Feb 3, 2021
UB Has Newly Reconstituted Board
The University of Belize has a newly reconstituted board of trustees. In December 2020, the Ministry of Education announced new appointments: the Minister’s representative attorney Anthony Sylvestre who is now the board’s Chairman. Retired Major Lloyd Jones has been elected as the vice-chairman and will be representing the interest of the tourism industry. Cresencio Sosa Senior is also a new member, and he will represent the private sector for industry while Doctor Yvonne Palma will represent the Ministry of Education. C.E.O. Servula Baeza represents the Ministry of Agriculture and the private sector for agriculture will be represented by Eccelston Irving. Doctor Deysi Mendez is also on the board as a representative for the Ministry of Health. The returning members are Luke Palacio for the N.T.U.C.B., Doctor June Young for the faculty, Fermin Magana for the ATLIB, Darlene Vernon for the alumni association, Steve Good for the student body, Doctor Fred Shyu for the Belize Council of Churches, Clinton Foreman for the National Council for Education and Doctor Oxaku Tehu Kax’oxo for non-governmental and civil society. The newly reconstituted board met on January twenty-second, during which the committee expressed its great desire to further the University’s development.