“I grew up in a very strange way,” says Dave Harker. He is sitting in his house in the southern suburbs of Cape Town, talking about the meandering journey that led him to where he is now. He shares the story in a gentle, confident manner, with a kind and compassionate regard for everyone he met along the way.
His father was a woodworker who installed cupboards and his mother a furniture saleswoman. The family, consisting of Harker and his sister, grew up in a middle-income neighbourhood, nestled between Gugulethu and the rest of the Cape Flats.
“My father started off installing cupboards in the rich neighbourhoods, such as Constantia and Rondebosch. But then he decided to cater to people in the townships and to build nice furniture for them. And he never advertised a day in his life. It was all word of mouth, through people in the townships. Working for him was my first exposure to township life.”