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Voters react: The winners and losers of the special votes :
Voters react: The winners and losers of the special votes
So who's in and who's out? Final results showed Labour's Peeni Henare lose Tamaki Makaurau by just 4 votes and Labour's Helen White win Mt Albert by just 20 votes. Our reporter Louise Ternouth looks at the winners and losers.
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Dame Jacinda Ardern
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Mariameno Kapa
Mount Albert
Blair Cameron
Peeni Henare
Helen White
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Kelvin Davis
Christopher Luxon
Mt Albert
Phil Twyford
Labour Party
National Angee Nicholas
National Blair Cameron
National Melissa Lee
National Party
National Vanessa Weenink
Mps To Parliament
National Paulo Garcia
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon
Winston Peter New Zealand First
Mariameno Kapa K
Melissa Lee
Prime Minister Dame Jacinda
Labour Minister Peeni Henare
Angee Nicholas
Vanessa Weenink
Banks Peninsula
Paulo Garcia
New Lynn
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