The cleanup series took place over the course of three days.
Author: Dalisa Robles (WBIR)
Updated: 7:43 AM EST January 15, 2021
TENNESSEE, USA — Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful partnered with Johnsonville State Historic Park in a three-part river cleanup series last weekend at which 25 volunteers helped to remove 9,208lbs. of trash from the Tennessee River.
Volunteers hopped in KTNRB’s 25-foot aluminum workboat launching from Pebble Isle Marina to go clean nearby shorelines at cleanups over the course of three days.
Kathleen Gibi, KTNRB Executive Director, said the volunteer turnout for the public clean up more than tripled this time around compared to their October visit, and that three river miles were adopted by volunteers who wanted to keep up the work on their own after this weekend.