Sixty years ago, a tennis player at Irvin High School named Jackie Guadagnoli inspired other students in a big way. A superb student and championship tennis player from humble beginnings, she won every tennis tournament from Arizona to Texas during the 1960s. In 1965, she won the National Jaycee Championship for girls 16 and under and ranked #4 in the United States. In 1966, she won first place in the State of Texas 4A High School Championships in girls doubles and was named “El Paso Athlete of the Year” the next year. She received a full scholarship to Mary Baldwin College in Virginia, finishing her interscholastic career by leading the UTEP women’s tennis team. After going professional, she served as the tennis pro at the El Paso Country Club until an injury prompted her to enroll at NMSU. She earned a Ph.D. in clinical psychology to help other people.