Legacy beginning with jim axelrod in our sunday morning axelrod. Yes, he was. Not just a sports icon, but a cultural one. And while his poor health has kept him out of the spotlight for years making sense of muhammad alis death is something quite different. Hell never die. I dont think hell ever die as long as his pictures and memory exists. Just ahead this sunday morning remembering muhammad ali. Osgood many field human endeavor Peak Performance requires determination and Peak Performance is what mountain climbing is all about. Lee cowan will introduce us to a man literally sitting on top of the world. Im actually a little for anyone who thinks the days of the rugged explorer are gone. Im on the summit of mt. Mt. Everest no word can describe. The man who has been to the ends of the earth. And the tops of them. Ahead on sunday morning. Osgood coming attraction on the summer screen is starring Matthew Mcconaughey tells a little known story of the civil war. Michelle miller will offer us a preview. Depending on whom you ask, vet an soldier Newton Knight was neither hero nor traitor. He provided food to destitute people. He rescued children. I use the term, trailer trash, to describe him. But for actor Matthew Mcconaughey knights conscience was indisputable. The man and the myth, later on sunday morning. Osgood a standing ovation is in order on the occasion of Carnegie Halls 125th anniversary. Mo rocca is just the man to lead it. How do you know youve made it . Debut at Carnegie Hall. When youve played Carnegie Hall. Everything we play here takes another dimension. I love the sound. 125 years after Opening Night youll ask the tough questions. Youre not going to ask me that . Where does it come from, the joke. Well get to Carnegie Hall. Later this sunday morning. Osgood tracy smith will take us to the opening of the museum of broken relationshipsment in los angeles. Steve hartman will listen to a singular symphony of survival. And first, here are the headlines for morning the 5th of june, 2016. The world is remembering muhammad ali, the heavy weight boxer who called himself the greatest and proved it many times over. He died fry die night in scottsdale, arizona, he was 74 years old. Here is carter evans. I had one hell of a rumble. Muhammad ali died as he lived. Surrounded by people who loved him. Saturday alis daughter said, our hearts are literally hurting but were happy daddy is free now. Others from around the world shared their grief and appreciation. Parkinsons and activist tweeted a giant, an inspiration, a man of peace, a warrior for the cure, thank you. Ringo star added, god bless muhammad ali, peace and love to all his family. Their dad would have been proud. Friend was with the family when the champ passed away. He says alis wife, lonny, first took him to the doctor tuesday for a small cough. We thought it would be a short hospital stay. Like it has been before. Within 24 hours it became worse. Lonny called and i could tell that there was an issue. Ali had been placed on a ventilator, his organs were shutting down. He was meticulous in expressing how not only he wanted to live but how he wanted to die. They made that decision to take him off life support. They did. It was hard. We all tried to stay strong and whispered, you can go now, we will be okay. His daughter hanna said in a tweet. All of his organs failed. But his heart wouldnt stop beating. In his hometown, alis legacy arves on in 7yearold khari of the champ along with his mother tiffany. He near and dear to my heart as far as people of color what he stood for. Muhammad alis family will accompany his body from arizona to louisville. An elaborate public funeral now planned for friday, something ali and his family had been working on more than a decade. Carter evans, in scottsdale. Osgood among expected speakers at the Memorial Service will be former president bill clinton, billy krystle. We have much more on the passing of muhammad ali just ahead. In oregon theres growing Environmental Concern after a train carrying crude oil derailed on the Columbia River george. Crews are working on containing a sheen of oil in the river. In crested after hitting highest level in 35 years. The louvre remains closed after pieces were moved. 18 people have died in floods in western europe. As for our weather, thunderstorms and damaging winds are threatening the east while in the west issue is heat. But for folks in the nations mid section, weather should feel just right. The week ahead, a Tropical Storm off the florida coast. Next i must be the greatest. Osgood remembering the greatest, muhammad ali. Double down on your candy and coffee cravings with dunkins new heath and almond joy candy bar flavored iced coffees. America runs on dunkin. Vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, its helping neighbors. Stand by me so more moms get prenatal care. Offer moms access to maternity nurse support around the clock. Empower local communities working to reduce premature births. And partner with governments by providing Actionable Insights to help treat kids at risk for asthma. Were built to do all of that. And more. Unitedhealth group built for better health. Osgood boxer, civil rights activist, vietnam war dissenter, muhammad ali will always be remembered as the greatest. Our remembrance from jim axelr axelrod. I must be the greatest. He was the boldest of our boldface names. I am the king of the world. Im pretty. But as audaciously self confident as muhammad ali was i cut records. I sing, i can fight. I can do anything thats why i say i am the greatest. Thats the name of the album. I am the greatest. You cant really argue his point. Not as we consider the life of the greatest. Im going to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, his hands cant hit what his eyes cant see. The brash 18yearold from louisville named cassius clay, who won a gold medal at the rome olympics in 1960, just three months out of high school flipped a switch on our culture four years later in miami beach. They would witness the launch of a human salt light. Shocking the boxing world by dethroning sonny luiston. Who is the great nest. Cassius clay had gone into the ring. Muhammad ali came out. Cassius clay is a name no more, is that right . Yes, sir its muhammad ali. Muhammad means worthy of all praise. Ali means most high. He refused to be drafted. Citing his status as a conscientious objector. You share the same concern. I certainly do. In my view is on the draft, im against it. He was stripped of his title and convicted of draft evasion. Im not allowed to fight in america. Im not allowed to leave america. And ive been completely persecuted before prosecuted. He lost three and a half prime years of his career. The Supreme Court would ultimately overturn his draft evasion conviction. The former heavy weight champion was fully prepared to end his career go to jail had the decision gone the other way. He said he did not worry because he was sincere in his religious beliefs if thatnt jail then it was the will. But ali who climbed back into the ring in october of 1970 was now just not a sports hero but a cultural one at least to many who had never seen an athlete take a stand like this. Journal his Robert Lipsyte covered him for 52 years. He made people brave. He gave people courage, whether it was black kids in the 60s who saw somebody standing up for principle. Whether it was antiwar protesters who saw the heavy weight champion of the world at a time when that was mr. Man. It meant something. He would lose the fight of the century to the heavy weight title to joe frazier at Madison Square garden. But three years and several more bruising fights later, ali regained the title using his ropeadope to knock out George Foreman in z you could go through all the fights of muhammad alis career, losing, then winning the title for a third time from leon spins, for instance. You all thought i was gone, didnt you . But that would miss the larger meaning of muhammad alis life. At 42, a few years into retirement, ali was diagnosed dd with parkinsons disease. Maybe get up there we can sit you down in a chair you can talk . Probably. In this interview with ed bradley on 60 minutes it is clear how hard it had become for ali to walk and even harder to speak. You can talk. Now i know you can talk. Youve talked to me. You talked to howard. Ali walked away, because he did not want to be pitied. Can you striking you down, the most mobile person on the planet. I wonder what was going on inside his mind and his soul. This was ali at the atlanta olympics. I tried in 96 when he lit the olympic torch. About who he once was. About the hope that he has given us. About this beautiful preacher who epitomized the mortality of all of us. Yes, his fierceness and determination had allowed him to define himself right down to his name. Muhammad ali once said, its not bragging if you can back it up. But it was not without a fight. Im just wondering how you are processing hes gone. Hes not gone to me. Hell never die. And i dont think hell ever die as long as his pictures and his memory exist. Ali may have been the first to call himself the greatest. But it didnt take long for so many of us to join him. When we needed him at this turbulent time in our lives, in american life, he was the greatest, of the he was there for us. Dont let dust and allergies get between you and lifes beautiful moments. With flonase allergy relief, they wont. 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One of many expressions that turned a kid from louisville, kentucky, into a global sensation. Anna warner looks at muhammad ali wordsmith. Greatest of all time. Muhammad ali, still known as cassius clay at the time, wowed the audience at the steve allen show with that bit of rhyme back in 1963. Ahead of his first bout with sonny liston. How about reciting one of your poems. If you like to lose your money, be a fool and bet on sonny. He had an amazing flare for words. Anybody could see that. Author jonathan writing a biography. Than known for his verbal dexterity was dyslexic. What kind of education did muhammad ali have . Ali was not a great student. In fact a lot of the teachers at Central High School thought he should not have been given a diploma because he missed so many classes and took a lot of time off. But they decided to give it to him. They didnt want to be remembered as the people who flunked the heavy weight champion. In cbs interview ten years ago alis wife revealed how the champ over came reading difficulty. Maam made has way of compensating and memorizing. Thats how he knows poetry. Hes got speed and endurance. If you try to fight him increase your insurance. Its funny, because a lot of my favorite ali poems he didnt write. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. That he was one offal lows corner men and he actually trademarked that phrase. But there was no quena ali knew how to use his talents. I am the man all over the land, and if you dont believe it, just interfere with my plan. He was like an actor or comedian he knew which lines would get the laughs, which lines would sting, when he found one he stuck to it and he used it very effectively like he used that big jab. A fool cannot act a weisman. His wife said in that interview years ago that ali kept it all in perspective. He said, i never said i was the smartest i said i was the greatest. Osgood coming up. Im on the summit of mt. 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Every performance ive done here something memorable for me. I treasure them as the highest of my career. That was me dreaming. The equivalent of pitching for the yankees. Whats special about this hall . The ghosts. There are 125 years of ghosts at Carnegie Hall, the legendary concert hall in midtown manhattan. And its archivist Gino Francesconi can tell you about pretty much everyone who has played this stage. Look at the size of this ticket. Its Julie Andrews and carol burnett. You need a big ticket. This is one of benny goodmans clarinets that was given to us by the family. This is a very significant piece, why . When he came here in 1938 it was the first time people sat and listened to jazz. You used to dance to it. George gershwin. Is it amazing . The tip is broken. He used to get mad and break the tips and throw the sticks. A little bit of a diva . A little gift. In the old ledgers booking managers kept perfect track of the performers. Well, almost perfect. February 12th, 1964 we had the beatles she thought they arm folk group, she wasnt sure how to spell them. Bee the way it looks like right here. Clive gillinson is the executive and artistic director of Carnegie Hall. It was built by Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest men of the 19th century. The idea didnt come to Andrew Carnegie himself it came from his wife. She said to her husband, could you build us a concert hall. It was more about making his wife happy. Transformed mus society of new york which performs in Carnegie Hall to this day. Carnegie commissioned William Tuthill to design the hall. Even though tuthill lacked what seemed to be important qualification. The architect had never before built a concert hall. Its incomprehensible. He knew nothing about it. He looks at the greatest concert halls and designs something that bears no relationship. He must have had an understanding of sound. When you look at the shape it is reminiscent of the beauty and curve of violin or cello. Everybody looked to europe in those days. You copy the best in europe. Europe is probably thinking, top this. And he did. Absolutely. This is the very first ticket that was printed for Opening Night. For that first concert, may 5, 1891, direct from russia none other than the great composure and conductor tchaikovsky. And musicians have been singing the praises of the halls acoustics ever since. Everything we play here takes another dimension. Yannick nezetseguin is the musical director of the philadelphia orchestra. And newly named musical director of new yorks metropolitan opera. Whether its more intimate repertoire theres an aura or halo around it. It has a glow, which makes it still intimate but with a broader radiance. When its a bigger repertoirea lot of people on stage, there is an extra clarity, we can hear each other on stage better than any other place. Laurie Carnegie Hall 17 times. The feeling that the audience is, in a bowl, thats a very nice feeling. I definitely feel like theyre going, oooh, like that. Musicians not only remember when they played Carnegie Hall they have life long memories of the people they heard there. I was in front of the hall from friday evening to monday morning. You waited for days for days. To get tickets. 1965pianis emmanuel ax camped on the sidewalk outside to see vladimir horowitz. Its just as amazing now as it was then. It really was an incredible, incredible concert. You can listen to that and you must think, i was there. Oh, yeah. One my favorite shows here was nina simone. Debby harry remembers not didnt see. One of the times that i tried to crash in here as a groupie was when david was playing. David bowie . I tried to get in. We got absolutely no where. But not just musician, like the straight van cliburn had played Carnegie Hall. The biggest names of the day, period, have headlined here. Teddy roosevelt. Winston churchill. Lenny bruce. This is booker t. Washington. Whats extraordinary is right behind him is mark twain. This was a benefit to help raise funds for tucson gigi tuskegee institute. Notice you see black and white men sitting almost alternating there. Absolutely. Integrated audiences from the beginning . Very the very beginning. Francesconi spent lot of time trying to run down one bit of Carnegie Hall lorz i have to ask you, where does it come from, how do you get to Carnegie Hall . Practice. We do practice, practice. And more. The closest i came was to violinist. He had a bad rehearsal he was going out, head down, violin case in hand. Two tourists saw him they said, can you tell us how to get to Carnegie Hall . Without looking up he said, practice. Terrific joke born of bitterness. Yes. When i asked emmanuel ax about the joke he struck a different note. Level sessions only one which is clean . Well bleep it. The new yorker, how do i get to Carnegie Hall or should i just go bleep myself. Whether andrew angie would be shocked by that punch line, who can say. But no doubt hed be surprised by his halls place in 125 years later. And what would he have made of the concert we saw there recently . A trip butte to david bowie, culminating with the audience singing about an astronaut lost in space. You know what . It sounded pretty good. Osgood some of us see mountains as a challenge. Then theres colin obrady whose Peak Performance has special police as lee cowan explains. Im going up there. Soon soon. Yeah. Battling your way to the tallest place on earth is an accomplishment for anyone . Im on the summit of. Everest no word can describe. Mt. Everest was only foot pit stop for climber colin obrady whose trip here to the top of the world actually started at the bottom of it. Almost five months ago. We made it we made it thats colin at the south pole. He trekked there some 69 frigid miles, all on foot. Weeks later he was doing the same thing at the north pole. Climbing over ice ridges and dodging polar bear tracks along the way. Its a fair question to ask, why. The answer, colin was in search of an adventure called the explorers grand slam. Tired legs. Tired body. Its a grueling test of endurance. Requiring not only reaching both poles but also the summits of the tallest mountain on every continent. Thats seven in all. Fewer than 50 people have ever finished the challenge only two have done it in under a ye year. But justify days ago high atop mt. Denali in alaska, colin obrady made history. He had finished all nine expeditions in just 139 days. At the age ever 31, he had broken the world record. Has it sunk in yet . No. I dont think so its fair to say it dunk in. I barely even gotten a full nights sleep. It will take some time. We met up with colin as soon as he was back down the mountain, still in a daze over what he had just done. You pretty sure you could do this. You werent sure you could break the record but accomplish all nine. Physically i thought i was very capable but there was lot of things that had to go our w way. Sometimes mountains push back. With everest, it can be more like a shove. The memorials to people who have passed away. The danger was readily evident to colin at least six climbers died this year alone trying to make the summit. Colin himself barely made it. High winds forced him to and his first attempt. But he managed to summon the energy for one last push to the top. Id be lying to say if i didnt have doubts throughout this project, there was many times when the weather, or just the loneliness or the tiredness, the fatigue really just hits so hard that you wonder, can i go tomorrow. Climbed more than 10,000 feet today. But every tomorrow had its own challenge. And every mountain its own clock. Ive been going for about seven hours. He raced up mt. Kilimanjaro in africa in less than 12 hours. Only to arrive at the how long does it take a normal person . Normally its a climbed in a week, six or seven days. You did it in less than 12 hours. Just under 12 hours. Thats insane. Yeah. It was. A big push. Colins adventure started way back on christmas day. Thats jenna besaw, a fellow mountain climber driving him to the airport knowing shes also colins fiance. Where did he propose . Colin proposed on the top of the third tallest mountain in ecuador. Of course he did. Of course he did. He made me work for it. Doing pretty good. They dubbed their breaks beyond 7 , seven summits, two poles. Colin climbed. Wanted to call qatar hi. So good to see you. Jenna was his rockair at least tried to be. Please be safe out there, colin. Do you have those moments, though, of doubt . Of course. Of course i do. So my High School Sweetheart passed away when i was 17. And to take on this project with colin and a thousand feet or so. Im actually a little legit scared. Know that hes in harms way. Is terrifying. But i have to believe that we have control that we can control and the risks are being managed very carefully. But the fear is real. The fear is really real. Pretty awesome. Colin always had a love of adventurea thirsto everything. But while on a trip to thailand back in 2008 he made a mistake. He got in on popular beach party trick, game of jump road, only the rope was dipped in kerosene and lit on fire. It wrapped around my legs and had excess kerosene sprayed me to my neck. You burst into flame . Yeah. Threw the rope off of me dove into the ocean to put another the flames. Built it wasnt in time. It was 25 of my body was severely burned, mostly mid thigh down, both of my feet. The pain he endured through his recovery, he says, taught him something about himself. Pushing his body to its limits gave him a sense of accomplishment like nothing else. So much so colin became a professional triathlete, but even that wasnt enough. It just got to a point where this is great, but i would like to do more. Taking a lot of effort he and jenna ben Elementary Schools near portland, oregon, telling kids about the fire and setting goals. Like completing the explorers grand slam. They ate it up. We dont really know him but we really want him to make it. If he makes it he will say that anything is possible. Yeah, possible. You can do anything even if youve gone through a lot. No matter how hard it is . Yeah, cause thats really hard. Pretty tired. Just how hard was written oncology libs face when he finally finished on denali. Combination of relief, exhaustion and exhilaration. First thing he did was call jenna. We made it. She boarded a plane and flew straight to the glare tore meet him to celebrate not one record, but two. We did it i cante turns out colin has not only broken the grand slam record but in the processes also broken the seven summits speed record. I hope that people take away from this the power of the human spirit. When you believe in yourself and you dream big, that anything is possible. Why do we climb these mountains . The answer for some is because they are there. This is one of the reasons for sure. See whats on the other side. For colin obrady the answer is simply, because he believed he could. So i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do lease its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It should be used along with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems or people with type i diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with longacting insulin. Do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary Thyroid Cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 or if you are allergic to trulicity or its ingredients. Stop using trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting or if you have symptoms of Thyroid Cancer, which may include a lump or swelling in your neck, medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, click to activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Osgood muhammad ali first achieved fame as a prize fighter in the ring. He went op to show his mettle as a fire to a id woulder world. Here is special correspondent james brown. As the world mourns the passing of muhammad ali, i cant help but think of all the athletes i have spoken with over the years who simply revere the man known as the greatest. Before ali became an International Icon he was first and foremost a sportsman, a heavy weight boxer who possessed incomparable speed, agility and with a mouth to match. Im a bad man. He bragged about what he could do in the ring but it was his willingness to speak truth to power that made him so influential to generations of athletes who followed him. By coincidence, ali died on the eve of the 49th anniversary of what has become known as the ali summit. On june 4th, 1967, ali 25yearold champion who had shked the world by beating the likes of sonny liston and floyd patterson. But he also shocked america when he opted out of the draft for the vietnam war because of his religious convictions as a muslim. Ali immediately was revealed for his stance. In an effort to find out whether the young boxer was sincere, another great, jim brown, organized a meeting in cleveland with ali and several prominent athletes. Among them were bill russell and a 0yearold lew alcindor who later change his name to kareem abdul jabar. Many served in the military thought they could change alis mind. But after several hours of debate, the young champion actually changed their minds. Nfl hall of Famer Bobby Mitchell was there and said of ali, knote, he convinced us that he ew exactly what he was doing, that it was important to him. So the group held a press conference and came out in and the picture truly worth a thousand words. Sitting next to some of the greatest athletes ever all time is the man who would eventually be known as the greatest of them all. He would still be stripped of his title later that year and have to wait another three years to fight again. But that press conference began to turn the tide of Public Opinion for the man who would become a transformational figure in the world of sports. He convinced them back then and he convinced us all that to be great means to be courageous. As he once said, quote, impossible to just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they have been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Osgood from time to time there will be opening of exhibits. Tracy smith starts us off at show all about the search of closure. In hollywood, heartbreak has always been easy to find. And now it has an address. Its the museum of broken relationships. Think of it as emotion under glass. A hundred or so ordinary objects that mean absolutely nothing to you and me and everything to the people. Theres a blue silk blouse a woman wore the day her husband left her. The wedding cake toppers someone kept after their marriage fizzled. A dried out prom corsage from a long lost love. The butterfly wings that a guy made for his fiances costume before she cheated on him and fluttered away. When i was spectacularly dumped by my College Boyfriend the last thing i wanted to do was to save a Little Something to remember that moment by. But a lot of people do. Like this woman who was divorced but couldnt bear to throw away her silk floral wedding dress. So she kept it, crammed it in a pickle jar. The man behind all this is l. A. Attorney john quinn. Who discovered the original museum in zagreb, croatia, a little over a year ago. Place with its own collection of relationship. We all came out of it thinking, that was extraordina extraordinary. Very thought provoking, very moving in a way. And i thought, more people should see this. Now they can, at 18 a head. Love notes, big, small and really small. The cheerleader outfit one woman bought because her ex was a the silicone implants another had removed after she dumped the guy who talked her into getting them. It can be a little sad, but the people we met seemed to be taking it remarkably well. Its amazing. I love it. Its wonderfully cathartic to see people shedding the memories of their break up and moving on and letting go and allowing other people to share in what happened. Have you had a broken heart . Oh, yeah. Bottom line can you find beauty in a break up . I think so. Hopefully you can look back, even if it didnt work out it contributed to who you are today. Were all failing together and trying to get back up together. That i think is very beautiful. We were just reading one that might be one of his ex girlfriends. Ive seen three things so far that describe my last three relationships to a te,. Thats a pretty common the museum already has enough material to change the displays every few months. But like love itself, theres always room for more. This is very weird for us because we hope we dont end up in here. But we easily cool . Really . Osgood coming up. Symphony of survival. A symphony of survival performed by orchestra of one. People for years who live in this chicago Apartment Building have heard the music. Heard what everyone assumed was someones seducing a song out of a baby grand with two remarkable hands. But now we know. That was only half 78yearold Norman Malone first fell in love with a piano at the age of five, back when he could use both hands. Back when a career as professional pianis wasnt out of the question. Then when my accident, injury, had the age of ten. You call it an accident . Well, for lack of a better word. Attempted murder is closer to the truth. My mother and father his dad was a very violent man. So scary, some times mrs. Malone would ask norman to stay up late to protect the family. But norman was just a kid. And one night, he was just too tired. I was supposed to stay awake. To make sure your dad didnt hurt anybody . Yeah. And i fell asleep. Next thing norman knew he was brothers, all three of them, bludgeoned with a hammer. All three of them partially paralyzed. For norman, that was the biggest blow. Not having the use of that right hand meant not playing the piano any more. Kept trying to figure out how do you play now . Until he learned that there are actually scores of scores written specifically for the left hand. And for more than 60 years now, hes been practicing them, in private. Lot of people when they have a special gift they like to show it off. Well, i thought i was doing that with my students. After the attack, norman went on to become a High School Choral instructor, one of the best in the city according to the former students we assembled. Yeah, he was a great teacher. I think that he maybe lived his life through his students. In fact, not even they knee how good he was. Until r normans neighbors outed him to the jazz critic at the local newspaper which led to this. Normans first public concert. A symphony of survival. It ended with a standing ovation, 70 years in the making. And as for what this moment meant to him, like music all those years, he kept that to himself. [ applause ] osgood still to come. Matthew mcconaughey makes a little history. Theres more . James p osgood talk about a body of work. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. We invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. It has only the gentlest cleansers. It just made me feel good. This is dove. Looking for a hot date. Its sunday morning on cbs. Here again is charles osgood. Osgood actor Matthew Mcconaughey won an oscar dallas friars club now new movie stars mcconaughey in role based on historical figure, figure Michelle Miller tells us is still controversial a century and a half later. Mississippi author William Faulkner once wrote, the past is never dead, it isnt even the past. And when it comes to the american civil war, 151 years after the souths defeat, the past remains both a painful memory and an ongoing cause for debate. In the new film free state of jones Matthew Mcconaughey plays confederate soldier Newton Knight. The deeds of the story, the context that have time will be very relevant to today. Depeg newt knight was either hero or trait or. You know they shoot deserters, dont you . They shoot everyone around here. Knight was a poor white farmer from mississippi who in 1863 abandoned the southern cause and spent the rest of his life fighting oppression. Do you think they take 10 from the plantation over there . Do you think they take 10 from him . I think his. Dan was sort of written in the bible and declaration of independence. Heres a guy who believed there were no kings on earth above him. Theres one king. Thats god. So his faith trumped the dominant values of society at that time. Mr. Moses, what are you . Why is that . Because you cannot own a child of god. No, you cannot, can you. I didnt know that much about the civil war and about reconstruction. The film has been a near decade long passion project for director gary ross, who has made such blockbusters as big. Seabiscuit and the hunger games. When you get disconnected from your history you dont know where you come from. You dont understand the struggle for freedom is ongoing one. Got plantations from here to the mississippi. Knight risked his life deserting the confederacy after he realized the fight wasnt his. You, me, all of us. Were all out here dying so they can stay glitch if you own 20 slaves you were exempted from the draft. But poor folks had to go fight and die so you could keep owning slaves. This was people that were divided by race instead of united by class. Yeoman farmer tha friends were had much more in common with the African American at that time than they did with the plantation owner. Listen up here. His army of discertificaters and run away slaves took control of jones county, mississippi. Declaring it a free state. Aligned with neither the south nor the north. This day forward we declare the land north of pascagoula to be a free state of jones. What does newts story do to that white male southerner stereotype . Well, it does a lot to discredit the myth of the lost cause. Some people would try to convey this notion that the south was monolithic, north dakota, all the white people, you know, rallied around to defend the cause of the confederacy. Wyatt molds teaches and newt knights distant cousin. Knight was a man ahead of his time. He provided food to destitute people. He rescued children who were in savory. You know, he was known as the robin hood of the piney woods. Even after the war, in the period known as reconstruction, knight is said to have helped free blacks vote for the first time. These men vote. Help them survive a reign of terror under the ku klux klan. It would have been so easy for newt knight when the war was over to do what a lot of other white people did say, okay, thats resolved, wars over, im not going to continue to fight the injustices that i see around me. But he didnt do that. But not everyone sees knight as the hero. Instead they see hollywood medaling with history. About this movie . I hadnt seen it, dont know anything about it. But anything that comes out of hollywood cant be good. Carl ford is a jones county bankruptcy lawyer. John cox a self described amateur historian. They are both members of the rosin heelsa chapter of the sons of confederate veterans. I use the term trailer trash, to describe him. So you take issue with this whole robin hood oh, yeah. Help African Americans. Exactly. To help the poor farmer. No proof . It just didnt exist. Its. Its a wonderful story. Its a story that myths are made of. To be certain the film takes historic liberties. The director gary ross says, knights story helps dispel a lingering myth about the war. People can confuse the civil war for it was pretty simple. Ill say it. The civil war was about slavery, okay . A lot of people want to pretend it was about other stuff. States rights, free soil, it was about no. The war was fought over whether or not human beings should or could be owned. If history in jones county is confusing, family is even more so. Newt knight had several families. His first with a white wife, his second with a former slave named rachel. Would you say people tried to out right deny newts family history, his family tree . Oh, yeah. Yeah. Some still do. Dorothy knight marsh and Florence Knight blaylock are newt and rachels great grand daughters. You got the one drop rule in mississippi. Dont no matter how white you are, how straight your hair is, if you got blood youre considered black in the state of mississippi. That one drop meant some members of the Knight Family were persecuted under jim crow laws, legal segregation. Is this legacy ever a burden. No. Were proud of our legacy. We are proud of this coming out. In newts final act of defines he chose to be buried next to rachel in this graveyard. Black and white together, against mississippi law. Theres a great power as an actor if you understand who you are, who you are portraying, theres a clarity to that. Knights head zone reads he lived for others. Everybody talks about heritage around here. Theres a wonderful piece of heritage that they can cling to that there was man who had the guts to stand up to the confederacy and fight against hit. Thats a beautiful piece of can turn to. Osgood ahead, get the word from author james patterson. Thank god i dont work on a computer then id really be prolific. Shall we say, unnecessarily complex. H back cards are, limiting where you can earn bonus cash back. Then those places change every few months. Please. Its time you got the quicksilver card from capital one. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back doesnt get much simpler than that. Whats in your wallet . Osgood before zoo was a tv series it was a novel from the pencil of author james patterson. Here with the fine sprint anthony mason. This is the inner sanctum . This is where whatever happens, happens im not sure what to make of it sometimes. The best selling author on the planet works out of this office in his home in palm beach, florida, overlooking the atlantic. I kind of work here then ill work there as well. Then also in the back room. This is headquarters for the publishing empire that the New York Times called, james patterson, inc. The crea whose produced 73 number one best sellers and sold 325 million books. You want to explain this for me . Yes. I write with a pencil. I just cant believe you produce all this not on a computer. Yeah, well, thank god, i dont work on a computer because then id really be prolific. The words writers block, arent in pattersons voa cab would you larry. With a team of cowriters, he puts out the alex cross mysteries. The womens murder club, Michael Bennett and maximum ride series. And his shelves are lined with dozens of other novels in progress. This is everything in the works . No. Theres more . Well, all over there. And there. These are just the big books. Heres the real crazy thing. In launching a new steer rees of short novels bookshots. These are all bookshots. Everyone of these tabs is a different book. Pattersons had a creative explosion more like a volcanic eruption how many of these are there . This many. Youre involved in some way in every single one of these . Not in some way. Yeah, 80 of em i did the outline. His aim to transform the book business. This is a little bit of revolution, bookshots, a reading revolution. We have all this stuff crushing down on us. And unfortunately for a lot of people one of those things started to become books that were just too long for them to deal with. 23 titles will be released this year. Under 150 pages. Under 5. Impossible to stop reading. They are very, very fast paced. They are like reading a movie. The son of an salesman and a teach are, Jim Patterson was valedictorian of his high school class, but he wasnt much of a reader. When did you actually start writing . I worked my way through college at a Mental Hospital up in belmont, massachusetts, i worked a lot. I just started scribbling stories. In 1976 at age 29 he finished his first novel, the Thomas Berryman number. It was turned down by 31 publishers. But then won an ed war. What did you think when you were getting 31 rejections . It. Happened fairly quickly. So it wasnt it was like death of a thousand cuts. But the cuts came really fast. Little brown finally published it. But sales of his early books were slow. It took you awhile to really catch on. Yeah. Why . Things happened along the way. I was with a woman who got very sick with cancer. Her name was jane blanchard. Years. You two were just walking down the street here in new york . Well, actually we were in the post office on broadway and jane just collapsed. It was a brain tumor . It was a brain tumor. And for next two and a half years she was dying. Was that the toughest thing youve been through . Yeah. That was devastating. I mean, when youre madly in love with somebody and theyre young and theyre dying, its not good. How long did it take you to get over that . The weird thing was, i was very close to my grandfather. When he died i could not cry. I was like, you are wanting to and you cant. When jane got sick i cried every single day. You know, it took a long time. Patterson was working in advertising then. I started out as copy writer right here, j. Waller thompson. After jane died, you kind of threw yourself into advertising . Think life became more important for me. And my focus. I threw myself into this really rose from a copy writoter ceo in a hurry. Couple of years. Yeah. Among his successful ad campaigns. This one. I dont want to grow up im a toys r us kid. Eventually he returned to writing. I actually sat down said im going to try to write a best selling novel. And recognizing where my weaknesses were, trying to avoid those. What were your weaknesses . Im not a great stylist, keep it simple. Thats when i wrote along came a spider. Published in 1993 it was pattersons break out book. The novel introduced African American detective alex cross and spawned a franchise thats produced 20 sequels and three films. Like a spider. I have to like spiders. A few years later, patterson started dating sue solie an art director at the ad agency. They married in 1997. And have an 18yearold son, jack, whose initial reluctance to read helped inspire pattersons push into young adult fix. Its like getting hit with a your kid will love it. Back here is the kids section which is another big deal with me. The 69yearold writer has become an outspoken advocate for child literacy. This one is going to be a movie in october. Donating half a million books to students. If we dont get our kids reading, especially atrisk kids, how can you get through high school . Palm beach house, james patterson, inc, is still working overtime. What is your routine . Well, routine is seven days a week. I mean, im basically in my offers 5 30 or 6 00 in the morning. Up in that office his imagination never rests. You would think at a certain point you would say, why write one more. Because i love doing it. Its like, why go to another movie or eat another chocolate. My life, i dont know what is going to happen tomorrow because i dont know what im going to make up. I dont know what im going to create. Osgood the healing power of muhammad ali. Next. But it came with some baggage opioidinduced constipationoic. Sooo awkward. Opioids block pain signals. But they can also block activity in the bowel, causing constipation. Movantik can help reduce constipation caused by opioid pain medications. Do not take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. Serious side effects may include a tear in your stomach or intestine. And can also include symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, vomiting, and headache. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take as movantik may interact with them causing side effects. Im so glad i had the movantalk with my doctor constipated by your prescription ask your doctor if movantik is right for you. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Osgood muhammad ali touched the lives of many people in very personal ways. Among them, author, cbs host and sunday morning contributor tavis smiley. The defining moment of my life occurred when i was just 12 years old. I was falsely accused of something by the minister at my church and my father who was both deacon and Church Trustee in a momentary lapse of judgment beat me so severely that he put me in the hospital. That incident essentially ruined my relationship with my dad during those all important adolescent years, we were basically estranged well into my adulthood. The great Frederic Douglas once said its easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. I was a broken man, struggling emotionally for years with how to repair the relationship with my father, whom id long since forgiven, but with whom i still didnt have a loving relationship. Enter, muhammad ali. As a child my fondest memories of the good times with my dad all revolved around watching those historic ali fights on tv. My dad loved ali. Not just for his mastery of the sweet science in the ring but for his courage to be a truth teller. Ive never seen a man so willing to speak the truth no matter the consequences. And so, ali, the freest black man id ever seen became my hero, too. The champ is here. I could never have imagined that id ever grow up to meet the champ, in ii view him many times, hang out with him and eventually b him a friend and a brother. But sometimes your life exceeds your dreams. I hosted an event in his honor one night, and decided to surprise my dad by taking him as my guest. I reserved a seat for my dad at the head table right next to ali. Say guess you can imagine how this story ends. Ive only seen my dad cry twice in his life. Once when his father died and the night he met muhammad ali. He was always the peoples champ, his lifetime of giving to others is what hell be most remembered for he felt that his love and service to every day people was the rent he paid for the space he occupied. As such, he always made you feel like you were the most important person in the room. He certainly made my dad feel that way, and every time i saw the champ from that night forward i gave him a big hug and thanked him profusely for being the healing that helped to repair my relationship with my father. Good ones, the world is especially going to miss the greatest of all time. We all owe muhammad ali a debt that we can never repay. I know i do. Youre only going to answer me in emojis. So, this cruze has builtin 4g lte wifi® with 24 gigs of data. Wow. message sent sfx strong it also comes with 24 months of siriusxm satellite radio. message sent sfx like, word, chevy. Thats the way to go. Pick the one emoji that sums up the car. A crystal ball. I can see the future. That was deep. Osgood here is a look at the week ahead on our sunday morning calling ender. Monday remembrance day, the 72nd anniversary of the allied invasion of normandy during world war ii. Tuesday is first day of previews in london, harry potter and the cursed child, question written by j. K. Woeling. Wednesday forbes releases annual list of the worlds highest paid athletes. Last years top earner was the boxer, floyd mayweather, 300 million in winnings and endorsements. Thursday is the 125th anniversary of the birth of coal porter, the composure and lear wrist behind such broadway shows as anything goes and kiss me kate. Friday is the sixth annual astronomy festival on the national mall. Telescopes will offer close up looks at marchs, jupiter and saturn. Saturday is National Get Outdoors day encouraging families to have healthy and active outdoor fun. Now to John Dickerson in washington for a look at whats ahead on face the nation. Good morning, john. . Dickerson good morning, charles. We have a sit down one on one in ii view with donald trump. Hes not backing down, well also have discussion about the life and legacy of muhammad ali. Osgood thank you, John Dickerson. Well be watching. And next week here on sunday morning curtain going up on the tony awards. This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. Imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. Such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. The most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. Tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at tecfidera. Com. Talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. Dad, yoh no, ill take you up to me off rthe front of the school. Thats where your friends are. Seriously, its, its really fine. You dont want to be seen with your dad . No, its. No. This about a boy . Dad stop, please. Oh, theres tracy. What [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad it brakes when you dont. Forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. From volkswagen. Tthe whitenessmy wasnt there as much, my teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. Pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing so its nice to know that it was as simple as that. And theres moving with thermove free ultra. It has tripleaction support for your joints, cartilage and bones. And unlike glucosamine chondroitin, its all in one tiny pill. Move free ultra. Get your move on. Osgood we leave you this sunday morning among flowers in bloom in arizonas sonoran desert. Near pinnacle peak. Just watch out for rattle snakes. Im charles osgood. Please join us again next sunday morning. Until then ill see you on the radio. Captioning made possible by johnson johnson, where quality products for the American Family have been a tradition for generations captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org dickerson today on face the nation. Donald trump gives no ground as we go one on one. Well look back at the life of the greatest, muhammad ali. As she closes in on democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton changes course launches a withering round of attacks against donald trump. This is not just another outlandish insulting comment from donald trump. And it is not normal politics. This is something much, much more dangerous. Dickerson we sat down with the Presumptive Republican nominee in california ahead of tuesdays primary. Asked him about the growing controversy over Trump University and the judge presiding over the case against him. With him not member of a society. But i s

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