John 15:1-27
Proverbs 16:1-3
2 Samuel 9:1 – Vows are important (Deuteronomy 23:21-23). David made a covenant with Saul before the LORD (I Samuel 24:21), and with Jonathan (1 Samuel 18:3, 1 Samuel 20:42)
2 Samuel 10:5 – The esteem of the nation of Israel was in how the other nations treated the ambassadors from Israel. By treating them shamefully, they declared war on Israel. David was loyal to his servants and protected their reputation, and that of the nation they served.
2 Samuel 11:1 – We have seen many great victories of David, now we see the words “But David…” When he should have been at work, he tarried. When one warned him (2 Samuel 11:3), he disregarded it. While he acted in a unethical military manner as an absentee king, he had a loyal soldier who acted ethically (2 Samuel 11:11). But David’s actions were plainly understood by the unethical Joab (2 Samuel 11:19).