Waukesha County Conservatory of Music Adds Dave Schoepke
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The Waukesha County Conservatory of Music would like to announce the addition of Dave Schoepke to the WCCM education staff. Dave will be joining the already impressive list of music professionals servicing Waukesha Conservatory music community.
Waukesha Conservatory of Music expanding partnership with music educators with the addition of persuasion and drum set specialist Dave Schoepke.
December 22, 2020
The Waukesha County Conservatory of Music would like to announce the addition of Dave Schoepke to the WCCM education staff. Dave will be joining the already impressive list of music professionals servicing Waukesha Conservatory music community. The Waukesha County Conservatory of Music is a nationally recognized organization of Independent Music Educators offering private lessons for individuals of all ages. Check out Dave's career and bio here.