DBusiness Magazine
Business Boost: Jack Fallon launched a vitamin company in his basement and has since built it into an $800-million global enterprise. // Photographs by Matthew LaVere
Jack Fallon, founder and CEO of Total Life Changes, a nutritional supplement company, says he was trying to figure out a better way to make a living for almost the entire 12 years he was building seats for Ford Escorts and Focuses at the automaker’s plant in Chesterfield Township.
“I quickly realized that wasn’t for me,” says Fallon, who went to work for Ford right after graduating from East Detroit High School in 1991. “I hired in with about 25 guys who were about the same age as me. We hung out before work and after work. We had a lot of free time, so we all picked up a trade on top of working at Ford. I picked up network marketing, which is our business model.”