(Lake Fong/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via AP)
The hypocrisy of the progressive left “lockdown forever” crowd seems to have no bottom. While parents are desperate to return their children to schooling (something everyone else in the world has been doing all year long) and the suicide rates among America’s children skyrocket due to isolation, teachers unions are still selfishly refusing to send their members back to work.
They claim their safety is in jeopardy and that they are only “following the science,” even as they vacation and meet and travel around freely with no seeming concerns about their safety.
One of the most egregious offenders has been American Federation of Teachers President Randy Weingarten, who perplexingly still has a lucrative and elite job despite her anti-Semitic views that she unapologetically aired recently. She may have believed her own Jewish connections gave her cover, but it seems like pretty blatant anti-Semitism to accuse Jews of being an “ownership class” that wants to keep all their money and power for themselves.