The University of West Florida is working to create a space for the campus community to share and discuss their experiences with race and ethnicity. The new initiative is the “My Story Griot Project.”
“We’re still going and moving, and moving well and moving strong,” said Mamie Webb Hixon, assistant professor of English and director of the UWF Writing Lab, discussing the momentum of the CASSH workgroup on Race.
CASSH stands for the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities. Hixon says their work began last summer at the request of the college’s Dean, Dr. Steven Brown.
“He thought it would be a great idea for us to come together and talk about ways to ensure that our students are feeling comfortable on campus with regard to race and reconciliation, with regard to race, ethnicity and belonging,” Hixon said. “Thus, the full title of our committee is the CASSH Workgroup on Race, Ethnicity and Belonging.”