LISBON — Lisbon Village Hall is now back open to the public. Village council met on Tuesday evening and council president Dawn Thomas said that residents need to be able to access village hall and the departments within it, such as the water department and income tax department.
“We need to get village hall open. We have people wanting to pay their taxes, I had a resident complain that they don’t want to leave their information in a box, village hall needs to be open at this point,” Thomas said.
Mayor Peter Wilson said that masks will still be required while inside the building. Council said they feel comfortable opening village hall back up to the public because they believe employees in the building have adequate space and separation from the public to perform business within health guidelines. The opening of village hall also means that council will be transitioning back to in-person for their meetings starting on March 23. Council members unanimously supported the decision to return to in-person meetings, and Thomas said that they feel more comfortable to do so now because most members are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine after Gov. Mike DeWine announced the age eligibility has been lowered to 50.