Q1 2021 Operational Update
Victoria Oil & Gas Plc, whose wholly owned subsidiary,
Gaz du Cameroun S.A. ("GDC"), is the onshore gas producer and distributor with operations located in the port city of
Douala, Cameroon, is pleased to provide shareholders with an operations update for the first quarter of 2021.
· Sales. Average daily gross gas sales rate for the quarter of 5.2 MMscf/d (Q4 20: 5.1 MMscf/d) of natural gas plus gross 5,473 bbls (Q4 20: 3,109 bbls) condensate was produced safely and sold to industrial customers in the
Douala area.
· La-108 Performance. The well continues to supply the base demand, topped up by well La-105. The water production from the well continues to fall, albeit slowly.