Uber, Lyft driver says business 'not profitable' during COVID-19 pandemic
Updated: 1:47 PM EDT Apr 20, 2021
Ted Wayman
Updated: 1:47 PM EDT Apr 20, 2021
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according to yahoo, news rideshare workers should be considered essential when it comes to being first in line for a vaccine, which means folks out there must still be sharing rides with people outside of their households. If this is you make sure you're following these safest ways on how to share a ride during covid 19 very well. Health reports riding in a car is especially risky because passengers are in a confined space without much of an opportunity to socially distance the CDC recommends opening car windows or setting the air conditioner system to non recirculation mode, researchers say clear acrylic barriers inside cabs do help stop the spread as reported by cbs new york, but nevertheless you should always crack a window ridership could ramp up for the holiday season and according to the Washington post rideshare apps, Uber and lift have required drivers and users to wear masks Since May, it's important that you do too.