Rajkot: Junagadh police and Mumbai police on Friday conducted a joint operation and arrested two persons accused in Rs 2.67 crore cheating case registered in Mumbai.
Those arrested were identified as Viral Dodia (44), a resident of Shakti Society on Saint Kabir Road in Rajkot and his associate Pravin Sakhvaya (34), who lives in Tirupati Park on Morbi Road in Rajkot. They were wanted in a Rs 2.67 crore cheating case lodged in Mumbai's LokManya Tilak police station.
According to police, a complaint was lodged against the duo by Deepak Sidpura on May 22. “The duo promised to sell gold to Sidpura at a lower price. So, Sidpura had given them Rs 2.67 crore as advance. But the accused neither gave the gold nor returned the money. Sidpura lodged a criminal case against them. tnn