There with donald trump. And after his upset win over Hillary Clinton in michigan well talk to Bernie Sanders about his prospect Going Forward. That and more come up on face the nation. Captioning sponsored by cbs welcome to face the nation im john dickerson. Five states hold primaries tuesday we have new cbs Battleground Tracker numbers. Among republicans in florida, home state sector marco rubio is running third at 21 behind donald trump who is at the top with 44 and ted cruz who is in second in 24 . John kasich is far behind with 9 support but in his home state of ohio, john kasich is tied with donald trump at . Ted cruz behind them at 27. Marco rubio is far down at 5 . In illinois donald trump on top at 38 with ted cruz right behind him at 34. John kasich at 16, marco rubio the big story is the anger out on the campaign trail in chicago friday night, thousands of antitrump protesters forced donald trump to cancel his rally then saturday in dayton, ohio, protester broke through barricade and rushed the stage at trump event stunning the candidate and crowd. In kansas city another round of chaos in the streets we begin with donald trump in chicago this morning. Mr. Trump, youve said that you dont incite any of this activity but several rallies you have said that protesters, you said about one id like to punch him in the face. Another you suggested that it would be better if he was taken out on a stretcher. You suggested if one thought about throwing a tomato that your supporters should knock the crap out of him. How is that not encouraging the kind of behavior were now seeing . Well, let me just tell you first of all with all of the rallies ive had, i get more people than anybody as you know by a lot. People. 25,000 people almost getting be you havent seen one person even injured at one of our rallies. The cases youre talking about the one guy was a bad dude, he was swinging, he was hitting people, he was a very bad guy and the police came in and they really were very effective. Fangly some of the audience members had no choice but to be effective and i didnt mind that at all. But they would have been hurt. Other with tomatoes i was told by secret service that two people in the audience weve heard that have tomatoes theyre going to throw them at you. They have good arms that could do some damage, okay. I said to the people before my speech started, if you see anybody with tomatoes, you got to take them out, folks. Got to take them out. I think everybody understands that. Dickerson you say no one was hurt but gentleman walking out video shows him being escorted out then a supporter cold cocked him, he was a, hurt, there was somebody hurt. He wasnt doing any damage when he was walking out. He was cd you would suggest in one of your rallies pay for legal fees, would you pay for legal fees for that gentleman . Well, im going to review it. I understand i dont condone violence, i dont condone what happened to him and what he did because he got carried away and very unfortunate. But this kid was walking out and i understand he had certain finger up in the air as hes walking out. And this man became very angry. You know what, again, i dont condone violence but the kid shouldnt have had the finger up in the air, eitherf thats what he did. Im going to take a look at the tape ill let you know. Dickerson is that the threshold just wrong gesture and its okay to clock him . Well, i think thats a terrible gesture. We can say oh, it doesnt matter but i think its a terrible gesture. You know its interesting, these people are disrupters theyre not protesters theyre disrupters, professional disrupters in some cases thats all they do they stand up and disrupt and if nobody did tha at a bernie rally, many come from bernie. I have tremendous young people also, we have a whole level of young people, i cant even believe it how young my audience is. But if they ever went to bernie rallies did the same thing, i want to tell you you would be so angry with me, nobody talks about it, but you would be so against. Whole different standard when it comes to republican conservative versus liberal. If people went to their rallies and disrupted their rallies like my rallies are disrupted the press would particular up stick up for them make all sorts of excuses how terrible it is. So, we have two standards in this country, its very unfortunate. The press is extremely dishonest. Dickerson when you talk about these protesters you said these are barred, bad people were going to take our country back from these people. These people do nothing. Who are these people in that case . Well, i see people in the audience that i dont think they have great future. I are not in love with our country. I think they protest and disrupt, thats what they do. I dont know if they do it for a living, i dont know if they get paid for doing it. But they are not good people and they are certainly not good for our country and the people that come to my rallies these are extraordinary people. These are great people. These are people that are really disenfranchised in many cases. Noww that being said, we are very successful people, we have smartest, we have the best educated, we have people that arent educated as well. If you look at the polls coming out of all these states that ive won, which is most of them, if you look at the polls coming out i lead with hispanics, i lead with women, i lead with very well educated. I lead in all different categories. Very proudly i lead with evangelical. I lead with veterans. I lead in every category. So, i have everybody. We really do have a young crowd. Remember this, if they went to hillary rally, although nobody cares too rallies because theres no fervor there. If they went to bernie rally they would say what a terrible thing. They disrupt me from talking. I do the best i can with it. And by the way, youve heard me say it, dont hurt them. Im constantly saying to the police, dont hurt them, dont hurt them. I dont condone violence. Some of these people are violent. Dickerson let me ask you policy question at the debate you talked about something i frankly use i shouldnt be allowed to use it when you talk about the bankruptcy laws, talked how you took advantage of them when you and i talked about your taxes you say try to pay as little as possible. If you are president , why would anybody follow the laws that you put in place if they knew you were taking advantage of those laws when you were in the private sector . Because i know the game better than anybody, because ive been on the other side. I built one of the greatest companies. I did filing which shows one of the Great Companies great assets, very little debt, tremendous cash flow, some of the greatest assets in the world. But let me just tellu, the bankruptcy laws just like other very successful people. I wont use their names, pie name ten people, biggest people in all of business, we do it the game we play. We use the laws of the land. Thats the way we play the game. Wait a minute. As far as the visas are concerned im in the doing anything wrong, i think those visas shouldnt be allowed. But they are allowed. They are part of the fabric of what you do. So, ill use it, im a businessman. Now that ive turned politician, i hate to say that almost about myself, but now that im running for office, i know the game better than anybody. Im the one that can fix all of this stuff. When you say talk i never went corrupt, you bankrupt, you understand i never went bankrupt you take look at the business leaders, every once in awhile i have 500 companies, so many Different Companies and very few i will take advantage of frankly by using the laws of the land. As every other Major Business person does. Dickerson thats what i want to ask about the playing of the game. When you were with ben carson who endorsed you this week you said he was pathological then both of you said, well, that was just politics. So, youre saying its just the game. But if the most serious things you say are just politics, its just the game, then why isnt everything youre saying just a game not politics totally open to revision . Well, that is politics. I say bad things about people. They say bad things about me. Actually ben wrote it in his book. I just read sections of his book. I read what ben wrote. Im not going to make up anything. I could tell you about john kasich hes done a terrible job in ohio people think hes done good j. Hes losing his businesses. Real estate taxes have gone through the roof, he talks about not raising taxes, the real estate taxes in ohio have gone through the roof, he approved nafta now hes voting for ppp which is going to be worse than nafta. Going to take all the car industry, Everything Else out. His coal industry is dead. You know, give me a break. You tell me about how goodies doing, hes doing terrible job for ohio. Dickerson were out of time, mr. Trump. Thanks so much. Thank you. Dickerson among those arrested friday night at the chicago trump event was cbs News Reporter so pan who covers donald trump for the network he spoke to cbs news producer charlie brooks. It was tense right from the start. There were protesters, hundreds of them. Many scuffles broke out but nothing too serious at that point. There were protesters outside. There was an announcement. That donald trump was concerned about security and postponing the rally there was total pandemonium inside the arena. Lots of cursing, pe and shoving on both sides. Both supporters and protesters. Eventually i went outside. I saw a group of Police Officers running towards an area of protesters. I had my camera, i jet along with them through this area. I get to this crowd theres a man being arrested. His head is bloodied on the ground. And im shooting, this the protesters at this point had shut down the street. The Police Officers are saying another scuffle bricks out im shooting this scuffle. And before i knew it, a Police Officer, at least one Police Officer maybe multiple pulled me down from the back of my hoodie and bashed my face into the street. Then Police Officer put his boot to my neck and cuffed me. I am continuously identifying myself as press, i said i have credentials. But theyre not listening to me. Back of this police van along with the man that was bloodied and another gentleman. And its pitch black, then i was in handcuffs for maybe an hour before policeman took me to the station, processed me, cuff me again at the station. And where the Police Officers told me i was being charged with resisting arrest. Youve been covering this campaign for awhile. Have you seen tensions build . How would you characterize the mood in these events over last couple of weeks or month . There have been protests going on at donald trump rallies for months and months and months. This is nothing new. However there has been a recent uptick i ternly never seen anything like last night. That was unprecedented. There had been other groups of coordinated protests at pep rallies but nothing as massive as what i saw last night. Do you that have any impressions of the sort of people that were making up the well, according to people i talked to, that was one of the organizers, told me there were countless groups, there was coordinated effort going back weeks as soon as they heard that donald trump was coming here. Person i talked to last night said he couldnt tell me how many were involved because there were so many. Unclear how many were there but certainly whole bunch of different, including black lives matter, vulgar chants in mum tim languages. Diverse group. I wile say most were young. Injured he is back on the campaign trail with donald trump today. We now want to turn to Ohio Governor john kasich who joins us from cleveland. Governor, i want to start with something you said about donald trump you said theres no place for a National Leader to prey on the fears of people who live in our country. How exactly is he preying an fears . Well, hes done a lot of name calling, hes created a very toxic atmosphere where hes you want to start with the things that he has said about muslims. Where does it end . Its putting one group against another and its created a toxic atmosphere im not going to tell i in his rally some of these people dont show up who want to he create problems. That happens in all volatile situations. But, you know, john, look, america is greatest strength is its people. And our greatest strength in people is when were unified. Theres no doubt that hes run this Divisive Campaign its concerning to me. At the end of the day hes not going to be the nominee. Were going to learn from this. And im going to win ohio on tuesday, well be competing all across the country and its going to be a new day, just wait and see. Dickerson one of the things he says, that others say, too, the voters are just angry hes not preying on fears this is just the nature anger thats out there. Talk about that line a little bit, difference between voters who are angry and then the anger. Well, look, i think first of all there are people that are upset. Theyre worried about their jobs and their wages, which havent gone up. They put their money in the bank get no interest their kids are still living in the home after a college degree. These are real concerns. I said it in the first debate that he was tapping in to something out there, the reason i understand it is because i grew up in that environment as a kid. But the way you get those voters is to tell them how you can fix things. Thats why i always talk about the strength of my record. Whether it was in washington, help can this economy to tray off or whether its been in ohio with the creation of over 400,000 new jobs here. I also think you can walk into a room, john, of a hundred 50e78 you can put them in really bad mood or walk into that same room you can get them to be hopeful. I notice this everywhere i go because when i show up i talk about the way we can fix things. How people need to Work Together and dont wait for somebody tolls show up, the world in the world in which you live. And the hopefulness of it i think works. Frankly, since ive been so positive it must be contagious because last debate was sweet, right . Dickerson evy beerybodved themselves. At that last debate when everybody was talking about trade it seems Like Republican Party trade is now a bad word. You voted for nafta, donald trump trying to use that against you. Who is the promoter of free trade now in the Republican Party . Well, sort of interesting, john, because ive always been a fair trader and a free trader at the same time. In 2001 i helped the Steel Companies to get 201 trade restraint so they could consolidate and be stronger. Ive been saying for a long time that we need to have an expedited process when people cheat we shut their products down. But that doesnt take away from the fact that we have to be involved in the Global Market because one out of every five workers are connected to it. 38 million that are connected to trade. We do want to have free trade but want to have fair trade and expedited process to say that when youre cheatings, were going to take action against you that would include manipulation of currency. Dickerson politics, you said youre going to win ohio. Marco rubio said his voters should vote for you in ohio are you saying your voters should vote for him in florida . John, its really hard to tell your voters to go vote for somebody else. Im not campaigning in florida, my focus has been in this state. And in illinois. And look, at the end, this is not like stop somebody this is about my telling people the way the country ought to be run. The experience that ive had. And why ive had success. I can give them the hope that we actually can pull the country together, remember were americans before republicans and democrats. And solve our most vehicles can problems, frankly using conservative principles. Dickerson americans before republs. People are using against donald trump, some of your rifles seem to be wobbley whether theyre going to stick with that pledge and support him, where are you on that . Well, id like to support the nominee. But hes not going to be the nominee. Thats just not going to happen. But i said at the last debate he makes it difficult. Well see how this goes. I mean, hes got to have begin to lift people stop dividing people and the toxic environment must end. This is not making us proud. Think of the videos that have been shown all over the world of people slugging it out at campaign rally. There are people around the world that are shaking their heads who are saying, what the heck is happened to america . Well be fine. The people are smart, theyre going to make the right decision in my opinion. Dickerson all right, john kasich that will have to be the last word. Thanks so much for being with us. Well be back in a minute. Stay with us. You may have inactive follicles. Reactivate them with womens rogaine® foam. The only once a day treatment proven to regrow new hairs up to 48 thicker. And save 10. Whats going on here . Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . More of a spokes metaphor. Get organized at voya. Com. Dickeon clinton up almost 30 points over Bernie Sanders in florida. Compared to senator sanders at 43 . Illinois shows much tighter race, senator sanders is up two points over secretary clintons 48 and 46. We go now to Bernie Sanders who is in st. Louis, this morning, good morning, senator. Donald trump says he might start sending protesters to your rallies. Well, you know, donald trump has been an incredibly divisive figure day after day, his rhetoric is incite can violence. We have seen videos of some of his supporters responding to that rhetoric by kicking people, by sucker punching them. We have seen recently charges leveled against his own Campaign Manager for assaulting a female reporter. So, theres a lot of this fumes about violence coming from trumps campaign, i very much hope that he understands that in democracy people should be allowed to go to anybodys rally peacefully demonstrate without fear of being beaten up. I hope he tones it down. This is not good for the country. Dickerson do you encourage some of your protesters, some of the protesters at some of your supporters i should say are going to these rallies, would you encourage them to keep doing that . No, not to disrupt rallies. Trump, i wont shock you john by telling that you donald trump liza whole lot. He calls me a communist, thats a lie. To suggest that our campaign is telling people to disrupt his campaign is a lie. We dont. We have millions of supporters and some of them will do what they do. But our campaign has never, not once, organized any effort to disrupt mr. Trumps rallies are or anybody elses. Dickerson in contest with Hillary Clinton she has said that she was way out in front on health care back in wonders where you were on that issue back then. Whats your response . Well, i think theres a video, a photograph or something of me right by her side. I have always said that Hillary Clinton did very, very good job as first lady. She kind of broke the mold as to what a first lady should be doing. But to criticize me on health care is not quite fair because i have been a leader in congress from day one. In the fight for universal health care to make certain that in United States we join the rest of the industrialized world, guaranteed health care to all people. Affordable care act i worked with congressman on major initiative. Put 12 billion in the Community Health centers so that millions of people now have health care who previously would not have health care. I have led the effort to take on the greed and unconscionable pricing of the Drug Companies who are ripping us off, cin world such that millions of americans cant afford medicine that they need. I dont have to defend myself to anybody about the role i have played in health care. I do believe that we should move to medicare for all Health Care System which finally says that health care is a right, to all people in our country something which differentiates me. Dickerson talk about politics a little bit here. On these election day you had big surprise win in michigan, real momentum booster at the end of the day Hillary Clinton got more delegates that happened on almost every election day. If that keeps hanking shes going to get the nomination. Well, john to, everybodys surprise, we began this campaign, we were 3 in the poles about 70 points behind Hillary Clinton. Since then we have won nine states, eight of them by very large margins. One in michigan was very last week all of the pollsters predicted that we would lose michigan by 15 to, 25 points. Well, we ended up winning. I think we have a lot of momentum in illinois. In ohio, in missouri. I think well do better than people think in north carolina. And florida. Were looking for ward to very good tuesday and winning the democratic nomination. Dickerson well talk about it after those rules. Thanks for being with us. Well be right back. Bout succes, what does it look like . Is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student . Is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves . Is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the Natural World . Whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. Tiaa. Youre an at t Small Business expert . Sure am. My staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. At t can help you stay connected. Am i seeing double . No maam. Our at t buy one get one free makes it easier for your staff to send appointment reminders to your customers. And share promotions on social media . You know it now im seeing dollar signs. You should probably get your eyes checked. Good one babe. Optometry humor. 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In ohio say economy is good and kasich has sky high Approval Ratings as governor. Thats an advantage. But comparably in florida rubios Approval Rating as a senator are mixed. Even among republicans hes got lower numbers than rest of the candidates on being prepared to be president and thats essentially the difference. Dickerson all right. Lets talk about ohio and florida. Big winner take all states next week. Lets go through some of the scenarios here. It seems like fo given where donald trump has been the question is, is he going to get enough delegates to get the nomination or will he go to the convention with maybe a lead in the delegates but have been stopped. Lets walk through some of the scenarios. First, in ohio and florida lets say trump wins both, whats next . I think he becomes all he would have to do from there with the delegate lead in hand coming out of tuesday is keep winning and keep winning delegates. At the same pace at which he has been. I think the map ahead actually favors him in his ability to do that because you look at the states coming up and they have more of the kind of voters that donald trump has already been winning you get your blue collar republicans. Youve got your suburban republicans, hes been doing well with those groups and fewer of the kind of voters in the kind of areas that ted cruz has been winning. Were headed through the northeast. Were headed through thee cetera. That should advantage trump in being able to keep that pace. Dickerson if he wins those two states it will suggest all these attacks against him that theyre just not working and so they be unlikely to suddenly work in the remaining states. Lets now look at beginning of glimmers of hope which to say that trump loses one of those two states. What does it look like then if he only wins one of those . I think that is a glimmer of hope for folks trying to catch him. But it depends also who he loses to. If he loses to kasich in ohio, that is very competitive race be seen thats a home state win for kasich but where else does he go. Kasich still trailing him in delegates. Rubio happens to catch him in florida, same thing. Rubio is going to be behind him in delegates probably will be coming out of the tuesday. Other thing that the rules Going Forward from these states actually advantage the winner to even greater degree than they already have. All delegates, even by region or district and so the difference between the leading candidate and the trailing candidates actually historically tends to open up. Dickerson so in that case, if trump only won one of those, he would have to do a little bit better than hes doing to get the magic number . Hed have to pick up the pace a little bit. Have to pick up the pace, just a little bit. Because he coop that lead. Now, if he does and heads into places like pennsylvania like new york those other states then tries to build on that lead, he wouldnt get there quickly, it might go deep into may but he would still be on a trajectory to get there. Dickerson quickly he loses both what happens then . He loses both, thats a lot of people want to stop him try to at the convention i think. There is at least one advantage out of this. Voters do tend to try to wrap things up as we get deep into the process, do tend to try to consolidate. But if he loses both then some of that luster of being a winner certainly comes off. He certainly has tougher road ahead because, lets not forget other states voting, north carolina, the missouri, if ted cruz were touchier repick a couple of those, now cruz could make up some of the difference. Dickerson cruz is closest to him at the delegates. So lets not forget those, they have more in total just that were focusing on ohio and florida, rightly because theyre the big winner take all prizes but theres lot more delegates out there. Watch for cruz to try and at least cut in to that trump lead and if trump does happen to drop both ohio and florida now we get competitive. Now we could this thing go deep into june. Dickerson well, well be asking you all the way along the way, anthony, thank for helping us out. Well be right back. Yeah, i was just talking uhabout yourico . Emergency Roadside Service and how its available 24 7 and then our car overheated. What are the chances . Can you send a tow truck please . Uh, the location . Youre not going to believe this but its um. Its in a tree. I wish i was joking, mate, but its literally stuck in a tree. car horn honking a chainsaw . No, no, all we really need is a tow truck. Day or night, geicos emergency Roadside Service is there for you. Theand to help you accelerate,. Weve created a new company. One totally focused on whats next for your business. The True Partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. Accelerating innovation. Accelerating transformation. Accelerating next. Hewlett packard enterprise. Dickerson were back with our panel. Peggy noonan a columnist for the wall street journal. Jeffrey goldberg writes for the atlantic. And nancy cordes covers congress. And democratic president ial candidates for cbs and Michael Duffy is the Deputy Managing Editor time magazine. Peggy, what do we make of [ laughter ] lot to go here. What do you make of the rallies in t l how much has donald trump contributed or not contributed to this at all. Seeing the past few days, especially last night in chicago, the disruption, the yelling, the pushing, the violence surrounding the donald trump rally and inside, even though he wasnt there he cancelled he said for safety reasons. I think there are two big reasons this is happening and one victim group ha hasnt been mentioned. Two reasons its happening, trump is cavalier and careless in his references to punch him in the nose. I wish i could punch him in the nose. If you punch him in the nose ill pay your bills. Thats been. Thats immature. Thats not knowing that america is always a country when its gathered and political passions can start throwing punches. Thats the first part. Second part is, there are antitrump groups that are opportunistically moving on the fact that hes given them this opening with his wild statements. They are coming in. Theyre causing their own havoc and pushing people around. Thats not good. We always have to remember, this is america, you have a right to come together. You have right to have rally, right to free speech to gather. It zooms to me a forgotten victim group here is the peaceful people who want to go see donald trump and get him unfiltered get a sense of who he is, decide who theyre going to vote for. They must have been frightened last night. They saw people pushing and tearing plaque cards out of each others hands, its auto bad. I know people have gone to trump rallies, they are curious want to get a look. Dickerson the Washington Post has a question, has donald trump lit a fire that now cant be contained. What is your sense of that . Anyone would use to describe this election so far i dont think we should start expecting. But i dont think any of us know watching that tape offer the weekend, all of the tapes, seems to be new one every couple of hours, reminded of we all live in different places now. Its odd that were now deciding to come together at trump rallies. That seems like maybe not the best place. That the country needed nor 20 years thats whats happening. Two basically frightened groups of people. The Trump Supporters are scared of losing their livelihood and not really familiar yet, fully maybe owning what we call multiraral society. Theyre concerned about the second amendment. The protesters who are generally nonwhite come from different part of the country and are concerned about how will the rhetoric of donald trump is spewing help themselves and their kids assimilate. Both sets of real genuine they are being met at these rallies, that is a scary combination. Dickerson a volatile pace. Donald trump suggested there may be new Meeting Place for these two groups at the Bernie Sanders rallies. Going to send over to that was, i thought maybe wed be deescalation, im naive, obviously. I didnt read the tweet first i got email from a friend of mine in egypt who told me about the tweet, be careful bernie or my supporters will to go your rallies. And my friend from egypt set, welcome to the middle east. Because this is the way politics is done in other parts of the world. We dont like the way politics is done where people are sending gangs of their supporters to other peoples rallies to break them up and make violence. There is a real fear now that these things are going to escalate. People are meeting at these rallies, someone is going to get seriously hurt and among other things were not modeling good world that looks to america for political maturity. As peggy might put it that would be bad. Gone to number of Bernie Sanders rallies they are pretty Peaceful Affairs like eagles concert where Everybody Knows the words. And they show up ready to sing. Thats a great analogy as well theyre bringing lot of these little kids because these are pretty laid back affairs. Suddenly you have them clashing with fired up Trump Supporters. That could be dickerson may be losing ourselves in the metaphor. Jeffrey mentioned decays lakes which we had seen earlier in the week there was debate that looked like everybody john kasich mentioned thought they were all pretending to be him, so nice and civil. What did you make that have . Well, the calm before the storm, among some of the candidates together they could not continue down theoa previous debate had been just out of control. But then they go back to their separate Campaign Events people say things they shouldnt say. Trump followed that with that remarkable line about islam hates us which was within 24 hours of the debate. That was astonishingly incendiary reckless thing to say, add that were going to need someone lot more sensitive to that kind of way of speaking as leader whether youre nominated or not. Reminder that some republicans according to do expect prudent talk about religion they prefer it. Its just going to be something that we have to live with i think with trump until he decides, whatever reason to change the way hes campaigning. Two quick points, there is regret, i think on the part of marco rubio that he accelerated that process by responding. The other thought i was having last couple of days is that, wondering who is the senior figure, who could straddle all is it colin powell who needs to come out simply you know, what we simply cannot talk about, for instance, is islam, the way were talking about it in this campaign because this is dangerous for the United States. And i dont know who that figure or group of figures is, but theres kind of need for it at this point. Dickerson i dont know if that person exists, peggy, because that person would be in the establishment, or be that immediately makes them suspect to all of the people who are creating the energy in the party. It would have to be a person of grave respect to the left, right and middle would listen to knowing they werent pursuing an agenda but trying to look out for america. Weve torn so many people institutions down in past few decade im not sure who that would be. Let me throw question to you, mike, some times when trump says things like, islam is our enemy or whatever exactly it is that he said. Islam hates us. Does he know what hes saying . There is a portion of radical jihaddist growing islam which has appealed to young people which is violent they appear to hate us, you cant just say islam hates us. So imprecise i think hes intelligent many doesnt he say it the right way . The question youve asked in your column, what does he really think. Ben carson when he endorsed trump something i dont think all of us would have predicted there are two donald trumps, no, there are about 22. Or maybe 200. Right after yes, there are two trumps there seem to be two trumps about the question of whether there were two trumps. Hes such a salesman. Hes talking now about unifying the party. I think hes done so much damage with his rhetoric no matter how much vodka you put on the dias going to be party around him as he continues to i think its interesting that marco rubio starting to say that the things that trump had said are making it more difficult for him to continue right at the glenn that he will support the nominee. The problem for him is, what does that mean if you dont support republican nominee that means you support Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton or sit it out what does that mean for all of your Republican Senate and house candidates and everybody down the ballot in november. Dickerson that sense of unpredictability. You mentioned marco rubio, lets watch, actually, a moment of anguish of marco rubio talking about this. I mean, i already talked about the fact Hillary Clinton would be terrible for this country. But the fact that youre even asking me that question, i still at this moment continue to intend to support the republican nominee. But getting harder ever day. Harder ever day. That was real moment. Dickerson whether hell support donald trump. That seemed like a real moment of hes ashen. Real moment of anguish. And i would based on that im led to believe that he could not in good conscious support donald trump. Not do a chris christie. Theyre all thinking about november and their v but thinking about their own reputations beyond november. Like to think that theyre also like to think its their own souls in america. Theyre trying to figure out what is the best thing to do here. I thought marco rubio looked shocked by history. Sort of ashen indeed, and just surprised at how things are turning out. Were all surprised been history at the moment. Dickerson lets switch to democratic history. Nancy, what happened in mr. Mesh, how big a deal that sanders beat clinton . Put a dent in her inevitability and shift ge election. Have to spend more money than she probably wanted to in these primary states. It showed that the issue of trade is bigger than probably even the Clinton Campaign thought it was. In a manufacturing state like michigan and that is really a centerpiece of the Bernie Sanders campaign that free trade is killing jobs. She also focused in michigan as she has in other states in boosting African American turn out and its true she did very well among African Americans but no, sir well where she wins like 09 of African Americans, there arent enough African Americans in the state like michigan to put her over the top. She lost 30 of African Americans in michigan which is a danger point number for her particularly as democratic races go north and to the midwest to the west coast because nonwhite populations are much smaller there. Nancy mentioned these states are going to be more friendly to your poll fascinating, sappedders is ahead in her home state. How people are going to win their home states. The polls had her 20 up in michigan still lost. You also made the point that sanders lives off the land. He can go and go and go. This is not a high cost. We may have gotten to the point this week that democratic race is beginning to elongate. Is she really, however, im curious, is mrs. Clinton really scared right now or is this just a pain in the neck that shes going to have to play out . Is she scared . I cant speak to her state of mind. But shes clearly insider in year that is so favoring outsiders. And when you have trump and sanders threatening dont forget about her experience. She must be getting sick of the youre right. She said this week ive gone all the way to the end before so i can do it again but its clearly not the way that she would hope that this would dickerson not message of joy. Thanks to all of you. Jeffrey will stay with us to talk about his interview with president obama so please stay with us. Congress voted to label genetically engineered salmon; why not other foods . Gmo crops are doused with heavy doses of herbicides the World Health Organization says probably cause cancer. Isnt that reason enough to label . 64 other countries label gmos. Why dont american shoppers have the same information . Our right to know. We deserve clear, onpackage labeling. Tell senators kaine and warner to stop the dark act. Dickerson were back with Jeffrey Goldberg of of the atlantic who has cover story in this months magazine, amazing piece. I want to start with talking about president obama and Foreign Policy legacy. The red line on syria is considered by some people even senior people in his own administration, a big mistake. He sees it as the opposite. Right. He sees it as very proud moment. Because he didnt do the thing that everybody in the establishment all of our allies wanted to do which was attack syria, to punish for crewing chemical weapons. He sees syria as the biggest slippery slope there is, and its a moment when he now tells himself and tells me that hes proud that have because he resisted all of the people pushing him to go have war with syria. Dickerson does he what does he at acknowledge that that maybe wasnt such a great idea because ultimately he didnt he doesnt regret or didnt say that he regrets it he thought it was appropriate brush back pitch, what i think hes learned dont make these kind of statements unless youre going to carry it through. Thats was the big says lest son i think for him. Dickerson also talk about free riders. We hear this term or i hear this term lot explain iowa free riders are that concept. Flee riders are american allies, mainly europe and middle east, who expect america to do everything for them. Dont pay enough of their own share of defense and dont defend themselves and just expecting america to do everything. President obama has, like a lot of americans, some level of resentmentment and he talks about arab states wanting to bring america into all of their wars against have to do all this. Traditionally americans have looked at europe said, you guys need to pay more for your defense. Its a very american position hes taking, by the way, on this question. Dickerson in the gulf states youre saying what theyre saying is, would you deal with iran for us, take care of it for us . Right. Theres some this feeling they want us to be their muscle. Were having a fight in yemen and syria, youre the big guy. You just deal with it for us well hold your coat and you go fight. I think president obama is a guy who is not looking for new fights for america and the world. Dickerson is that connected to another phrase, i feel like were going through the phrases of the obama Foreign Policy but leading from behind. Which sun fair description of what he was trying to do. This is precisely it. He said, you know what, well do this, you meaning britain and france this is your back yard you got to do all the clean up. We have the capability of bombing everything we need to bomb but y is matter some of controversy he told me he doesnt think that britain and france did enough in the follow up. And has some disappointment about that. And of course they dont like to hear that, but its probably true. Dickerson isnt that the argument for why the u. S. Has to do everything because you cant leave it to somebody else . I think president obama trying to train our allies in essence to grow up a little bit and take a little bit more responsibility. Especially for problems that are in their neighborhoods. That we cant do everything any more. Dickerson that how he can say that the lesson of libya is that you got to make sure theres something in place after the military action, because that seems shocking because i thought that was the lesson of iraq. Well, the libya was his iraq in some ways which is why he so hesitant to go further in to syria. Lib bra he feels like he did everything right, he lined everything up, am lice thought they would do x, y and z. He told me, it didnt work, thats of it didnt work. Hes learned a lesson which like dont get involved in these kind of problems. Dickerson we have a minute left. Youve interviewed him so many times over course of so long, just give me your sense of what it was like to interview him here, hes looking towards the exits, what is his state of mind . Ive been think iing about. This i was doing sees series of interviews last four months, were talking about limits of liberal interventionism, were talking about the amorphous quality, im trying to have these serious, mature conversations were having them. Then you look at what people are talking about in the primary campaign about Foreign Policy. And emails and ben good and build a wall and bigger wall and its going to get china to do x, y and z. Its about islam. I wonder if he at this point sitting there alone laughing at these candidates saying, you have idea what its like to try to manage the world. Dickerson jeffrey, thanks so much. Thank you. Dickerson well be right back. Sure am. My staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. At t can help you stay connected. Am i seeing double . No maam. Our at t buy one get one free makes it easier for your staff to send appointment reminders to your customers. And share promotions on social media . You know it now im seeing dollar signs. 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Thank you for joining us for this special selection sunday edition of game on and im Kristen Berset coming from bankers live field house in indiana the home of the big ten turn up in. The maryland terrapins came in to win a big ten tournament