Vote possible Aug. 12 on Sheetz development at E. Livingston and College avenues in Bexley
Chris Bournea
Plans for a Sheetz gas station and convenience store at 2253 E. Livingston Ave. is tentatively scheduled to be voted on by the Columbus Development Commission later this summer.
“The applicant is tentatively scheduled for the Aug. 12 development commission (meeting),” said Tony Celebrezze, assistant director of the Columbus Department of Building and Zoning Services. “Their agenda will be finalized on July 28.”
SkilkenGold Development LLC, the development partner of the Sheetz Inc. corporation, filed a rezoning application with the city of Columbus in December 2020 asking that the site be rezoned from a C4 commercial district to commercial planned development to make way for the Sheetz gas station at the intersection of East Livingston and College avenues.