Watch firefighters douse Polar Plunge participants with water for Special Olympics Michigan fundraiser
Updated Mar 02, 2021;
KENT COUNTY, MI - Ryan Musch’s first Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Michigan experience veered from tradition on Sunday.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the participants for the fundraiser didn’t jump in the water at a traditional location but got doused with water from suspended hoses attached to a Cutlerville Fire Department truck to allow for social distancing.
“My head was freezing,” said Musch. “But it was good to do. It was a lot of fun.”
Musch, an engineer and design team member with Fishbeck Thompson Carr & Huber Inc., plans to participate again. Local architect and construction firms teamed up with Special Olympics Michigan and Gaines and Byron Township public safety professionals to raise money to support the nonprofit’s athletes.