In her first days in office, freshman Congresswoman Yvette Herrell, who represents New Mexico’s 2nd district, objected to the certification of President Biden’s election win. This position sparked calls from local organizations for her to step down. Herrel also opposed the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump. KUNM’s Khalil Ekulona spoke with Heather Ferguson, Executive Director of the nonpartisan voter protection nonprofit Common Cause New Mexico. Ferguson is calling for Representative Herrell to resign.
HEATHER FERGUSON: This was the most free and fair election that we have had in our nation's history. It was the most secure. That's been verified not only by our national Secretaries of States President Maggie Tolouse Oliver here from Mexico, from the national cybersecurity folks to all the members of Congress from across the board with the exception of these individuals who continue to want to try to make a call out to challenge electoral votes that were rightfully done. And in doing so she [Herrell] continues to fan the flames of insurrection. She's violating her oath of office by challenging these electoral votes. And we need her to resign.