independent writer
Van Wert City Council has taken another step toward placing a charter government issue on the November 2 general election ballot.
During Monday night’s meeting, council members voted 6-1 to approve an tordinance seeking voter approval to form a charter commission. First Ward Councilman Jeff Agler was the lone no vote.
“This establishes a two-step process on the ballot,” Council President Jon Tomlinson said. “One is do you approve, yes or no, of establishing a charter commission to look at a charter for the City of Van Wert.”
“If it’s yes, a committee of 15 would write and create a charter and then a year from now that charter would be mailed to every voter in the City of Van Wert so they can read it, then it would be on the ballot next year to accept said charter as the new governing document,” Tomlinson added. “It’s a two-year process.”