General Insurance Corporation of India saw volume of 28.91 lakh shares by 14:14 IST on NSE, a 5.93 fold spurt over two-week average daily volume of 4.88 lakh shares
New India Assurance Company Ltd, Bajaj Electricals Ltd, CARE Ratings Ltd, Shoppers Stop Ltd are among the other stocks to see a surge in volumes on NSE today, 11 January 2021.
General Insurance Corporation of India saw volume of 28.91 lakh shares by 14:14 IST on NSE, a 5.93 fold spurt over two-week average daily volume of 4.88 lakh shares. The stock increased 2.94% to Rs.148.90. Volumes stood at 18.02 lakh shares in the last session.
New India Assurance Company Ltd recorded volume of 26.34 lakh shares by 14:14 IST on NSE, a 5.51 times surge over two-week average daily volume of 4.78 lakh shares. The stock gained 4.40% to Rs.135.30. Volumes stood at 15.59 lakh shares in the last session.