Sierra Club Sierra Talks: Indigenous Heritage In Socal
For over 10,000 years, the mountains, deserts, and coastal shores of Southern California have been home to a multitude of indigenous groups. These people are still present on their ancestral lands today, the history and heritage of these groups is still present all around us.
For over 10,000 years, there were a multitude of indigenous groups who called Imperial Valley and Southern California regions, mountains, deserts, and coastal shores home. The Kumeyaay, Cahuilla, Quechan, Cocopah, and Pai Pai were, and still are, masters of their environments. Their artifacts, tools, artwork, and villages tell a collective story of adaptation, understanding, and ingenuity in a land of extremes. David Breeckner is the executive director of the Imperial Valley Desert Museum, located in the heart of the Yuha Desert in Ocotillo, California. He will virtually share the evidence of stories still visible today.