DALLAS COUNTY, Mo.- A man from Tunas has been charged in the death of his two-month-old son in mid-December. 24-year-old Brantly Scott has been charged with abuse or neglect of a child resulting in death and first-degree endangering the welfare of a child- death of child. Court documents say that on December 15, Dallas County Dispatch received a call from Scott regarding his son not breathing. His son, identified in court records as ES, was taken to a hospital in Osage Beach. The child was then taken to the University of Missouri Women's and Children's Hospital in Columbia for further treatment. Court documents say doctors there determined that ES had limited brain activity upon arrival. Medical staff did a CT scan that showed swelling and hemorrhaging of the brain. Medical staff also found bruising on the child's forehead, jawline, and bi-laterally on his chest. Medical staff told investigators the injuries were not consistent with CPR and were not accidentally inflicted. Dallas County investigators spoke with a social worker on December 17 about the incident who had interviewed Scott on what happened. Court documents say Scott told the social worker that he was making dinner and heard ES crying and told him to stop. Ten minutes later, Scott checked on ES and found him barely breathing and choking on spit. Scott told the social worker he then tried CPR then took the child to his wife. Scott also told the social worker what the head injuries were from; he said it was from ES learning to hold his head up. The social worker told Scott the injuries did not match his report. Later that day, Dallas County investigators went to Scott's home and found a single-family style trailer with several holes in the wall that match scenes of domestic violence. On December 21, a Dallas County investigator interviewed Scott and his wife separately about the incident. According to court documents, the investigator told Scott that ES died from Shaken Baby Syndrom. Scott admitted to dropping ES on the hardwood floor because he panicked while doing CPR. The investigator reminded Scott that the injuries were not caused by CPR and a drop on the floor. Scott told the investigator he had never shaken ES. During the interview with the wife, she told the investigator that Scott said that he dropped ES accidentally on the bed while doing CPR. Court documents say the investigator brought Scott back into questioning. "I shook him before I put him in the bassinet. Arrest me, let's go," Scott told the investigator. The investigator told Scott to explain the situation from when his wife stepped outside to the point he called 911. Scott said he got mad and grabbed ES by his arms and just shook him and threw him on the bed the put him back in the bassinet, and went to the kitchen for some food. "I asked Brantly what he meant that he just got mad. Brantly started well when she left, he was screaming, and she was supposed to help me with him, and he was fussing and being mad, and she just left me with him, and I just snapped I guess," court documents say. Scott told the investigator he basically blacked out. Scott told the investigator he tried to give ES a bottle and butt pats, then just threw ES on the bed. The investigator wrote in the probable causes statement that during his confession, Scott never showed any emotion.