Jim Kenyon: Room for the Holy Spirit with the Dartmouth devout
Jim Kenyon. Copyright (c) Valley News. May not be reprinted or used online without permission. Send requests to permission@vnews.com.
Modified: 2/23/2021 10:33:50 PM
With temperatures in the 20s on Sunday morning, heading off on a run, breaking out the snowshoes or bundling up to take the dog for a long walk all seemed like manageable outdoor activities.
But church?
I counted about 30 people who had braved the elements for outdoor Mass at Aquinas House, the Catholic student center, on the Dartmouth campus.
Talk about hardy souls.
The masked parishioners were a mix of Dartmouth students and local residents. Some were wrapped in blankets as they sat in folding metal chairs arranged at safe distances in Aquinas House’s horseshoe-shaped driveway.