Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Ltd. has announced that the joint venture (JV) partners in respect of the Orinduik Block offshore Guyana have successfully entered into the First Renewal Period of the Orinduik Petroleum Prospecting License initially signed on 14 January 2016 with the Government of Guyana, with the associated notice having now been approved and signed by the Department of Energy of the Government of Guyana.
The Department of Energy has also provided final approval for the transfer of the Total E&P Guyana B.V. 25% working interest in the Orinduik Petroleum Agreement to a new company jointly owned by Total E&P Guyana B.V. (60%) and Qatar Petroleum (40%), namely TOQAP Guyana B.V. (TOQAP). Accordingly, the JV partners now comprise Eco Atlantic (15% WI), Tullow Guyana B.V. (operator, 60% WI) and TOQAP (25% WI).