Tri-Town News Datebook, Jan. 13
• The Moms Online Group is a peer-run group for mothers seeking mutual support, coping strategies, self-care tips and wellness resources. Meets weekly via Zoom at 8 p.m. on Wednesday or by call-in. Virtual participants use zoom./us/join and meeting ID 932 2282 2193. Phone-in participants call 929-205-6099. Offered by the Mental Health Association in New Jersey – Ocean County. Details: Email
• The 2021 Discussion Series will begin with “A Shift in Perspective: Seeing the Light in Your Struggles,” presented by Lisa Luckett. This will be a Zoom presentation at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 19. The series is sponsored by: Kathy Lo Bue, managing director, Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC. The Series is free, non-sectarian and open to the community. Call 732- 866-6660 for Zoom webinar registration information.