Author of the article: Postmedia Staff
Publishing date: Jan 13, 2021 • January 13, 2021 • 4 minute read •
Brenda Snider, executive director of VIQ, says a new information portal created by VIQ and the local United Way is a means for residents to access information during the pandemic. The portal can be accessed through the VIQ website at FILE PHOTO Postmedia Network
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The State of Emergency and Stay-At-Home announcements by Ontario Premier Doug Ford on Tuesday regarding the latest regulations has left us with changes, many individuals and community agencies will continue to work together to ensure information and programming go uninterrupted. Volunteer and Information Quinte together with 211 Ontario and United Way Hastings Prince Edward continue collecting information of available programs that include time and location. VIQ staff have compiled a list of over 100 programs and host a portal within our website dedicated to up to date information. The portal contains links to programs in HPE together with important links to our local health unit, federal, provincial and municipalities information resources. This portal provides easy access to current information regarding COVID 19 resources and information.