Procurement raises questions over supplier creating its own sales pipeline within govt
Lindsay Clark
Mon 19 Apr 2021 // 10:14 UTC
The UK's Home Office is tendering to recruit a supplier to help manage the selection of its IT projects, leading to concerns over conflict of interest.
The notice published in the public sector Digital Marketplace is seeking a company to help deliver and operate the "discovery-as-a-service" capability for the "Innovation - Law Enforcement" (I-LE) function within the Police and Public Protection Technology Portfolio (PPPT), with a £5m contract on the table.
The snappy moniker – DaaS – alludes to the discovery phase in the UK government's IT project service manual. Discovery, it says, means learning about users and what they're trying to achieve; constraints the project faces in making changes to how the service is run because, for example, of technology or legislation; and the underlying policy intent the project is set to address and so on.