While rates continue higher, from South Carolina comes, “I just got 30 minutes of cardio trying to pick up an ice cube off the kitchen floor.” Plenty of folks on the East Coast are dealing with other kinds of ice (we all know how 2 inches of snow grinds Atlanta to a halt), or may be hunkered down watching Kevin Costner in “Yellowstone” growl his way through the script like he has marbles in his mouth. Meanwhile, digital banker Milo has plans to launch the first-ever crypto mortgage, making it easier for crypto investors to utilize their digital assets to obtain U.S. real estate. “Consumers will now be able to pledge their Bitcoin to purchase property and qualify for a low interest rate 30-year crypto mortgage.” In other money news, broker comp is shifting. loanDepot sent a note out to its brokers increasing LD’s maximum Broker compensation threshold from $25,000 to $50,000, now available and will apply to all branch locations tied to the main Broker location. (LD’s announcement has all the details.) And PCF Wholesale increased its maximum compensation from $20,000 to $35,000. Broker and lender products & services More than 300 billion emails are sent and received on a daily basis, billions of which are spam. Enter HomeBinder, which has mastered the art of earning homeowners’ attention with emails that are both helpful and actionable. According to Q4 2021 reporting, HomeBinder achieved an astonishing 64% open rate for maintenance reminder emails, blowing industry benchmarks out of the water. HomeBinder will soon add monthly emails apprising homeowners of their adaptive home value, which takes into account recent home upgrades, meaning the platform’s ability to help lenders engage with borrowers post-close will only rise. What lender wouldn’t want that? Email Meg Bennett to learn more about HomeBinder, or look for her at MBA IMB next week.