The larger space at VFW Post 2391 allows for physical distancing and additional parking.
Author: First Coast News Staff
Published: 11:49 AM EST February 25, 2021
Updated: 11:49 AM EST February 25, 2021
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — The North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System is collaborating with local partners to offer COVID-19 vaccination services to eligible veterans in the St. Augustine area.
The St. Augustine Community Based Outpatient Clinic will now provide vaccines in a convenient offsite location by appointment only for veterans who qualify.
The larger space at VFW Post 2391 allows for physical distancing and additional parking.
“We found holding COVID-19 vaccination clinics in our current interim clinic was difficult and we did not want it to impact any of our other daily appointments or services,” explained Dr. Thomas McKenzie, St. Augustine Chief Medical Officer. “The current physical distancing requirements has also added to the new logistical challenges we are currently facing."