it will go down fairly quickly after that. but we have a heightened state of readiness at all times. we see ourselves at the top of the terror list. we have to do more than other places. everyone expects that. it's an expensive undertaking but we see no alternative. >> as someone in new york city you can feel the heightened security at all times. commissioner, john miller, thanks so much. you can catch john miller when cbs airs january 9th. happy new year. hope it's a happy, safe one for both of you. here is russ. >> rebecca, thank you. now to politics, the countdown to iowa. caucuses three days away, neck in neck with mitt romney and ron paul. another surprise rick santorum. jan crawford in iowa where it's balmy this morning. she's been following the republican candidates as they crisscross across the state. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the remarkable thing going into this weekend is how many undecided voters there are. we've been talking to voters and so many say they can't make up their minds. we're seeing candidates go out and make this final push on this final weekend all in an attempt to persuade undecided voters. it's almost the last chance for republicans to get their message to iowa voters. mitt romney is the front-runner in the state drawing big crowds and bringing tough talking new jersey governor chris christie with him to strengthen his support. >> let's be clear. president barack obama came out to iowa three years ago and he talked to you about hope and change. let me tell you, after three years of obama, we are hopeless and changeless and we need mitt romney to bring us back, to bring america back. >> reporter: rick santorum is dealing with larger crowds as polls show him rising in the state. >> i'm a little bit surprised at the scale of the turnout here today. let me apologize to everybody here. >> reporter: conservatives and evangelicals are boosting appeal. there were tears from newt gingrich who teared up when he recalled his own mother's illness. >> from dealing with the real problems of real problem in my family. >> reporter: it called to mind the time another candidate cried on the trail, hillary clinton after an iowa loss to barack obama in the 2008 democratic primary. back in iowa michele bachmann was visiting a diner in early iowa where a voters go a one-on-one pitch. asked if she's worried about her standing with iowa vietnamers come caucus night bachmann says she's still a contender. >> we think we're going to do very well here and we look forward to going on and beating barack obama in 2012. so i thank you. >> one-time front-runner rick perry is more humble about his standing tuesday night. >> i'm going to feel good about our performance regardless where we come in in iowa. >> reporter: so of course rick perry was at one time a front-runner, so was michele bachmann, newt gingrich. remember, herman cain he also was at front at one point. this race has been so volatile, so many front-runners. now like you said, looks like santorum surging up, making it a tight three-way tie. with undecided voters three days away anything could happen between now and tuesday. listen to this. some of the voters i talked to say they aren't going to make up their mind until news night caucus night. >> jan, thank you very much. we'll see you later in the broadcast. also in des moines, national lit cal reporter for real clear politics, political news website. good morning to you. >> good morning, ross. >> kind of a johnny-come-lately who had been blown off, do you think he can win? >> mitt romney has a good chance winning caucuses. if he doesn't win and fingertip issues second that's as good as a win. he's headed to new hampshire with a full ahead of steam. mitt romney is in a win-win situation in the caucuses. >> as jan pointed out, newt gingrich was riding high not that long ago. where have his supporters gone? >> reporter: newt's supporters are flocking to rick santorum. he's been getting killed over the airwaves. it's hard to turn on the tv without seeing an attack ad on newt gingrich. rick santorum is the one to watch. eve been traveling through the state frequently over the last year. a lot iowans have like rick santorum but haven't thought he was electable. that's changed overnight and i'd watch him into caucus day. >> why do you think that's happening? why do you think santorum is having the late surge. >> it's his moment. all the candidates had their day in the sun. rick santorum said he was going to work harder than anyone else. the evangelical vote so big in the republican caucuses, really starting to coalesce around santorum. the other candidates didn't have time to knock him down. if this happened a week ago. mitt romney, rick perry would come after his with attack ads but there's no time to do that. he's really peaking at the right moment. >> back to newt gingrich for a second. we saw newt gingrich crying talking about his mother. we've seen this before in iowa. historically does that tend to hurt a candidate in iowa when they show this kind of emotion. >> reporter: the jury is out on that. it helped hillary clinton last time around. there was a famous case of crying that killed the candidacy. newt, maybe it will help. it showed an emotional side we rarely see from newt gingrich. the feeling i get on the ground here, he really is not going anywhere in this state right now. his strategists are pivoting sords south carolina and florida. they are looking ahead. newt is stuck in fourth or fifth in iowa now. >> real quickly yes or no. could ron paul win iowa? >> ron paul could absolutely win iowa. i talked to a lot of supporters, they are working hard. he's got a lot of passionate people who are going to come out and caucus for him. >> thanks a lot. see you later. >> reporter: thanks, russ. >> rebecca. customers have hung up on verizon wireless. the company tried to charge a $2 convenience fee. the backlash was fast and loud. it was put on hold. the reaction as financial contributor carmen wong ulrich. good morning. >> good morning. >> this is a very interesting story to me. companies are learning to react differently to what we say online. >> i love this story because this is the power of consumer story. this $2 convenience fee were for a few if you pay debit or credit card on the phone or online. last min bill payers, a quarter of the customers but didn't stop customers for getting upset. >> if you set up auto pay -- >> they were still mad about it. >> online reaction widespread. >> facebook, boycott verizon page. also put up a petition. within hours they had 50,000 signatures. this morning it was up to 145,000 signatures. twitter, people were really outraged ott on twitter. the convenience fee popular fast. >> immediately starts trending on twitter. >> exactly. >> there's tons of companies that have sort of fallen bo this trap over the last year like bank of america as well. >> bank of america we know early this year they talked a lot about this, $5 debit charge fee for a month, such an outrage over that. talking hundreds of thousands of people being vocal about not wanting that fee. that was only tested in a couple of markets. that got pulled off, took about a month for outrage to affect bank of america. netflix they tried the 60% fee hike and splitting their streaming and dvd service which they ended up scrapping that. they lost 800,000 customers. >> verizon had to -- that's why they had such a quick reaction. >> within 24 hours they pulled the fee and it was a smart reaction. >> do you think customers will see this fee show up in another way in their bills with verizon. >> that's why i tell folks to really scour all of your statements every month from banking to utilities, cable because you don't know when these fees pop up. if they do pop up and see them, be vocal. go on twitter. >> you have that power. >> it's not like the old days where you picked up the phone and talked to one customer service representatives. now your complaints are not in a vacuum, they are in a public forum and it gives you the power to change things. >> carmen, thank you. happy new year. >> let's get to headlines from whit johnson at the news desk. good morning. >> rebecca, good morning to you. good morning, everyone. there are reports iran has already or is about to test other long range missile. the fars news agency said they were tested in the gulf. iran senior commander denies that but said they will. they threatened to stop oil shipments through the strait of hormuz in response. an arsonists struck again in los angeles torching seven or eight cars. they are trying to find if they are linked to fires yesterday. parked cars, one spread to a nearby home. one firefighter suffered minor injuries. president obama is delaying his request to ask congress to increase the debt ceiling by $1.2 trillion at least for a few days. congress asked for the delay because it's in recess until mid january and wants time to consider the official q the nation is close to hit the current debt limit. a trillion dollar increase would allow the government to borrow money through 2012. did you see this? an iowa wide receiver had to worry about more than oklahoma defenders. an espn tv camera overhead crashed onto the field in tempe, arizona late in the fourth quarter, narrowly missed martin mcnut, jr. he became tangled in the guide wire but wasn't hurt. hawkeyes lost to sooners 31-14. filling in for lonnie quinn this morning, good morning to you. >> as an iowa state grad, i had nothing to do with that, i was here in new york. $22 billion of weather disasters going out with a whimper this last day. talked about the great weather for the ball drop. there is rain showers this morning. travel trouble spots for today include new york for the morning but it's going to be nice. lower 40s for the ball drop, 50 in boston with rain showers along i-95 corridor. denver high winds but still pleasant. 48, houston, fog burning off for the morning. minneapolis turning to snow overnight but 40 degrees still 20 degrees above average for this time of year. quick check of the national scene, a closer look at the weather for your weekend. hang onto your hats, 80-mile-an-hour winds today and tomorrow for the first day of 2012. >> thank you. >> hold on. to outsiders it seemed like one of hollywood's happier marriages at least for a bit. >> pop star katy perry and comedian russell brand called it quits. >> reporter: fireworks katy perry were so well-known for singing about are different. in court documents her husband of 14 months british comedian russell brand asked for divorce. >> cited irreconcilable differences. he feels nothing could save the marriage at this point. >> reporter: the two met after brand hosted the mtv video awards where perry performed. their relationships proved one of the sweeter ones in 2011. in recent weeks there has been speculation something was wrong. rumors brand denied on a recent appearance of the "ellen" show. >> there's a rumor you and katy split up? >> what? she should have told me. >> reporter: then christmas she was photographed without her wedding ring while brand spent his in the uk. >> russell takes sobriety very, very seriously. katy is a pop star. she loves to tour. she loves to go out with her friend and have fun. >> reporter: in a statement given to the associated press, brand said i'll always adore and i know we'll remain friends. but for perry, the last friday night before the new year is hardly something to sing about. cbs news, hollywood. looking at that ellen clip, russell brand is a better actor than i gave him credit for. coming up superstar singer adele has a big year. winners and losers of 2011 coming up. this is the "early show" on cbs. incredible years for blockbuster trials. casey anthony accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter and then found not guilty. and amanda knox, her conviction was overturned. coming up, we will take wm÷ future to uncover the big stories of 2012. now we turn to russ. >> aging pop stars on the phone for you, rebecca, about the last comment. 2011 was a huge year in the courtroom. outrage over the acquittal of casey anthony and total vindication of amanda knox and conrad murray responsible for the death of michael jackson. here with more insight to the cases that defined 2012 and a look at next year's big legal battles is jean casarez from "in session" on trutv. casey anthony, the case built over the year. >> there was a little missing girl and i think the country turned to nap the cast of characters came out and we found her mother hadn't reported her missing for 31 days and george and her mother and i think they turned the case on its head when they said that caylee died and drowned in the family's pool and george anthony sxexually molestd her and then the stunning verdict. >> the people spoke. she was found not guilty. as someone who covered that trial, were you shocked at that verdict? >> stunned. absolutely stunned, yeah. >> interesting. let's move on now to amanda knox. the american college student who was freed after four years in an italian case. another case the public came more and more interested over the years. >> that's right. i think we learned how evidence can be fabricated from nothing, how someone can sit in jail and be convicted. also i think the lesson here is when you're in another country, you're governed by their laws, their police and you're rights as an american are really trumped for the country that you're in. >> another big trial this year conrad murray in the death of michael jackson. no surprise as to why so many people were interested in this were ysurprised at the verdict? >> no. i think one of the headlines is southern california has not been able to get a verdict of guilty in a celebrity trial. they got it with conrad murray. on the ninth floor where the trial was held, the fans of michael jackson lined that hallway every day of that two-month trial and near the end, russ, as the prosecutors would leave the courtroom for lunch or a break, they would start to cheer on the ninth floor for the prosecutors! the jury had to hear that. they were never around that, but you could hear it on the whole floor and that was amazing aspect, i think, of that trial for me. >> vander slut never charged for the killing of natalie holloway. he is being tried in peru for murder of a girl there. the trial will begin on friday. ultimately he will go to trial. many of the laws -- of course, he's not an american citizen, but many of the laws in peru are similar to ours. however he is charged with first-degree murder but no life in prison in peru. the maximum he can get is probably 35 years but i think we may see on friday when the trial begins, he may have an acceptance of responsibility. he confessed very explicitly. whether it was a true confession, we don't know, because joran van der sloot isn't one to tell the truth. if convicted of killing her he could get as little as seven years. >> coming up in 2012, jerry sandusky, former assistant coach at penn state and going to court to testify against charges against him of abusing kids. how -- how much of a circus do you expect this to get? >> it's amazing so far. first of all, we will see on the side of the prosecution will more alleged victims step forward and will there be more charges? sandusky may continue to do interviews and in a sense put himself in a corner because everything he says can be brought into a court of law when that trial begins so stay tuned. >> are you surprised he keeps talking to the press? >> very surprised. >> his lawyer is telling him it's okay to do? >> very surprised. this could come into trial as a statement against the interest. if it doesn't add up to the evidence the prosecutors have, there are inconsistencies. >> jean casarez, thank you and happy new year. >> and to you too. now sean mclaughlin is filling in for lonnie quick. am i the first person to do that? >> not the first in the last 20, 30 years. >> 2011 looking clear in the southern plains. a mixture of snow and rain in the northeast. northern plains, future radar here from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning for the first day of 2012. you can see wintry mix of rain and snow through minneapolis but here's the hot spot. chicago. up to an inch by tomorrow morning. possible flight delays. and then up to 3 to 6 inches up in through the northern and eastern great lakes. in fact, the great lakes, russ, heading into cleveland, down about two feet of snow that will all change in the next 24 to 48 hours. coming up next, two sisters who made 2011 their year. which sisters are they? well, you're looking a picket of them. we will look at the winners and losers in the year that is just about to come to an end. 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[ male announcer ] it's our biggest clearance event of the year where our prices are even lower. save money. live better. walmart. ♪ there were big winners this year and one celebrity managed to turn winning into losing. joe levy of "rolling stone" magazine is here to look at the year's biggest winners and losers. the middleton sisters did well for them. >> they did great this year. they are commoners and not from the royal world and ordinary citizens. kate, a fairy tale. married a prince and one day be a queen. pippa, let's just say rivaled jennifer lopez for attention paid to her posterior, that shot of her walking up the aisle helping her sister in that very special white dress. >> got her a lot of attention. ryan gosling has gotten a lot of attention this year. >> he made three great movies after taking time off. he started in the mickey mouse club with britney and justin and christina and oscar contender now. we remember the contest when bradley cooper instead of ryan was made "people" sexiest man alive. >> isn't it nice to have people protest. adele not rolling in the deep. >> she has turned heartbreak into triumph. her record, the top seller of the year. 5 million sold and about her relationship gone wrong. hey, why did you go out with that other girl? it's a number one single. for us it's like a facebook poster. >> tim tebow tops your list as a winner? >> tim tebow is a winner. partly because he has proved to everyone he can be a starting quarterback in the nfl. is he great? there's a lot of debate. why can't he do it in the first three quarters? in the fourth quarter, five times he comes through this year and amazes everyone. and he came a tweet top with tebow'ing. >> melissa mccarthy, another big winner. >> melissa mccarthy is an amazing comedienne. 41 years old and getting the recognition he is deserves for "bridesmaids" and on "snl." hasn't gotten attention because of her size and now a sitcom based on her size and now getting the recognition she deserves. >> anthony weiner, not a funny for him. >> no, now we have reached the losers. long time congressman from new york undone by a sexting scandal and doesn't know the difference between a regular message and a direct message on twitter and posted, shall we say, a self-portrait of himself to the world and then denied it and then had to come clean and it just gets worse and worse for him. >> poor guy. or some would say, i guess. herman cain? >> another one who it gets worse and worse. for herman cain, a guy who wrote a pizza business and wrote a book and went on a tour and was a legitimate presidential contender until people kept coming forward saying i think he made inappropriate advances to me when he was just in the pizza business or the restaurant business and it just kept getting worse and worse until, finally, he suspended his presidenti presidential campaign. my god, maybe he'll be back. >> maybe he will. kim kardashian a lot of ups and downs this year makes your loser's list. >> she had her own wedding this year. endless broadcast on the "e slam" network and 70 days after married she is getting divorced. even her fans who don't think the wedding was a fake was shocked. this may be the moment when people say reality tv doesn't seem so real to me. >> it doesn't feel so real when have you a multimillion dollar wedding either but whatever. charlie sheen. >> i don't know whether to call charlie sheen a winner or a loser. i know charlie sheen says he is winning but he did lose his job as the highest paid actor on television. the sitcom "two and a half men" moving on with him and very successfully. charlie will be back in another sitcom but my god. all of the charlie sheen nonsense. him saying i'm a vatican assassin, i'm a rock star from mars, i'm winning, i got tiger's blood. i honestly don't know where to put him. amusing whether he wins or if he lost. >> lindsay lohan we end. >> she has gotten a lot of attention for this "playboy" spread and reportedly paid $1 million posing as marilyn monroe and her community service and her saga goes on and on. so things can only get better for lindsay, we hope, because i wouldn't want to see them get worse. >> a winner for you, joe levy, in 2011 and beyond. >> happy new year. >> thanks. you too. up next, from baby bumps to block busters. a bold prediction who is next year's big winners and losers. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. 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[ male announcer ] it's our biggest clearance event of the year where our prices are even lower. save money. live better. walmart. creme body wash with nutrium moisture. after 1 week we took their close-ups. when they saw how much more beautiful their skin looked they had only one question... ♪ dove visible care creme body wash. new pronamel iso-active is a toothpaste in a can. the gel transforms into a foam and surrounds your teeth. pronamel iso-active helps protect against the effects of acid erosion. so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, time to break out the crystal ball and see who and what is going to be big next year. joining us now with his spot on predictions for 2012 is "us" weekly resident seth ian. >> one day a year. >> this is a good day to take a claim. let's talk about movies. >> "batman the dark knight." christian bale's last turn in that costume and anne has thisaway withis this -- hathaway will be the love interest. >> i think the hunger games could eat batman alive, no pun or pun intended. that is the twilight of this year. big book franchise series. they are bringing it to the big screen. the teens will be tuned into this and as for the hobbit, there is the sci-fi crowd. everyone loved "the lord of the rings." this is a sequel to that. it was a very popular book. >> peter jackson, awesome director. stars to watch for in 2012, who do you like? >> i am totally focused on andrew garfield. we saw him first break out with the social network. this year he takes on "spider-man." so another crusader he is taking on and dating anna stone. he is the new guy to watch. he really is taking over. >> i love him on "the social network." you have an interesting choice who is one of the wiggest stars of the year. >> it's kind of obvious, isn't it? only one word. madonna. >> it is obvious. madonna, we haven't seen her in a while. why 2012? >> every time she comes back, everyone is waiting and it's enough time that we sat through lady gaga and sat through katy perry, they have been great but we're ready for the original. she is going to come back and follow-up hard canny her last al bull, it's still good at the gym. put that album on, it always works. when she hits the road, she always grosses one of the highest grossing tours of the year. madonna, there is no mistaking. >> big prediction for madonna in the studio and on tour. who else will do well on tour? >> i'm ready to jump like it's 1984 again with van halen with david lee roth. some people are hagar people but i'm a david lee roth with hagar fan. if it happens, is the real question. they tried this before and pull the plug before anything happens so i'm keeping my fingers crossed this thing goes through. >> old school guy. impressive. >> many signs here, many signs. >> which celebrities do you think will garner the most headlines? >> i think we are going to be the kardashians again. you can't get rid of them! every time you look. a lot of stuff going on. kim is single and may be dating kanye west and chloe is trying to get pregnant and courtney is pregnant. >> marriages in 2012? >> we are waiting for brittaney spears just get engaged and they will have a wedding and i'm sure the media will be covering that and to see if jennifer aniston ties the knot again. she went down that road and not in a rush. she has a new man and they are getting tighter and tighter and even dressing alike so maybe they will dress alike at the wedding. >> splits in 2012? >> i already predicted and just as i was on the way to the studio today, it came true before the year even happened. katy perry and russell brand. but i think if you're going to go for another is your-fire split, go for jennifer lopez. that's right. jennifer lopez and casper smart have been together a little bit and background dancer and she doesn't fare with background dancers and none of them last too long. j. lo, sorry but you'll probably have to find somebody else in the new year. >> tough words. >> a mom and dad promise to change their children's lives one larry at a time. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. 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i said, really, really? you know what? after two weeks here, i had so much fun again. great working with you and lonnie and betty so it's been a great year here at cbs. great last year and great 20 years total. >> we will miss you. >> i got an hour here to go the last day of 2011 and we are here with you on building saturday morning. welcome back to "the early show." i'm rebecca jarvis. >> nice clouds out there. >> yeah. very beautiful. >> and i'm russ mitchel resist as a parent we often worry about whether we are spending enough time with our kids or giving them everything they need. one father is asking parents to take the shortcomings and write them down and turn them into resolutions or promises to kids. coming up a mom and dad will read those resolutions to their kids. if you're in the mood for a wonderful meal tonight and who really isn't? the incredible jacques panpan gets saucy about dishing about n his favorite new year's eve dish and he brought a little cockt l cocktail. up to a million people expected to gather in times square here in new york city. and to welcome in the new year, let's go back to the crossroads of the world and correspondent seth doane. good morning to you, seth. how tight is security expected to be there in times square? >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. you can see people are starting to come in here and security is already tight even though we certainly haven't seen the crowds that we are expecting tonight. there are barricades erected all around times square and actually blocks around times square as well. people, revelers will be stopped about a block away and have to go through a metal detector and police will make sure they not carrying alcohol and not wear backpacks. once allowed in here, thousands of police officers, some in plain clothes, patrolling through the crowds and aided by cameras. take a look. three cameras by our live shot pegs here on the top of the tower here and police across the street. you can see one of these mobile command towers which will give police more of an aerial perspective of the crowd. with the relatively warm weather here, they are expecting record turnout. around a million people here. >> lots and lots of people. it's nice to see they are keeping security tight. seth doane in new york city from the heart of times square, thanks. only three days until the iowa caucuses. the republican presidential candidates are pulling out all of the stops. jan crawford is in des moines and has been following the candidates. jan, i know a lot of undecided voters still out there in iowa. any indication as to which way they could be leaning at this point? >> reporter: well, that is the crazy and remarkable thing about this race, russ. we have had so many different candidates come up to the top five different candidates have been in first place the past few months and fall back down so it's all really fluid and very volatile. rick santorum has started to surge the past week or so. now it looks like it's a really tight three-way tie between mitt romney and ron paul and rick santorum. then the other candidates who are trying to persuade voters to back them like rick perry and newt gingrich. he was one of the front runners a while back. you're seeing a lot of voters who just haven't made up their minds yet. the candidates are going out this weekend and trying to persuade them and making their final pitch. people running negative ads on television a lot against newt gingrich, by the way. you're seeing mailings delivered to households and mailboxes to try to get the voters to back the candidates, persuade the voters that i'm the one and you should vote for me, caucus for me on tuesday. >> jan crawford in des moines where it's going to be a very busy few days. thanks a lot. go inside and get warm. see you later on the "cbs evening news." >> thanks, russ. whit johnson is at the news desk with a check of the rest of the headlines. good morning. iran is reportedly warning that oil prices will skyrocket if deeper international sanctions are posed it finished the year around 100 a barrel. major countries are threatening new economic sanctions because of fears that iran is making nuclear weapons. afghanistan president hamid karzai is happy the u.s. is trying to talk to the taliban. there are reports the obama administration and other governments are trying to establish peace talks with the islamist militants. karzai said the talks could help afghanistan achieve peace and stability. police in waterville, maine, say foul play is suspected in the disappearance of a toddler ayla reynolds who vanished from her father's home two weeks ago. he told investigators he put his daughter to bed but found her missing the next morning. police base their conclusion on new evidence but would not explain what that evidence was. in seven states, iceberg lettuce is being pulled from grocery store shelves as a precaution. this after salmonella was found in a field next to where the lettuce was grown. lettuce removed from west virginia, virginia, north carolina, idaho and wyoming and nevada and utah. none of the lettuce sold tested positive for salmonella. the stock market on a down note. the dow lost 69 points and losing 0.6 of 1%. the year, the dow gained 5.5%. the nasdaq didn't do as well. it lost nearly 2% for the year. the s&p 500 was essentially flat for 2011. sean mclaughlin with our phoenix affiliate kpho is filling in for lonnie quinn and has our final check of the weather -- no, it's not. >> one more. but i'm -- good morning. stocks may have been flat but i tell you what, temperatures are up all across the united states. temperatures anywhere from 15 to 20 degrees above normally down in through the southern third of the country. you want some alternatives to the big ball drop in new york city? how about the peach drop in atlanta, georgia. 44 degrees tonight. peep drop in bethlehem, 37 degrees. the pinecone drop in flagstaff, arizona, at midnight tonight, 27. the grand daddy of them all, of course, times square and what a difference a year makes. take a look. when the ball drops tonight, temperatures are going to be absolutely fantastic! partly cloudy skies. temperatures in the mid-40s and last year, it was freezing! it was snow on the ground. all of the major party spots across the united states looks very, very nice. >> glad to hear it. thank you, sean. many of us tonight will make a new year's resolution but one father is asking parents to write a resolution or promise to their children for the coming year. joining us now along with their kids are two parents who did j that, mindy geekis and her children justin and lily and the rosen is, david, alison and jessica and bob brodie is the creator of "letters to my" which is the blog that started all of this. great to have all of you with us. >> thank you. this all started as a new year's resolution for me four years ago. i promised something i would write something for my kids michael and caroline. two years i kept a journal and gave the journal to them as gifts. and last father's day i decided i was going to start this blog and call on parents to do the same, to preserve personal family history. and so i've invited some guest columnists to contribute, including my friends david and mindy. >> mindy, you're one of the guest columnists. what was it like for you then to write this letter to your kids? >> i was thrilled. i've always been a fan of bob's blog and so the opportunity to write something that focused on my children and my thoughts for them in the new year was really special. >> and as i understand it, you have the letter here with you today. >> uh-huh. >> they haven't heard it so feel free to share it now. >> thank you. dear justin and lily. i revolve to have greater faith in you, justin, so you will gain your focus and motivation to achieve the academic success we know you have in you. i know you don't enjoy you father and i constantly staying on top of you regarding your homework. in 2012 we will trust in you to get it done without a million reminders. lily, i resolve to continue to listen to all that you want to tell me, to be more patient with you, especially in late in the evening when i'm tired and you still want to read with me, tell me stories about your day, or just want me to spend time with you. i will even resolve to try to get home earlier to perhaps i won't be quite so tired. >> very touching. thank you, mindy. lily, justin, what do you think of your mom's message? >> i think that it is a good new year's resolution and i hope she keeps it. >> you're going to do your homework without her telling you to? >> yes. >> very nice. david, you also brought along your message today to share with your kids. >> i did. >> dear alison and jessica. in 2012 i resolve to be the cornerstone of your lives. just as the two of you are the center of my universe. i will be there for you. i will reinforce your strengths, i will pick you up when you fall and help you understand what happened and how you can give yourself a better chance for success the next time. i want to do for you what you unconsciously did for me when i was at my lowest points. when you encouraged me to volunteer at your school, you opened my eyes to something i had lost sight of. my desire to help others. i had become so consumed over the years with my work i forgot how much i loved to help others so i volunteered with the cherry hill fire department and then i fulfilled a dream i had as a teenager, i became an emergency medically technician or emt. >> what do you girls think of that? >> i like it and it's very touching. i know how hard it is when he had a downfall so i was sad. >> that's really sweet. and do you remember when you asked him to come help volunteer? >> i was in the first grade, i think. >> first grade? what grade are you in now. >> fourth. >> so you have a long memory and so does your dad. what is it like for you, david, to put into writing your thoughts and your feelings and your hopes and your promises for your kids? >> i was really happy when bob asked me to do it. i think it's great to be able to show your kids how you're feeling and put it into words and actually preserve it on paper for them down the road. the kids have been such great motivators for me. if can i pay it back to them, it's going to be wonderful. >> must be nice to see something that you started coming through in so many ways. mindy and david and bob, is this something you're going to continue to do? will we see 2012 letter like the 2011 letter? >> i hope so. >> yes, absolutely. >> i'm going to keep going. >> good deal. glad to hear it. happy new year to all of you. >> and to you too. >> to read mindy and david's entire letters, head to our website coming up, will consumers scream? a look at the hot tech toys coming your way in 2012. this is "the early show" on cbs. wm÷so ñh sometimes life can be, well, a little uncomfortable, but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go... it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d. and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk. when bp made a commitment to the gulf, we knew it would take time, but we were determined to see it through. today, while our work continues, i want to update you on the progress: bp has set aside 20 billion dollars to fund economic and environmental recovery. we're paying for all spill- related clean-up costs. and we've established a 500 million dollar fund so independent scientists can study the gulf's wildlife and environment for ten years. thousands of environmental samples from across the gulf have been analyzed by independent labs under the direction of the us coast guard. i'm glad to report all beaches and waters are open for everyone to enjoy. and the economy is showing progress with many areas on the gulf coast having their best tourism seasons in years. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp. we're committed to the gulf for everyone who loves it, and everyone who calls it home. means i don't have any margin for error. one wrong turn and i could end up unloading a puddle of water. female voice: turn right ahead. so i make sure i have the right guidance to get me exactly where i need to be. it's the same with taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me step by step, and if i have any questions, i can even ask a tax expert by phone or chat, for free, which helps me know it's done right and get my maximum refund, guaranteed. man: get free, one-on-one, expert tax advice. go to next year promises to be a great year for tech toys. here with a look at the coolest gadgets to expect in 2012 is can ackerman, senior editor of good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> january begins tomorrow, of course. what is the coolest thing coming out in january? >> i think android operating system ice cream sandwich. they are hoping to get them up to the same level. >> school me here. ice cream sandwich? >> they always come up with crazy names like gingerbread. it's like when you get the big iphone update this is. this is the android version of that and hopefully make the tablets more like the ipad. >> talk about february. any cool stuff coming up then? >> there is. playstation vita. we haven't seen up with of these in a while from sony from playstation and plays a lot of games and has interesting touch inputs and ways to interact with it and plays movies. the question is everyone who has iphone that does all of that stuff is there room for a standalone hand-held gaming console or are we past that point? >> does that replace the php? >> it does. >> you can use this with your playstation 3? >> can connects to some playstations but also a standalone screen. >> march, something cool i'm told is coming out from apple, oh, look. it's the ipad 3. >> i would put money on that. the ipad 1 and 2 came out in the march/april time frame. apple hasn't said anything but a pretty good bet they are keeping to the same schedule on these. >> what will the ipad 3 have that we think we know of that the ipad 2 doesn't? >> i think a higher resolution screen is the safest bet and let you watch hd movies and fit more stuff on the screen and other tablets have high resolution screens now. maybe a better camera. camera in the ipad 2 not very good. one i'm not hot on a smaller 7-inch size. not sure if they are doing that but may stick with the 9-inch size. >> we thought the iphone 5 was coming out and but tlves the iphone 4s. >> what can we expect in april? >> i think you'll see a lot of new generation of really thin laptops called ultra books. a few out now, but these have the latest intel. it runs windows, super thin and super light and less expensive than the macbook. it's a great deal. >> is that the future? the lighter, thinner? >> oh, yeah. by the end of next year if you're not a thin laptop you're in the in the game at all. >> let's talk about this summer. hot stuff. >> i think we might see something surprising this summer from apple. they say that one of steve jobs last big projects was an apple hd-tv which was a big screen tv that apple would make which seems out of character for them but they have done so many interesting things with phones and tablets so you can only imagine what they would do with a tv set. >> i think the coolest thing overall that i use the most is the ipad 2 which has replaced my laptop and become kind of my go to pickup twice. a lot of people really like -- these have been around a while but in 2011 came out with a 50 dollar version. a little box you plug into your tv and stream netflix and great parent/grandparent device because you plug it in and it works. >> i know somebody who loves to watch it and play with it, it seems like you bring it home and it's ready to use. >> as soon as you get it home, you see the next model coming out. i think they will come out with a next one where you buy the current one. >> the ipad 3, a lot of people here talking about that here with the apple door next door. getting in line already. dan ackerman, thanks a lot and happy new year. >> you too. up next, a look back at 2011 hottest trends in social media. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. oh it's clearance time! yeah, our low prices are even lower. we need to teach her how to walk. she is taking up valuable cart space. aren't you, honey? [ male announcer ] it's our biggest clearance event of the year where our prices are even lower. save money. live better. walmart. of the year where our prices are even lower. hershey's air delight. experience light and airy, melty bubbles. made from pure, delicious hershey's milk chocolate. hershey's air delight. creme body wash with nutrium moisture. after 1 week we took their close-ups. when they saw how much more beautiful their skin looked they had only one question... ♪ dove visible care creme body wash. sir, can you hear me? two, three. just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. a stevia leaf erased my fears. it made my willpower a super hero. as for calories, it has zero. twinkle twinkle truvia® star, natural sweetness, i love just what you are. truvia®. honestly sweet. yeah, our low prices are even lower. we need to teach her how to walk. she is taking up valuable cart space. aren't you, honey? [ male announcer ] it's our biggest clearance event of the year where our prices are even lower. save money. live better. walmart. ♪ this morning a very special new year's eve edition of trend benders. here with a look at the big buzz on the internet during 2011 is wilson tang. great to have you here. >> thanks for having me in. >> happy new year to you. it's a big year, a very big year for the internet. huge year for social media. facebook is one of those pieces of social media. what were the big status updates on facebook this year? >> number one status for everybody globally was about the death of osama bin laden. that was the good news. >> the good news people care about something important in sosh med social media. >> you can see number two on the list is the packers win the super bowl. casey anthony. we had charlie sheen and the death of steve jobs. so it's a really huge swath of american and, you know, global culture that people are really tuned in to and want to share their thoughts and feelings about. >> sharing their thoughts and feelings about all of these things. these are the top five things people did. when it comes to youtube, what was the top video of 2011 played on youtube? >> i don't know how it garnered this many views and most people won't admit to watching it that many times. but rebecca black friday video got 180 million views. >> 180 million views? i'm guessing not all of these views were in the u.s. they were around the world? >> around the world but somebody must have had this on repeat. i can only listen to it one or two times. >> but you did listen to it? >> i'll admit i listened to it. i think leach us chuckled and laughed about it but apparently a lot of people watched it and repeat it. it really just changed -- it changed her life in a lot of ways. it got her a music career, a recording contract and it showed that, you know, if you find something catchy and entertaining, you might not need all of the talent in the world to become a star. >> people don't have to love it. they can hate it and you're still going to get views. people like you, wilson, are watching it. do you think we are going to see more of rebecca black, perhaps a wednesday or thursday or something like that? >> well, i personally hope not. but i think that she's got a big music career ahead of her. >> good deal. it was a really interesting year for twitter. another form of social media. beyonce, a lot of us remember the big tweet she sent out that she was pregnant. did anything dethrone her as the big tweet and talked about tweet of the year? >> a huge piece of news when she announced. 9,000 people tweeted her second when she announced it. this year, that record was shattered by the re-airing after 1986 jack nece film called "castle in the sky." it's a yearly thing in japan. i'm not sure why this particular event suddenly garnered 25,000. but, apparently, a lot of people loved it this is per second. not over an hour or a number of retwoo retweets. >> this is the interesting thing about social media. it's a part of our nomenclature now. 25,000 people in this one case who are all talking about the exact same thing at the exact same moment in time. >> this year, social media showed how powerful it was with events like the arab spring. it's not just, you know, rebecca black, it's really powerful things that people had in their hearts and souls that they are shag sharing to all of their friends all at once. >> wilson, appreciate it. coming up next, everything you need ♪ the general motors building here at 59th and fifth. our final half hour here. how about that? >> our final half hour in our building. >> i'm russ mitchell. welcome back to "the early show." >> i'm rebecca jarvis. coming up, sparkling wine to crystal and everything you need before popping the cork to bring in the new year. >> jacques will dish about his special new year's dish. >> and russ just mentioned some wonderful surprises. we say good-bye to our home here. it was how many years? 11 years. >> here at the general motors building and it will be the final shareholder here on "the early show" with russ and i together. >> another half hour. we will try not to cause any problems or anything like that. can we do that? >> i really can't guarantee anything, to be honest. >> we will give it a shot. first, here is sean mclaughlin with our final check of the weather. >> happy new year, everyone. i tell you what, it looks fantastic the last day of 2011. temperatures running anywhere from 15 to 20 degrees above average for most of the country. just a few light showers up in the northeastern third but that will be all done by midnight tonight. sun bowl today on cbs. ready for some football? living up to its name. sunny skies. a high of 62 degrees during kickoff between georgia tech and utah. if you want to go skiing, vail, the base over 18 inches and 47 inches in my home state of arizona at sunrise, arizona. new year's eve party towns, look at this. austin, new orleans, temperatures in the 70s and with clock strikes 12, everything is going to look fantastic. maybe just a little bit of rain by tomorrow morning for chicago. the tiny bubbles, russ. toss it back to you. >> thanks a lot, sean. up next, a new year's eve taste test. can we tell the difference between sparkling wine and a 10 dollar bottle of champagne. everything you need to know when we return. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ega for my heart. but to be honest, i find the omega choices overwhelming. which one is right for me? then i found new pronutrients omega-3. it's from centrum. a name i trust. it goes beyond my heart to support my brain and eyes too. and these ultra concentrated minigels are much smaller than many others. it's part of a whole new line of supplements. there's probiotic and fruit & veggie too. new pronutrients from centrum. look for your five dollar coupon in this sunday's paper. 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[ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex with 5-loxin advanced. shows improvement in joint comfort within 7 days. osteo bi-flex. the #1 doctor and pharmacist recommended brand. world renowned chef and actor jacques papan has spent more than 60 years making classic cuisine in france and the u.s. and enjoys teaching as much as working. >> we are honored to have him with us for a special new year's eve dish. his ultimate roast duck with orange sauce. chef, good morning to you. >> good morning to you. thank you. >> this looks delicious. >> thank you. thank you very much. we have a lot of different dishes here. we have fresh caviar and salmon and potato with sour cream. this is after the holiday when you eat and drank too much. black bean soup. black beans with ba nnanabanana. we have rum here. >> signature dish, tell me about this. >> the signature dish. this is plen died roast duck and it's now duck usually you have it rare but this one is cooked well done and in the old style and reduction of the bone to do a segment of orange and a little bit of vinegar sewer in it too and actually we should have here move a little bit. p pepper it here. >> if you want this at home, i always forgot the sauce. that's the problem. >> it will look a little better. >> tell me the history of this dish. >> very, very old dish going back to the 17, 18th century in france, you know, and usually done with -- duck. which i think are absolutely wonderful. >> delicious. >> i've been in america so long that this is a french dish. >> you made it a french dish? >> right. a bit different. >> yeah. >> pot potato and flour and a batt batter, smoked salmon. it's vegeds. >> whvery good. >> what is a perfect new year's eve for you? >> family. family the perfect place to be. oyster, duck or goose. and christmas you love the cake. jelly roll shaped like a piece of log, you know, that you keep in the chimney, cake walk. >> i guess if you were to have this meal with anybody, it would be with your family? >> it would be with you! >> i do have a question about, you know, you started this so early at age 13, you were already a master chef. has your cooking changed a lot over the years? and is there a new frontier that you'd like to cover and accomplish? >> that's a good question, because in that book that i have here, i have over 700 recipes and it goes back to recipes i did 30, 35 years ago. i realize when i did the recipe, i'm older. the taste of a young man middle-aged man and old man different. so, living in america, my wife being -- all of that, but change -- you don't realize. all of a sudden you wake up and everything has changed. >> we ask all of our chefs to sign this. we would appreciate it if you did that as well. >> for sure. my pleasure. >> it's delicious. if you'd like more on the dish and on chef jacques, go to our website i can't say jeff jacques i could do it quite like this but it is incredible. >> you can do it as well as this. maybe better. >> happy new year. >> happy new year to all of you too. thank you very much for having me. >> thanks so much. >> we are coming right back. you're watching "the early s ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex brand tissues are america's softest... no wonder people want to share them on and on. send a kleenex brand share package for free today at and start your own chain of sharing. in return, you'll receive a sample of new kleenex cool touch tissues... the only tissue that actively releases a cool sensation to soothe a sore nose on contact. kleenex. softness worth sharing. basically, that will be the twilight of this year. it's a big book franchise series. they're bringing it to the big screen. all of the teens are going to be tuned into this and clamoring. and as for "the has beobbihobbis the sci-fi crowd. you'll see where "lord of the rings" got its origin. very popular books. >> awesome director. let's talk about stars to look for in 2012. who do you like? >> totally focused on andrew garfield. we saw him break out with "the social network." this year he takes on "spiderman" another comic crusader. and he's going to be the new guy to watch. he's really taking over. >> i loved him in "the social network." let's talk about music in 2012. you have an interesting choice as to who is going to be one of the biggest stars of the year. >> well, it's kind of obvious, isn't it? only one word, madonna. >> well, not so obvious. we haven't seen her in a while. why 2012? >> every time she comes back, everybody is waiting. it's been enough time, we sat through lady gaga, we sat through lady perry, they've been great, but we're ready for the original. she is going to come back and follow up "heart candy," her last album. it's still good at the gym. you put that album on, it always works. and when she hits the road, she always grosses one of the highest-grossing tours of the year. madonna, there's no mistake. >> big prediction for madonna in the studio and on tour. who else on tour is going to do well? >> i am ready to jump like it's 1984 again for van hey hail less than. with david lee roth. i'm a david lee roth fan. we're going to see them with a new album. if this happens, though, is the real question. they've tried this before, and they always end up pulling the plug before anything happens. so i'm keeping my fingers crossed this one actually goes through. >> old-school guy. impressive. >> many sides here. many sides. >> which celebrities do you think will garner the most headlines? >> i think we're going to see the cakardashians again. you can't get rid of them. kim is single, may be dating kanye west. courtney is pregnant, chloe trying to get pregnant. a lot of stoerls to follow up on. >> let's talk about marriages in 2012. >> we're all waiting for britney spears and jason. we're waiting for them to have a wedding. i'm sure the media will be covering that. and to see if jennifer anston ties the knot again. she has been in no rush. she has a new man, getting tighter and tighter and even dressing alike. maybe they'll dress alike at their wedding. >> splits in 2012? >> yeah, i already predicted, and just as i was on the way to the studio today it came true before it happened. katy perry and russell brand. but i think if you're going to go for another sure-fire split, go for jennifer lopez. that's right. jennifer lopez and casper smart. >> oh. >> they've been together just a little bit. it's a background dancer. she doesn't fare too well with background dancers, no one really does. so j-low, sorry about that but you'll probably have to find someone new in the new year. >> wow. tough words today from andrew. thank you very much. >> of course. >> happy new year. >> you too. later, a new year's resolution they have to keep. a mom and dad promise to change their children's lives one letter at a time. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. animals usually my favorite. >> i've had an interesting relationship with animals on this show. between the near death of an owl attack. that owl was coming straight hat me. >> you're not behind me, are you in the owl? >> i did not do the owl. >> permanent coanchors had in this building? thalia assuras, gretchen carlson and tracy smith and now rebecca jarvis. if i left someone out there, i'm really, really sorry. rebecca is my favorite. she is the coolest. >> russ has been such an incredible partner and a mentor to me. he is somebody who you sit next to him for a while and you start to see this is a person who has so much gravitose and so cool and has it mapped out in his head but at the same time, has this sense of humor. >> mike. >> what do you want? >> hey, michael. you've been here for how long? >> since a week before we went on the air november 1st, 1999. >> are you going to miss this place? >> yeah. it's become pretty great. >> the green room which isn't green, by the way. >> this is where folks wait before they go on the air appear at some point, the producer comes up and gets them and brings them to the studio which is where we are going right now. >> the big plasma screen. >> this is where lonnie does the weather. >> do you think there is a market for this? >> it's actually going into my living room. it is about the size of my living room. >> is that right? >> you talk about legendary buildings. the broadcast center certainly falls in that category. >> i'm really excited to move over to the broadcast center, because there's a totally new look. there's a totally new feel. >> the broadcasts that have come out of that building, just incredible. >> president kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. >> the evening news with walter cronkite. they have done soap operas out of that building and the nfl today is done there. >> the space where the new set will be is a cool space. you have mixes of old and new elements. i'm a nostalgic person. things matter, places matter and people matter and any time you move on from those places, it sort of is a defining moment. >> the broadcast center is a legendary building and broadc t broadcast. the fact this show is moving back there is fantastic both for the show and for the ble. >> at the end of the day, i know what we do on saturday. i have fun with it and i know that's going to continue. >> great memories. i left out two of my tv wives. sorry, guys. >> we want to wish you, russ, the best of luck. we thank you so much. >> i will miss you. thank you for your support over the year we just want to take a moment here to talk about our friend russ, who in about an hour here is going to be finishing things up with cbs. >> that's right. "evening news" tonight. but this is my last morning show broadcast, "early show" broadcast after 20 years. moving on to become an anchor in cleveland, ohio. it's been a great run here at cbs, such fantastic times here, great working with you. and also we're closing out the studio today. >> yeah. >> so kind of a double hit for us today. for me, especially. >> yeah. you've been amazing to work with, russ. i have to say. there's -- your generosity, you're so gracious. >> oh, thank you. >> no. and for people out there who who listening, it's not always common in this business. and you bring so many wonderful traits to the table. and for this last year-and-a-half or so that we have been here hosting on saturday mornings -- >> well, it's interesting, because a year ago, they came to me -- i did this show for ten years. a year ago they came to me and said would you fill in for three weeks? and i said really -- and after two weeks here, i had such fun again and great working with you and loni and betty. so it's been a great near year at cbs. great last year. great 20 years total. >> to many more great years. >> i've got an hour to go here

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