Wapak plans for $60M water plant, dog park may move
By Josh Ellerbrock - jellerbrock@limanews.com
WAPAKONETA — Plans for a new $60 million wastewater treatment plant has had some Wapakoneta residents questioning the fate of the city’s dog park after city council approved the project’s next steps last week.
Wapakoneta Mayor Tom Stinebaugh said the issue had been brought up during council’s last meeting, and rumors in the community since then have inflated dog park concerns since its location is close to the future site of a much larger city-led project — a new wastewater treatment facility.
“We’ve got two years before they even start with construction,” Stinebaugh said. “We’ve got plenty of time to look at the parks. … We’ll be ready to do whatever we need to do, and we want everyone to know the dog park is not going away.”