out why she's coming forward now. and a grizzly bear attacks a group of teens on a survival course in alaska. two of the students are badly injured and airlifted to a nearby hospital. we'll tell you how one of the boys helped save the other's life. early this monday morning, july 25th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs good morning. welcome to ""the early show"." i'm chris wragge. >> i'm rebecca jarvis. erica hill is off this morning. as a debt limit deal is -- investors are counting on an agreement to have a possible default, and all that uncertainty is bad for markets, and we'll have the very latest on the debt talks in just a moment. >> we have a lot of talks this morning without much gain. that's rup. first let's sgin with the terror attacks in norway. in this morning's first court date for the suspect. that hearing is being held in a closed courtroom. jeff glor is in oslo, norway, with the very latest. >> reporter: the suspect says he wants a show trial, a platform for his blaefs. prosecutors say today's hearing should be closed. the investigation continues into the worst shooting by a single gunman in modern times. today a nationwide noegs moment of silence remembering the victims. all those who died during friday's horror. twin attack that is we now know entered the planning stage all the way back in 2002. that from an exhaustive 1,500 page manifesto by anders behring breivik. it included detailed pointers for a would-be culture of warriors growing these signs to justify of purchase of large quantities of fertilizer. a video he made called for a european revolution, a revival of a white christian land. but what this self-proclaimed modern day knight did was massacre unarmed innocent kids in a retreat. the tiny island of utoya, northwest of oslo. breivik used expanding bullets, ammunition that explodes on impact, increasing his carnage, and police say he was able to fire for 90 agonizing minutes before swat teams arrived. hundreds of teenagers ran away. many hitting the water. >> just started swimming. >> started swimming. he was shooting? >> i saw people and they were standing on the beach, and, like, aiming for me and shooting, but it didn't hit me. >> reporter: 90 minutes before that in downtown oslo. government buildings the target here. breivik's lawyer says his client has admitted to the facts of the attack but doesn't believe he committed any crimes. he said what he did was necessary. today norway remains in mourning and on guard. a spot memorial filled with flowers continues growing. police barriers surround the blast site. the norwegian army patrolling the streets. breivik did lift something he wrote in his manifesto from the unabomber. it was much longer, about 1,500 pages. to start with prosecutors are requesting eight weeks of pre-trial detention. jeff glor, cbs news, oslo, norway. for americans the attacks in norway is a reminder that sometimes the greatest threat to terror may be at home. joining us is randall larsen director of the institute for homeland security. mr. larsen, good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> we see something like this, and i think people here wonder exactly how safe are we here in the united states from home-grown terrorism? can you protect people from this kind of thing? >> well, certain aspects i think we're safer than we were on 9/11. that's because the fbi has done an incredible job penetrating certain groups. both of the right extreme end of the spectrum and the left, whether you are talking about the ku klux klan, or the environmental groups that have done over $300 million worth of damage here in america. then there's the al qaeda spin-off of here in america, and the fbi has done a pretty good job penetrating them. the problem, though, chris are the lone wolfs. you earlier had mentioned the unabomber. he went on for nearly a decade. this lone wolf in norway was incredibly smart, even though he seems very disturbed mentally. he had beets on his farm so he had a reason for buying fertilizer. very difficult to detect someone like that. >> the fbi -- you have mentioned some of the groups -- the domestic terror groups in the united states, and the fbi says these groups are alive and well. they've identified a number of groups and individuals. who should we be most concerned about? >> well, the greatest concern we have -- and i was the executive director of congressional commission that looked at this recently, are a unabomber type individual that happened to be a microbiologist because if someone were to make a sophisticated biological weapon and attack a city, we wouldn't be talking about deaths in the hundred or 80, whatever this was was. you would see hundreds more. that's why we say america needs to be better prepared to respond because it's so difficult to detect that lone wolf. you can't intercept their e-mail or go to their meetings like we can these groups, so it is quite a challenge for law enforcement. >> so what then is being done to protect people against these lone wolfs, when you say if you can't intercept phone calls or emails, how do you find out who these people are, where they are, what their motivations are? >> a more informed and engaged citizenry might be the thing. that's how the unabomber was detected was his brother turned him in. you can't tell me that there are not people in norway that did not know this guy and know how crazy he was and they're probably asking themselves this morning why they did not go to the law enforcement. this individual was severely disturbed, and i think that that would have probably been the easiest way for him to be detected prior to this event. someone who worked with him or knew him or in his family, if they had gone to law enforcement. >> colonel larsen, thank you for taking the team. >> thank you, chris. >> now here's rebecca. this morning the u.s. is another day closer to a potential default, and there is still no deal on raising the nation's debt ceiling. democrats and republicans are now working on separate plans after a tense weekend of negotiations, and cbs news correspondental correspondent nancy cordes has the latest from capitol hill. good morning. >> good morning, rebecca. well, on friday speaker boehner said he was ablding talks with the white house to focus on what he thought could be a deal that he could reach with congressional leaders. well, after a weekend of intense back and forth, we are now told that those talks have stalled too. >> reporter: senate majority leader harry reid confirmed the impasse in a written statement sunday night. "talks broke down over republicans' continued insist ens on a short-term raise of the debt ceiling, which is something that president obama, leader pelosi, and i have been clear we would not support." now reid and speaker boehner are finalizing dualing pieces of legislation. >> i would prefer to have a bipartisan approach to solve this problem. if that's not possible, i and my republican colleagues in the house are prepared to move on our own. >> speaker boehner says his republican bill would involve raising the debt ceiling in two stages. first by about $1 trillion in exchange for $1 trillion in spending cuts. that would get the nation through about the next six months at which point the debt krilg could be raised again if congress identifies more cuts, but the treasury secretary insisted such short-term increase would inject too much uncertainty into a weak economy. >> the most important thing is we can't adopt an approach that leaves the threat of default hanging over the country for another six months. that would be deeply irresponsible to do. >> reporter: reid's plan, on the other hand, would hike the debt ceiling through 2012 in exchange for $2.7 trillion in spending cuts, which sounds like a lot, but includes money not spent in iraq and afghanistan, which republicans are likely to argue are not true cuts, so whose plan will prevail? in a conference call sunday boehner told his fellow house republicans i think we can win this for the american people, but then it's going to require some of you to make some sacrifices. if we stand together as a team, our leverage is maximized. they have to deal with us. >> that last comment was probably directed at the republican members who have said that they will not vote to raise the debt ceiling under any circumstances. speaker boehner will need their votes if he wants his legislation to win out in what is shaping up to be a partisan showdown. rebecca. >> cbs's nancy cordes on capitol hill. thanks, nancy. if a deal does or does not happen, how does that affect most americans? joining us with answers is robin farzad, and already you are seeing the ripple effect of the uncertainty on the markets, but what's the ripple effect on average americans if this thing doesn't happen? >> it's mostly going to be psychological throughout the week. people perceive -- suddenly start perceiving that the unthinkable of, one, a credit rating downgrade for the u.s., and two, a technical default if we hit the august 2 deadline happens, you're going to see banks not wanting to make loans. you're going to see car dealerships suddenly getting iffy about extending credit to you, and everybody is going to feel it. >> because all of that uncertainty leads them to feel uncertain about taking greater risks giving money to consumers. consumers are the lifeblood of this economy, so how does the economy behave if all of a sudden consumers can't get the money to spend? >> it's already a credit start in the economy. we know that. that's the chief complaint that banks are not lending out there. you're just giving banks another reason to not lend there. if they can't take for granted the government is good for its obligations, if they don't see past august 2nd, if there's no visibility, everything stops. by the way, everything stops in the international economy because everything is ultimately linked to the u.s. dollar and the u.s. treasury bond. i mean, it sets the risk free rate. it the benchmark the world over. sdoo how about everything stopping when it comes to the checks that people anticipate, 80 million americans, according to timothy geithner, could be at risk of not receiving medicare, medicaid, social security. is that a legitimate concern? >> it is a legitimate concern because you as the treasury secretary ultimately the guy who writes these checks out and cuts these checks, you're going to be at a fork in the road come august 2nd if an agreement isn't reached. do we pay pensioners, people out there who require our entitlement obligations or do we pay our people who are crediting the u.s. government chiefly? you're not going to be able to do both unless there is an extension of the debt ceiling. >> they have to make a decision without that extension, and it might not be good for a lot of people. >> it's a horrible decision to make. imagine that political or financial reprecussions. >> one thing americans are concerned about are retirement savings. what happens there? >> in terms of the market reaction to retirement savings, already we've seen bond yields at such lows. treasury yields are actually lower than when we were running a surplus 10, 12 years ago. it shows you that there isn't a direct relationship. if markets start to become more volatile, we're coming off of an epic crash in 2008. essential this is the worst time for the economy to feel that already when consumer sentiment is low, and there's been a stock market recovery that's been somewhat of a boone to consumer confidence. >> so you may see that recovery go away in this scenario? >> you might, but a lot depends on what happens over the next 48, 72 hours. watch closely. >> absolutely. robin farzad, thank you. here's betty nguyen filling in for jeff glor at the news desk. dave woo could soon be under investigation by the house ethices committee. he is accused of havingen unwanted sexual encounter with a young woman, the daughter of a campaign donor. the political website quotes a wu advisor as saying the democratic lawmaker will not resign, but will not seek re-election next year as well. house democratic leader nancy pelosi says she will ask the ethices committee to open an investigation into the allegations against wu. it appears likely this morning that the four-month-old nfl lockout could end this week. the players executive committee will meet today in washington. espn reports the committee is nearly certain to approve the contract deal already ok'd by team owners. and an engine fire forcing an american airlines jet forcing it to return to the dallas-fort worth airport. it blew several tires on the runway. the boeing 777 was carrying 246 passengers on a flight to brazil. no one was hurt. 13 minutes -- 14 minutes past the hour. marysol is here. boy, what a difference a weekend makes for some of us. a little bit cooler here in new york today. >> i have to tell you, you are right, betty. good morning to you. good morning, every. it is cooler in the northeast, but that coolness comes with a price in the form of rain. an inch of rain in the afternoon hours. the temperatures are a little bit cooler in the 80s, but it's going to be a very, very humid day. it continues to be warm right in the middle of the country. eight states have some sort of heat advisory or warning. dallas, by the way, 24 consecutive days of triple digit heat. this dome of heat continues to move towards the east coast. it stays this way thanks. that's your latest weather. now over to chris and rebecca. good morning. >> mary sol, good to have you back. how was the horse race? >> i lost all my money. >> good thing you're back at work. >> up next a grizzly bear mauls two teenage nerz the alaska wilderness. >> they were part of a group of seven on their own learning leadership and survival skills. we'll check on their condition and hear from their parents right here on "the early show" on cbs. the network -- a living, breathing intelligence that's helping people rethink how they live. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. ♪ we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's a network of connections and ideas... open and collaborative... extending far beyond the mobile phone. connecting you to a world of intelligent new devices and technologies. from today's best innovators... and tomorrow's. ♪ it's the at&t network... a network of possibilities... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. ♪ [ gertrude ] you do look good. 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[ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. this morning two teenagers are in an alaska hospital recovering from life-threatening injuries after a grizzly bear attack. danielle knottingham has the story. a group of seven teens on a survival course right by the national outdoor leadership school found themselves facing an all too real life and death situation that taxes all their newfound skills. deep in the alaskan wilderness north of anchorage in a mountain range the group was lined up to cross a river. suddenly a grizzly bear burst on to the scene attacking 17-year-old sam gottsiegen. >> i guess they came across this bear and startled it, and, you know, got him and knocked him down and bit him. >> reporter: he had suffered a bunk toured lung and head and chest wounds when the bear came back for more. that's when joshua burg intervened. >> another boy came up and started kicking the bear, you know, just to help sam fight the bear off, and the bear then went away, so i don't know who that was, but i'm extremely grateful for that person. >> reporter: their recent training was a critical help. >> they had their priorities in order. as the weather got bad, they set up tents, and they focused in their attention on the students that were most injured. >> reporter: the two are in serious condition, but a relieved mindy knows it could have been much worse. >> after about an hour they called. they called from the hospital, and it was so sweet to hear his voice. >> reporter: danielle nottingham, cbs news. >> a brave man jumping in to save the other. >> a good thing they had the training they did when they went out to do what they had to do. coming up, dominique strauss-kahn's accuser in her own words. her first interview. >> she also admits lying to immigration officials. which is why charges against the former imf chief could be dropped. we'll talk about when when we come back. this is "the early show" here on cbs. >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by mercedes benz, experience truly great engineering today at your authorized dealer. it all happened so fast. it was clearly too late for me to do anything as my mercedes collision system automatically kicked in. the next thing i know, the mercedes stopped itself. ♪ watching what mercedes has done in bringing together these sensors in a car with software that has the ability to save your life. that's magical software. 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[ cat ] oh, i'm not in your way, am i doc? i...[yawns] am an iams cat. this morning the music world is mourning amy winehouse found dead in her home on saturday just 27 years old. a shocking story here. >> and such a tragedy. her story is just too familiar. we'll look at her short life, her sudden death, along with the music that made her so well known. not only here in the united states, but in europe, around the world. she is missed this morning. this is "the early show" on cbs. your local news is next. 1 welcome back to "the early show" on a sunny monday. this morning a new round in the long-running amanda knox murder case. >> big news here. the college student from seattle returned to an italian courtroom this morning. she's hoping that a new report criticizing an italian dna expert's handling of the crime scene evidence will help overturn their murder conviction. we'll get you the very latest on today's hearing. we are looking at the tragic end to amy winehouse's life. she joins a sad select group of performers, jimmy hendricks, jim morrison, curt cobain all found dead at that very same age. much too young. we'll take a look at the highs and lows of her all too short career. first, we turn to the new york city hotel maid who says dominique strauss-kahn sexually attacked her. had he is now speaking out for the first time and in the newsweek magazine interview she tells her story of the alleged encounter with the former head of the international monetary fund. >> reporter: the chambermaid who accused one of the world's most powerful men, dominique strauss-kahn of sexual assault and attempted rape now has a face and a name. she is 32 of guinney has broken her month-long silence saying because of strauss-kahn they call me a prostitute. i want him to go to jail. strauss-kahn was placed under house arrest last may, but when questions about her credibility and inconsistent testimony threatened to bring an end to this sensational case, prosecutors were forced to release him earlier this month. recent reports about her troubled past are clearly a motivation for her to end her silence. she admitted she lied during an asylum request and has a relationship with the convicted drug dealer. strauss-kahn has pleaded not guilty on all counts, and his attorneys released this statement to cbs news this dealo saying, "the number of media events is exceeded only by the number of lies and misstatements she has made." joining us now is john solomon, news director of "newsweek" that got that first interview with dominique strauss-kahn's accuser. good morning to you, john. >> hi, rebecca. how are you? >> i'm doing well. let's get into this. why now do you think she would come forward with her story? >> i think there are two factors. i think the first one is that the relationships with the prosecutor has really deteriorated in the last few weeks as they have dug into her background and questioned her credibility, and then i think the second thing is she said very pointedly in the interview, she was tired of being sullied up in the tabloids being called a prostitute or a money digger and she wanted to correct the record of who she was. she put her name and face to her accusations. >> given that objective, you know, the prosecutor has said there were inaccuracies, inconsistencies in her story. did you get the impression that she filled all of those inaccuracies in this interview and that that was her primary objective? >> she definitely went into great detail about the attack, and when she did, it was a very emotional moment. at one point i remember dropping down to her knees as she reenacted what went on. she was very specific. it tracks everything that our reporting had led to earlier, so it seemed like a very consistent story to us. at least regarding the attack. when you ask her about her background and other things, she's more reluctant to talk. >> speaking of the emotion, though, the writer you say here there were forced tears involved. did you get the impression that she was telling the truth, or that there were some theatrics at play as well in her discussion? >> you know, i think that's for others to decide. the thing that she noticed was she had to tell the story over and over again. i think she made a couple of comments just how many teams people have asked her to keep telling the same story over and over again. i think she was uncomfortable at times and she paused and you couldn't tell if she was about to cry or not. when you get to the point of the attack, there's a moment of drama that felt real. >> what struck you the most then from the interaction? >> you know, this is -- the question that we asked early, on which is are you in this for the money or what would be justice for you? the palpable anger that i want the man to go to jail for what he did to me was an unforgettable and uncertain -- that was the uncertain message of her interview. >> there was no money involved here doing the interview with "newsweek." was there any reason that she came -- yol this is a big get. what reason do you believe she came to "newsweek" to tell her story? >> she and her lawyer said we had done a good job of following the facts. we got the key card records and described as best as we could just following the facts, and i think that put them at ease that we were so familiar with everything that the prosecution had, that they felt comfortable talking to us because we knew what we were talking about. >> wednesday there will be another round of meetings with prosecutors. where does the case legally go from here? >> i think the thing to watch for, i would not be surprised if dealo and her lawyer this week file a lawsuit, which will throw another wrenkle into another topsy-turvy case. >> we appreciate it. thank you for coming up next amanned amanda knox back in court asking italian judges to throw out dna testimony in her murder case, and she has two dna experts on her side. we'll tell you if she's any closer to a possible release. this is "the early show" h finally, there's a choice for my patients with an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation, or afib, that's not caused by a heart valve problem. today we have pradaxa to reduce the risk of a stroke caused by a clot. in a clinical trial, pradaxa 150 mg reduced stroke risk 35% more than warfarin. and with pradaxa, there's no need for those regular blood tests. pradaxa is progress. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding, and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have kidney problems or a bleeding condition, like stomach ulcers. or if you take aspirin products, nsaids, or blood thinners. tell your doctor about all medicines you take, any planned medical or dental procedures, and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctor's approval, as stopping may increase your stroke risk. other side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you have afib not caused by a heart valve problem, ask your doctor if pradaxa can reduce your risk of a stroke. discover customersl are getting five percent cashback bonus at the pump... and at many of the places their summer plans take them. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. good choice. launch me fellas. 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[ male announcer ] get your pudding face on with oh-so-cool and irresistible jell-o pudding. amanda knox is back in court this morning. two dna experts are telling judges why they believe the dna evidence in the case is worthless. cbs news correspondent elizabeth palmer in london for the very latest on this. liz, good morning. >> good morning, chris. the defense this case has brought. they're trying to show that the quality of the police work in general has been shoddy and slip shod. in fact, it's not nearly reliable enough to convict a young woman of murder. >> reporter: this month amanda knox turned 24, celebrating her fourth birthday in a row in jail. as she entered the courtroom this morning, she and her family had reason to hope that by this time next year she'll be free. >> i mean, she's still locked up, and so that's horrible, and it's hard every day in prison, but i think she's feeling more hopeful, like all of us. she feels like she can breathe. that's what she described to us. she feels like the choke hold is off of her and that there's definitely more hope. >> reporter: knox was convicted of the 2007 murder of her roommate, meredith kircher on circumstantial evidence. the appeal hearing is taking a fresh look at that evidence, especially knox's and kircher's dna found on the murder weapon, a knife. today an independent forensic report argues the sample on the knife was simply too small to be reliable. another piece of circumstantial evidence kircher's bra strap is also under question. the prosecution originally argued it had dna on it too from knox's boyfriend rafaelo who proved he and knox together were at the murder scene. not so says today's report, which points that the clasp was left at the crime scene for six weeks and eventually collected by police using dirty gloves. >> they talked about all the ways that you're supposed to collect evidence -- clean gloves, you don't pass it around, and the fact that, you know, none of those procedures were followed is just amazing to me. dirty gloves were used. yeah. amazin amazing. >> reporter: in fact, a new forensic report maintains the italian police mishandled evidence or failed to follow proper procedure 54 times after the murder investigation began. >> one thing in particular, though, is giving the knox family some hope. it's a statistic. 15% of criminal cases on appeal are overturned. up next war veterans are lung trouble. they say their problems started in iraq or afghanistan. the pentagon doesn't buy it. we'll hear from vets and doctors about the air that our troops are breathing over there. this is "the early show" here on cbs. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] say hello to the new mango pineapple real fruit smoothies from mccafé, bursting with fresh flavors and blended with creamy low-fat yogurt. the simple joy of exotic refreshment. ♪ the simple joy of exotic refreshment. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia every day. activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. a living, breathing intelligence that's helping people rethink how they live. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. ♪ we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's a network of connections and ideas... open and collaborative... extending far beyond the mobile phone. connecting you to a world of intelligent new devices and technologies. from today's best innovators... and tomorrow's. ♪ it's the at&t network... a network of possibilities... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. ♪ many iraq and afghanistan war veterans are facing lung problems. that's led to a debate between doctors and the pentagon over how serious the problems are and what caused them. cbs news correspondent michelle miller has one soldier's story and a look at new research that may provide some answers. >> if it wasn't for the army, i would be dead. >> reporter: curtis boyd has a horrible cough. he says it started while he was serving in iraq. >> i kept coughing at night. i would wake up coughing. >> reporter: the 23-year-old veteran, a former smoker, says his lung problems were not caused by cigarettes, but by something in the iraq air. he shot this video while stationed near baghdad. >> as soon as you get off the plane, the first thing you see is smoke. you know it's going to be a bad deal. >> reporter: he says army doctors did not offer much help and when he returned home in 2009 the coughing only got worse. >> i begged and begged to go see a pulmonologist and see a specialist. they kept saying i just had bronchitis, pneumonia. >> reporter: he went to vabder built university. he said boyd and dozens of other veterans he has examined suffered serious lung damage from their service in iraq. >> the soldiers that we have seen have permanent injury. >> reporter: boyd needed have pieces of both lungs removed. >> they found cysts in my lungs, holes in my lungs. it looked like they had been burned, like my lungs were scarred. >> reporter: and boyd isn't the only one. a soon to be published study obtained exclusively by cbs news found that veterans from rak and afghanistan are seven times more likely to report having lung problems than nondeployed vets. >> i think they're being exposed to toxic clouds that were never present in other wars. >> reporter: study author anthony summit says the lung woes are caused by a toxic mix of ingredients. waste sites filled with trash like this one shot by soldiers in afghanistan and burn pits. >> that is what we live next to. >> reporter: many like this one north of baghdad were ignited with jet fuel. >> the jet fuel releases chemicals, including carcinogens. >> reporter: research has shown that even the dust is different and potentially toxic. >> inhaling dust from iraq is almost -- it's similar to inhaling lye or chlorox or bleach. >> and that's the -- >> just shock waves from the bomb can cause lung injury, but if that bomb also is causing the humvee or the truck to explode and vaporize, you inhale all that metal. rimplgt the department of defense strongly did hes putins research showing an increase in persistent lung problems. >> we're not seeing any elevation in chronic respiratory diseases. >> reporter: spokesman dr. greg says, in fact, iraq dust sent more toxic than any other dust. >> based on certain locations, you'll find differences in the sand and the dust that's present, but by and large, it's pretty much the same. >> he admits certain soldiers may be experiencing more severe reaction. >> we acknowledge the plausibility that on an individual basis some of those people may be adversely affected. >> reporter: as for boyd, he used to be able to run two miles in under 14 minutes. now he needs to stop and use an inhaler after a slow jog. in fact, he uses three different inhalers and his mother helps dole out more than a dozen other medications. >> i want him to have a normal life, as normal as it can be, but it's not normal for any of us anymore. >> reporter: the army has denied boyd disability payments, claiming his injury was not due to a qualifying traumatic event. >> now my lungs are damaged forever, and, yes, it is the army's fault that i'm like this now because something could have been done. >> reporter: michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> in iraq pentagon officials have replaced those brn pits with incinerator where's, they plan to do the same in afghanistan by the end of this year. we'll be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. . then i'll tell them the story of pluto, the sad little planet that 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[sfx: dinosaur growl] clark! anyway, here's what they'll need: markers, scissors, crayons, pencils, folders, juice boxes, pretzel sticks, glue sticks, tape that sticks, and glitter. so much glitter. school takes a lot. target has it all. so we made ocean spray cranberry juice cocktail with a splash of lime. it's so refreshing, your taste buds will thank you. mm... oh, you're welcome. what? my taste buds -- they're thanking me. uh-huh. uh oh, sesame stir fry from lucky dynasty. oh, me too! but mine's lean cuisine, so no preservatives. [ female announcer ] lean cuisine has 90 dishes with no preservatives and quality ingredients like farm-picked broccoli and tender white meat chicken. lean cuisine. a makeshift memorial at amy winehouse's flat in london. her family traveling to london, seen there at the left of your screen, as mourners prepare to leave. she died on saturday. apparently of a drug overdose. >> yeah. we will be taking a look back at her grammy winning career. it ended at age 27. the seam age as several other music rock legends. [ male announcer ] ah. capri sun 100% juice. good choice. launch me fellas. [ male announcer ] ooh, bad choice. capri sun 100% juice. 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in the shoulders and in the hips. then they start telling us, "well yeah, i feel sore right there in the morning." my lower back. that's right where i've been experiencing pain. now you can feel what happens as we raise your sleep number setting and allow the bed to contour to your individual shape. oh yeah. it's really shaping to my body. when you find somebody's perfect level of comfort, that may be the first time they've ever felt a bed that feels exactly like they're hoping it would. you can adjust it however you want so you don't have to worry about buying the wrong mattress. once they get our bed, they're like, "why didn't i do this sooner?" and now the revolutionary sleep number bed is redefining sleep again. find your sleep number and join over 7 million people who love their bed. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. welcome back to "the early show" here on this monday morning. i'm chris wragge along with rebecca jarvis. erica hill is off today. the entire nation of norway stopped for a moment of silence to remember the victims of friday's massacre. >> and this morning the man who admits to killing the people in those attacks says he wanted to start a refrl use to defend traditional christian values. jeff glor is in oslo with the latest. >> reporter: he was looking for another chance to spread his radical views around the world today. his lawyer says he wanted today's hearing in oslo televised live, but the court said no, that it would be a closed hearing. in norway's capital at midday a poignant moment of silence. the country's leaders line together, norwegians watching and processing as chilling new information from anders breivik emerges. his writings says he began planning his twin terror attacks all the way back in 2002. his actions spurred by a deep hatred of immigrants and muslim extremism. a video he made called for a european revolution, a revival of a white christian land. his plan to accomplish that the slaughter of innocence. kids gathered at a remote campground retreat in the tiny island toya, north of oslo. he dressed in a police uniform, used expanding bullets, ammunition that explodes on impact, increasing his carnage. authorities have been on the defensive here, acknowledging it took them 90 minutes before swat teams arrived. >> at first i was afraid, and when i heard about the shooting at the island, i was so sad. like very sad. >> reporter: before that last friday afternoon, the bombing in downtown oslo. a car bomb shredded the side of government buildings, blowing out windows, sending workers scrambling for safety. breivik's lawyer says his cleent has acknowledged his actions were atrocious, but he also claims necessary. now norway, a placid country where violent crime is extraordinarily low, remains on guard. barriers remain up around the blast site. the army called in to patrol the streets. we also learned today that police in france visited the home of breivik's father, hoping to get a more complete explanation as to why one man could be responsible for so much. jeff glor, cbs news, norway. >> horrifying story. well, with jeff in norway, we turn to betty nguyen for a check of the other stories today. >> good morning to you. republicans and democrats remain far apart in efforts to break the debt deadlock. the two parties could release, though, separate fallback plans as early as today in case a compromise cannot be reached. congress has until august 2nd, one week from tomorrow, to reach a deal, while financial markets are uneasy that the u.s. might default on its debt. secretary of state hillary clinton tried to reassure hong kong investors today. >> we understand the stakes. we know how important this is for us and how important it is for you. the political wrangling in washington is intense right now, but these kinds of debates have been a constant in our political life. >> clinton says she expects a deal will be reached to avoid a default. democratic leader nancy pelosi will ask the house ethices committee today to open an investigation of congressman david wu. the seven-term oregon democrat is accused of having an unwanted sexual encounter with a young woman last year. an oregon newspaper says wu does not plan to resign, but won't seek re-election next year. in the alaska this morning four teenagers are hospitalized after being attacked by a grizzly bear. the young men were 120 miles north of anchorage saturday taking part in an outdoor leadership course when the bear charged out of the woods. two of the teens were seriously injured. the parents of one victim reached them by phone. >> there was a mother bear with a cub, and i guess they came across the bear and sort of startled it. he was in the back, and the kid that was up front, i think, was the one that may have gotten the worst of it. >> 17-year-old daniel gotsiegen of den rer is in critical condition. an airline forced back to the airline overnight. the boeing 777 landed safely. no one was hurt. bob schieffer has a preview of tonight's cbs evening news. >> after returning home from the war this veteran was left depressed and on the verge of suicide until his pit bull puppy showed him life was worth living. now he is offering hope to other veterans by giving a helping paw. we'll have that story tonight on the cbs evening news. >> marysol is here with another check of the weather outside. hopefully many folks can beat the heat today. >> hopefully, betty. hopefully. good morning. the heat really sparks severe weather, and right now we're looking at the northern plains. in addition to the hail and 90-mile-per-hour wind gusts, we are looking at flash flooding, so billings, rapid city, and even great falls in the afternoon hours these storms are going to start to roll through producing a lot of rain. another area of rain, the southeast and believe it or not, they still do need this rain, so new orleans, you pick up an inch of rain. birmingham, you pick up an inch and a quarter of rain. this rolls through the afternoon hours over the next 24 hours. an area that needs the moisture that doesn't really get enough is the southwest. we're looking at well into monsoon season, but, unfortunately, the thunderstorms are really going to produce gusty winds, so we're keeping an eye on some dust storms and dry >> this weather report sponsored by at&t, rethink possible. >> thanks. that's your latest weather. now here's chris and rebecca. >> marysol, thanks. we appreciate it. zimplt by most counts there are nine serious contenders for the republican presidential nomination, although not all of them actually are running. >> yes. of those nine you who has the best shot of winning? joining us is conservative commentator ann coulter whose latest book is "demonk." >> good to have you with us here this morning. >> let's talk about president obama right now. he is vulnerable, if you were to look at -- vulnerable in a lot of areas. the economy obviously first and foremost. any of the nine that's out there, does anybody have a legitimate shot at actually beating this president? >> i tend to think at this point the economy is so bad and michael barone had an article saying recently the prior house of representatives election tends to predict the presidential election, which would not bode well for president obama. unless he changes his policies, i don't see a major change in the economy, so this is why i think republicans are so obsessed with getting the right candidate because i think they have a really good chance despite the advantages of income beensy. >> but is the right candidate out there? who is drummed up enough interest from the republican party that they can actually beat the incumbent? >> obviously, my lot of, chris christy. >> he is not official yet. >> it will be so exciting when he announces. it's probably going to be romney, who is a good candidate, has raised a lot of money. he is a serious candidate, and he is very good on the economy, which i think is going to be the biggest issue, but the reason people are so obsessed with all the other candidates and it's going to keep looking like a horse race in my opinion will probably be romney if christy doesn't jump in is that republicans are desperate to get the right candidate and not make the mistake of getting another mccain. >> is it going to be possible to get widespread republican support for a candidate like romney when look at what's happening to boehner right now in terms of trying to get everyone to come together on a debt deal. he is being perceived as the old guard, and there's this new guard that is trying to take over. >> boehner is actually, i think, been surprisingly good, surprising for me. i didn't think he was as good as he has been recently, and they are pretty much coming together. i mean, these are members of congress who have to run for re-election or represent the interests that they were voted in to represent, but, yes, i do think republicans will come together no matter how bitter the primary fight is because they just really want to get obama out and get the economy going again. >> go ahead. >> no. michelle bachmann, what does she do for you? >> i love her. i think she's very articulate and bright and has done a lot, and, yet, i don't think you can run from the house. the last house member that became president was james garfield, and he had a lot of executive experience as a colonel in the civil war. >> what do you think of the whole story, kind of the headliner from -- >> valid? >> i hate to claim sexism, so i will claim conservetive sexism. it does seem like a minor story seeming that 30 million americans suffer from migraines. especially because she's a house member. she's fantastic. i like having her in the race, but i think it's a long shot because she's from the house. >> switching gears to the story about david wu, this representative who is now accused of inappropriate conduct with a female. what do you think about that? i mean, he is saying that he is not stepping down, but he is also not running for re-election. should he? >> it seems leak a very embarrassing story, though. oddly enough, i think the democrats might be happy to have this scandal, so they can stop being forced to give us their plan for the budget. can we just get off the budget? >> what about the anthony wiener scandal there? do we have the picture for david wu? you can't help but wonder why would you have -- >> that was centered around -- just before the campaign or after the campaign. a lot of his staff resigned, and he was sending this to his staffers and sending out weird emails at some point. now i'm starting to wonder if that was to cover for the sexual harassment case that was coming or sexual assault case, i guess it is. >> well, we'll see what happens here. thanks for coming. >> thank you. >> good luck with you, once again, ann coulter. up next, a polygamist leader goes on trial accused of sexually assaulting children. we'll speak to a woman who spent her life in his compound and escaped. this is "the early show" on cbs. we'll be right back. lities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon! tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven. aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam 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[ female announcer ] giving in to snacks? there's a better way to satisfy your cravings, twice a day with special k. enjoy something sweet... and something salty and still stay on track. ♪ so go ahead and embrace snacking with special k. ♪ hey parents, it's going to be a see, i'm not just teaching woodwinds and strings. i'm teaching attitude! if your kids want to sound cool, they have to look cool! so, here's what they'll need: denim, graphic tees, leggings and tunics, more denim, backpacks, headphones, hair gel, denim, converse one star shoes, denim, shaun white hoodies and denim. school takes a lot. target has it all. jury selection begins today in texas in the trial of mri polygamist leader warren jefrs. he is charged with sexually assaulting two children while leading a break-away sect of the mormon church. cbs news ben tracy has a look at jeffs' controversial case. >> reporter: it began with a raid nearly four years ago on this texas compound. more than 400 children were seized from their parents amid allegation that is girls as young as 14 were being forced into sex and marriage. >> a judge believed we did have significant evidence that abuse or neglect occurred. >> reporter: the compound was run by the flds, a radical off shoot head bid warren jeffs. followers called him the prophet. jeffs preached that polygamy was the key to heaven. he reportedly had at least 58 wives. the mormon church has condemned the sect. when jeffs were first charged with illegally arranging marriages between men and underaged girls, he fled and became one of the ten most wanted fugitives until 2006. >> would i like to announce the arrest of the fbi's top ten most wanted fugitive warren steve jeffs. >> reporter: jeffs was tried in utah. >> count one, guilty beyond reasonable doubt. >> reporter: last july his conviction was overturned by utah supreme court because of faulty jury instructions. jeffs is now being held without bail in texas where seven other flds leaders have already been convicted. at the heart of each case are the beliefs of the church. as utah private investigator sam broward told cbs news program "48 hours." >> i know that the flds want to spout religion and want to make it about polygamy, but that's not it. it's about child abuse. it's on a scale that's never been seen before in this country. >> reporter: if convicted, jeffs faces life in prison. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. >> joining us now is flora jess off who escaped from the polygamist sect when she was 17 years old. she's become an advocate for victims of child abuse. >> thank you for having me. >> this polygamy stendz to be extraordinarily private. what do you think the case is going to reveal about what really happens at flds? >> i think people are going to be shocked and outraged about the abuses that is going to come out in this trial. one of the things i want people to keep in mind is that while warren jeffs on trial and he is being prepared, the greater perpetrators of the crimes are still not charged, and that is the mothers of these children. >> how do you see the mothers as the greater perpetrators? plain that point to people. >> well, you couldn't have these crimes that is so institutionalized in this cult without the mothers handing their children over to these predators and they can trying warren jeffs and convicting jeffs is great, and texas has done a good job on convicting several of these men, but there's still hundreds of these guys standing in the wings waiting to step into the shoes of these guys, and unless the mothers are prosecuted and they have consequences for handing their 11-year-olds over to these guys to be raped and abused, the cycle of abuse will never stop. these mothers must understand they will go to prison if they continue to allow this to happen to their children. >> do you see the mothers then in any way as victims? >> i see the mothers as part of the greater problem. they may have at one time been victimized by this same group. however, they're mothers now with their -- and it's their job to protect their children. they have failed to do that. they smilingly hand their children over to these guys, and, you know, america needs to look past the care bear colored dresses and see the evil behind them. >> do you think flds is paying them for his defense? >> do i think that the flds is -- >> is paying for his defense? >> oh, absolutely. absolutely. the people in colorado city and hilldale have recently been told to sell their vehicles, get rid of all the -- any extra -- anything that they have and put the money towards his legal defense fund. >> it sounds like then if he is found guilty in your view, that alone isn't really going to change things in this community. >> you know, it really won't. it's great that he is going to trial. it's been a long time coming, but he has several brothers that are standing in the wings waiting to take over for him. while he will -- warren will continue to run the flds even from prison, he has got his brothers lined up to control things on the outside and maintain control of the people, but he will still be reveered as a prophet. >> well, flora jessop, we appreciate your insight today. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> we'll be right back. this is "the early show" on cbs. ♪ have a better day [ male announcer ] only subway has a deal this flat-out delicious -- the new $3 flatbread breakfast combo. [ moos ] a toasty 6-inch flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of freshly brewed seattle's best coffee. all for just $3. [ clucks ] build a breakfast of epic proportions, like the crispalicious bacon, egg, & cheese with everything from juicy tomatoes to zesty jalapenos, for a delicious way to start your day. the new subway $3 flatbread breakfast combo. build your better breakfast today. good choice. launch me fellas. [ male announcer ] ooh, bad choice. capri sun 100% juice. ♪ i said no, no, no >> still ahead on "the early show" the latest on amy winehouse. her father appeared outside her home. her fans have gathered ever since the gramry winner was found dead on saturday. mitch winehouse thanked fans in the media saying it means so much to my family. >> there has been no official word on how amy winehouse died. an autopsy is scheduled today. police say that talk of an overdose is inappropriate. coming up, we'll look back at her too short career, a battalions with alcohol and ellegal drugs. those are some things some people are speculating may have shortened her life. >> the twitter rolls blew up with this on saturday. we'll talk about that when we come back when we come back on cbs. your local news is next. welcome back to "the early show" on a monday morning. i'm rebecca jarvis with chris wragge. erica hill is off this morning. coming up, imagine this. you are traveling around the world peeking through people's windows in various countries to see what their lives are really like. well, that is sort of what one documentary maker did. he didn't do it in a creepy, weird way. he actually -- well, it sounds that way, but he asked thousands of people to record what they were doing on the same day one year ago and then sent all the videos to youtube forum to put together into a single film. he will be here to show us that fascinating result. it is kind of, i mean -- >> we don't recommend people sneaking around peering into windows. >> make a request first. >> thank goodness. >> everything is okay now. >> also ahead, we all remember those horrible scenes last year during the gulf oil spill of the devastating wildlife, on land and water there. well, now the region's multibillion dollar seafood injury is recovering, but also still dealing with the perception that fish in that area is not yet safe to eat. we'll get the real story from chef spooik mendelsohn who went down to new orleans to see and taste for himself. spike is one of the best. he will give us a full report on what the situation down there is live like. >> i'm looking forward to it. unfortunately, this is not as happy of a story as the story with a tragic ending. fans of amy winehouse are leaving flowers and other momentos this morning outside her london home where she was found dead on saturday. her father was there to visit with fans thanking them for honoring the grammy award winning singer who was just 27 years old. cbs news correspondent anthony mason looks back on a promising career overshadowed by drug and alcohol abuse. ♪ you know that i'm no good >> her voice had soul. her songs had attitude. when amy winehouse sang, it seemed good to be bad. >> she really seemed like a rebel in a very old sense, and there was just something so thrilling about her. ♪ try to make me go to rehab ♪ i said no, no, no >> reporter: the anti-roefrl anthem made this daughter of a taxi driver an international star. in 2008 she became the first british woman to bring home five grammys in a single night. >> the grammy goes to amy winehouse. >> reporter: winning record of the year, song of the year, and best new artist. the demons were already catching up to the diva, as her popularity soared, her weight plummeted. drinking and drug problems made her concert appearances increasingly erratic. just this past june when winehouse kicked off a european tour in belgrade, she seemed lost, unable to remember her own lyrics. fans booed her off stage. it would be her last performance. soon after her tour was canceled. in music a history of tragedy has been written after 27th birthdays. janice joplin, jim where i hendricks, jim morrison, and curt cobain all died in their 27th year. amy j. winehouse, a singer who somehow seemed destined to die young, has now joined their sad club. ♪ >> and you look at all those talented people to be taken so early. >> you just wonder what could have been and it's a tragedy all around. betty nguyen with one more check of the headlines. we go back to her. >> good morning. the man who confessed to killing 93 people in a mauling gun attack in norway on friday was arraigned today in oslo. in an on-line manifesto anders breivik indicated he wanted to use the court to publicize his anti-muslim beliefs, so the judge closed today's proceedings to the public. at the island where 86 mostly young people were shot and killed, police have ended their search for bodies. and in oslo scene of a bomb attack that killed seven people. the prime minister joined the nation in a moment of silence. the main cathedral was carpeted with flowers. the hotel maid who accuses french banker dominique strauss-kahn of sexual assault has come forward and is speaking out. in a "news week" making zooek zeen interview she describes the attack saying sir, stop this. i don't want to lose my job. he said you're not going to lose your job. earlier rebecca asked john solomon why she's made her story public. >> i think the first factor is that the relationships with the prosecutor has really deteriorated in the last few weeks as they have dug into her background and questioned her credibility, and then i think a second thing when she said very pointedly in the interview, she was tired of being sullied up in the tabloids, being called a prostitute or money digger, and she wanted to correct the record of who she was, so she put her name and face for to her accusations. >> strauss-kahn was arrested in may here in new york, but was freed after prosecutors discovered his accuser lied about some of her story. and finally, much of the nation sweltered under a record breaking heat wave this weekend, and in some places it's not over yet. cbs news correspondent michelle mill ser in times square with the latest on the heat outside. good morning, michelle. >> good morning, betty. the mercury is finally dropping here in the northeast, thanks to the heat bubble that gripped most of the nation finally dissipating, but in its wake, the extreme temperatures have been blamed for 34 deaths, the smashing of countless weather records. >> reporter: at i had peak, 141 million americans were under a heat alert as the heat dome moved across the country. records were broken along the eastern seaboard. 102 in washington d.c. 108 in newark, new jersey, and 103 in hartford, connecticut. power grids were stretched to the breaking point in philadelphia. a blackout forced hundreds from high-rise apartments. >> the electrical off and theary goes off, there's nothing else to do but get out. >> reporter: in maryland baltimore gas and electric is under fire after its emergency energy plan cycled off customers' air conditioners for hours and failed to turn them back off even after demand fell. >> feel how hot it is. you can feel the heat. >> reporter: in new york city tourist and residents alike were struggling to cope with the heat. tracy lennon and her family were visiting from boston. >> we were actually considering going to the theater at night and decided that maybe it was best to go during the day just so we could have a break from the heat. we also switched hotels so we could be in a hotel with a pool. >> reporter: though sunday saw slight relief for the northeast, the dip was not nationwide. the mercury hit 109 in shani, oklahoma, and the highest heat index reading was 122 in washington, north carolina. at the wichita cattle auction desperate farmers without enough food and water to feed their herds had no choice but to sell. and, unfortunately, the southern plains, including kansas and drought-ravaged texas will continue to see triple digit temperatures. dallas-fort worth, texas, saw its 23rd straight day of 100 plus degrees, and there's no rain in sight. >> i know the heat well, unfortunately. all right. cool off, michelle. thank you so much. joining us live from times square. another look at the weather. you know in dallas they used to say, hey, at least it's a dry heat, but an oven san oven. >> wet heat, dry heat. michelle miller is probably feeling a lot of humidity because, yes, the temperatures have come back down into the 80s, but it's going to be very humid. we also are going to see some rain. by the way, in addition to the heat records, chicago on saturday saw nearly seven inches of rain. they doubled their record for a single day. take a look at that. we have a look at the rain in the southeast, and also elsewhere in the nation the heat continues right in the middle of the country. eight states have excessive heat watches, warnings, and advisories that last through the weekend. just hang on as best you can. the west has been below average in terms of summer temperatures, and the mercury is on the rise. 85 in medford. 95 in boise. that's above normal by some four degrees, and we'll see pop-up >> thanks so much. that's your latest weather. >> marysol, thanks so much. a year ago on july 24th, 2010, more than 80,000 people around the world took part in an unprecedented project. recording scenes from their lives that day and uploading the videos to youtube. now, the result is a riveting day. ♪ ♪ [ alarm ] [ horn beeping ] ♪ ♪ >> of course, it's about more than just waking up and feet. joining us now is the director of "life in a day" academy award winner kevin macdonald. good to see you this morning. it really is a great watch. did you have any idea what you were getting your hands on when you actually put out this solicit? >> it was a nerve racking experience because normally as a director you are used to trying to control everything. you know, your actress's hair color, you know, every word in the script, and this i had no control at all. i just asked people flem your day, film what's interesting to you, and answer three simple questions -- what do you love? what do you fear? what do you have in your pocket? >> how did it come about? >> well, it came about because ridly scott and myself were discussing what one can do with youtube. youtube wants to make to celebrate their fifth birthday. how do you use this incredible tool of youtube to make a new kind of documentary, i guess, that reflects what's going on everywhere in the world in one short period? it's an eye on the world that you can could -- in the last five years you couldn't have made a film like this the last five, six, seven years ago. >> you asked people to send in a clip of a day in their life, and also to some impoverished countries, you sent them cameras. >> we sent out about 500 cameras. we went to a camera shop and asked how many cameras with k we get for -- we sent them to southeast asia and we got some clips from really far-flung places. peru, shine shoes for a living. there's masai warriors in kenya. there's women in angola beating their kasava in the morning. >> how many hours of footage are we talking about? >> 4,500 hours. would be halfway through now. it would take two years on to watch. >> you are talking about over 80 thousands videos? >> 80,000 videos from 192 countries. pretty much every country. i think we're missing north korea and maybe the solomon islands. >> you have to sit back and sift through all of this. what was that process like? >> i had a team of multi-lingual team, of course, 25 assistants who watched everything. they sat for two and a half months, 12 hours a day, headphones on watching this stuff. a lot of teenagers this their bedrooms. >> this sent leak a bust of. it really tells a story. >> that's the thing that people find difficult to understand about this film is that it's a movie, and it gives you the same kind of movie experiences and the emotions that you will laugh and cry. you get really connected to a few of the characters in this. >> you shot this. this video was all shot on one particular day, july 24th, 2010, and i am sure a lot of thought has gone into why you chose this day, right? >> no. no. there was very little thought. well, the thought was it's after the world football cup, soccer cup, as you call it here, and i thought, well, during that nobody, especially in america, will take part. they'll be interested in soccer. so -- laughter all around in here. so -- and then we wanted to do it before the big holidays in august. the big thing was should we do it on a week day or on a weekend. we went for a welcome because we thought more people would take part, and we were right. >> where can pea see this? >> they can see it in theaters starting this friday. it's a limited release and then expanding out. go see it. >> life in a day, folks. really good stuff. kevin, great to see you this morning. thank you. >> thank you for having me on. >> life in a day opens in theaters this friday, so go out there and check it out. it really is wonderful. coming up next here on "the early show", 15 months since the bp oil spill. the gulf coast seafood industry making a comeback, and spooik mendelsohn [ female announcer ] they've been off limits to dieters since time began. not anymore. ♪ fiber one is bringing brownies back. at 90 calories, the only thing between you and chocolaty brownies is a nicely designed package. ♪ now you can have brownies again. new fiber one 90 calorie brownies. in the granola bar aisle. you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you want a firm bed you can lay on one of those, if you want a soft bed you can lay on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the shoulders and in the hips. then they start telling us, "well yeah, i feel sore right there in the morning." my lower back. that's right where i've been experiencing pain. now you can feel what happens as we raise your sleep number setting and allow the bed to contour to your individual shape. oh yeah. it's really shaping to my body. when you find somebody's perfect level of comfort, that may be the first time they've ever 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gulf coast. a city steeped in history, culture, music, and, of course, my favorite, food. much of the crescent city's famous cuisine, gumbos po' boys and etouffees come from the gulf of mexico. >> lou lu will you seafood, by far, is the main dish for although restaurants in the state. >> there is this is a livehood. it really is. it's everything we do. >> this is a huge business for louisiana. the $2.4 billion business. >> the multibillion dollar seafood industry is still recovering from last summer's massive bp oil spill. over the last year these gulf have gone through extensive testing. >> this area is the most tested seafood if n the united states. especially over the last year. >> reporter: steve wilson is part of the known seafood inspection program. >> want one sample has entered the market that was either disbursants or oil. >> reporter: americans are still weary of gulf seafood. >> the biggest challenge we're still faced with is the perception issues. 69% of americans are still concerned about eating seafood from the gulf of mexico. >> reporter: the problem affects local fishermen like pete. he is a third generation shrimper who has seen his fair share of adversity. katrina destroyed his home, but not his livelihood. pete took us to the gulf where he makes his living shrimping these waurdz. >> that's nice shrimp in there. >> eight, nine, ten. >> this is coming from this lake and this part of the world, 100% edible and safe and healthy and clean and as fresh azure going to get it. >> would i stake my life on it. >> reporter: one thing for sure, this is the freshest and cleanest catch that you can get. buyers, however, are still cautious. >> my profits are still off roughly between 35% and 45%. >> reporter: fortunately, the oil spill hasn't scared away restaurant owners like this owner who runs "august" a big easy institution. >> great to have you here. >> reporter: he has always about an an ambassador of gulf seafood. >> our seafood has really never been better. >> reporter: be we got right to work on a classic new orleans dish. >> it's still one of my favorite dishes. one of the first dishes i ever made in my life shrimp creole. >> he is putting me to work already. >> toss it. put me to work. >> chile flakes, hot peppers. >> it does not get any more soulful or better than that. >> yeah. new orleans. i'm loving it. >> with meals like this, it's hard to imagine anyone being able to resist gulf coast shrimp. >> spike here is hungry. >> they're delicious. >> isn't that awesome? >> uh-huh. >> the chef believes there's an important lesson to be learned beyond the gulf coast shores. >> we all need to start eating a lot more domestically. if we do that, we're supporting all these localized economies all across the -- all across the country that really depend on that. you have seen it. once we lose this culture, our coastal communities they'll never come back. >> exactly. >> you know, you were pretty good, and you should think about opening up your own restaurant. >> he is right. we do -- we import a lot of seafood. >> we import 80% of the seafood we consume here in america. the funny part about that is that only .1% is actually inspected. you can imagine. the whole idea here is also it's the misperception that, you know, everyone has on the seafood in new orleans and that it's tainted. it's such a resilient state. katrina, all the other hurricanes, the bp oil spill. they really need america to kind of help them -- help a hand. >> how do you know that you are? how do you know this stuff came from the gulf coast? >> ask your chefs. ask where people are buying their seafood in the supermarket, and try to buy as local as you can. >> buy locally. >> sometimes the price will actually be better if you get it from something local because it didn't have so long to transport? >> absolutely. i mean, most importantly, you're going to be supporting louisiana, which needs it the most right now. all the families, all the people that are still there kind of try to make it happen really need us to help out. >> they did take a significant hit a year ago, but they're feeling better about the way things are going? >> they're feeling better, and i have to tell you, it was my first time down in new orleans, and the people were absolutely amazing. very informative. you know, it's sad almost going down there because there's just a bad perception. do you want to taste the food? have you to get in. >> come on. >> i'm not afraid of it. it's just that it's so early. >> she's really -- she doesn't like to eat a lot of food or scotch before -- >> one of those weird things. >> we're talking about -- have you to have the shrimp. >> have a wonderful, wonderful day. see you tomorrow right here on the shoerl. your local news is next. there's more ahead on "the early show" and this cbs station. first, more than 17 million u.s. children don't know where their next meal is coming from. free school lunches fill a gap, but dean reynolds tells us what happens when school is out. >> reporter: at the second harvest food banks in new orleans lunch and breakfast are always on the menu. >> need 175 oranges. >> reporter: without them kids who get subsidized breakfast and lunch during the school year are at risk for going hungry over the summer. kids like kayla kelly. >> broccoli is my favorite [ female announcer ] every box of general mills big g cereals can help your kids' school get extra stuff. ♪ like musical instruments. ♪ and new art supplies. ♪ because they're the only cereals with box tops for education. last year, schools earned over ten million dollars from big g cereals. you can raise money for your kids' school.

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