Many living inhabitable. Rescue efforts are under way. A massive earthquake rattles italy. The mayor is sailing about half the town is gone, reduced to piles of rubble. Shall he is 100 guilty and Everybody Knows she is guilty. She knows she is guilty. Ou it is impossible to figure t where the Clinton Foundation ends and the state department begins. The fdalori governor confirmed five new nontravel related zika cases have surfaced, including one in a new region. In nebraska, a powerful storm system bringing gusting winds and rain. President obama toured damaged areas in louisiana. I say first and foremost the entire nation is with you. Io patient to receive a deoubl hand transplant. Let me play football. No. Lets t star bwithaseball. Why not . A seal squeezes its way on a boat to get away from a pod of whales. Dancing the night away. He cant get out of there fast enough and all that matter. The Vice President ial nominee gets an unexpected haircut. Im the governor of state of indiana and running for Vice President of the united states. Why does he think the cameras were there for . The fbi has uncovered 15,000 more previously unseen emails. I have thousands of emails unread of my own in my own inbox, now i have to read 15,000 of hers. I dont want to say that hillary is worried about this story blowing up, but today, she asked ryan lochte to make up another announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places welcome to cbs this morning. Charlie and gayle king are enjoying time off, so Anthony Mason is here along with kevin frazi frazier. Frantic searches are under way in italy for trapped survivors. The 6. 2 magnitude earthquake leveled parts of three historic town. A young girl is being shown to be carried to safety after pulled from the rubble. 38 people are reported dead. The other center was near amatrice near rome and seth doane is there with the latest on the rescue operation. Reporter the rescue operation is current under way. One of the challenges is getting to this remote region. You can see this main road, not far from where shook has been blocked by a helicopter. We are told that a life saving operation here is currently under way. A quake jolted many awake, flattened homes and trapped people in collapsed structures. It struck just after 3 30 this morning. One towns clock stopped, marking the time. Dazed residents woke to find parts of these world communities leveled and in some cases, walls were cracked open or completely destroyed. The mayor of hardhit amtarice said, our town isnt here any more. Locals, some digging by hand were joined by rescue workers for signs of life. We are only hoping there will be the fewest number of victims possible, this local priest said, adding, and it will all have the courage to move on. Strong shallow magnitude 6. 2 quake in the series of aftershocks that followed hit this part of central with tourists. The area is not far from laquila where a earthquake struck in 2009 and killing 300 people. It is hard for the equipment to reach the cutoff communities. You see the helicopter taking off behind me here. The pope cancelled a planned speech today. He said he was saddened by this earthquake. He was praying for the victims and victims families. Kevin . Seth doane in central italy, thanks. We will continue to monitor those rescue efforts. On to politics on. Hillary Clintons Campaign is rejecting an Associated Press story on her meetings with Clinton Foundation donors while she was secretary of state. Documents show more than half of the people from outside the u. S. Government who spoke with secretary clinton, also gave money to the foundation. Donald trump claims the report is proof scheme. Nancy cordes looks at the new charges dogging the democratic nominee. Nancy, good morning. Good morning. This report is creating new perception problems for the Clinton Campaign and the state department, who both have been arguing for days that Foundation Donors got no special treatment by secretary clinton. Clinton, herself, hasnt weighed in on the controversy because she spent most of the past three days out of the public eye. According to Campaign Donors in california. Lie after lie after lie. Hillary clinton is totally unfit to hold public office. Reporter in austin, trump accused the clintons of running a enterprise. It is hard to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the state department begins. Reporter he cited the new analysis by the Associated Press, which examined clintons daily schedule as secretary of state and found 85 of the 154 private individuals who got meetings or phone calls with her had donated to the foundation, either personally or through their organization. This is why i have called for a special prosecutor to look into this mess. Reporter his allies followed suit. A special prosecutor. Do the right thing here. Appoint a special prosecutor. Reporter the Clinton Campaign fired back saying utterly flawed data which gave a distorted portrayal of the secretarys schedule and melinda gaets or others were squarely in the purview of americas top diplomat. They rejected trumps call for a special prosecutor. Its an act of desperation on his Campaign Given the turmoil that we have seen from his campaign in reporter newly released emails from huma abedin with one call to abedin. The fbi director im not going to comment or answer that. The term special prosecutor strikes fear. They recall when Kenneth Starr was appointed to look into the investigation that included Monica Lewinsky and contributed to president bill clintons impeachment. Donald trump is going back and forth on the illegal immigration issue. He told a tv town hall he may be willing to soften his plan for mass deportations. Then he made celebration the night in texas. Major garrett is in philadelphia where he asked trumps Vice President ial campaign to explain the goal. Reporter donald trump has gone from calling for the immediate deportation of immigrants and looking at options, anything but that exact policy where trump will ultimately land is anyones guess. We asked his running mate and he told us details could be days, possibly months away. Hillary clinton wants to sling open the flood gates to our borders, let everybody come in, open up our country. Reporter donald trump warned of his rivals immigration policies even as he redesigned his own. And your children did not die in vain. Reporter appearing with mothers victimized by undocumented criminals, trump linked clintons approach to more crime. She wants to let people overstay removal. One lawless order after another. Reporter despite his repeated calls for mass deportations, trump now signals he may make exceptions. We got some great people in this country. Afoul of the law have to leave immediately and upholding and enforcing our laws is exactly what donald trump is going to do. The details and how we do that, we will work that out with the congress. Reporter during a section of that televised town hall due to air tonight, trump surveyed the audience and signaled that voters around the country are helping him to find a way to not broken the law and articulated by many of his republican rivals during the primary and one he scorned. That is why they call it a general election pivot. John heilemann is managing editor for bloomberg products and cohost of the circus which returns on showtime which is a division of cbs. I will be pivoting all all over the round table. Its glass and good for pivoting. A story the Associated Press broke that suggests play scenario that people met with clinton as secretary of state were donors to the Clinton Foundation. What is your take . Well, lets be clear. There is the a. P. Story say the numbers are based on the calendars released to them so far. The clinton says there are a lot more meetings she took that he doesnt know about and that could be a fair dispute. On the basis of the calendars they have seen, a high proportion on. To suggest for and pay for play. What does that mean . Its clear that access that people who gave money to the foundation were able to access secretary clinton. The Clinton Campaigns response is, so what . Access means nothing. Were any policies changed . That is the line in the sand they want to draw. For some people who care go Good Government and watchdogs the notion they are being bought is a sin. Others say chaj changed, who cares . We should point out no quid pro quo here. That is true. The optics are disturbing . The notion that people are able to arrange lastminute meetings with the secretary of state, that there is a private kind of back channel between foundation staff, like doug band, who is the most famous of these people and abedin, one of the most fames ous of her senio staffers. If you need to write a check to the Clinton Foundation a more element of this goes to the clinton speech making. If youre on the trump side or conservative critics side you say this isnt about buying access to secretary clinton but a whole new york of financial improcei impriority they are taking it. But bill clinton is getting speech fees and access to the secretary. Its all very unseemly, at a minimum. For a campaign that thought that once fbi doctor comey said we are not indicting Hillary Clinton and thought this stuff was over and the emails and now 15,000 emails we havent seen that are released between now and election day, more political headaches for the Clinton Campaign. Wow. John, thank you so much. Great stuff. New local transmission of zika has been discovered outside the two zika zones in florida and this case outside of tampa in pinellas county. The county health is notifying people there but not declared the issue a new transmission zone. Its 215 miles away from miami beach and multiple transmissions found in both places. 42 infections in the state not related to travel. A tropical disturbance near the crean may make the u. S. The forecast shows the storm tracking across the northern caribbean and could hit florida early next week. The storm could be called h hermine. Nebraska was hit with some of the heaviest last night. This shows cars trying to make their way through the range. President obama wants victims of the historic louisiana flooding to know they are not alone. The president toured the hardhit state yesterday after facing criticism for not visiting sooner. He said he wasnt concerned about the politics surrounding the trip. This is not a one up. This is not a photo op issue. This is how do you make sure that a month from now, three months from now, six months from now, people still are getting the help that they unless he is going to get his hands dirty and help us clean up the house, theres really no need for him to come by my street. Housing, clothing, food, the basic necessities is what we need. We dont need politics. More than 115,000 people in louisiana have registered for federal aid. The u. S. Is providing air support for an attack on isis forces along the syria turkey board. U. S. Airplanes are helping touche irk units on the ground. This is new video of an air strike. Their target is isisheld town in syria and Holly Williams is in istanbul monitoring the fighting. Reporter good morning. Turkish war planes and artillery are both hitting isis positions jarablus. Turkish tanks have been seen rolling across the border and 1,500 of their fighters have crossed into jarablus. Its on the border with syria still controlled by isis. Thousands of foreign fighters have used the turkey syria border to cross into the war zone. This comes on the same day that Vice President joe biden is here in turkey, trying to shore up relations with one of americas most difficult allies. The two nato members have a fundamental disagreement about how to tackle isis. The u. S. Is working closely with kurdish fighter battling isis, but turkey says the Kurdish Group is a terrorist organization and has recently been shelling their positions at the same time that its hitting isis. Holly williams in turkey, thank you so much. The lawyer for the suspect in a virginia stabbing says his client has no connections to isis. Wasil farooqui went to turkey earlier this year and tried to enter syria. Witnesses say the attacker yelled god is great in arab during the stabbing and both victims are recovering. Farooqui said he heard voices telling him he was stupid and to attack people. A missile was fired from a submarine near the port city of sinpo and flew into the sea of japan. In a rare show of unity, chinas foreign minister today joined his counterparts from japan and south korea to condemn the missile launch. Japans Prime Minister calls it an unforgivable act. He is convicted of sexually assaulting two sleeping women but wont spend one day in prison. Ahead, announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. A dramatic increase in the price of epipens gets a controversial backer. This particular drug is a necessity. Yes, sir. Thats great. But i think they should be responsible because they are more valuable. A former insider in the pharmaceutical industry, martin shkre shkreli, defends the Company Pushing up the allergic drugs pushing price. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by fast signs. More than fast. More than signs. Ii cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. Ter. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic for Psoriatic Arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, nt start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. Whats your body of proof . Honey, what are you doing . Watching a cow. Whats it doing . Impressions power up your morning with a new 300 calorie egg white grill. Only at chickfila. Hi mim raph. Tom. My name is anne. Im one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. Dont let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because were here, were here, and weve got your back. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. The best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. When your symptoms start. Distracting you . Doctors recommend taking. Nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Tthe whitenessmy wasnt there as much, my teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. Pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing so its nice to know that it was as simple as that. No ones surprised tender pieces and crunchy bites ended up together. Thats just what happens when cats call the shots. New friskies tender and crunchy combo. Tasty textures cats gotta have. Friskies. For cats. By cats. The government is about to buy 11 Million Pounds of tea. Ahead what is behind the taxpayer investment. Plus a seals will to survive. Video shows the quick thinking of here i am baby jesus [ bleep ]. A seal is a real survivor. He jumped on to a whale watching boat off the coast of vancouver to escape some orcas. The killer whales were looking for a meal and circling the boat looking for the seal. The animal jumped on the boat several times before the orcss gave up. It was eventually able to swim. That is a great story. Smart seal. Very smart. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up this half hour, congress looks into the soaring costs of epipens. The price increase is hitting millions of people who have potentially lifethreatening allergies. New outrage over another Controversial Court ruling in a Sexual Assault case. Ahead, see how the sentence for this 18yearold is drawing criticism all across the country. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. On an attempted cyberattack orts targeting the media. The incident at the papers Moscow Bureau this month follows the breach of the Democratic Convention website which was hacked in june. The fbi is investigating. Time reports on plans by the u. S. Government to buy a huge surplus of cheese. That surplus is at an alltime high. The Agriculture Department will buy 11 Million Pound of cheese for 20 million. Now, cutting that cheese surplus will help because they are going to take some of that cheese and give it to food banks and pantries across the country and it is for a falling demand of cheese overseas. Its reported a state of emergency cleared in 20 counties in Washington State because wildfires, fires in the spokane area have burned 18 square miles since sunday and 16 homes were destroyed. Warm and windy conditions expected the next seven days. Thousands of clogged fish are clogging a shore line. They are called peanut bunkers. People say the smell is awful Officials Say the fish died from a lack of oxygen. The boston globe reports on calls to remove a judge that sentenced a teen in a sexuality assault case. 18yearold david becker received two years probation last week for sexuality assaulting two women at a house party. Becker said he didnt know one woman was asleep during the april assault. He denied having physical contact with the other. Michelle miller it courthouse in palmer, massachusetts, with the reaction to this disturbing ruling. Michelle, good morning. Reporter good morning. David becker had been originally charged with two counts of rape. The prosecution had recommended jail time. But a judge gave him just two years probation after his lawyer argued, he had already suffered the consequences of his actions. He has been a model citizen and a great student. Reporter earlier this month, David Beckers attorney painted the 18yearold as a good kid. He has a 3. 68 pa in high school. Reporter becker is serving two years of probation for assaulting two teenage girls at a house party in april. According to court documents, the victims said they slept in a bed with becker after a night of drinking and that becker sexually assaulted them without their concert. Victim one told authorities when she awoke david had pulled her pants and underwarp doear down thighs. Just wanted you to know that i really am sorry, becker said in one of the messages. The Victim Police department, dont even worry about it. It is all good. She later told investigators she did not know what else to say. While the prosecution recommended becker serve two years in jail, at least one of the victims said she didnt want becker to be incarcerated. The victims wishes are very powerful. Reporter cbs legal analyst rikki klieman. If you have a victim who says she does not want to see a defendant do jail time, we shouldnt think that Sexual Assault equals jail time. Reporter does the punishment fit the crime . No. Reporter karla martin is beckers former classmate. This whole sentencing shows other victims of Sexual Assault that if they say something, no justice is going to happen. Reporter earlier this month, a leave jail sentence for sexually assaulting a drunk woman at a party. In june, former stanford swimmer brock turner received a sixmonth sentence for assaulting a woman behind a dumpster outside a party on the universitys campus. There are no two Sexual Assault cases that are, in fact, the same. So its easy for us to say that these three cases are exactly alike, when they are really not. Reporter now if becker completes his two years of probation, he will not be registered as a lifelong sex offend. He had been accepted to the university of dayton for this fall but a University Spokesman said just yesterday, he will not be attending. Michelle, thanks. Michelle mentioned the brock turner case at stanford. The university this week announced a ban on hard liquor at undergraduate campus parties. Turner blamed alcohol and the, quote, College Lifestyle for his behavior during the attack. But the stanford law professor who helped turners victim break her silence tells cbs this morning why she is critical of the new policy. The unfortunate message that this is sending, whether by intentional or unintentional means is that stanford is somewhat agreeing with him and adopting his position that we have things to look at in terms of drinking and maybe it is partly our fault and it is not at all the alcohol that made brock turner commit that crime. Brock turner committed his crime intentionally. That is what the jury found. More than 90 of stanford students recently voted to oppose the hard alcohol ban but the school calls it a targeted approach and says its unrelated to the turner case. Martin shkreli game to civilize run away drug prices. Now the former ceo is defending theky its 3 a pen. My iphone is 700. You dont need an iphone to exist. That is no different. 90 of americans are insured. Why shkreli says drugmakers are wrong about the massive price increase. If youre heading out the door, watch us live on your digital device. We are revealing forbes list of the most Innovative Companies. 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Witnesses say this is where it all started, okay guys. Were comimg in now. Copy that. All natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. New dannon , natural is back. Dogs just wont quit. Neither does new frontline gold. Its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. Good boy go for the gold. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. But when my back pain got bad, i couldnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. Look up at a new day. Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. The maker of a life saving medical device is under congressional excrete me over a massive price hike. We first reported last week, how the cost of the epipen for people with severe allergies has risen 500 since 2009. Three senators have written to mylan, the drugmaker, asking for an explanation. One controversial figu defending t ining it. Reporter many children are at risk for the sort of severe allergy reactions that epipen is. So we thought it might be interesting it hear from the man who knows about the business of raising drug prices. Reporter this particular drug is a necessity for people. Sure. Thats great. I think important medicine should be expensive because they are valuable. Reporter the former pharmaceutical chief Martin Shkreli gained notoriety last year by raising up the cost of a medication by 5,000 percent. He defends the epipens increase from about a hundred dollars for a twopack in 2009 to more than 6 hundr00 this year. These are life saving drugs. People dont have a choice whether they can buy them or that is up to insurance to pay for them. Its 300. My iphone is 700. Reporter but you dont need an iphone to exist. That doesnt matter. Its 300 and 90 of americans are insured. To me its a predatory practice and they are taking advantage of the patient. Reporter the epipen faces little competition and accounted for 87 of epinephrine prescriptions pharmacies filled last year and competing with a competitive brand. Democratic senator Amy Klobuchar understands the importance of the epipen and first learned her daughter needed one when she was 4 years old. I still remember that panic drive to the hospital in minnesota. I didnt know if we were going to make it. She dont breathe. Reporter she is calling on the federal trade commission to investigate whether the manufacturer mylan has violated that costs 100 five years and now it costs 600 that cant happen in this country. Reporter in a previous statement, mylan said the epipen price has changed over time for product features and the value the product provides, adding we have made a significant investment to support the device. Republican senator Chuck Grassley is now asking the company to explain the changes mylan have made that have caused it to increase the price. I know youre smiling but im very serious, sir. Reporter shkreli smirked and took the fifth when lawmakers questioned him about his own price increase. He has been indicted in an unrelated securities fraud case but says, in his opinion, the he epipen remains a bargain. Reporter th. They bought an old company and rag slowly. Not surface whatas fast as i di. My guess they think they can sell is a thousand dollars a syringe but with these news reports, they probably wont. Reporter shkreli has no association with mylan. As the epipens price has risen, the mylans ceo compensation is up 600 over the past you can imagine it ignited people. People tweeting us we feel whether to his credit or discredit, shkreli is taking the voice of Health Companies which we dont here like why arent we targeting insurers and saying the insurers should be covering the bills and families shouldnt have to. Cbs this morning was the first to report this huge increase in p epipen last week. Yes. You dont need to do it. Ill do it for you. It really is very important. It affects so many children too. Vinita, thank you. You can see more of her interview with Martin Shkreli on our website. He goes into detail why he says the epipen is a bargain despite the massive markup. Go to cbs. Com. Thousands watched a live stream of Vice President ial nominee mike pence getting a haircut. Ahead, the awkward encounter with the barber when it was all finished. Announcer s thiportion of cbs this morning sponsored by panera bread. Food as it should be. Words you dont often hear. Words we at panera live by. Because clean food is food as it should be. 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He charted with jones while sitting in the chair and even with the cameras and secret service, jones had one question when the haircut was over. Who is your name . Mike pence. Mike pence . Yes. Im the governor of state of indiana and im running for Vice President of the united states. Thats not bad Vice President . Yes, sir, yes, sir. Oh, boy. Im running with donald trump. So im his running mate. Okay, all right. We are just in town doing a rally and campaigning and i heard you were the place to come for a haircut. Youre very gracious. Great, great. Give me a handshake again, man. Its great. Woo this is history, man, im telling you. What was your name again . Okay. Thousands have watched the haircut streamed live online. Two things. One, i love the heir apparent, very good. Henry jones is like, im glad you didnt tell me who your running mate is before i started cutting your hair. Maybe he left it out on purpose. He is only 9 but already a veteran. Jericka duncan checks in with the first kid to get a double hand transplant. That is coming up here on cbs this morning. To me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. Thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out my dentist recommended pronamel. It can help protect enamel from acid erosion. My mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. I really like it. It gives me a lot of confidence. Pronamel is all about your enamel. Helping to protect your enamel. My doctor prescribed medication an opioid. It really helped but it came with some baggage sooo awkward. Sounds like youre ready for movantik movantik . Yes, movantik opioids block pain signals. But can also block activity in the bowel, causing constipation. Movantik is specifically designed for oic. Do not take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. Serious side effects may include a tear in your stomach or intestine. And can also include symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, gas, vomiting, and headache. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take as movantik may interact with them causing side effects. Im so glad i heard about movantik from my doctor constipated by your prescription opioid pain med . K asyour doctor if movantik is right for you. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Vitamin enriched to revive skin and fight 7 signs of aging olay. Ageless. When your symptoms start. Distracting you . Doctors recommend taking. Nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Cleasee ya ake off. When youre living with diabetes. Steady is exciting. Oh this is living baby only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. And try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. Wheyou wantve somto protect it. E, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. With an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. With ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella adds a smile to any morning. Nutella spread the happy it is wednesday, august 24th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead, including a rush to help earthquake victims in central italy. All of the latest from the region where dozens have died in collapsed buildings. Ys t, hes a look adat to eye opener at 8 00. One of the challenges is just getting to this remote region. We are told that a life saving operation is under way. It isor repted to create new perception problems for the Clinton Campaign, and she has not weighed in on the controversy. Its cl peareople who gave money to the foundation were able to access secretary clinton. The Clintons Campaign response is, so what . Donald trump has gone for caing from the immediate deportation ingredients to looking at more options. Turkish tanks have been seen rolling across the board. President obama wants victims of the louisiana flooding to know they are not alone. Nobody gives a hoot whether yore democrat epor rublican. David becker harass originally charged with two counts of rape but the judge just gave him two years of probation. Whoe tught it might be interesting to hear from the man who knows about racing drug prices. I think important medicine should be speveexpensive. A 9yearold dog won his third term as a mayor in a small town in minnesota. Though, its not that impressive since only running against jeb. Im Norah Odonnell with Anthony Mason and kevin frazier. Charlie and gayle are off. Rescued dozens of people from collapsed buildings after 6. 2 earthquake. 38 people are reported death. The earthquake devastated amatrice north of rome. Seth doane is live in that town this morning. Reporter good morning. We have made it into the center of amatrice, one of the hardesthit towns following this earthquake and just take a look at the main street here. Up and down, you can see rescue workers, stretchers here. This is the town where the local mayor had said all of our town is gone. And standing here on this main street, you can see what he was talking about. Take a look at the clock tower here. The time on the clock stopped just after 3 30 this morning. That was the time that the earthquake shook this part of central italy. This is a remote mountainous area that is popular tourists, that remote part has made it even more difficult for rescue workers to make it up into these small towns. You can see rescuers, some professional, some just everyday people, citizens on top of this rubble here digging through. In some cases, with their bare hands. While we were driving up here, we were stopped a number of times by ambulances. The roads are narrow here and clogged. That is making this rescue operation even more difficult. Kevin . Seth doane in central italy, thank you. Hillary clinton face new questions about meetings with Clinton Foundation donors while she was secretary of state. The Associated Press reviewed her Daily State Department schedules. It found at least 85 of 154 people from private interest who met or had phone conversations scheduled with clinton while she led the state department, donated to her Family Charity or pledged commitment to its international programs. W, overlap shows the intermingling of access and donations. Documents do not show that donors got anything beyond access. The Clinton Campaign says, quote, this story relies on utterly flawed data and omits more than 1700 meetings she took with world leaders. Donald trump says a special prosecutor should investigate ties between Hillary Clintons state department and the Clinton Foundation. His running mate mike pence echoed the call in an interview with Major Garrett yesterday. Pence said the connection to secretary of state while clinton was secretary is a conflict of interest. Given the enormous importance of this election, i believe the American People have a right to know, and soon, all of the facts around the Clinton Foundation and its relationship to the state department under Hillary Clinton. Picking up on the point of the publics right to know, and an important electi donald trump, said yesterday he should release his tax returns and do it immediately. Do you agree with roger stone, its now time for the nominee of your party to release his tax returns . Donald trump and i both have complied with the federal rules about financial disclosure. A different standard running for president. You know that, governor. President ial candidates have released these returns for decade now. And i would tell you, ill be releasing my tax returns in the days ahead. How soon. And donald trump will be releasing his tax returns, once the audit is completed. Before the election . This man has before the election, governor . I think that is yet to be seen. He is being audited. His tax returns a lot more complicated than mine. For that reason alone, shouldnt be American Public have an insight on that to pick up on your right to know and entanglement or conflicts that might emerge, dont the voters have a right to say i think donald trump has made it very clear that hell release his tax returns once his audit is completed. When asked about immigration, pence said trump will enforce existing deportation laws. He said their administration would have to work out the details with congress. A new report reveals the serious damage caused by zika on developing brains. It extends beyond microcephaly, the signature effect of the virus. A study looked at brain scans and ultrasounds of 45 fetuses and babies infected with zika in brazil. The images and scan shows that zika can affect the part of the brain that helps communication between the left and right brain. Some of the damage was seen in parts of the brain that developed after birth. The worlds longest aircraft which we first showed you last week, crashed this morning in central england. The airlander 10s manufacturer says no one was h accident. The heliumfilled aircraft was more than 300 feet long and took its maiden flight a week ago. Because of its shape, its been called the flying bum. There you go. One of hawaiis popular tourist activities could be coming to an end. They are proposing a ban with swimming with swimmer dolphins. The playful knock turnal creatures are being deprived of rest during the day and getting stressed out. The ban would extend two nautical miles off the main island where the spinner dolphins go to rest and the ban would keep boaters and swimmers away from the mammals. A final decision is expected next year. I think some tourists would be disappointed. Dolphins need rest too. An inspiring little boy who received a historic double hand transplant shows h where do you get your wisdom from . It has to come from two most amazing people, my mom and my grandma. Dont start tearing up i mean, come on ahead, see how he is celebrating more than a year of being a medical marvel and the positive signs for the r. First on cbs this morning, forbes reveals its new list of the worlds most Innovative Companies and ahead why some popular tech names did not make the cut. We will be right back. The best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Ad cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. We could brag about whats in new light fit yogurt. But wed rather talk about whats not in it. Like no artificial colors or preservative ingredients. And with 70 calories. Maybe were kind of bragging . New light fit. In our morning rounds, a little boy who became a medical pioneer. Last summer, zion harvey became the first child ever to have a double hand transplant. Jericka duncan went to philadelphia to see how far he has come. He is quite an inspiration, over this last year. Reporter good morning. Zion was just 2 when a infection forced doctors to amputate both of his hands and feet and later thanks for a donor and a team of surgeons, zion is accomplishing more than he ever imagined. You have to do that. Reporter 9yearold zion harvey is getting used to having hands again. I like playable football and i like playing playable. I like playing soccer. Reporter its been a year since doctors at the Childrens Hospital of philadelphia transplanted hands from an organ donor in a groundbreaking tenhour surgery. Im tough. Reporter zion still gets around on prosthetic feet, but his new hands have opened up a world of beginnings. Doctors say zions his strength have been key to making this complicated surgery a success. Please join us in welcoming 9yearold zion harvey. Reporter earlier this month, he threw out the first pitch for his hometown baltimore orioles. Even i get amazed. This is my son. I gave birth to him and sometimes i cant believe it. Where did you come from . He is so amazing. Reporter where do you get your wisdom from . It has to come from the two most amazing people my mom and my grandma. Dont start tearing up reporter he clearly knows his mom is wise, even if he doesnt always agree with her. She wont let me try out for football. No. We will start with baseball. Why not . Its too dangerous. Reporter dr. Benjamin chang transplant program. He says as zion grows up, his new hands should grow right along with him. The growth plates are areas at the end of bone that are made with cartilage and that is where the new bone is laid down. On xray, we can actually measure that the bone is getting longer, so we know that its growing. What is your next goal . To convince mom to let me play football. Reporter zion also says he hopes to write a letter to the parents who donated their sons hands for transplantation, because as he puts it, they didnt have to do that. Doctors say the decision to do the surgery for zion was made easier in part because he was already on a lifetime regiment of antirejection drugs for his kidney transplant. What an incredible spirit this young kid has. Just amazing. Such an inspiration. As you said earlier, to see his energy, the look on his face after going through so much, even as early as 2 years old. You didnt tear up but im tearing up. Great story. Keep us updated on that. A School Teacher has stopped giving homework to her students. Ahead, how this teachers decision could help transform classrooms all across the country and give new meaning to family time. Youre wang cbs this morning. Announcer this portion cbof s this morning sponsored by pure renee that. Purina. Your pet, our passion. Healthy energy, all in one. Strong muscles, all in one. Highly digestible, and a taste he loves, all in one. Purina one smartblend is expertly blended. With 100 nutrition, 0 fillers, always real meat 1. Lifelong smart nutrition. Its all in one. Purina one. If youtry clarispray. Emes to escape your nasal allergies. And nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. Return to the world. Try clarispray today. Want great whitening without the mess . Think outside the box colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen for 5 shades whiter teeth. Brush, whiten, go no mess, no waiting, no rinsing. Colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . No more questions for you ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good, right . Mmm, yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. A collection for the look of every eye concern. Introducing new olay eyes. Lift depuff brighten smooth or ultimately all of it. Eyes express every emotion, not your age. New olay eyes. Ageless. Havertys furniture helps even when life isnt. T pretty hey. Umm. Sign here . Sure, you got a pen . I do thanks sweetie. The labor day sale is on now at havertys. Life looks good. First on cbs this morning, forbes is revealing its sixth annual list of the worlds most Innovative Companies and three of the top five are biotech firms. And number five is lex ion. Fourth is incyte. And fourth is regenerion and number two is saels force sales force and number one is tesla. How big of a role does elon musk play there . Huge. When you have your ceo talking about moon shots and releasing comupg with big ideas and pushing the bigger and better and more innovative, it plays a huge role how the investors feel what the company has planned. They just unveiled a new battery this week making them the longest range vehicle out there. They keep innovating. They have new plans and doesnt stop and like highend electric car and moving toward a selfdriving cars and something investors can get excited about and consumers can run. Mark benioff is releasing Salesforce Einstein can which will release Artificial Intelligence into all of their products and a lot of other companies with are doing things with a. I. But benny made cd rom obsolete. Surprise no uber, facebook, apple, or samsung on this list. Why . Uber and facebook we have to have seven years of stock data and when they reach that, they will have a shakeup on the list. With amazon we feel investors think their days may be behind them and particularly apple. After steve jobs. The guy who wanted to make that dent in the universe isnt there any more. They are still a valuable brand and probably be back. Under armour and monster, how are they breaking bround ining under armour took performance sportswear over the top and now wearable tech and what you wear is also measuring what you do. Monster, they released new products. They have a product for each of their competitors at every tier. There is old School Brands on here too like General Mills and colgate people are familiar with them and comfortable with their returns. Colgate palmolive put toothpaste in the tube. And marriott . People examine great things from march toyota. Mary dillon is the highest ranking ceo on the list and companies all have 10 billion market caps or higher. Is it because they are not innovative or few women of ceos . I have to believe its the latter. We are seeing newcomers to the list. Thank you for joining us, kathryn dill. Its time to come together in front of your screens and check out a new featuring the music of the boys from your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. You want to stay free from artificial preservatives. And your debit card wants to stay on a diet. Fill your cart with Small Victories like giants natures promise brand. Great prices on over 800 items. Eat well for less. Only at my giant. Thank you for helping me get to work. This traffic is just gridlock. I want it dangs erou im falling you are too kids come together. They look almost identical. Have they seen your show in las vegas . Yes. Wh i saw my mom why underwear en i was little. No, they are not dirty. I cant shake the image from my brain. Thats a sneak peek of Britney Spears who is joining james corden carpool karaoke. Some critics are pointing out that maybe she is lipsyncing . Maybe a little bit. Im still going to watch. I love it. In this half hour, james corden has another singing gig covering the beatles. He is one of the stars lending his voices for animated tv show for kids. The creator won the rights to one of the most guarded catalogs in music history. A teacher busts the trend for piling on homework and gets international attention. The growing debate whether to lighten afterschool assignments. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. A ruling by a federal labor board saying graduate students at private universities and colleges can unionize. The case arose from a group at Columbia University with teaching duties. Concerns they have trouble supporting families on low wages. Student unionization on campuses nationwide. Usa today has a report card on tim cook,s ceo who took over five years ago. The stock price surged from 53 to more than 108 and a rise of 103 . Apples revenue rose 104 while the company has made big profits, some, as we just heard from forbes say its recently lagged behind an innovation of new products. The San Francisco chronicle reports on people drinking less soda in berkeley after a new soda tax. A study found 21 drop in soda consumption in low income neighborhoods. One cent per ounce tax on sugary drinks was implemented in march of 2015. Neighboring cities with no soda tax reported 4 increase in soda consumption. First images in 65 years of a sunken Navy Aircraft carrier. A team led streamed video of the independence about half a mile down, about 30 miles from San Francisco. The independence saw action in world war ii. It was sunk intentionally after being damaged in nuclear tests. The guardian of britain reports 100 Million Dollar pearl was under a fishermans bed for a decade. The filipino get it as a good luck charm. If its authentic the pearl would be the biggest ever. Love it. Under his bed . Talk about a date gone wrong . A College Senior had to be saved by firefighters. He got stuck between two buildings trying to jump from one rooftop to another in the citys oakland neighborhood. He suffered a broken ankle, i and rescuers had to break down a wall to free him. Oh, my gosh. Is i bet she is worried about him. A hawaii woman won nearly 11 million with a 3 bet. She was paying a penny slot machine in las vegas and went home to oahu with 10. 7 million. A teachers Bold Decision about homework is getting top marks from her student and winning accolades across the country. Brandy young teaches second grade in texas and her letter to parents is a sensational on facebook. She wrote there will be no formally assigned homework this year. Spend your evenings doing things that are proven to correlate with student success. Eat dinner as a family and read together and play outside and get your child to bed early. Young explained her decision. Last year, i just did a reflection what we had done the previous year. It wasnt working for my classroom. If something is not working as an educator, you need to change younger Elementary Students dont need pencil and paper work after they leave the classroom. Im checking for math and reading here and i know what my kids know and what they can do. It wasnt right for them any more. Psychologist lisa demorris is here and author of untangled. And she is now a cbs news new contributor, we are happy to say. Thank you for having me. This letter that was shared by a mother has now been shared on facebook 70,000 times. This is striking a chord for a reason, isnt it . It is. I think a lot of families feel stressed about homework and especially when its excessive. You have kids have a long day at school and to come home and feel like they have to tackle a pile of homework and for parents who come home from their long day and then have to lean on a child to get them to tackle a pile of homework, its not so fun. You have research telling us kids need to get more rest which they are not getting enough. The value of homework . Well, its interesting. When we we have a lot of data over a long period of time. What we see is that up until seventh grade, more homework doesnt mean more achievement. After seventh grade, seventh to 12th, we see that more homework does contribute to more achievement to a point. That you get to diminishing returns. So for middle schoolers, after about 90 minutes a night, the benefit drops off and then for high schoolers, somewhere between an hour and a half to two hours a night, the benefit drops off. Wow. Should students or parents push back if they feel they are getting too homework . If the child cant manage the homework, i think for the younger grades, maybe the parent should reach out to the school. For the older grades, we would like to see the child take that initiative. In my experience, Teachers Want to help. You know, teachers dont know what goes on in our homes. I think if things are not going well at reach out to the teacher, all Teachers Want to find a solution to that. A 2015 study showed the homework load for some young Elementary Students is almost three times what is recommended. So, i mean, you talked about that dropoff effect when you go over the limit. I mean, what is the effect on the kid when you go over the limit . Well, we like to see about ten minutes per grade. So ten minutes first grade and 20 minutes in second grade and 30 minutes in third grade has roughly been the recommendation. Part of the excess that we are seeing is that we are in an era of high stakes testing and teachers are under pressure which means students are under pressure but it does stress kids and families. One school in massachusetts decided to get rid of all homework. An Underperforming School and extended their school day. What do you think of that . Not a bad idea. I think probably a relief to those families. Get it done in school and come home and be off the clock. This most homework but lets use that time instead to have dinner together. She didnt say read to your children which is critical. And those are excellent for child development. We know that. Absolutely. When do you know your child is stressed and in trouble because of the homework situation . I think tears. That is not uncommon in homes. We all have i think that, you know, if you and your child every night approach homework like this terrible battle that is about to unfold, its time to call the teacher and its time to ask for help. What age then does it become appropriate . I have children who are going in from third grade into fourth grade and they are watching and heard this segment, they said that teacher is really smart sign me up but i find it is important, though, to establish some responsibility. You have homework and i see my kids react to it differently. They say got to get this done, i got to get this done and i find it encouraging to watch they see a deadline and want deadline and meet that homework project that is done. The best argument for the homework in the younger grades is the establishment of routines. That you come home, you sit down, get it done, carry on with your evening. Ill tell you, i get to watch kid go over the course of development and a long trajectory, i will take a child with excellent homework routines over a child with a very strong intellectual endowment any day. When you see success down the line, its the kids with the good habits. Thank you. James corden is helping a new generation to find a new fan. Ahead how stars like the late late show host are lining up to sing animated covers. We will explore the know you can keep your financial big picture under control. How much you have to spend and whether you should transfer funds. Know you can easily keep track of what youre putting away. And know youre budgeted for the great escape. Thanks to virtual wallet by pnc. All you need is love is the theme song from beat bugs. A Netflix Series aimed at kids. The shows creator was little known australian filmmaker with a big and improbable dream, to tell stories through beatles songs. Help you may know the song but youve never seen it performed like this. Help me if im feeling down animated bugs singing beatles music. Sounds that sent teenage girls into a frenzy when they first heard them on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964. She was just 17 reporter they are back with a modern day twist. Im a loser reporter james corden and others are getting in on the act covering the most famous band in pop history. Beat bugs creator josh wakely managed something of a music miracle by obtaining the rights to the beatles catalog known as one of the most protected in pop music. So how in the world did you get the right to the beatles music . Did you have to go the long and winding road or something . What did you have to do . Yeah. Through penny lane and ive been told by everyone to give up. But i could just see it so clearly. I was so magnetized by the idea of bringing music that is so extraordinary and backing this whole new lane. Good day sunshine good day sunshine good day sunshine reporter wakelys passion for the beatles kept him going as he was running out of money. For three years, he repeatedly pitched his vision, in meetings he described as. They are all skacary but i fl if youre not scared, its not living. Its all like that. Reporter within hours of sealing the deal, wakely began reaching out to rockers like pearl jam eddie better who takes the bugs on a mystery tour. Pink sings lucy in the sky with diamonds. And cia covers blackbirds. Reporter next season will also include rod stewart, james bay, and jennifer hudson, and each has a bit of beatle mania. You cant be an artist if youre not influenced by the beatles. My son, his middle name is actually Max Mccartney corden, after paul mccartney. Youre going to carry that weight reporter wakely feels he feels the weight of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Insider says if beat bugs is successful, the magic of the fab four will play on in the future. There will be a context where the beatles music will be forgotten and we wont really think of the 60s or the Political Climate or the personality of the beatles themselves, but this music will live on. He is presenting himself to a dance machine. Reporter wakelys cartoon career is exploding. I left you by the house reporter he just teamed up with legendary r b singer. Let me just tackle another crazy genre and im going to bring motown to life. Who are you looking at for that . Stevie wonder is the first one i went to. He is a Living Legend in the true sense of the world. The natural success of the motown music is for real and its sort of right for reinvention. Reporter wakely has access to the motown library which has 307 songs but the beatles is number one selling in my life i love you more what is amazing is that josh is also developing right now a show, a drama based on the music of bob dylan. Had he a big dream and now he is pushing the envelope. I love its a kids show and is educational and learn about great characters. Im pro beat bugs. My kids love them growing up. It makes so much sense and a great way for the artists to introduce their music to new fans. You can check it out on netflix now. Imagine a weighin of 17,000 creature. Next, the once a Year Health Check that is taking place at the london zoo. Youre watching cbs this morning. All things, wise and wonderful. The london zoo weighed them all every year, the zoo puts all of his 17,000 creatures on the scale to monitor their health. Monkeys, lions, penguins and spiders took their turn being measured this morning. Zookeepers put it in the right place to get lions to reach up next to a giant cooler. Other animals like j. J. , this tiger, needed a more personal approach. He is just right for the nba. 7 1 2 feet and 280 pounds. The zoos penguin chicks weighed more than 7 pound. A agatha weighed about threequarters of an ounce, the tarantula. I like agatha. Thats a good name. On that note, that does it for us. Tune into the cbs evening news hi, we are turketarians. You know people think that all turkey tastes alike. both wrong true turketarians swear by butterball. We like to say, both what is this . Thanksgiving . both laughing get it . Butterball. The choice of turketarians. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. The time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. We are joined by the First American to win olympic gold in womens wrestling. R and b star usher portrays Sugar Ray Leonard in hands of stone. I caught up with him and his costar to talk about throwing punches. This is great day washington. Leary. Im markette sheppard. Im Meaghan Mooney the life style correspondent in studio. I am excited. We have a special treat. There are so many, good, good athletes out there and in the local area. They seem to have a lot of them that took home the gold at the rio olympics and this year our next guest made history as the First American woman to ever win a gold medal for wrestling. She is a rockville native that started on the mat early, a few years after kindergarten that prepared her for a triumphant win against japans champ. That made News Headlines around the world. Welcome Helen Morales fresh from the olympics in rio. Look at that gold medal. She knows how to accept it. Welcome to great day she knows how to accessories. You look so tune any in person. We watched you win that match. You are like bending down looking eye to eye at your opponent. She is a world champ. She thinks she will take it home. What is going through your mind going up against her . So many emotions. I lost to her twice before. I know she is a legend. She is the most accomplished wrestler in the sport. I didnt want to give in to fear. Before i walked out i am reciting chris is in me over and over and over again. As im looking at her, i i think this is a legend. I will keep saying this over and over in my mind. It was just crazy bought of just emotional energy. Again, too, its like we love our local athletes. The fact that you went to the olympics and you are from here, what was it like to win . It was incredible. It hasnt set in yet. You were crying. In thaten

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