Upskilling: 4 Steps to Choose your Next Learning Opportunity
May 14, 06:00 AM
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In today’s ever changing professional world, the nature of each job, the skills it entails, and the tools it utilizes are changing more rapidly than ever. Thus, we are being forced to embrace “ongoing learning,” or “lifelong learning” (continuously learning beyond traditional schooling). The answer to this is “upskilling,” which is the act of developing one’s skillset to stay relevant in your role.
The catch here is that your next online class, certification, graduate program, or any learning opportunity will take you time and potentially cost you money. When you invest in your learning and growth, you want to be as intentional as you would be upon deciding on your next job. While it’s true that any learning is good learning, you still should take time to compare and contrast your options and which program and format of learning will best set you up for success, depending on your goals and ideal career path.