University of Arizona researchers work to develop smartphone test for COVID-19
UArizona COVID smartphone test
By Shaley Sanders | January 29, 2021 at 7:28 PM MST - Updated January 29 at 11:10 PM
TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) - Researchers at the University of Arizona are working to develop a smartphone COVID-19 test, with test results within minutes.
“It’s extremely sensitive. It takes less than ten minutes,” said University of Arizona Professor Dr. Kelly Reynolds.
Reynolds said aside from a smartphone, everything you need to run the COVID-19 test costs less than $100.
Reynolds said the real beauty of this test is in its simplicity.
It is similar to a pregnancy test, but you use your saliva as the liquid. You put your saliva on the microfluidic chip, which is loaded with certain reagents that react to the COVID-19 virus.