Triaging point set up near TVMCH
This will ensure early and right treatment to COVID-19 patients
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Collector V. Vishnu at the triaging point set up at Gandhimathi School near Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital on Wednesday. | Photo Credit: SHAIKMOHIDEEN A
This will ensure early and right treatment to COVID-19 patients
District Collector V. Vishnu has created a triaging point at Gandhimathi School near Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital to screen and segregate COVID-19 patients based on their health condition on arrival.
“If patients arriving here are asymptomatic and stable, they will be given COVID-19 kit having vitamin tablets, zinc tablets and kabasura kudineer packets and sent for home quarantine. If they have mild symptoms, they will be taken in vehicles stationed here to the COVID Care Centres being manned by team of qualified doctors and nurses. If they are in need of oxygen, then they will be admitted to the Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital across the road for appropriate treatment,” said Mr. Vishnu after inaugurating the triaging point, which will also act as COVID Care Centre, where a team of doctors and nurses have been posted.