Virtual standoff at Volvo Trucks as workers oppose speedup on first full workday after five-week strike
Volvo Trucks workers reported that very little if any production took place at the New River Valley (NRV) plant in Dublin, Virginia, on Monday, the first full day back on the job after the conclusion of a five-week strike by nearly 3,000 workers. Workers who spoke to the
World Socialist Web Site described a virtual standoff between workers and Volvo management, which is seeking to make up production lost during the walkout.
New River Valley workers (Source: Volvo Group)
Returning workers also had angry confrontations with officials from United Auto Workers Local 2069 Monday. Local officials had worked with the UAW International to force a revote last week on a third tentative agreement which nearly two-thirds of the workers had rejected days earlier. The UAW claimed the contract passed by only 17 votes Wednesday and immediately shut down the strike.