letter i am feeling lost and buried under my faults and fears. My hopes will be that i have the confidence in myself that i do not feel like such a failure it shall a big, fat, lousy failure. I feel i need, again, to feel hopefully for good once and for all at almost my 48th birth today. The women in the room know what its like to lose almost everything. Reading letters they wrote to themselves brings back memories of lifes lowest point. I felt lost really lost. I feel fear of losing my taughts because i was living in a homeless shelter. Reporter she found herself homeless and jobless with her two girls after fleeing an abusive relationship. She came here to an organization in sacrament, california, called womens empowerment where she met lisa. Its not that i can change the circumstances of their life but they can change the circumstances of their lives. Reporter every three months lisas Organization Helps two dozen homeless women gain job skills and selfconfidence. I am, i have, i can. Reporter their situations are different. Victims of Domestic Violence or economic hardship. Some struggle with addiction but all of them are seeking the same thing. A job and a home and a little bit of pride. I learned how to love myself a little bit more here with the help of everybody here. Now its all uneven. Reporter after chanels husband left her she moved 18 times with her daughters before womens empowerment helped her find work at a local college and move into an apartment. Now that we have our own place our own foundation, our own area that we can relax and let our hair down its like a weight is just gone. Its phone. When people think of homelessness they think of the person on the Street Corner with a sign. The man sitting on a park bench. Those folks are homeless. But women and children are the hidden homeless. They are invisible to most of society. Reporter lisas organization is supported by a team of 600 volume volunteers. Over a decade they helped over 1200 women start over. Last month aricelli became the 1247th woman to graduate. At one time feeling worthless and alone. I had to look inside and search myself. Im sorry. Search this woman whose inner voice was taken away, shut down and replaced with a critic. Reporter now transformed into the person she says she was meant to be. If i were to go back to april 21 the fist day of class and told myself i would speak in front of you people the fact that im the shyest being in the world i would be like no way, jose, i would never do that. Guess what. I just did. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] reporter on this day, 24 women began a new chapter cheered on by the woman and the children who gave them the strength to pull through. We are happy to report shes very close to being hired in a paid administrative position. We wish her luck. Each graduate gets a get a swrob kit. They come filled with worksheets and tips to help them as they set out on the job hunt. Nearly 90 of women who finish the program find jobs and safehousesafe safe housing. So many are moms. Great program. We need many more programs like this. And there is a point about women and homelessness and the effect on children. Absolutely. Well be back in a moment. This is today on nbc. Everybody holler look. Isnt she beautiful . So adorable. Yeah. Cyndi lauper is with us and the best Beauty Products for women. I have a bottle of rose. Oh nbc 10 news starts now. Good morning. Im tracy davidson. Lets get the steamy forecast from meteorologist bill henley. Bill . Tracy, temperatures are climbing quickly now that weve got sunshine and the fog has cleared out. Mostly sunny skies. Just a few scattered clouds. Sunshine over boathouse row however. A live view from the Mellon Bank Building in center city. 83 degrees in philadelphia humidity at 72 and you cap feel it today. 83 at the airport, northeast Philadelphia Airport up to 85. Were seeing 80s in the lehigh valley, 8 in allentown. A philadelphia man accused of stabbing his wife and 1yearold daughter will face a judge in maryland. Police arrested Stephen Burton sunday night. Its unclear when he will be brought back to philadelphia to face charges. A neighbor told nbc 10 she heard Danecia Burton screaming on West Oak Lane sunday morning and saw Stephen Burton cutting her with a knife. Police say he stabbed their 1yearold in the stomach. Mother and child remain in critical condition. The bucks department will be out spraying mosquitos at dusk tonight. Officials say the product will be sprayed from trucks and its designed to provide quick effective control of adult mosquito populations. Officials in south jerry are urging residents to attend two public hearings surrounding the states proposal to build a natural gas pipeline. The state wants to build a natural gas pipeline through burlington monmouth and ocean counties. Todays hearings held by the state board of Public Utilities and new jersey natural gas. Happening at 3 00 and 6 00. Iran keeps their nuclear facilities. Military sites can go uninspected. Restrictions end after 10 years. Then iran could build a Nuclear Weapon in two months. Iran has violated 20 International Agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. Tradingin or selling your car truck or suv . Webuyanycar. Com takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. One, get your free online valuation. Two, book an appointment. And three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. Find out how much your car is worth at webuyanycar. Com a a. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. I drove all night yndi lauper is with us for boozeday tuesday. Shes won a grammy a tony an emmy now shes in the kitchen. Cyndi, how is it looking . Its looking delicious. Its looking very delicious. What do you like

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