After the price hike, S90 D4 Inscription is now priced at Rs 60.9 lakh, XC40 T4 R Design at Rs 41.25 lakh, XC60 D5 Inscription at Rs 60.9 lakh and XC90 D5 Inscription at Rs 88.9 lakh (all prices ex-showroom).
Volvo had last announced price increase in 2018 and thereafter has maintained the price line for all its products.
Volvo Car India on Monday said it has increased prices of most of its products by up to Rs 2 lakh with immediate effect in order to partially offset the impact of rising input costs. The company has hiked the ex-showroom prices of its luxury sedan S90 and premium SUVs XC40, XC60 and XC90 with effect from May 3, the Swedish luxury car maker said in a statement.