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War Pony Review: Riley Keough and Gina Gammells Directorial Debut – IndieWire :
War Pony Review: Riley Keough and Gina Gammell's Directorial Debut – IndieWire
The filmmaking partners' first film was written with a pair of Lakota friends, but still feels told through a narrow lens.
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South Dakota
United States
Bapteise Whiting
Riley Keough
Sicangu Lakota
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Joaquin Phoenix
Gina Gammell
Oglala Lakota
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Momentum Pictures
Andrea Arnold
Pine Ridge
Bill Reddy
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Sioux Bob
Jojo Bapteise Whiting
Ladainian Crazy Thunder
Oglala Sioux Tribe
Rosebud Sioux Tribe
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Oglala Sioux
Both Whiting
Crazy Thunder
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