A link to the full RFP can be found here: https://www.baytown.org/DocumentCenter/View/6102/ULDC-RFP-Final I. Project Description and Goals The City of Baytown is a fast-growing city located on the Texas Gulf Coast along the north side of Galveston Bay, approximately 20 miles east of Houston. The City's current population is 82,017 and is anticipated to grow to 108,394 by 2040. The residential growth is mirrored by significant industrial and logistical growth within the City Limits and adjacent industrial districts. This projected growth requires that the City rapidly faces new challenges. To ensure the City develops in an orderly manner the City recently adopted Comprehensive Plan 2040, 5-Year Strategic Plan, and Parks, Recreation, Trails, & Open Space Master Plan within the last nine (9) months. The City is also actively working to improve permitting procedures including launching an online permitting system last year. A natural extension of these endeavors is to update the City's ULDC. The Current ULDC was adopted in 2012 and only included zoning regulations. Other land development regulations remained in separate chapters within the Code of Ordinances, and several have not been updated for many years. This disorganization has caused inconsistencies between regulations and created a barrier to development. Recently, the City has moved all regulations that pertain to land development into the ULDC. This includes the: Zoning Code; Subdivision Code; Landscaping Code; Sign Code (this Code has been updated in 2022); and Parking Code; The consultant will be expected to analyze the City's current ULDC; develop and conduct a public engagement strategy; develop form-based zoning for specified areas; create an implementation plan for City staff and key stakeholders, and draft a revised ULDC that reflects at a minimum: Improvements to the overall organization, and ease of use; Removal of all inconsistencies; Incorporation of current best practices; Implementation of form-based zoning for the Downtown Arts District and San Jacinto District; Incorporation of diagrams, tables, graphics, and illustrations that clarify and enhance understanding of relevant code sections; and Revisions to or possible new development of zoning districts that better reflect the City's goals, policies, and visions. The final draft ULDC will be presented by the chosen consultant and City staff, through the City's public hearing process, for adoption. The total budgeted amount for this project is $250,000 and the process is anticipated to take 30 months to complete. II. SCOPE OF WORK The selected consultant will lead the project process and develop project deliverables with oversight from the Neighborhood Planning Manager. All work shall be completed in accordance with applicable City standards and within the agreed-upon timeline. The Scope of Work is to serve as a framework that Proposers can use to develop a more detailed scope of services based on their professional expertise and knowledge. The final Scope of Services will be developed in collaboration with the selected consultant(s) and City Staff prior to contract approval. At a minimum, the selected Proposer will be responsible for the following items and deliverables for the project: Review and Analysis Description: Review the City's ULDC, including but not limited to, identifying all issues, omissions, inconsistencies, conflicts, overlaps, redundancies, and outdated provisions, and provide a written assessment of findings/opportunities for improvements. Deliverable(s): A report identifying the issues, omissions, inconsistencies, conflicts, overlaps, redundancies, outdated provisions, and missing topics;
Public Engagement Description: Develop, coordinate, and conduct a diverse public engagement strategy designed to inform key stakeholders and the community at large. Methods should include various formats and scales of meetings from community-wide open houses to small listening sessions. The public engagement strategy should also utilize BaytownEngage.com and social media. Deliverable(s): (1) All necessary engagement materials including, but not limited to, presentations, infographics, social media posts, and promotional graphics; (2) midway and final report on public engagement activities and outcomes.
Evaluating Form Based Districts: Description: Analyze and evaluate Baytown's unique Downtown Arts District, and the San Jacinto Boulevard special planning area to develop area-specific form-based code for these areas.
Document Description: Create a draft(s) ULDC for review by staff that is user-friendly and easily navigable via an online based platform for the general public, stakeholders, elected officials, and the development community; incorporates diagrams, tables, graphics, and illustrations; and is deemed legally sound by consultant's legal team. Deliverables: (1) Draft(s) ULDC for review by staff and key stakeholder, with all diagrams, tables, graphics, and illustrations, that reflects best practices, the projects goals, and address the current assessment report and outcome from the public engagement effort; (2) final ULDC files, including graphics and illustrations, in appropriate formats.
Implementation: Description: Provide resources and assistance to aid City staff with the implementation of the new code through a 'start-up' period not to exceed 6 months. Deliverable: Written guide and series of in-person training to aid City Staff and key stakeholders in understanding, interrupting, and enforcing the new ULDC.