7.In what decade was the first Christmas card sent? 1840s, 1850s or 1860s?
8.Which monarch popularised the Christmas tree?
9.Name all Santa's reindeer
10.Which company is incorrectly believed to have given Santa his red suit?
Christmas TV anagrams
Re-arrange the names of these TV sitcoms which have some of the top rated Christmas episodes according to viewers
11. coffee hit (2 words)
12. Adolfo honor slyness (4 words)
13.advancing Yates (3 words)
15.hotelier mayfly (3 words)
17.daft three (2 words)
19. back ladder (1 word)
20.ailed dinners (1 word)
Christmas music
Below are lines from Christmas songs; name the song from which they come and the artist that wrote the song.