Seconds. Given some of the intelligence faislure over recent years, president elect made it clear to people that hes skeptical about conclusions. President elect trump plans an overhaul of spy agencies. [ bleep ] donald trump. [ bleep ]. What the [ bleep ]. Police in chicago now have arrested four people saying they tortured a disabled man and aired it on social media. Its sick. What would make individuals treat somebody like that. It was total chaos. More than 100 people were recovering after a commuter trn derailed. We heard a big boom. Theyre looking for a hospital. Police say there were two people onboard. An emotional Farewell Speech by president ma oba to the military. We livee white, and blue because of patriots like you. Wild weather is slamming much of the west. Roads are very slick, certainly not safe conditions to be driving on. Wild video out of detroit shows a driver slamming into a restaurant. Amazingly no one was seriously hu. All that this 67yearold lifting 400 pounds making it look easy. Llaman o the loose east of atlanta. Claiming its moment in the spotlight. Hes going to starbucks. And all that matters. Republicans with their longstanding promise to repeal obamacare. What trehey doing is, quote, trumpcare. That will show him because one thing donald trump hate is putting his name on things. An awkward family moment when during a swearingin, he photobombed his dad its so so much so everyone also dabs but just to shield their eyes. I cant watch. Announcer this mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. President elect trumps doubting about the intelligence work could lead to major overhaul. Hes considering downsizing the office of the director of National Intel jebs. The dni oversees all of the National Intelligence agencies including cia, fbi and national securities. They say he may not have a dni in his administration. James clapper goes to capitol hill this morning. Hes briefing the Senate Committee on a just finished review 2016 hacking the election. Jan, good morning. Good morning. So, you know, after the meeting on capitol hill, clapper is also said to meet with mr. Trump tomorrow for an intelligence meeting on that russia hack. Remember, he was vowing to revamp the government. Now one of his first targets appears to be the Intelligence Community. The president elect has expressed his very sincere and healthy american skepticism. Meeting with congressional leaders wednesday, Vice President elect pence questioned the intelligence agencies. Given some of the intelligence failures of recent years, the president elects made it clear to the American People that hes skeptical about conclusions. Mr. Trump has cast doubt on the Intelligence Communitys conclusion that russia was trying to influence the president ial election. Late wednesday cbs learned the president elect is considering overhauling some u. S. Intelligence agencies including pp director of National Intelligence. Wed like to present you a copy of our report. Congress created the director of National Intelligence after 9 11 found they were not sharing information that could have prevented the 9 11 attacks. The goal was to have all 16 intel jency agencies report to the dni. He said they may all be present in a briefing with mr. Trump to present a finalized report on russias hacking. Theres a difference between believing the data and the outcome. Sean spicer, the president s incoming press secretary raised concerns about multiple layers of bureaucracy. Part of this is understanding do they all share the same conclusion, what are their concerns . Now, intelligence have reportedly recommended restructuring the office of the director of National Intelligence but ranking democrat on the House Committee adam schiff warns slashing it would reverse the progress made since 9 11 and its called a truly dangerous decision. Gayle . Jan, thank you very much. The Trump Inauguration is more than two weeks away now but congress is moving full steam ahead to get writ of obamacare. The vote followed president obamas working to save his signature achievement. Vice president elect mike pence was also on capitol hill. Hes helping to repeal the law. Nancy cordes is there with the next step of the debate. Nancy, good morning. Good morning. Im told out and tell personal stories of those who are benefitting from the law. With repeal, all but assured the fight moves on to whos going to get the blame if people lose coverage. The ayes have 51, the nays, 48. The republicans took the first repeal vote on wednesday. Now trehey going to own it. As the two sides tangled over whos going to own the po postrepeal mess if there is one. The simple fact is everyone knows who owns obamacare. President obama and Vice President elect mike pence both came to capitol hill. Look out for the American People. Let us be clear. Democrats argued in their zeal for repeal, republicans have ignored what comes yet. Theyre replacing Affordable Care with the ama wrote, before any action is taken, policy makers should lay out for the American People in reasonable detail what will replace current policies. They have no replacement plan because they cant they cant they dont have the votes. House Speaker Paul Ryan could not provide specifics but said theyre coming. We have a plan to replace it. We have plenty of ideas to replace it and youll see in the weeks and months unfold what ewerki talng about replacing it with. The Vice President elect promised they understand health is on the line. Look. Were talking about peoples lives and were talking about families, but were also talking about a policy that has been a failure virtually since its inception. He also said that mr. Trump would use executive actions from day one to help roll back obamacare, but mr. Obamas press power in this arena is limited. If we had conceived of a way for the president to use executive action to strengthen the Affordable Care act, then i assure you we would have done it. The blame game continues on twitter this morning. President elect donald trump in the midst of a series of tweets about the issue saying democrats are doing the typical political thing and blaming republicans. The fact is, he says, that obamacare was alive from the beginning. Keep your doctor, keep your plan. Charlie . Nancy, thank you so much. John heilemann managing editor of Bloomberg Politics is with us. Happy birthday, charlie. Thank you. Youre welcome. If only all of us could be as hardy, successful, brilliant, beautiful, my god. This is the most important topic on the happy birthday. Thank you,cy. So what do you make of this . The president obviously during the campaign has expressed his displeasure with the cia. Surely the security adviser has questions about the cia and intelligence agencies. What is he going to do . Well, there are lots of people who have questions about the intelligence agencies and have for a long time. There are a lot of questions whether the agencies are organized in the right way. Obviously skepticism as mike pence talked about yesterday is a healthy virtue. With the skepticism he has, not just skepticism but mockery and derision that has been directed at all of the intelligence agencies while at the same time being credulous about julian assange, not being skeptical there, theres a question if he has some big policy proposal, some real idea of how to reorganize the intelligence agencies or if, in fact, hes reacting in some way about a conclusion with russia hack iing. The thing is the fbi, cia, dia are all expected to brief him. He lays out this attack that says, im going to change the whole system and the way it works. Look. He knows how to 000 dominate headlines. I dont know if hes going to intimidate anyone. The intelligence agencies are tough to intimidate, but i do think he knows how to get his point across. Youre going to see this next week, his decision to schedule a conference on the same day as tillerson goes for his swearingin. Dont forget theyre going before congress and then privately off the record with a whole group of heads of congress. Look. Today John M Graham have made it clear the purpose of this hearing today is to allow essentially the Intelligence Community to fight back against donald trump. That is theyre essentially giving the intelligence agencies a stage on which to make the case for their conclusions. And thats on the record before they come to new york to see him. How will this affect their rain with republicans. Lindsey graham has made it clear. Look. I think hes picking some fights. Yesterday john mccain said he thought he without vote for Rex Tillerson when pigs learn to fly. So there are some places where the president elect is picking fights. He may win those fight, but theyre going to be real fights and this is one area. John heilemann, thank you so much. Thank you. Happy birthday again. Chicago police have video of a disturbing assault that was livestreamed on facebook. We want to alert viewer as what youre about watch. He was bound, gaged, and beaten as he was cornered in an apartment. He was taken to the hospital where he was treat and released. Dean reynolds has more on the alleged kidnapping. Good morning. Reporter good morning. The District Attorney is expected to bring charges against the two men and two women. They repeatedly shouted profanities not only at their victim but also president elect donald trump. Get the [ bleep ]. Get e [ bleep ]. Reporter the assault was streamed live on facebook for half an hour on tuesday afternoon. Police did not identify anybody involved but we believe the four in the video are the ones holding him captive and beating him. Smack him. Smack him again. Reporter investigators say the victim is mentally disabled and had been misng suburban home for days. In the video hes repeatedly choked and called the n word. His clothes are slashed and hes tear rowized with a knife. They repeatedly call out donald trump and laugh at the camera while reading comments. The victim was eventually released. Officers later spotted him on the streets appearing disoriented. He apparently knew one of his attackers. Were going to put this [ bleep ] in a trump reporter a disturns call from a neighbor led to the four individuals being arrested. Investigators say hate crime charges are possible. Its sickening. Its sickening. It makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that. Ive been a cop for 28 years but it still amazes me how you still see things that you just shouldnt. The video was taken down on wednesday by facebook which says it has a team on call 24 7 to respond to inappropriate live broadcasts. A Company Spokesman told cbs this morning, we do not allow people to celebrate or glorify crimes on facebook and have removed the original video for this reason. Gayle . That was very despicable and very tough to watch. Thank you very much, dean. The man convicted of murdering nine people inside of a Charleston Chur lch be back in court today. The jury will decide whether dylann roof will receive the death penalty. In court yesterday he explained why hes representing himself. He said, quote, i am not going to lie to you. There is nothing wrong with me psychologically. He had written, quote, i do not regret what i did. I feel pity that i had to do what i did in the first place. Roof says he has no call any witnesses. We have breaking news where a coast guard is trying to put out a fire on a platform. They say four people on the platform went into the water and were rescued. There are no reported injuries. So far there is no word on any environmental damage. Federal safety officials are gtsing the crash of a crowded commuter train on the busiest railroad. It slammed into the train station yesterday. More than 100 people were hurt. The worst injury is believed to be a broken leg. Michelle miller is inside the terminal in brooklyn with the investigation. Michelle, good morning. Reporter good morning. That is track 6 where the crash actually took place. Now, the ntsb has recovered the train event data recorder. That should give them information about how fast the train was traveling as well as its braking system. We should note the interview three of the crew members including the engineer to find out exactly what went wrong. Our mission is to understand not just what happened but why it happened. Ntsb investigators say Long Island Railroad train 2017 failed to stop as it rolled into brooklyns busy atlanta terminal on wednesday morning. It was going faster than normal because i take this train every day. As soon as i said that in my mind, thats what when the impact happened. Reporter more than 400 passengers were in the packed train. Many were already standing as they prepared to get off at the station. Boom, and like the train went people fell out of their seats, people fell in the aisles. Reporter transportation Officials Say at the end of the track the train went up and over a bumper block used to prevent such accidents. The front car lifted off the rails and crashed into a workspace just past a plrm them over the past few years. Many of them, frankly, we were not this lucky. Reporter one of those was in september when a new Jersey Transit train accelerated and smashed through a bumper post in hoboken. One woman was killed. About 110 others were injured. After that, new Jersey Transit required a conductor to be in a trains cab to assist the engineer during a ride. Its a rule theyre considering. The most important thing we want to do now is talk to the people who can perhaps tell us what happened. Thats the engineer, the engineers assistant, and the conductor. Reporter its unknown how fast the train was going at the time of the crash, but the speed limit there was 5 miles an hour. Investigators may look into whether positive train control could have prevented this. That Technology Uses sensors and gps to slow down and stop a train. As of september, only Long Island Railroad trains have that technology. Gayle . Thank you, michelle. A blast of Winter Weather is bringing cold, snow, and extreme ice. Some areas got more than a foot of snow in the west. The storms are blamed for one death in oregon. Snow made driving very dangerous there. Much of the country is feeling the bitter cold. Minus 2 in denver and 9 degrees in chicago. Put on your coats and gloves. And skis. Or find someone to snuggle with, right, charlie . Yes. That always works. That always works. All right. Weve got this story coming up. Two sisters say an airline prevented them from seeing their father on his deathbed. Ahead, why the women w announcer this National Weather report sponsored by petsmart. A buy one get one free deal is typically a good deal. Ahead, why the popular info moeshlg mypillow might have run just a little too long. Youre watching cbs this morning. I survived a heart attack. Im doing all i can to keep from having another one. And im taking brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. I take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. Brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. It worked better than plavix. And all medicines you take. Re absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty, the quicker picker upper its just a cough. Our cough, sfx woman coughing youd see how often you cough all day. And so would everyone else. Robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to 12 hours. Robitussin 12 hour cough relief, because its never just a cough. 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My giant. Yeah. We love low prices. No bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Thats number one. Pop star Justin Timberlake drilled a halfcourt shot. Thatsum nber two. At Staples Center in los angeles. To prove it wasnt a fluke, mr. Wonderful did it again. He did it e. Twic yeah. Twice in a row. Timberlake play as lot of basketball and own as piece of the memphis grizzlies. He was in los angeles to see the grizzlies play the clippers. The clippers beat them. I guess they should have put him in some shorts. I like this guy. I like him too. I liej so much. Hes a golfer. He flies straight. Hes married to jessica biel, hes awesome. Go, j. T. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up this half hour, more than 100,000 galaxy smartphones have not been returned despite the risk of fire. Today they will disable the devices. Why some people are still refusing to give up that phone. Plus, an airline is keeping two sisters from seeing their dying father. Ahead why the flight crew decided the grieving women were a threat and then turned the plane around. Time to show you some of this mornings headlines. The Washington Post records president obamas fair well as commander in chief. He called for a seamless transition to his successor. Mr. Obama urged the mill tay and the country to never abandon its Core Principles as it fights the nations war. Usa today says the cdc is some of the worlds most dangerous back teterias and vir. They had to reveal it per the foi act. The incidents took place between 2013 and 2015 at lab facilities. They said this, none of the incidents described in these documents resulted in reported illnesses among the cdc staff or its public. Macy reports its shutting down some of its stores. They identify 68 stores it will close this year. Thats part of the retailers Restructuring Plan announced in august to close 100 stores. Macys said it will cut more than 1,000 jobs. Meanwhile sears is going to close 42 and are going to be shut down. All the stores we remember from our childhood. Not good. The massive factory is east of reno, nevada. Its making lithium ion cells for testing cars and eventually the tesla sedan. The battery is critical to teslas goal of making electric vehicles more affordable. Its also a big step forward for american manufacturing. China, japan, and south korea have historically dominated battery production. This is the last day many of the owners of the galaxy smartphone will be able to use the device. The phone is under a worldwide recall after it overheated and caused fires. Today at t and verizon w out software to disconnect the phones. Kris van cleave has more on why some people dont want to give up the phone. Good morning. Reporter good morning. They say the vast majority of cell phone users have already turned in their phones and those who havent may find them a lot harder to use after todays socalled kill update starts going out. Theyre reminding the batteries can fail and catch fire. Chris thompson is holding on tight to his samsung note 7 despite nearly 2 million of the devices being recalled in the u. S. And banned on aircraft. Im very attached to it. Its been the best phone ive ever had. Reporter thats despite a defect that has caused the battery to your heat and in some cases burst into flames resulting in at least sp burns and 17 reports of property damage. A lot of us feel that there were not enough incidents out of how many phones were actually out there for it to be problem. I mean its less than a 1 chance. Reporter samsung says more than 93 of the sam sungs recalled have been turned in. Over 100,000 are still out there. Thats why theyre working on an update with carriers to render the phone useful. Thompson and others are coming together online sharing information so they can keep using the device. This year was a challenging year. Reporter the recall has cost samsung billions. Theyre putting the note 7 debacle in the past. The president tim baxter spoke at the Consumer Electronics show wednesday, promising theyll release the cause of the defect. We continue to try to understand exactly what happened and to make sure it does not happen again. This is going to be a rebuilding year for samsung. Its going to be hard year f them. Theyre going to have to reassure customers that they know what happened, its not going to happen again, and all samsung devices are going to be safe from here on out. Reporter now, samsung and the Consumer Product Safety Commission say if you have a note 7, turn it off and bring it back. You can exchange it for a new phone or get a refund. Norah . Why not get a new phone. Theyre coming out with an 8 at some point which they say will be trif snook all right. Sounds good. Kris, thank you so much. Two sisters are calling for a flight crew to lose their jobs after they missed a chance to say goodbye to their dying father. That wir traveling on Allegiant Air monday but they never made contact. Vladimir duthiers is here with a situation the sisters call heartless. Vlad, good morning. Good morning. The sisters say they wanted one last moment with their dying father but they never got the chance. Now theyre demanding Allegiant Air be held responsible. Sisters trisha baker and Debbie Hartman say they boarded an Allegiant Air flight monday in North Carolina to say goodbye to their sick father who was still in hospice care. While waiting to take off they got a text message that their father only had hours to live. I didnt know if my sister got the same text. She said she stood up to break the news to her sister and thats when the Flight Attendant stepped in. She said, you need to sit down. I said can i just sit here, i want to console my sister, we just got word that my dads dying. Hartman said she started having a panic attack and the situation escalated when herr sister confronted the Flight Attendant for not being attentive. She said youre being very rude. My father is dying and im trying to comfort her. She said you need to keep your personal problems off the plane. They were removed from the flight. Everybody was in shock at what happened on the plane. One passenger who said she witnessed the incident posted it on youtube. See said, im consoling her because my father died. She said, maam, i dont care. Get back if your seat. I hope they do something about that. That was the most inhumane deplorable thing anybody could do. The sisters tried to catch a flight the next day. It with us too late. Their father had died. Now they want the company held response snoobl they shouldnt keep their job to be honest with you. They dont have a heart. They didnt care they wasnt going to see my dad. In a statement alee janet air said we rely on crew members to oversee and keep every passenger safe. We expect that authority toe consistent. I went to dinner last night and somebody at the coat check said what terrible thing are you guys going to report today. We had that story earlier about the child being beaten up by the laughing heathens and you look at this story and you wonder whats happening with this country. Kindless and empathy. It always, always works under all circumstances. Respect for the other person. So bothersome. Critics say the tiezermen advertisement for mypillow and we have this invitation for you as always. We invite you to sub excite to our cbs this morning podcast. You will get this, the news of the day, extended interviews and what, norah . Podcast originals. Originals is what we do. I think we should do a charlie podcast original today. I think we shoul well think of something. Well think of something. 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Mom thank you so much team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. Does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. Learn more about better breathing at mybreo. Com. Wide awake with katy perry this morning. A popular Pillow Company has a wakeup call over alleged false advertising. The mypillow commercials youve seen over and over again, they revoked his accreditation. Anna werner tells us why some believe the companys deals are too good to be true. Good morning. Good morning. The ceo of mypillow wanted to make sure his customers got a great deal for christmas but its the very deal the Better Business bureau says it might not have been a deal at all. This infomercial helped mypillow sell millions of their patented foam filled pillows. Call mypillows. When you do, ill give you one free. Reporter it was the yearlong advertising that got them in trouble with the Better Business bureau. Any time a Company Offers a bogo or buy one get one free, then that becomes the normal price of the item. The other problem is that we were hearing from consumers who said i could go to another Retail Outlet and get that pillow for less. Reporter of the hundreds of complaints, many came from consumers angry about the offer. They say, this is false advertising. The offer buy one get one free should be 49, the price of one pillow. This company is clearly lying to all of us. The other, they advertise buy one get one free, but its very misleading. They dropped their ratfr aplus to an f and revoked its accreditation. They have been urging the pillow manufacturing to change its advertising since last auchlgt but the company ceo says if they think ive ran it too long, i disagree with that. I have new advertising coming out in february. People got great deals. Whatever the bbd does, thats their choice. But its not the only complaint. In october the company settled the case with District Attorneys in california who sued the company over its claims that the pillow could help with conditions including fibromyalgia and sleep apnea. While admitting no fault, mypillow settled and agreed to pay over 1 million in penalties. Lyndell klains they came from its a frivolous lawsuit and im sticking bha in. I give my customers the best deal. As of yesterday, buy one get one free deal was Still Available on their website. Lindell who said he suffered from drug addiction for years, he said his company is a bigger platform for a bigger cause. He defends his deals and says, the bbc doesnt like it, theyre on different pages. I have six pillows on my bed right now. You like them . Hello, my name is gayle. Theyre on the bed. Aisle just say that. You bought six. No. She bought three. I bought three. But you need six. You need six pillows on her bed. Make note of that. Was it late at night . Yes, it was, charlie. Says something about my life. Let me dial that number. I need a friend. Phone a friend. Norah, do you have ou annncer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by farmers insurance. We know a thing or two because we receive a thing or two. 1940s aqua music talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum i dont want to lie down. I refuse to lie down. Why suffer . Stand up to chronic migraine. With botox®. Botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. Botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. Its injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. And is covered by most insurance. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. 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With discover card, you can talk to a real person wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based customer service. Here to help, not to sell. Good morning. It is thursday, january 5th, 2017, otherwise known as charlie roses birthday. We have brian at the Consumer Electronics show. First heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Electing to revamp the government. He kn howsow to dominate intelligence. I think he knows how to get his point across. With re,peal all be assured the fight has moved on to whos going to get the blame if people se theyre expected to file charges. During the alleged attack they repeated to shout profanities not only at their victim but about donald trump. Thiss i where the accident took place. The ntsb plans to interview three of the crew members to find out exactly what went ong. Its cold ihin tars pt of the country. Put on your coat and your skis. Your skis. Find somebody to snuggle with. The guest list includes oprah, samuel l. Jackson. Bradley cooper, beyonce, and jay z. And then at the end of the party beyonce and jay z will move out and chachi and gary busey will move in. Im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. President elect donald trump is considering plan to reorganize the intelligence he may significantly cut back the office of director of National Intelligence. Mr. Trump has not yet named a new director. Sources involved in the discussions tell cbs news he may leave the post vacant. They say it would reduce staffing and eliminate another layer of bureaucracy. Congress created the director of National Intelligence after they found agencies like the cia and fbi were not sharing information that could have prevented the attacks. Mr. Trump questions the Intelligence Community especially over questions that russia hackers tried to influence the 2016 election. The president elect has also praised russian president Vladimir Putin and julian assange. He promised on new years eve to divulge what he knows about the election hacking. I know a lot about hacking and its a very hard thing to prove. I also know things other peopl sure of the information. What is it that you know that other people dont know . Youll find out on tuesday or wednesday. Mr. Trump has not yet released any information about the hacking. U. S. Intelligence agencies are expected to brief president obama on the hacking findings. The president ordered the report in december. President elect trump will get that very same briefing tomorrow. Four of the highest ranking Intelligence Officers plan to participate. Jeff pegues looks at what to expect with this unprecedent meeting. Good morning. Good morning. It going be unprecedent with donald trump hosting the meeting on friday. Four of the chiefs are expecting to be there including the direct ore f National Intelligence, james clapper, james comey, john brennan and admiral mike rogers. Trump has publicly questioned their findings including their conclusion that russia was behind the hacks of the dnc and top democratic officials. Fridays briefing in new york will also and this is adding to tin treeg mark the first meeting between fbi director comey and the president elect. Law enforcement sources tell us there has not been any contact between the director and mr. Trump since the election. Comey, as you know, has kept a relatively low profile by avoiding National Media attention since he decided to reopen Hillary Clintons private email server investigation days before the election. Charlie . Thanks. The president asked democrats yesterday to defend the law. Pence worked with republicans to kill it. On wednesday the Senate Approved the resolution to fast track repeal of the Affordable Care act. Republicans say the law was always a failure and is getting and republicans never worked with them to fix the problems. Look out for the American People. The American People voted decisively for a Better Future for health care in this country. The republicans say repeat and replace. The only thing that it has going for it is ill literation. They have no replacement. We have a plan to replace it. We have plenty of ideas to replace it. Youll see as the weeks and months unfold what were talking about with replacing it. People are off of Health Care Without having a plan to provide health care to those people. Republicans say transition period will follow a repeal. People can keep their insurance while they work on a replacement plan but Insurance Companies could leave the skparjs once they see obamacare is gone. The trump tweeted, obamacare was a lie and its time for bl works. The Consumer Electronics show opens this morning in las vegas. Over tens of thousands of visitors will see the newest flashiest cuttingedge items. They include drones, selfdriving cars, Virtual Reality headsets and a whole lot more. This year marks the 50th anniversary. More than 150,000 people are expected to attend. Theyll review gadgets from nearly 4,000 customers. Brian cooley, lucky you, a partner at cnet is on the floor. Good morning to you. I hear this is the place to be if youre techminded or you like all the newest hottest gadgets. What do you like . Reporter you know, its always bee windering, gayle. One of the things thats interesting is theres Virtual Reality. Whats coming up now is mixed reality and there are different lenovo. It has a depth sensor, the first phone to have it. Which means as you look at the world you can see the world through it but use this sensor to create and overlay objects. You might go furniture shopping virtually if you will. Its borrowing from the virtual and augmented worlds. Its easier to see than to describe. This is a first. If you really want to go high horsepower, microsoft has this. You can be aware of the world around you. Youre not putting on goggles around your vision but bring things in that are either objects or people or avatars that are in the world around you, not just following your vichlgts again, easier to see than to describe but this is the new mixed reality term. Thats kind of the new buzz word. What about smart cars . What are you seeing with the trend with smart autonomous and connected. They can be related or separate. The connected part tends to be about entertainment and services right now. But what i think is really interesting here is were starting to see vehicles getting to the market and theyre going there in a way when they say were going to be safe enough and we can start to prove it. The other thing is connecting cars to homes. Ford, for example, now on the market with amazon alexia technology so you can control your home from a car or car to your home. Its what ties them together. Its the glue. Thats cool. Got ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. What about televisions. Go ahead, brian. Theyre getting bigger and thinner. Which is a nice trend. Samsung, lg both rolled out thin. A tenth of an inch. Its a pricey one. Heres one called the drone. A hover cam. Its got a camera that can see me. Not just see me, it knows my famous therefore by visual recognition it can follow me and take videos of my life and take stills. Its kind of the ultimate selfie cam. Our arms are only so long but id like to have a camera further away thats capturings clips of my family, my life. Its very cool Vision Technology wrapped up in a drone as well. And alongside that if you want to kind of in a similar area, take a look at robotics. Ive got one next to me thats not just robotics but looks like a little robot. Look how charming. Theyre tng of relationship will you have with a roy bot in your home so that you actually like it and dont just get benefit from it. I dont if i want a relationship brian, i dont know about a relationship with a robot. But there is something that caught my eye about a smart hairbrush. What in the world is a smart hairbrush . Kerastase, a well known hair brand and a smart Products Company have this product. Its a microphone. As you brush your hair it doesnt do me a whole lot of good. It can hear hair breakage and it can hear accelerometers if youre brushing too hard or brushing wrong. Theres, of course, an app. It will say, you know, you told us your hair has got breakage and we can tell by how youre using it and prompt you to use different products and change the way you use your brush. Its a smart hair us a couple hundred bucks. Thats a whole new world. You can go to cvs and get one for 5. 99 and just brush gently. Treatment for children at risk for peanut allergies. Dr. Tara narula is in our toyota specially trained dogs can give confidence to the most vulnerable victims of crime. Barry peadersen with one of the dogs a work. Coming up youll meet pella. Shes do dus a lot of her work in the courthouse in Arapahoe County. She helps victims tell their stories of what happened to them, sometimes terrible stories. Pella gives them comfort. You might say she makes it okay. By the time you head to the bank that newly listed, midcentury ranch with the garden patio will be gone. Or you could push that button. Sfx rocket launching. Cockpit sounds and music crescendo. Skip the bank, skip the waiting, and go completely online. Get the confidence that comes from a secure, qualifiertd mogage approval in minutes. Lift the burden of getting a home loan with Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans. whisper rocket jimmy dean sausage today from the fridge. Cious fully cooked and ready in seconds. It makes breakfast complete, which makes bill feel like completing the gazebo. Prompting a celebration in lauris backyard. With jimmy dean, good mornings lead to great days. Our blogs are buzzing about the designer smile. By colgate optic white high impact white toothpaste. With a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. For four shades visibly whiter teeth. The designer smile. By colgate optic white high impact white. Right. In. Your. Stomach yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. So i use excedrin. Ments from my life. It starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. And it works on my symptoms, too. Now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] in our morning rounds, guidelines for peanut allergies. The new approach is major departure from the practice of avoiding peanut products increase in peanut allergies in children. Dr. Tara narula is with us. Good morning. Good morning. I think this is so fascinating. We know so many children have these allergies. Just this weekend my husband asked should we give our 9monthold peanut butter. This comes as a result of a report publishing in 2015. Children under 15 months who were given peanut products on average had an 80 reduction in developing peanut allergies compared to those who didnt receive it. They break infants into three categories of risk. Highrisk very those who have severe eczema or egg allergies or both. With the help of a doctor to either do skin testing or blood testing to determine if and how and it may have beneficiary effects for other Food Allergies . It may. Research is going on. The hope is that it may actually have relevance in terms of milk and egg allergies in some of these other things, that theres this window of opportunity where the inmun system can be reconditioned to tolerate certain proteins. Go ahead. Im sorry. I didnt mean to interrupt. Is the reaction immediate if you have some kind of reaction to it . It usually is early on. They want you to give it small amounts and then watch the child for about ten minutes and up to two hours because it can be delayed. The other thing is in a child who has moderate eczema, that can be introduced as early as six months and that can be dub can do it as the family has preferenced. Its so opposite what weve been told. I was told, dont eat it, dont eat it. Why is it working now . I dont totally understand it. Its a complex between genes and the environment. We need a lot more research but part of it was spurted by individuals in israel giving their child something similar to peanuts. Theres still a lot that were learning about. I think this is so fascinating because i know so many parents struggling with Food Allergies and i think if we can reintroduce these foods at an early age, we may be able to help people. Its preventive. Ask your doctor. I think it would be horrible to deprive butter and banana. You and elvis. Thank you, tara. Princess diana once confided that prince harry was constantly in trouble. Ahead, handwritten letters on auction that open up the private life of the royal family. Youre watching cbs. Well be right back. Announcer cbs morning rounds sponsored by novartis. Especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto. A breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your doctor about entresto. And help make the gift of tomorrow possible. Its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Oh, its real. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Go ahead, enjoy. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums private letters written by the late Princess Diana are said to be going off at auction today. They offer an intimate look at the royal familys life. In one handwritten note soon after the birth of prince harry, she talks about the fascination. She writes he adores his little brother harry and swamps him with endless hugs and kisses. She says the boys are well and enjoying boarding school, although, harry is constantly in trouble, exclamation point. What a treasure for harry to have and william with their mother writing about them. Indeed. Him and her, the love that she had for her sons is really beautiful to see. She has won an emmy, two grammys, a tony and ahead, rita fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. So in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record. Fly, gary, fly. Live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Hurry offer ends january 21st. Only from fios. Oh, thats lovely. So graceful. The corkscrew spin, flawless. His signature move, the flying dutchman. Poetry in motion. And there it is, the baby bird. Breathtaking. A sumo wrestler figure skating . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money heather saved by switching to geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Hi, folks. Ive got this on the top of my patrol car. Were in the middle of the highway. Were going down the middle of the highway trying to rope him right there. I sure love that accent. With no horse nearby a tennessee sheriff found a more creative way to catch this calf. He provide a cowboy to ride on the hood of his patrol car. Its already been watched by more than 2. 5 million times. Yeah. Its the appeal of the accent and to see if hes going to do it and he does. Very well done. Behinds me of one of my whats that. Save a horse, ride a cowboy. Thats for your birthday. I got it. I got it right there. Charlie got it. Special dogs are giving children comfort in the toughest trials. Were going to introduce you to pella, a lab mix whos a veteran of 450 cases. And reena moreno is starring in the remake of one day at a time. She joins us in the toyota green room. Well talk about it. She talks about a dream come true and how it takes on serious topics. The Washington Post reports that Vice President joe biden will continue to tackle cancer issues when he leaves the white house. Bind led the cancers moonshot initiative. He said yesterday hell deal with a broad range of cancer issues. Biden says he sure cancer treatments are accessful and affordable to everyone including undisturbed populations. As you know, biden lost his son to brain cancer in 2015. We remember that. Usa today says Omarosa Manigault was hired. She was fired on the apprentice five times. Not anymore. Her job is going to be focused on public outreach. Shell be director of communications for the officers of liaison. New yorks daily news reports. It calls for the creation of a socalled worldclass airport. Proposals include improvement to jfk by road and rail. I applaud this. We need a worldclass airport for a worldclass city. I agree. Those who most closely followed the mediterranean diet had the least loss of brain volume. Brain shrinkage is one of the most significant causes of ageing. Youve got a big ol brain. Know. There aint nothing shrimping about charlie rose. The brain aint shrinking. I could Say Something else, but im not. The Britains Guardian focuses on this 9man. 105yearold guy pedals 19 miles an hour. Look at him. His name is robert marchand. He was cheered by hundref fans near paris. Many are finding comfort in special canines. The job of facility dogs is to bond with children. The animals help them cope with the trauma of facing the accuser of giving testimony in court. We meet an important member of the special victims unit. Hes a good dog. Reporter this is what pella sees when shes on the job. The happiness of this 5yearold. Its another training day at the office for pella, a lab doir golden retriever mix. Look at that. Good job. Reporter she and the other children we met this day were volunteers helping in pellas work. She just brings a smile to peoples face just seeing her. Reporter pellas job was created by amber urban when she was at a local police depant investigator at the Arapahoe County District Attorneys office. Call them partners. They take on the toughest cases. When a child has been hurt or sexually abused or seen a horrible crime. It often starts with the investigation. When a child may be too traumatized to talk. Then you bring pella into the room and what happens . Right. Then they just want to talk about pella and they interact with you because if pella thinks youre okay, then you must be okay. Reporter then they feel safe enough to tell their stories. Shes played a role in 450 cases since she began her career with amber. Being there for a child right into the courtroom. This kind of training keeps pellas skills sharp. Pella must stay out of sight on the witness stand. Her gift to a frightened child who must testify presence. The intimidation fax tore, the fear, the coldness of the room, pella helps eliminate all of that. Cara morlan. They focus on them versus focusing on me and questions and it looks like i have to draw it out of them. Reporter pella stays out of sight on purpose. Jurors nifr know shes there so they focus on the testimony, not the dog. Abby helped us understand the childs view when the defendant can be sitting only a few feet away. Do you think it helps to have pella here, a little protection or comfort . Yeah. I think it would help because i would probably be afraid of that person and shed be there to help me relax and be calm and not be so scared. Pella has company. There are 33 states plus the district of columbia. But really its not as easy as just getting a well trained dog. Its pella and the unconditional love that children sense instantly. She loves kids. The minute she hears or sees that theres a child around, i see her look for them. Thats really important for her to be very focused on them. Shes a pretty special dog. She is a special dog. They just love her and she responds to them. Go, pella, go. Good girl. Reporter and thats what makes her pella, the most loveable crime fighter around. A hug . There you go. Reporter for cbs this morning, barry petersen, Arapahoe County, colorado. Ahh. Well worth it. What a terrific idea. Dogs love you. Unconditional love always. A new version of t sitcom one day at a time begins on netflix tomorrow. One of the shows actresses, rita moreno. Rita moreno, over here at the camera. She cant hear us. They didnt tell her. Why she was initially worried my daughter wants to stay organic. My husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. My whole family wants to stay free from artificial preservatives. And my debit card wants to stay on a diet. Fill your cart with giants natures promise brand. Great prices on over 800 organic and freefrom items. Eat well for less. My giant. Actress rita moreno, she won an accammy award for her performance as anita in the 1961 movie the west side story. Shes among an let group of performers. An emmy, a grammy, an oscar and a tony. Drop the microphone. In 2015 she received the Kennedy Center honor for her contribution to american culture. She now stars in the netflix remake of norman lears classic one day at a time. It follows three generations of a cuban American Family in los angeles. Makeup makes you beautiful. Beauty gives you power. And that is why i never lehtonen i just realized my whole life ive never seen you without makeup. Yes, you have. My baby pictures. Even in those you have your ears pierced. Oh, without earrings i look ridiculous. Rita moreno joins us at the table. Beauty gives you power. I love that line. You must be very powerful, rita moreno. I feel powerful. I am power yes im power youre described as a feisty diva. Why did they cast you . Who would have thunk they gave me a part like this where im nothing but big and theatrical. Norman lear came up and said what . He came up to me at a fundraiser and said i want you in my new show. I had no idea what he was talking about. You didnt know what it was . No. He said, one day at a the rest is going to be terrific because it is a terrific show. Is he involved in it . Every bit of it, that old fart. Hes 94. I say old fart. Im 84. How many episodes . 13. Netflix. And it starts on friday. It premieres on friday. Its a new take on it, rita. Because you play tell people the cast, how it works. Its about a husbandless family, young woman who is a fabulous actress and very funny is the mother of two teenagers. I am the mother of the mother who thinks she is gods gift which is always fun to play. Shes very vain, full of herself, very theatrical. Do you know what im saying . I know what youre saying. Its interesting you said you were worried about memorizing your lines. Im glad you brought that up. At the time i was 84 when we and now youre 85. Now im 85. I was searching for words. That does happen. But what happened what i learned from it is when you engage your brain its absolutely true what they say. When you engage your brain, it keeps getting fatter and richer and wonderful. And by the time we had got done with 13 episodes i was memorizing like this. That encouraged me to accept a twomonth tour and do my cabaret act. Its about engaging. And i also do talks. Did that for two months. Look atmy. Look how alert i am. But i still dont know where my kais are. Keys are not important. Thats right. Theyre not important. Thats right. It is. You remember whats important. Its called selective work. They say, look at the work shes you mean my face. Yes. I love it because it makes me laugh. There is no work. Yeah, i know. My daughter was at a talk that i did recently and two women next to her said with the most confidence in the world, you know, shes had work done. Its like somebody said to her she said, i know, i know. A lot of people say that. You know what . What are you going to do. I dont care. What do you attribute this to . Good betweens. Caribbean genegenes. My moms like that. My daughter. What about your jobs . Ive had many. The marlon brando. And elvis presley. Elvis fellow but he was really boring. Boring to me at the time. He was a really nice guy. Marlon, marlon, what a brain. What an astonishing man he was. He damn near killed me, but never miechbltd like i say, its good to be able to be here and tell the story. How did he damn near kill you . How . With misery and ladies. You werent the only one. Eight years. Is that right . Eight years. You were with him for eight years . Read the damn book, for gods sake. I didnt know that either. If you had done your homework i wouldnt be telling these stories. Let me ask you this. Do you think its important you tell the stories so that people will want to no, i corroborate the stories. Dont tell me i tell them. I corroborate them, charles. I love you for saying that. Thats what my mother usedo call me. Charles . Well, i had a doggy named i remind you of your doggy in. The doggys name was charlie gordon. Gordon was my husband. Today is charlies birthday. Hes 75. What do you think about that . Can i do a little Marilyn Monroe . Oh, my gosh. Get your butt over here. I dont have a butt. I have a colito. Im going to do it the way lydia does it in one day at a time with the accent. Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday charlie rose hey, youre too cooperative. Watch the hands. He knows what hes here, stop him, okay . Happy birthday to you thank you. We cant top that. Well be right back. Goank you, rita. Od luck with the show. At perdue, we take some unexpected extra steps to raise healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. Like putting oregano in their water. It has natural antioxidants and we dont have to use antibiotics in their diet. Over 200 products no antibiotics ever. Z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. So in the 3. 7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record. Fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Hurry offer ends january 21st. Only from fios. We take some unexpected extra steps to raise healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. For example, thyme. Its part of our 100 veggie diet and helps support their immune system. Perdue. Over 200 products no antibiotics ever. You may have seen these popular pie faced stories or forget that. We have something better. Come on out, rita moreno, with the cake. Happy birthday to you. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Look at that. Rita, look at that picture of charlie. I was in havana. Thats havana. Oh, my gosh. Im dying ill take you. Did we focus on your wellness today and how to manage type ii diabetes. Plus, kevin cosner and Pharrell Williams tells us all their new role in their new movie. This is great day washington. Well look at this good morning im chris leary. Im markette sheppard. And this is is darrell green. Happy thursday. Happy new year. Yeah, its been a while. Its almost february for crying out loud. Well listen speaking of e mailing, everybody is emailing about the weather. The word from the wusa9 meteorologist, were expecting a bit of snow. Looking forward to that. Me Meaghan Mooney is already out there. Its one of the three ski resorts she is vingsiti over the next three days that are only three hours away. Reporter hey everybody the first thing we did as soon as we got to seven springs, we drove up to laurel mountain. This is the steepest slope, almost the steepest slopes in the east coast. This is is one of the rad skiers they have here. Hope everybody is doing well in dc, ill see you tomorrow, bye. Yes, youre i said ive been there. Yeah. I i dont ski, i just go and look at it. That doesnt count, you have to ski to get credit. You understand . [ laughter ] the 20 years in the nfl. Im serious, its a beautiful place. Good for you. But not in the winter though. Theyve got things going all year round. If you are already thinking about how to get away from the cold, i have good news for you guys. President obamas former vacation house is ready to rent. It sits on oahu. The obama state there, kahulua, its a private estate just after being elected in 2008 until 2012

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